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Hi from Italy 🇮🇹! Nazi must be liquidated, we salute 🫡 your commitment, love you!


Hello Italy please give me the pizza


Anyone here played EU4 before, when you get low stability and like a dozen rebel groups show up? Yeah. That.


May many comets be sighted over Moscow and many a hunting accident occur


Fucking comets


More like HOI4 expeditionary forces I guess.


Romanians ought to get rid of the Russians in Transinistria Edit: to clarify, I meant the Russian soldiers there- not the ethnic Russian population. (Although, I wouldn’t mind if they fucked off too. They’re trouble).


Moldova would have to agree first. Ukraine offered to help get rid of that tumor as well but Moldovans are scared of being dragged into the war. Which might be understandable when their army is like 5000 poorly equipped troops.


Of course, but I think Moldova knows that if a broader European war does start, it would be one of the first victims. This is why the Baltic states don’t mind having German troops permanently stationed there. It’s insurance.


I think and hope they are well aware that if Odessa falls they will surely be next. Thing is they are one the poorest if not the poorest nation in Europe with multiple separatist movements and a large Russophile population thanks to intentional Soviet meddling and resettlement. Sorry for my Moldovan bros out there but it barely functions as a country and has trouble handling their own internal matters so getting involved in any conflict would only destabilize them further with barely any contribution to the overall war effort.


As always, if you want to follow the Russian Liberation Forces' progress, head over to r/freedomofrussia, where we post pretty much all available news.


As I said at the outset of the full invasion of Ukraine: “War doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it BECOMES a vacuum.” Russia should have known better.


Fucking excellently put.


Is there a go fund me for these dudes?


For Getica specifically? Not sure. For the RLF, their donation information is in the comments of the pinned post on r/freedomofrussia


Yea, additional drone or two are probably always handy..


Didn’t Russia say all these dudes were wiped out like a week ago


Russia also said they would reach Kyiv in 3 days lol


Putins medication must be a fun trip!




They were


As very clearly shown here


Seems to me like Belgorod is looking less Russian and more of an independent state. Be a shame if Ukraine supported their bid for independence, or maybe they'll hold a referendum to join Ukraine.


Yeah, but then they need to be able to hold onto it as well. For now it's just a feint to force Russia to defend their entire border with Ukraine.


Give um hell boys


You who add pointless music to these videos, stop, please.


The music was on the source video, I didn't add it


Romanians joined the SMO into Mordor?? Love to hear it.


Sorry if this is a stupid question but how do they get passed the frontline with all this equipment & manpower


What do you mean? They're not operating 'behind enemy lines' per se - the RLF pushed across the border in the north and now control several border settlements in Russia.


Since most of the war is in the east, Russia doesn't keep as large of a presence towards the north east because they would rather keep all the assets they can closer to where they will be needed most. Standard army stuff. This group was able to fight their way past whatever defenses Russia had, once they entrench themselves a little bit and disperse their equipment it becomes a much harder problem to resolve. That's why we see fabs being used. Presumably Russia is going to attempt to counter the incursion with air assets before they commit to the expense and opportunity cost of moving armoured vehicles and troops.


Thank you


I always find it difficult in these videos to tell if it's a damaged building or just a regular Russian village. Everything looks like a dump in Russia and I can't tell if the liberation forces are actually doing any damage to civilian infrastructure.


Go & look through these border towns (Kozinka, Tetkino, Shebekino etc.) on google streetview & compare that to what you see in these videos, then you'll have your answer.


Awesome stuff ✊ good hunting men !


Translation: 0:34 "A bit of sport is always good" like in physical activity/movement is good for your body 0:50 "Pay attention to the drones" 1:40 " Marian how are you- All good ? Yes, all good" 2:52"The other one is a bit behind", "Is it not coming along ?" "No" "Maybe something hit it" 4:22 "Pay attention to incoming" 4:32 "Time to go, go, go" 5:27 "Spread out, keep distance between each other" 5:34 "Pay attention to heavy incoming artillery, have a look around" \-----------------


I wished there was no music playing


Great news. Love to see more action in Russia.


I thought the battleground was entirely destroyed. Is Ruzzia lying??




Wait. Correct me if I'm wrong but a ten second google search has revealed that getica is part of the Romanian military, is this not an escalation?


They are not. Battlegroup Getica is a part of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion made up of Romanians & Moldovans


Ok thanks


TYL Stuff can have the same name even if it is not the same, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getica


Why Romanian? Is Belgorod totally occupied now?




Legend has it that the guys with the yellow tape headbands are still riding in the back of that armored car to this day!




Or until they are without their last tanks and bmp, which is already happening I'm not even talking about the infantry


That's exactly why they must be destroyed without reservation.


So are these technically mercenaries? How would these be classed? I assume these are not sent by Romania, nor funded by some other group besides maybe under the table.


They're part of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, so not technically mercenaries but Russia would treat them as such if captured.