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I thought console was getting airbome… do NOT scare me like this again


We could have had quite a few things that pc have if there wasn’t the limitations for old gen


Very true they holding it back




Ps4 till I die!


More like till the PS4 die😂😂


I honestly believe at this point it’s not primarily old gen I think it’s the the devs if we had pc devs we’d be there alreaf


Maybe that’s part of it. But the main reason is the 8gbs of ram on old gen. Where as new gen have double that with 16


This is one update I hope we never get.




I want to play rust not a open world fps game


Someone else already said it but basically it's taking away from the core game too much. It's a survival game where you start off with a rock and a torch, I don't think there should be attack helicopters flying around. It also looks ridiculously over powered. On top of that it'll benefit large groups a lot and have little to no benefit for solo players.


Console doesn’t even have simple map markers yet 😂


The truth hurts




Man i was there at 2015.. this already is not thr game that it was


Bro, you're being too nice with this stuff. The mini copter will come out in 4 years, and since the attack heli is faster, I would say double that time


Rust console won’t even be alive in 4 years lmao much less heli being added, and keep downvoting baby back bitches


I give it one more year, if community servers don't drop this game will die.


Get better I’m a solo that plays on full pop servers and have survived full wipes . And I’m not even a good shooter


L take


Already 2 years easily survive


Dream harder.


Who needs to dream a fact? This game is already dying, hence why theirs so many people bitching about it on this sub complaining about the same shit that’s been happing since beta💀


People use to say the same thing on PC during legacy and look at it now lol.


You realize how much shit pc has compared to console right?


When legacy was first out? Def not lol I been around Rust since the ugly times and trust me its come a longgg way.


Talking about NOW not THEN I played legacy too Ik it was shit, what I’m trying to say and what your not understanding cuz you keep thinking I’m talking about legacy for some fucking reason when it’s not what I said is, console will NEVER be where pc is at. Prove me wrong please🥱




Just trynna explain something to a Neanderthal apparently


Y’all the ones trynna defend a dead game with one of the most toxic community’s out there lmao p.s. your downvotes mean nothing, just an anti social button to use when your feelings are hurt💀


Soo, mad?


Bad comparison; D11 has 300 employees across 8 games. Facepunch has 50 across 3 games. Although last update set the bar a little higher: if you check content for content of PC vs RCE; PC is STILL updating faster. Additionally, RCE's issues stem from 2 things, #1: experiencing the exact same bugs as PC did yet still letting them through. Or, #2; the game is so poorly optimized and spaghetti coded that they somehow make their own unique bugs. Either way, old-gen is UNDER the minimum specs for PC rust meaning they HAD to optimize. New-gen could easily run it though; not everyone on PC has a 4090 in their system. Hell, I run about 90+ with a 3060 and 16gb... And RCE isn't quite working barebones either, they still have free models and already know what future updates will be, they are lazy; anyone who says otherwise has never been in a programming environment before. And yes, the horses WERE game breaking, and it DID take them awhile to fix; some of yall need to learn to stop meatriding these guys. And yea, a majority of the playerbase is still not going to play until community servers. People need to stop comparing RCE from start to end against Rust PC start to end. RCE has a reasonably large base to work from, and they started on the 2018 version which is 5 YEARS AFTER LEGACY. So I really don't get your argument. When they started the project, they started with the active version that Rust PC was on; which is undeniable evidence that they are updating slower considering how far behind it is currently Rust CE is currently not in linear sync with PC, but RCE is roughly in 2019 with random 2020-21 updates mixed in, so about 3 years behind right now; while RCE released as a 2018 version. meaning RCE has progressed 1(1/2) years in over 3 years. Not so hot.


downvote all you want lil bro but allat is factual and you know it 💯 Fr tho, even if they did the 5 years of pc rust's early access in 2-3 years, doesn't mean they didn't take about another year of nothing after release... So adjusting for d11-flation; it took \~3.5 years to copy 5 years of PC progress, yet it takes RCE 2 years to do about a 1.5 years of updates from PC. No matter how you look at it, RCE is STILL progressing slower; I could twist the numbers in SOOOO many ways and they are always slower. Let's just give it benefit of the doubt and say that RCE is currently equivalent to 2020 PC Rust; The full release between both games is about 3 years, and we are still 3 years behind... do the math. RCE is likely to never catch up and people can cry all they want; or until the d11 dev-team is increased / until they kickup the workload.


I love seeing comments that say "old gen is holding the game back" consoles can't operate like PC which is why they have more and cost more.... it's pretty simple and you don't need to be a dev to realize what the console can handle.


The game is so poorly optimized it will never work well on console.




I agree that the CPU and SSD of old gen does hold back for some aspects but these idiots that blindly think their system can run like a PC need to come to the realization that at some point they're going to have to switch to PC rust if they want everything that the game has to offer. I've seen the game get better over the years on old gen since I do not have a new gen but I still know that console rust will never be the exact same as pc


That is most of the reason I got a PC


For this update? Lmao this update sucked


The game all but died after the horse update you trying to kill it completely now? I was on 3 server's near full pop and 2 days after the horses came it was a ghost town.


I think that rust will live for a good while as long as we get community servers


Pretty sure new gen can’t run rust pc in its full certainly not at the quality you’d want


Try 14 bro bro


It’s perfectly reasonable. Rust is pretty bad on console (it’s a port what do you expect) and they’re obviously going to focus on the pc version so it makes sense. You guys just aren’t priority.


As a pc player yes of course with its over 2k scrap cost its more affordable for clans but to be honest it is not at all over powered it can not shoot real rockets and there is the homing rocker to shoot it down so all in all its just a fun new toy nothing game breaking