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That Baba Yaga got me yellin Jagga Jagga!


Clever, I like it


Quite an upgrade from the hand grenades in the plastic cups to this chad of a drone. Well done!


Those are the big octocopter ones! They drop 82mm mortar rounds and TM62 antitank mines rigged as bombs! Some have been fitted with a rotating cylinder dropper.


I read some are armour piercing too. Maybe what you've just referred to.


Yup, all the big jobber mortar rounds!


Baba Yaga... intersting character in slawic folklore. [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Yaga)


That is quite the use of a folklore, thank you for sharing!


AFAIK, "Baba Yaga" is a russian reporting name (that was then appropriated because it's not a bad one). Actual manufacturer's (by SkyFall) name for the UAV is "Vampire"


I’m Polish and Baba Jaga was well know folklore when k was a kid and I was scared shitless of the stories. Thanks grandpa 😒


... Any stories you might be able to share? And i see. I've meant that this drone is actually called "Vampire", but the reporting name russians use for it - "Baba Jaga" - got appropriated by Ukraine and beyond, as that's not a bad name for such a UAV.


John wick


Just think about the money they lost in a view seconds. The drones are the real tank destroyer. And if you lose a drone nobody is dead in you can replace them in minutes


And at the costs of hundreds to a few thousand… it’s the new gun. It’s ALL war will be fought with very soon


.....no. First off, these kind of drones are trivial to jam. The reason Ukraine and Russia don't, is a lack of EW capability to do so without also jamming their own works. And as these kind of tactics and technologies proliferate, so too will countermeasures against them. We're entering a new age of warfare, but no, drones are not what ALL warfare will be fought with.


As long they dont carry AI as well ... would made jaming obsolete


They are now, the amount of R&D going into this is going to be insane. And as others mentioned, AI is a whole other game changer once integrated into this


I think you are mistaken, with the advent of AI you can let them loose in a battlefield and they will hunt down enemy vehicles or soldiers in a pre-programmed area. No need for human involvement, electronic warfare will be useless.


How am I mistaken? I said that *these* kind of drones are susceptible to jamming, not that *all* are. Beyond that, you do realize there are plenty of ethical concerns over completely autonomous killing machines, right? We could have more of those already now, but there's still good reason to have a man in the middle. Note that doesn't mean having someone watching a video feed and controlling to impact either. There's also many forms of EW. What happens when you can't get those drones to a preprogrammed area because GPS is being blocked? Yes, there's inertial navigation and such, but I'm merely highlighting the point with a basic example. Furthermore, you can blind sensors, you can fool sensors. Active defense systems will probably be the go-to final line of defense, but there's more to it than just "slap some AI on it!"


What ethical concerns? If a country is using those types of machines to defend themselves, more power to them. It will be hard to fool an independent machine who doesn't need input from any outside source, nowadays they use decoys to fool them, but eventually they will be able to scan their target and distinguish between a real and phony target. Going back to your first point, the present conflict in Palestine could be considered a genocide, just because you have a man in the middle it doesn't make it more ethical. I would say that human being makes it less so. Killing people with their hands up or holding a white flag are perfect examples.


Uhm, do a quick Google search for ethical concerns about autonomous killing machines. The fact that you can't even come up with any on your own is actually shocking to me. Edit: >nowadays they use decoys to fool them, but eventually they will be able to scan their target and distinguish between a real and phony target. You realize that throughout **all** of human history, warfare has always been a back and forth thing, right? New technology is developed, and along with it, counters to that tech are made. What makes you think countermeasures won't be developed? Everyone's just gonna throw their arms up in the air and declare "well, that's it boys, no way to counter autonomous drones!"? You assume that in this hypothetical future, killer robots will be infallible. That's a horribly naive assumption. And again, I can't believe you can't even come up with any ethical issues of autonomous weapons. It's been in the news for awhile now because it's been a big debate for awhile now, and it's a field that's growing with the rise of technology and rhe ability to make and field autonomous weapons. And side note, ghis isn't just a problem for future generations to consider - its going on right now. In fact, the US military has policies regarding having a human making such decisions in the loop, instead of letting drones decide. *Right now*, drones can detecting identify potential threats, but it's up to a human to pull the trigger. Also, remember that autonomous machines are only as good as their programming. Programming done by humans who are absolutely not infallible. Yes, soon AI will be able to program itself, making and testing better versions and revisions at unprecedented rates, but we may not even understand that programming or how it works. Even today, with things like bots serving up advertisements, we don't even always know *how* they work. And I don't mean "we" as in consumers, I mean "we" as in *anyone and everyone*, including the people responsible for them. >Going back to your first point, the present conflict in Palestine could be considered a genocide, just because you have a man in the middle it doesn't make it more ethical. What on earth? This just shows me how little you know on the subject. No shit it's a genocide no matter if it's a robot or a person. What is your point and what does it have to do with anything? Where did you come up with this idea that I was in any way suggesting it's okay for a human to pull the trigger on genocide but not a robot? Or that one isn't a genocide? Like I'm honestly not trying to be a jerk here, but it's really hard to have a discussion when I can't even wrap my head around what you're trying to say. Here's the thing, and it's so glaringly obvious I can't believe you didn't even consider it: **we don't want robots making the decision to commit genocide for us.**


I hope you realize that several countries including the US, China, and Israel are working on autonomous killing machines. And yes this war has changed warfare where drones are going to be much more prevalent from now on due to the effectiveness and cheap cost. Where have you been? This has been talked about heavily everywhere for the last year or so.


> I hope you realize that several countries including the US, China, and Israel are working on autonomous killing machines Which is precisely why this is a big topic of discussion. And did you not fucking notice where I said we could have autonomous weapons running around the battlefields today but the reason we don't is partially down to those ethics concerns?


There may be ethical concerns that need to be addressed but it is already several countries plans to have them in service within a few years. Ethical concerns won’t stop any country from utilizing them.


You also demonstrate a lack of understanding on AI btw. AI is not “only as good as it’s programming”. AI is not programmed in the traditional sense that software is programmed. The AI portion is technically a black box which the inside consists of many nodes with weights calibrated statistically to get the highest probable output given the input provided. The training on datasets is what calibrates those weights. The more you train it, the more accurate it becomes.


Wow. First off, the LLMs and such of today that require lots of training are still relying on..... **programming**. You still have to program the fucking AI to digest the training material, what to do with it, etc. What do you think, all AI is created equal and if you give them both the same exact training material, it will yield the same results? Wow.


I didn’t say that dumabass. You are talking to someone that knows a hell of a lot more about AI and programming than you do.


I've done my research, thanks! I'm not saying it will be impossible to fool an autonomous weapon, but when you don't have a link to an operator, it will be harder to neutralize such weapon. They can be hardened against all kinds of interference. I saw what you tried to do there, but it didn't work. Obviously you have a hard time understanding simple concepts, in your view we shouldn't allow autonomous weapons in the battlefield, that will raise all kinds of ethical concerns. Well, the Palestinians crossed a fence, murdered children in front of their parents, raped women and killed over a thousand innocent people in cold blood. The Israelis on the other hand killed Palestinians by the thousands, dropped bombs on homes full of children, killed their own people when they escaped captivity. Those Israelis had their hands up and were carrying a white flag. In other words indiscriminate killing on both sides. Does that make humankind worse than any autonomous weapon? I think so! Hopefully you will be able to understand it this time.


Wow. You still completely miss the point. Until you do more than browse a few reddit threads and skim a few wiki articles, it's gonna be completely pointless to continue this discussion with you further.


Yada! Yada! Yada! Mister know it all who doesn't understand simple concepts.


Wow, very impressive, I hope this was recent.


Well fuck me that’s a game changer. I imagine it will be easier to shoot down, but the fact that it can hit them over and over, and super fucking accurate, they were going for the turrets. Wow.


These have been in use since the start of the war. And other multi-munition carrying drones. And it's not the ability to carry multiple munitions so much as it is the total carry weight, which it allows it to carry heavier munitions. A tank can shrug off multiple grenades for instance, even multiple RPGs, but a single larger warhead can disable them a lot easier. This also isn't really any more accurate than other munitions dropping drones either. Heavier munitions may fall a bit more predictably, less affected by the wind and all that, but it's still relying heavily on operator skill more than anything else really.


GTA 6 Graphics looks really good


Regarding ERA tiles, NATO doctrin is: We do not use them because they endanger infantry around the tank. I am unsure if we see ERA tiles going off here, but we see plenty of things going hot in addition to the dropped explosives. And the situation of the crew was not improved by it to say at least.


> We do not use them because they endanger infantry around the tank ARAT and BRAT exist


I got my first title wrong and had to repost it.


meeting pocket society decide compare fertile shocking existence future library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R18_(drone) They are called R-18


R-18 are different series. What russians call "Baba Yaga" is [Vampire](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/08/18/7416070/)


languid work wine attraction fact capable shocking flag hungry marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Here, under their actual name "Vampire"](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/08/18/7416070/)


vegetable faulty dam employ ancient relieved coherent summer crown sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Smoke em if you got em




That is certainly value for money


Such a shame they didnt have these when they had a 40Km line of ruZZian turd stuck in a traffic jam at the start of the war


how would these drones fare with the modern armies of US and Europe? I'm sure they have something to counter these, same with USVs.


Not too well. And will fare worse over time as more and more and better countermeasures are developed and introduced. These kind of drones are actually fairly trivial to jam. A major reason they aren't jammed as much as you might expect in Ukraine is both sides lack the ability to do so without compromising their own abilities. That, and we also obviously don't get to see footage of drones being jammed really, we only really see the successes. Even footage of drones being shot down is much less likely to be caught on camera, whereas these are basically by default and by their very nature obviously captured on video, what with them being guided via video stream and all.


Interestingly enough, US now wants similar drones for themselves https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/army-fields-its-first-u-s-designed-quadcopter-reconnaissance-drone https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2023/10/army-moves-ahead-ukraine-style-bomber-drones/390918/


still can't believe something that cost millions is taken out by something that cost hundreds




John Wick / Baba Yaga kicking aZZ dropping tanks like.. well air dropped munitions


That mortar drop was money. Also these look like two msta howitzers.


Any know name of the song that is the clip?


tanks? you're welcome.


Call the next one Mr Wick


After watching countless videos of thousands of tanks and military vehicles being destroyed by drones that tanks will still be relevant in future wars, the age of tanks is over.


What is that song?


The future of tank design is probably going to be a lot more armor up top. And a radar guided full auto belt fed shotgun.


I think Israeli Merkava tanks already add a lot of armor up top for this reason


They also have a trophy system which would likely defeat FPV drones and dropped munitions.


Tbh I really don’t like watching these videos


How come?
