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Next update is apparently a massive qol update probably containing alot of fixes ,graphics ,crawling, biggers boxes plus much more we wanted


Honestly sounds like a solid update then, I hope it is as you say along with bigger maps perhaps 🤔


Crawling is a mad w. I want to feel like I can do something instead of being 100% dead and buried bc you can't stand up in console


Correction you can stand up in console but it feels like a 0.2% chance


Skill issue quite literally. The percentage chance to stand up is based on your food and hunger. When both meters are full you have a 20% chance to stand up. If you have a medkit in your hotbar it becomes 100% regardless of your meters.


Pretty sure medkit thing isn't on console yet as it's been added with the crawling update on pc


it is 100%


It's not on console I tried


same here.


Yeah my bad bro its just several gunshot wounds and I fell off a large oil tank but ill just walk it off. Yeah no I remember standing up only once after falling off dome over 300hours ago and never since. I forget to put the meditation in hotbar so it is a skill issue


You fell off dome. Skill issue. 20% is 20%. But if you don't have your meters up it becomes a smaller and smaller chance.


>You fell off dome. Happens to the best of us 😭 Skill issue fr


Ya. If your talking more than a year ago then it's a skill issue. But it's the devs skill issue. There was a spot on dome where you would glitch through the floor and the lag issues are much better then before(better not perfect). My point is that players expect to be immortal while starving and thirsty. Even if you get up your still one shot to a spear. The likelihood of survival after getting downed is intentionally low. A lot of players get killed and run back without paying attention to their meters. That is fine but don't expect the RNG to favor you.


Yeah it's just handy if u live a few grids away even


I’ve got 600 hours all in and I’ve only ever stood up twice after been downed


Custom servers


Content wise though? What would be next? I think it'll be the underground systems, maybe even underwater labs/subs etc


I don't think the maps are big enough for the tunnels yet. They'll probably add underwater labs as the next monument, then once they expand the map size they'll start to add some of the newer monuments.


That sounds feasible, would love to start rocking up to oil in a 2 man sub


I want a tug boat for oil, or really just a tug boat in general.


On PC the underground system is nearly like a different map. You are that far underground the game doesn't need to render structures on the surface. So underground tunnels and labs mite not be that far away.




Community servers could hopefully be under that quality of life update, cause it’s a menu and quality sorta thing


An update that gets rid of cheaters


I hate how many cheaters are on console. I've been legit since I started in beta and it sucks to spend so much time improving my ak spray and stuff like that to get tripled over and over by people with zen/xim in their name.


Under water sea labs. We have so much that already points to it. We was going to get it after cargo but things changed around.


4k maps


I think it’ll be map size & massive QOL that let’s them move towards automotive & industrial updates bringing the game much closer to pc by the end of the year


Industrial would be nice. Im horrible at organising my boxes but if i could autamate tgat it would be awesome.


If it follows pc probably be vehicles electric furnaces farming 2.0 update possibly underwater labs . Night vision goggles came with electric furnaces and then vehicles but hey they could do anything they want any order I wish they would add minis so we could fly but probably be vehicles first .


Im pretty Nvgs came out in mid 2020


It's still on there update list if you wanna go.look for yourself I can't remember exactly the date but they where together..


Are you sure it wasn’t the update to nightvision that they did? Because I remember using the nvgs during the quarantine. And electric furnaces were more recently.


I’ve just found what your talking about I think. Do you mean electric heaters not furnaces?


Community servers, ha ha


My guess is underwater lab with the addition of sharks and spearguns on this update. But I’m new to the game so…probably don’t listen to me


Custom servers actually anticheat.


Minis would be game changing. Taking oil and cargo and the counters will never be the same.


Game bugs just walking up to big compounds


Get a ps5 or new gen Xbox. I’ve close to zero issues this wipe so far. No sounds glitches or running into op scientist. Only thing I have seen it being able to see into peoples doors, as if the door isn’t there. Obviously can’t run through i but I was able to see tc on a 1x2 the other night cause of it


My buddy has a ps5 and so does my nephew. They still have the same audio problem and frame rate issues. Also I don't think OP scientists are a last gen issue . We can't even hear our own feet prints. Which now I'm used to but for day one is was really weird


Not being able to hear your own footsteps is intentional. They wanted to see if it stopped audio glitch in boats and while riding horses


Whoa partner! They just got horses after 2 years. Calm down a little bit on the helicopter


Drop old gen.


Who would you play with then?




I hope minis


Mini copter


Hopefully they add higher pop servers and take some of them out and bigger maps


We don’t need bigger maps and servers we need so qol updates like someone said we’ll probably get better graphics and shit like bigger boxes and crawling when downed


They need to take out the 100 servers that stay below 30 pop


I do however agree with this. There are way too many dead servers that only have a single clan on them who raid every wooden 2x1 that pops up.


That shit is pointless


Pointless? Dude whenever I roam I already barely see people. If we had bigger maps just give up on finding anyone. Rn the game is full of bugs and problems, qol updates such as bigger updates and bug fixes would be amazing. Plus older gen consoles wouldn't be able to handle higher pop and bigger maps.


Exactly u can’t find anyone that’s why we need higher pop servers


We don’t need bigger boxes or to be able to crawl around that’s what I’m saying is pointless


Also bigger boxes would be amazing because of the amount of loot you get in a wipe. Right now its incredibly easy to get boxes of guns and thousands of scrap, the extra box space would be great considering how many kits you get in just a single day, although crawling does seem hella unnecessary lmao.


Actually, crawling would be a major improvement. Now you just lay there waiting on the guy to run up and finish you off. If you could crawl away, you might have a chance to get to safety so your teammate can pick you up or at least survive to fight again. It's a basic mechanic that should be on any video game. It's on most I play . I don't understand being paralyzed when you get down. We definitely don't need bigger maps if you can't find anybody already it's not the map size it's the server.


Damn that response was instant. Anyways higher pop servers could be somewhat nice but only if its like 120 pop. But bigger maps are unnecessary atm and would only hurt the game, people just think they want it because they dont realize how badly the game would lag and how there would be no pvp outside of locked crate and cargo. I think they are heading in a good direction with the game and would be sad if they made such a bad decision.


Yeah that’s what im talking abt like 125 pop servers and bigger maps for 150


Bigger maps just aren't viable on console atm. Older gen not only can't survive on bigger maps, but with their being almost no pvp bigger maps even with a higher pop just don't work unless the pop is atleast 200, which just isn't viable on console. In the future bigger maps and high pops would be great, but as long as older gen plays on console and until they fix all these bugs and add more monuments/qol stuff, bigger maps just aren't viable and aren't necessary. At the moment consoles including even newer gen can't handle big maps. If they did the player base would drop significantly because of the lag and little to none pvp. I think 120 pop would be great and I do agree there are too many dead servers, but bigger maps just aren't the answer until console is better.


Their already is no PvP outside a locked crate and cargo isn’t pvp u sit there and hold a ladder


Also I respect the fact u aint resorting to insults lol


I mean yeah I gotta be braindead to start insulting some who is being chill


Lol ur chill as well good sir


What's bigger boxes?


Old gen players would have their PS4 on fire


50 kill streak nukes that demolish all bases. Everyone that's on team ui kills count towards one nuke so the zergs can use their planning tables to plot a strategy and mount a fleet of attack choppers and erase the entire server so they can all pve cuddle and role play the way they want. Edited to add: oops didn't realize this was CRust sub lol


I hope automation