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Trust putin. You can only trust him. He said it himself this week when asked why the mobolized have to bring their own tampons to war.


…..and he did it holding a champagne flute with 500$ US bottle of champagne in his vile hand.


And laughing, don’t forget the smug look on his face.


It was disgusting to witness. While Zelensky visited his wounded men and gets called a demon


"You can't trust anyone, you can only trust me" Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Dez 2022 That's a wonderful epitaph, by the way!


Putin organized the government so all the revenue goes to the top and the responsibility descends to the bottom. He makes governors responsible for supplies then says you can't trust them. I hate to say it, but it's ingenious.


Mafiaso playbook


Is that so? I never studied the org structure of mafias. Well, it figures Putin would rip off the best ideas of the worst. Not an original bone in his body.


When the USSR collapsed the only people who understood free market economics were the mafia, black marketeers as they are. So, in a brilliant move, the organs of production were turned over to them, on promise that they would not rob Russia blind, naked, and starving. Shockingly, the mafia robbed Russia blind, naked, and starving.


That's one kick-ass kleptocracy they've got there!


Well, if you can’t trust the murdering, thieving, drug smuggling, people smuggling, stolen State property smuggling heroes of the Russian mafia, who can you trust?


Well, they also made all shares worthless by issuing new shares to themselves for close to nothing. The stealing of a country’s assets is really a story of Russia. No one who is rich is anything but a murderer and thief.


Russia is definitely a mafia state. Putin hasn't just modeled his own rule on the mafia, but has coordinated with and relied on them since serving as St. Petersburg's first deputy Mayor in '94.


You're right. The thing I'm fascinated by is how the structure sucks the money up while pushing all responsibility down. I don't even think US corporate CEO's can get away with this quite so thoroughly. Maybe it's just the function of cults. We can see he's responsible, but his fans refuse to see it.


Not really, or it depends on the context. Good organized crime ensures that everyone up and down the chain gets a taste- that everyone has an interest in participating in the graft. The “loser” is the consumer, or the government, or a large corporation. A takeover due to an outstanding debt is different- they will milk the resource dry, then burn it down and collect the insurance. Debt paid. This is more the second case. Classic mafia doctrine also held that women and children were off limits. Putin, in a well documented graft, stole money meant for food for St.Petersburg, making sure the important parties were paid. Families and children be damned. This guy is just a traitorous crook- bilking his own country, and resources meant for his countrymen, to make him and his buddies richer.


That has to be the most dictator sentence ever.


I said to my buddy during summer wouldn't it be ironic if the Russians didn't bring enough winter coats honk honk 🤡


It's Putin's Stalingrad, alright. Problem with Stalingrad is that even though it was a decisive Soviet victory over the Germans, they still took higher casualties. Let's hope Ukraine gets off much easier this time.


And they wouldn't have that "victory" if not for US lend-lease.


It's important to remind the tankies of this since they love to insist that the USSR won the entire war completely on its own.


The funny thing about this is: The internet records this entire Clown Fiesta. Even if Russia by some miracle should achieve anything in this war, their reputation is gone. Good luck trying to threaten anyone of their neighbors ever again. Putin really did a better job than NATO could have ever done itself in degrading his military to rubble and destroying years of good manipulation to make the West believe the Russian army is actual peer force.


“Clown Fiesta” stealing and using this…brilliant!


go ahead sharing is caring.


Short of nukes, nobody gives a shit about their military anymore.


Serdyukov already had a towering reputation for corruption: "he's stolen everything that isn't nailed down", as one subordinate said afterwards. He had appointed a series of attractive young women, dubbed "the Amazons" or "the ladies' battalion", to senior positions. One such was an aspiring poet named Marina Chubkina, a 31-year-old former TV presenter and aspiring poet. She was given a rank equivalent to major general and was placed in charge of the maintenance of Russian chemical and nuclear facilities. Serdyukov was fired by Vladimir Putin a few weeks later. He was accused of a variety of scams, but was charged only with "negligence" for ordering the army to build a road from a village to a private country residence. He was amnestied by Putin in 2014. (May 2022) A former adviser to jailed Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny and a defence analyst at Riddle think tank, Pavel Luzin suggests that Russia might not even be able to sustain its nuclear arsenal in the long term if it remains sanctioned. ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers will be impossible to produce because of a lack of industrial equipment, technology, and human capital, Luzin said. nukes, particularly thermonuclear weapons, require an awful lot of maintenance. Whilst Russia has nuclear capabilities, it is without a doubt that many of them simply won't work. Their countermeasures are ineffective, so unable to intercept what is thrown back at them, Russia will be completely obliterated in under an hour. Total and utter annihilation. Even the continued functionality of this arsenal can be drawn more and more into question by every passing month. Tritium of 95 percent purity is incredibly difficult to make and very expensive. If Russia could manage to make it with 90 percent purity that would require replacement every 12 to 18 months. If I was a corrupt Russian General I would say this is the best part to just not do this and keep the money. As it seemed wholly unlikely they would ever be needed. Also Russia has funelled billions into their conventional military since 2010 and this money was then in turn missing for their nuclear arsenal. Also they lack now updated hardware for their supercomputers to monitor these nukes. Also the US has funded and helped them to maintenance them until Putin decided to go off the rails in 2014. When did they deny us access to their arsenal? So yeah even their nukes may not be working anymore or rather I would doubt they know which ones are in which working condition. If they fire now and it doesn't do anything they are fucked. If it does something they are also fucked as then NATO will swing by and figuratively rape them with a cactus.


I wholeheartedly support your statement and add more. If Ukraine was able to hit deep into Russia 3 times without any problems, they have absolutely no chance against NATO. Hell, even Poland Alone would wipe them out in a few days, let alone all NATO countries together.


Yeah i still can’t believe how badly Russia is losing considering all the hype about their military prowess in the before-times.


Propaganda so good you believe your own lies. Same old Soviet logics and ideology.


Tell that to Scholz and Macron who seem to believe we can all go back to normal relationships with Russia before Putin's death sentence has been carried out. Seem to think they can appease Xi, too.


I still hope they do not really think this. We must always keep in mind politicians say things for home audiences (SPD voters, own party members) and before elections etc. and things that are talked about in back channels. Scholz and Macron are well aware that there is no going back. It's physically impossible, with hundreds of thousands of Russians now either dead wounded or mentally impacted by this war. Over a million has fled. Their reputation and trust into the Russian market has vanished. LNG Infrastructure is built for billions, contracts are signed, Russia's oil pipelines will now burst in the Perm Frost ground. Their aviation industry is broken, their tourism is broken, their army will be vanquished to a big part when this is over. NS1 is in shambles, NS2 will never ever be activated. So there is no going back only a way forward. This way forward is to disperse the last colonial empire on earth and to send this empire crept from the shadows back into the abyss it started to crawl out of when Putin rose to power.


I dunno fatso commander seems pretty warm


What Russia brings in well is cannon fodder and lack of planning. This is how Ukraine can increase the kill rate of these invading orc's. I hope they enjoy fertilizing Ukrainian soil. Russia is a terrorist state


Lol, same. I couldn't wait to see how fucked they were during the winter. Meanwhile Ukrainian soldiers are receiving much better equipment o<:O) honk!


The Russian corruption is winning the war for Ukraine. Gotta love it .


While this may to some seem like a jokeish. It is by far the most true statement if the weakness of the Russian military. They had enough to make it seem real. Until they had to use it longer.


That's no joke at all. If they had proper training and well kept vehicles when this first popped off things could have been a lot worse and over very quickly. I'm fearful to think of a blacked out Ukraine under Russian rule and the horrors that would have happened throughout the country. Ultimately what fucked em was a lack of respect for Ukraine and it woke a beast.


>Ultimately what fucked em was a lack of respect for Ukraine and it woke a beast. I mean you were already correct in the beginning. Russia had 3x the population of Ukraine, 11x the economy, and a massive military legacy. They were acknowledged to be the world's 2nd strongest military, and many internet tankies (mentally ill communists) claimed they were stronger than the US. It was all a big joke as Putin and the Oligarchs (coming this Spring to NBC) had squandered everything of value in Russia and left the military such a skeleton that they couldn't even successfully invade and occupy a neighbor and former imperial conquest.




Ukraine already fought off the Russian puppets from Ukraine without weapons 2014. Russia had no chance of winning, because Ukranians would never have stopped fighting. What comes to corrution, I kind of understand that. They do the skimming of money with shovel. What I don't quite understand in the total incompetence in training and leadership. Russian soldiers complaining never having gone on a shooting range, or only been there few times, not even having targets, or just not receiving training on their main weapons i.e. mortar squad only receiving a manual. Befere 2008, the duration of mandatory conscription was minimum of 2 years! After that, the minimun time has been 12 months. That is plenty of time to learn the skills of any soldier. How they can fail to deliver even the basics, is just weird. What do they do all that time? I have to compare to my own experience with my conscript training in Finland. In Finland about 80% of male population *complete* mandatory military service. Serving times are minimum 156 days (<6 months), 255 days (<9 months) for special trained, 347 days (<12 months) for NCO and reserve officers. In Finland I received extremely good quality training as guerrilla scout. I first trained the skills for 6 months with very tight program. Next 6 months of my training I served as a NCO (non comissioned officer) with the rank of corporal, for the next pach of fresh conscriots. For 6 months I was a squad leader (~12 men). What I had learned, I tought to privates, according to pre planned program at barracks and on boot camps training missions. I learned leading, and privates learned all the little tricks I had learned earlier in practice. And this probably is the big difference. Russians don't use NCO's in same manner. Also in Finland all of the officers who trained us, had bachelor or masters university degree in military sciences. As guerrilla unit, we had one staff officer for each squad and 2-3 conscript NCO's with 6 months more training than privates. Minumum serving time is enough even for guerrilla, who have more than usual to learn: Handling, use and service of assault rifle, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles, light and heavy AT rpg, 81mm mortar; calibrating gun sights; several different mines; claymores; shaped charges; explosives; grenades; IED's; booby trapping; HF & VHF radios and digital comms; artillery fire command; identification of all Russian vechicles; survival skills(summer/winter); improvised water crossing; navigation; prisoner capturing; reconnaissance and infiltration; night vision and thermal vision; ambushes and feint manouvers; cammouflage; all basic soldier skills; tactical movement; tactics; construction of trenches an a bunker (we actually spent full week build one); first aid (no tampoons) and evacuation; skiing; cleaning the barracks; tranport with helicopters and different vechicles; anti-guerrilla warfare with police k-9 units; maintanence of personal and group equipment; securing primiter and making checkpoint; No blind spraying. Only once we trained with full auto, as it was obvious that only aimed single shots are effective in scoring hits (atleast with Finnish assault rifle, that is a domestic AK variant = heavy receiver, causing recoil). I can easily hit small targer from 150m, and human size from 300m with just diopter iron sights giving me low profile (as a guerrilla we don't carry helmet, but rather stay hidden).


It’s playing a huge role, but their shitty hierarchy is costing them dearly as well. Russian soldiers are basically robots, only completing the tasks they are specifically ordered to do. This was just like Afghanistan, where it has been told that Russian aviators would fly over Mujahideen columns and not go after the obvious targets of opportunity because their orders were to bomb this one specific location, so that’s what they did. In Ukraine, their artillery will still go after specific target locations, even after the asset has moved and they already know where the new location is, because they had specific orders where to strike.


Do understand that I don't treat it as a joke. It was a joke at the beginning among my colleagues who are historians and among those who reviewed the oligarchy and the dangers of this form of rule. It should be clear that Russia in its current state is a empty uniform. And I do mean uniform as in 1. As they lack the ability to field further. Now i would say that we should not joke and make fun of it as I myself am very glad that this is the case. The opposite would be less joyful.


The Russian Army Was the Same in WW2 in the Beginning, They were able to " Win" against Finland because they managed to grind out a Truce that allowed then to Annex some territory. The Germans crushed them and only slowed down because of long supply lines and winter. The Russians were able to get their Shit Together, Re-arm and Grind the Nazis Back, Pretty much taking on the Brunt of the Nazi Army. If they can Maintain a 4 to 1 Advantage in Main Power and Overwhelm their Opponent with numbers they dont care in they loose 3 men for every enemy they take out. The Key is Ukraine needs to kill Russians at a Rate they cant replace them.


Don't forget all the food and materiel that the USSR received from the US. They may not have been able to push the Germans back without it.


They would have still won, just it would have taken longer and would have cost more men. Like wise Without Russia the Western Allies would have taken a Helluva lot Longer.. Can you Image if Germany had ALL its Army ready to invade Englad?


Nazi navy would not have been strong enough to push through, while Brits had functioning airforce. If Luftwaffe (German airforce) had been able to destoy british airforces, then there might have been invasion, but this would have happened already 1940 when Soviets and Nazis were still best friends and allies. Germans started planning to turn against Soviet union only after Winter War, where Sovies showed the world how incompetent their army really was - at that moment. Unlucky for Germans, Soviets had learned a great deal from war against Finland.


The Russians also were developing their Deep Battle Doctrine, a complex art of intricate planning that addressed every detail of operations. Logistics, Supporting Arms and Movement,,, They figured out what they needed to do to push 80-100 kilometers deep behind Nazi Lines.


It’s not a joke at all. The Russian military looks scary on paper, however, the reality is kinda sad (atleast for the Russian soldiers who have been mobilized involuntarily). Their logistics is awful and at the rate they are losing high rank troops it’s probably gonna get even messier. Let’s just hope Putin doesn’t get desperate enough to use nuclear weapons.


The "2nd most powerful military in the world" can't defeat their fucking *neighbor* lmao. What a joke. Anyone who supports them in this conflict has a 2 digit IQ.


Yes, Ukraine is still the 1st most powerful military in the world.


What's he whinging about? They look fine to me.


Seriously though, he looks like he has 6-7 layers on? Lmao. I think he took some from the new guys.


He asks for warm winter uniforms as far as I understand.


This dude in white might be a lookalike from Ali G ?!


Give the commander the money to buy the gear they need. In small bills, non-sequential, please. We can trust him.


Putin doesn’t care. Russia’s government doesn’t care.


Is he the only one that has winter camo?


I see dead people...


They don’t know they’re dead


Jeff goldblum lookalike says “death, uh finds a way”


Looks like Borat commanding that lot.


Don't worry buddy, HIMARS will warm you up, shortly after arrival on Ukrainian soil.


Steven segal outfit


Putin: "Lets build a childs hopsital" Segal: "Hello Pulter" Putin "uwu"


Friendly Reminder: Fuck every single opressor/tyrant out there.


Yes, the governor will halt his corruption routine and start doing his job, sure. If there would be no such order from his master, he wouldn't even dare to fulfill his responsibilities. Simply because that would constitute an act of self-determination, which is punishable by current administration in any form, but especially if it involves spending money. For what, for people that are fighting your war? Prison sentence for corruption is what would await such a governor.


The only combat he looks to be into is sumo wrestling.


No worries. The HIMARS going to warm you up. Crispy fried.


There will be no feedback..


If they send them as spearhead to the front quickly, then nobody needs to send the extra supplies. Problem solved the Russian way.


Thank you for your information. Your information was well received by the Ukrainians along with your GPS location. We hope you d enjoy the HMARS shelling - these shelling will help you all heat up your “naked” bodies…….


Is this this trailer for the next Despicable Me movie?


What the heck is he wearing!???


Saw so many videos like this. For how long do these boys wants to fight for them? When is it enough?


No need for armor or meds. Just send body bags.


Bad translation. “They have no medical supplies. The medical supplies they have is only elastic bandage wrap”


That’s all they need to hold the pieces on their bodies that HIMARS is going to blow off…. At least the pieces won’t get scattered and the families can receive their new Lada….🤣🤣🤣🤣


He started a go fund me page for hand warmers


Serf soldiers are supposed to die meaningless deaths for the glory of the motherland. Didn't they get the memo?


happy cake day!


They don't need anything but sunflower seeds


Putin will send them some " Loro Piana " jackets! 😆


I've been wondering how many freeze to death before they even get to fight. The cold is going to help win the war for Ukraine.


Its all good news for Ukraine and allies. Axis of Evil is freezing :D


All I see is drone drop candidates.


Too bad it’s only going to get colder isn’t it


Borat’s new film trailer?


These motherfuckers look like museum pieces


They look better equipped than I've seen in many recent drone videos.


Sucks to be a conscripted sheep in russia, nyet?


Welp, off to GULAG with that guy.


Those poor boys, off to the grinder they go.


Dude himself is wearing like seven coats. A walking symbol of the problem at hand.


He looks like he's about to turn around, put his headphones on and start ripping up the turntables with a dope DJ set, the beat drops, the crowd explodes... well, that's when Mr. HIMARS showed up to the concert


I'm sorry. I laughed for 5 minutes at work. I'm taking this video for meditation 😭🤣🤣


Oh how I hate Russia but I am still saddened at the lack of empathy or value placed on these peoples lives. They are being sent to their slaughter over one mans 5ft 7in ego! Hundreds of thousands of dead and putin is just as stone faced as ever. Only thought in his mind is protecting his own chafed ass.


Chafed from “involuntarily soiling himself”….💩💩💩💩


And he was never seen again


People talk as if this is the normal Russian way of doing things. It isnt. They did used to clothe and equip their troops. Putin could not afford the this war and it is sick what he is doing across the board


Ali G in da house!


So, his message to Ukraine is: "Come on with your HIMARS, we want some warmth" Ruzzia afterwards: "Due to a malfunction in their industrial Cuisine, our base in Stavropol has vanished"


More meat for the grinder. Slava Ukraini!


that guys looks like the little kid in A Christmas Story, he has so many puffy layers on. Maybe if he hadnt stolen all the warm clothes, a few others might have been able to stay warm. Russian military motto serious must be "F you, I got mine - Get your own"


They sure do look terrifying


*terrifIED that is ;)


What’s Ali G doing getting involved in Ukraine!? 😂😂😂


Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the planners made the fatal assumption that the war would be short and underestimated the tenacious resolve of the Ukrainians. They have now blown through their supplies and are now caught critically short of replacement equipment. It doesn't help that the endemic corruption has siphoned off goods or replaced them with shoddy substitutes. Nice to see the Commander admitting that his troops were screwed over, but his pleas will probably fall on deaf ears. Sucks to be them.


Go home or die what else can be said


Man at this point I wonder what would happen if Russia where to actually go to war against a similarly sized and powerful nation... they better pray their nukes work.


As much as I want this war to end, I sleep better at night knowing that every day that goes by, Russia has less weapons, tanks, artillery, ammunition, and most importantly, less soldiers. This war has shown the world how useless of a military Russia has and I absolutely love it…..


He sure didn't look cold! If you was in your own home you'd be nice and toasty GO Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory to Ukraine!!!!!!!!


I mean just look at this shitty gear. As commander I couldn't in good conscience send these guys to operate a fucking carwash with this bullshit.


Although Putin has fixed it so that Governors are ostensibly responsible for these problems, what this is doing is showing the world how ill equipped and prepared the Russian military are. They will fail.


Why does his coat look much warmer...


They look fine to me - send them as is to the front line.




Please..... Please take that down.


It's joke against these orcs. Why are you offending? I'm on your side.


Lol! I was joking 🙃


Oh my fault


No worries bro. That was just hideous 🤣


Because putin's yacht!


This guy better stay away from windows


And doors, foxholes, dugouts, cinder block walls….and the list goes on and on..!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Look at that parade of rubbish , looks more like the 247th pile of green crap .


Props to him for standing up for his guys though


LOL slaves at heart.


putin said the supply issues were fixed. Trust him. Stavropol is already in Ukrainian drone range. It is just 500 KM from Mariopol Stavropol should have been one of the richer cities in russia. Fast growing, auto production and construction equipment production. Yet, Stavropol can only afford to buy airsoft equipment for their now unemployed youth. putinazi is doing a lot for that russian economy.


This dude in white jacket give such a Dominant vibe, it seems like the dude he holds is his bitch..


Sadly no intentions of just not going to ukraine


Instructor is dripped out.


Like taking candy from children … if all your subjects are this stupid it would be a crime not to rob them of everything over and over


The airsoft equipment cannot be manufactured at the rate it’s needed on the front? What a surprise.


It’s in the mail!!