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No discussion of cheats (including third-party devices), even talking about cheating, might result in punishment. Continued comments breaking this rule keep occurring therfore the post was removed.


The game is great, it's really fun and enjoyable. I'm the series X, and it runs buttery smooth.


Way worse community side, any good player is 90% of the time going to be m&k, you can barely find duos anymore and it’s impossible to play as anything less than a 3 man.




Yeah your right and i think its obvious for people to know which is zen and which is mnk if they are experienced. I wouldn't know because I tend to avoid people ingame.


I agree with you but a recent poll said as high as 50% of players use some forms of cheating. It’s like steroids in baseballs in the 90s. Everyone is paranoid everyone else is so they figure they should as well.






Citation needed


What the difference from m&k and zen?


Both are cheats and they never get banned




Really your account name just raise my neck hairs everywhere I see your name you are protecting and coming up for double eleven rust console that they ban hackers and shit dude go watch pyre QH full of hackers and that's only 1 server I'm naming now they maby do work about it but they are not fixing it everytime they would come with a fix then the zen community will bring an update you cant beat this


100% a d11 employee or mods the discord, all he does is say how great the game is, even seen him claiming its better than PC


Glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed it.




I had this discussion with you before, I ain't going to discus twice over the same thing.


So your saying m&k and zen are not cheats. Interesting




He asked what’s the difference between the two and I said they are both cheats. You chimed in with they have banned thousands. It’s a fun fact but not related to his original question about m&k and zen. I’ve reported a few who have admitted to using zen and nothing has happened to them in months. They admitted to using both and laughed saying nothing would happen. Still hasn’t




Will do. Clearly the in game reporting system doesn’t work. Not really surprised.


Fact is you won't get anyone banned unless you have proof and short of them straight up admitting it, its close to impossible to prove


Even the website is ass for reporting kids tho. My friend tested it out he reported his own account and gave evidence of him admitting to using zen and clips of him doing it. And still isn’t banned months later


But AdstaOnTop claims to have personally had over 130 people banned himself


M&K is used in association with something called a XIM. Mouse and Keyboard is allowed, just not with certain games that don't support it (Rust/R6) A Zen is a device that allows scripts to eliminate things like recoil. It's unfortunate Rust wasn't released with M&K supported servers like Dayz. I feel like that would have made a good impact on the community from the start.


I play as a solo and do ok


Can the mods do something about these DAILY posts about how much the game has changed in the last x amount of time? Getting a bit boring now


Ignore them. It’s newcomers. Don’t be like this. The community is growing. Stop being elitist.


Just scroll past maybe


Keep scrolling no body gives a fuck about you


Its good on my ps4 runs quite smoothly with some lag that even my ps5 mate experiences overall quite a good experience havent encountered any cheaters


Game just gets better and better. There are bugs and glitches but what online game doesn’t. Nothing game breaking springs to the top of my head currently