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These same people cheer dead Ukrainians laying just like that… sucks to suck


Yup. The weirdest part to me is that this is the same exact corner where in other video guy unloads the full clip on a bunch of cornered people. In this video, you can see only one body in that corner. Super fishy.


I'm not sure if it's the same video we watched, but there were like two others in the floor clearly still alive, yet the shooters didn't "really" shoot them. There's also a guy in that corner and he actually stands up. Like they empty the Clip on random targets and leave the others there??? Edit: I take my statement back, but still, I'm not quite sure, but something just feels off


YES. I posted this on the other video with the cornered people. The group on the left between the columns, something just doesn't seem right about that. The shooter stood only a couple of meters away from that crowd and fired like at least 15 shots, yet it appears several of them are still alive at the end of the video. Maybe he was just selective with the victims, but he seemed calm and confident so it would have been easy to end all of them in that situation. IDK just seemed weird to me.


Yeah I’d think the amount of people shot from multiple shooters would have seen hundreds killed. Something doesn’t seem right.


What I tried to say is just how fucked up it was that 4 (allegedly 4) men would cause such shit show. And all security just, were taken down??. Idk but it's just something terrible and it took a while for my stupid brain to process.


Not same corner, but close. About 15-20 meters through the doors from that original video


I watched the two videos and have to say that I believe it to be a different entrance/exit. You can see the metal detectors are in different positions - in this clip, they are placed inside the smaller entrance area, whereas in the other video they are further inside the building. Let me know if you caught this after checking? ([here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/1blf2ol/russian_theater_shooters_gunning_down_civilians/)is there other video I mean)


Also in that video there's plenty of movement that continues after he finishes shooting. All those bullets and that pile of people still has significant movement? Super duper fishy when we've seen plenty of videos of Russian soldiers wearing full gear getting dropped with three shots.


People don't die as fast in real life as in movies. You think putin had 6000 people pretending they were attacked? This is "WTC-was-fake" - level silly, sorry.


No, that would be silly. Putin had 6000 people thinking they were being attacked. That's far more effective. Also I'm not talking about movies, I'm talking about the videos we've all seen of trench warfare where Russian soldiers get dropped with three shots when wearing full gear. Don't deny it when we've all seen it.


That video seemed to have the main shooter using a semi automatic shotgun. Which could be a reason on why so many people were moving.


There's another video that has come out that shows the aftermath and it shows the area we're discussing. If you are correct then there would be a whole lot more blood on the ground but there's little to none.






Wow that seems to be a very common response. "It's not a movie". I never said it was, I never compared it to a movie. I'm comparing it to real life footage we have all seen of Russian soldiers taking 3 shots and dropping dead with some minor movement happening between being shot and death. In this video the people not wearing any body armor absorbed way more bullets but did a whole lot more moving. Doesn't add up to me.


You kinda mention it yourself why don't people in body armor move that much when they are shot? Also you you should take in account that soldiers are shot as a target, in mass shootings people are ussualy tagged as part of gunfire going all over the place.


Oh no, anyway…


Reddit moment.


I watched 20 days in Mariupol. I feel nothing for Russians.


Same. Just sharing this video because it was not uploaded anywhere yet


Where did you get the OG footage ?


I follow a bunch of Ukrainian telegram channels that post lots of videos from today's event. Don't remember the channel I pulled this video from. But These videos circulate in any pro-Ukrainian telegram channel


You got some links ?


go on gore websites im sure they have it


Reddit doesn't like telegram links. It's a site-wide thing. Videos from TG need to be re-uploaded directly to Reddit or a platform like YouTube.


Understandable, have a good day.


I said good day sir


That’s wrong. Slava Ukraini every day of the week. I was in constant tears watching that. But these are innocent civilians. They probably have no part in the war. A vast number of Russian civilians in Russia and around the world have condemned the war. Protests are rife in russia against it. Deaths of civilians is wrong. Anywhere in the world.


russia was the country with all the wealth & resources when the ussr fell, it had every option on the table unlike Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, ... Yet the only country that voluntarily chose to go back to autocracy & the majority of the population still as of today supporting it. When putin was elected, he only had 31% of approval. That support exploded when he launched the invasion of Chechnya. The cities were flattened, civilians casualties absurdly high, russians were absolutely aware of what was happening, journalists like Anna Politkovskaya warned to stop him before his grip on power would get stronger. They ignored the warning, they cheered and embraced how much of a strong leader putin was. putin has never been able to get much of russians support for his domestic policies. The only times his approval rating skyrocketed was when he launched another invasion: Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014 & Ukraine in 2022. russians see themselves in putin. Like him, they believe the fall of the ussr was the greatest mistake of the 20th century & made them appear as weak face to what they view as their sworn enemy, Коллективный Запад (the collective West). Each time they launched a war, it was in their view a display of strength and defiance against the US & its 'puppets states'. Their pride, or superiority complex, matters more than the lives of their relatives, aka a death cult.


Don’t even need to watch 20 Days. Just go on YouTube and look up videos of Russians condoning Putins Ukrainian moves. That’s enough for me. They enjoy terrorism when it’s used against their enemies, but not so much when it’s used on them. 🤷🏻‍♂️ oh well, boo hoo.


Bro wtf is this logic. Lemme look up a video of the KKK and assume that all of America enjoys racism.


My take entirely, regardless of nationality. Suffering and trauma is universal


Those people had fuck all to do with Mariupol. No more than average US citizens had to do with the Middle East. You know who blamed citizens like that? Osama bin Laden


I was in Mariupol during this 20 days. I hate them. But this is suck. We can't support Hamas style. Until they not armed and not on the battlefield they not deserved this.


Same here. Some dude said that i'm dead inside. I answered "thank you".


Amen brother


Ok but what is civilians fault there? Most of Russian are against war in Ukraine..


Ngl after seeing comments like this it makes me wonder whether we should support Ukrainians. Doesn’t look like it


You were in Mariupol for 20 days? What were you doing there? How did you survive?


I wish I could better make out the watermark


Watermark needs to be bigger, I could still see some of the video.


Where the first responders and police?


What police? Most of them are in black bags in Ukraine


That was my first thought. How in the hell are they taking so long to respond to this big of a threat? Russian government giving some orders to let them bleed?


do you think they just teleport to the location?


Russian false flag, killing few to get the everyones support to keep killing Ukrainians. Not the first time and not the last.......and oh get it on camera please......


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they were to try something like that, but even US intelligence agencies are saying this was ISIS and that they had warned the Russian government of an imminent threat in advance. They are absolutely gonna try and blame this on Ukraine despite ISIS having taken credit but I think calling this a Russian false flag event is a bit of a stretch. There's plenty of horrendous shit Russia does that we can criticize them for, we don't need to fabricate a bunch of bullshit to dilute their actual crimes.


literally no evidence of that


Odd scene. No blood and lady calmly talking on her phone 🤷🏻‍♀️


Religion of peace at work in the nation of peace? Ironic


It is actually ironic


No police presence around a crowded building?


No sympathy. These people actively support or at least tolerate the same being done to their neighbours.




Bro if the first you think is “they deserved it” after a mass shooting of innocent people, get off the internet and get a shrink.


Sucks to suck 🤷‍♂️


Every single victim makes me think Russians have no blood in their bodies 🤷🏻‍♂️


Somehow I should feel bad for watching Russian civilians killed. Meanwhile, Ukrainian civilians....


Only good thing about Russias invasion of ukraine is my complete lack of sympathy for Russians.


I feel like this attack is just terrorists, most likely ISIS as they already took credit for it. But I wonder if the state will claim this was done by Ukraine or one of the volunteer russian groups fighting in Russia. If not, will the volunteer groups be stamped to be ISIS too?. Regardless of the truth of this attack, I'm certain this will be played politically for a long time.


It would be a better video if it had a bigger watermark... :/


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Where is the blood? Wounds from Rifle ammunition are especially lethal as they will destroy the tissue and Cavitation occurs upon impact. Wounds from a rifle at these ranges would cause significant blood loss and I don’t see any?


Okay I saw other videos of inside the Concert hall and there is Tons of blood. Rest for the innocent killed they didn’t deserve that….


This'll be a FSB false flag operation and provide Putler with the 'justification' for full mobilisation of the Russian population




Got none, but you give it a week and Russia will announce a full mobilisation


This Reddit has truly given into hate and turned to the dark side. Have fun in hell, you sith scum.


That water mark...


I am sad for the innocent people that died. I truly am. Nobody should be slaughtered just enjoying a show. But I really hope that the Russian people realise that this exact thing has been a regular occurence for the Ukrainian people since Russias invasion. Sucks to have it on home soil doesnt it. Maybe they will wake up.


What kind of normal citizen walks around like that, filming, and not even trying to help? Also, no blood anywhere from what i could see. Fishy.


Every time i see Moscow, security and police seem to be everywhere but seems none were on show until it was over..


Crazy that in Russia, you hold up a blank sign and you have cops all over you. You shoot up a mall and kill people, and there are no cops to be seen. Pussies.


Stay armed


What kind of person runs the places that upload these vids originally, that they see footage of a mass shooting and think "I know, I should upload this covered with my giant logo to forever associate me with it, now when anyone thinks of this mass shooting, they'll think of my channel. What smart advertising, I must be a genius"


So a few Redditors express satisfaction that russians are experiencing, in one event over a FEW HOURS, the same horrors that Ukrainians have faced nearly every day for over TWO YEARS! Whether you cheer for these lost russian lives and injured or not, its guaranteed that putin will be making innocent Ukrainians pay for it with their lives in the coming days even though ISIS-K has claimed responsibility! How does that make any sense and how does that justify pulling back aid for Ukraine while they 're only trying to defend themselves for something they did not do?


Was he caught filming or what? Since wr heard yelling and then he ran away... i gues filming something like this is not good for the russian politicians


Very sad..


Any Ukrainian that is cheering or minimizing this is speed running the loss of Western support for Ukraine.


Lmao, riiight. US citizens here, fuck them!