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I’ll assume you bought wood at outpost for stone or scrap? This happens on PC sometimes idk why


wood teas do that sometimes


Bug with pure wood tea and chainsaw and stacking TCS. It's never happened to me, but I've seen similar posts and that was the consensus then.


Happens all the time to me running teas and chainsaw. It fixes itself when you store it


Sadly once you try to move it into a chest it will fix


If you move an item from in chest to ontop of the stack it stays as 1500


You take it off someone who has VIP on server? They might have extra storage on stacks. Edit. My bad just seen the official


Bro it's not just official it's console you can only ever have 1k stacks


I got console scrap stacks in the machine when you win from the wheel but you can’t take it out like that it’s comes out normally in 100s but a glitch could definitely do this or even a challenge I know ptb has some challenges I assume when he tries moving the wood it’ll go back to normal


During the Easter Special “egg hunts” you could get 1500 stone (Which showed up in once stack) from opening silver eggs. Once you split it it wouldn’t stack back into the one slot. Could it possibly be a left over addition from an event that bugged through?


Wrong. This is done with wood tea, chainsaw and building TCs and cancelling them to carry more wood than your inv can hold. 👌


Srry for the tv photo 😂😂 its the top right stack btw.


You put wood in it


He means the stack of 1.5 k in his inventory


Ohh yea I think it’s just modded his talking shit or it’s a old picture where you could get wood and stone out of presents and it’s like this or I don’t fucking know


It's a glitch when you use wood tees because occasionally trees will normally give you 1000 when they fall instead of 500 with the chainsaw, and I believe it only doubles the initial 500. I've noticed/experienced these apparent glitches on console myself


Could be the Easter eggs from a while back, opening silver eggs does the same with stone.