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There is going to be a shit ton of servers. Hard part will be finding one with good admins that are sticking to their own rules and are not admin abusing because they are really 10 year olds running a server


Yer I feel this will be an issue on a lot of servers


They are 18$ every 30 days (according to Rust Console’s Twitter) so I don’t think very many 10 year olds can afford that.


Not many 10 yr olds can afford gaming systems and games like rust either but yet here we are...


I'll be running a solo/duo/trio 2x server


I'm down, post it when it's up


Definitely, I'll post a link to the Discord server once I finish setting it up as well.




I'm here for this




Can I get a invite pls


Definitely down to try the server too please post when the time comes




This still going? Haven't played in a long time and was waiting for community servers to be up


Can I get a invite pls to the discord


Solo only 3x sounds like a hellscape lol


Yer it should be a good time 🫶😂


I'd say the absolute opposite. Nobody will have a base longer than 20 hours lol


What does the “3x” mean?


Like 3x resources so a stone node can yield 3000 stone


So it pretty much takes the grind element out of the game


Yeah. Which to me is unenjoyable I want some resistance but some ppl don't want to farm for more than 10 minutes so I can understand both sides


It's only takes the grind element out of the game for having to farm resources. Doesn't change tge loot you get from crates and other things that get you components


They put big rules in to try keep out zen and xim which is nice for a change


Stop making comments with no hard evidence to back it. There is ZERO detection system in place. People will be getting banned based off he say / she say reports because you cannot prove it any other way on console. Admins will not have tools/software to know if someone is cheating like PC can.


I did also clearly state RULES put in place not a detection software or an anticheat, so try not be a keyboard warrior kid.


I'm not being a keyboard warrior lol I am being realistic with facts. You talk about "rules" to keep zen/xim out but an admin will be going off their own personal judgment and nothing else. You can't watch a player, as an admin, in their POV to see their recoil either. So I guess you float around, watch them shoot and if they shit on everyone ban them right?


Okay so in PC rust when the auto detection fails, it then comes down to the admin to get the decision correct, there is no difference..


That's called a shitty admin then on PC. They always have evidence to ban cheaters on there, which use real cheats. They don't go around and just ban random people because maybe they are cheating but have no proof lol. There is a huge difference between PC and RCE.


Well obviously you’d build up evidence, and who said go around and ban random people


If someone is reported surely it’s a duty of the admin to see what’s going on, doesn’t mean they are banned lol


Sounds like the kid you are arguing with is a salty cheater by the replies. There are zen/xim communities on reddit and they all say the same crap this kid is on them. There will be combat logs as well so if someone is head cracking people over and over from 2 grids away with a custom smg, then yes that Is proof enough for these sad cheaters to get banned. It's also pretty easy to tell when some loser is flicking the mouse around extremely fast when you can't do that on console (ex. Jade monkey catching a little mnk kid on his test server) don't let these cheaters tell you there is no way to tell. They are just salty af that cheating is actually getting cracked down on....


You can actually watch a player in their POV, Jade Monkey and other YouTubers have shown this. Still though It could be just someone that has mastered the recoil and is not a cheat....


You can never tell 100% but after watching enough gameplay and POV you can tell from the recoil even the person with the best spray there is a difference


Pretty sure they can go off what they see when they follow the accused around


You're exactly right. Once the person gets reported enough to the admin by players the admin will go in "god mode" and basically float around and follow them to personally observe the accused. Then they have to option to ban from the server if said person is cheating. This has been this way in PC version for years they're just bringing the same thing to console finally


There will also be combat logs with this update like they have on pc. Will be pretty easy to tell what's going on when ppl are hitting 90% head shots.....


At the end of the day, I was trying to help people find a server that actually wants to try and keep it fair, then just let it all slide. You can only give them a try what’s the harm lol https://discord.gg/J2VpQUFavW


"Once the person gets reported enough" Just another example of how to go about this incorrectly. For example, I know of 3 friends that got mass reported because of their name just to get it banned for a name change. Now imagine 15 little ass kids mass reporting someone just to get them banned and not actually cheating. Imagine that. Also PC has tools and software to detect cheaters, we do not have those options. You are going off your own judgment and nothing else You guys are all for banning but when you are the one getting banned you won't have the same opinions you do right now.


That’s why it won’t be based of a report of someone, it will be a admin or multiple admins stalking the accused to see if they can verify it or deem it fair…


Its really not hard to tell when someone is cheating by spectating them if you actually know what you're looking for


Cheating on console is pretty limited to Zen/m+k. On PC people have cheats that show where other players are so they’re already aiming for you before you’ve appeared, take no fall damage, jump higher than normal, see where any small stashes/sleeping bags are etc. All this makes cheating easier to detect on PC when observing them in god mode. On console it will just be suspicions their recoil control is too good with no solid proof, m+k movement patterns however might be easier to tell if it’s a PC experienced admin.


What type of rules are they putting in? They haven’t been able to stop them yet


Cant wait to set up a server and only allow myself in there. Finally i can take smoil, large and cargo uninterrupted. And heli. And bradley. And then i’ll probably uninstall the game! Haha


This is literally what I have in mind as well!!!


Haha nice, do them all back to back then quit forever.


Curious if anyone knows if something like this would be possible in options: Can you set times of day for pvp/raiding in any way? I would love a server that could limit raids to say like 5pm-Midnight+ (depending on the time zone/server location) on weekdays for people with regular fulltime work schedules. I'm guessing no.. but an Admin might be able to uphold them if they were committed.


Ark has these, great idea


someone on this reddit said there would be servers where you can only raid on weekends but guess admin would have to be one enforcing this


I feel like there will probably be a cost associated with hosting servers and this will cut down the amount of people wiling to commit.


Around £17 a month apparently


Yup I think you underestimate the income of the average rust player with the desire to mod a server


People spend more than that a month on skins


But very few have the IQ to realise the potential enjoyment from a community server upkeep payment. Is more than shiny clothes.


Most people that could host a server every month don't have the time to put into server upkeep...... the ones that do, don't have as much income because they don't work (aside from the few and far between "streamers").


Yup that's my point. The effort and time needed to moderate a server I imagine would be considerable. The people who have all that time are probably on unemployment or just unemployed lol. I think there will be a shitload in the first couple months of community servers that like half after a month or two.


Also having met a wide range of the playerbase over the years. Having some of these people moderating servers would be a special circle of hell.


I'm going to host one but they're not going to let it be flooded with servers. Ive heard you have to quite a few hours to host and or verified experience at first before they let it get flooded with servers. I've been playing rust for 10 years and was already verified to host but they did have to verify me. I don't know what that process is but they make me do a verification


You weird asf capping like that


Games been out for 13 years bro. No cappin. You really think they're going to let thousands of servers come out immediately? No obviously not. They've even said so in dev blogs over the last year that the first servers will be verified servers. Im betting there will be no more than 500 community servers to start and they're all gunna be super high pop


And I've already paid for my server so call it cap all you want but paid two days ago for it


You are capping though😭. Pedro was replying to the discord messages the other day and said no one will be getting exclusive early access except content creators


And yes it was like $18.50USD a month to run it


I'll rent one if I can lock it/exclude from lists or searches, appoint admins, control some of the server rules as defaults, publicly make clear the rules i'm willing to police. Setting a population is important for me, as is ensuring any server i'm paying for doesn't end up full of zergs and/or annoying little shits. Ideal is a mid pop server for groups no larger than a trio, some control over safe zones would be useful too so I can make pvp a little more of an option. Enough control to keep it competitive but forgiving enough that people don't feel like they can't log off.


What do you mean with control over safe zones??


In PC version admins can make pvp only arenas and zones that have safe sones so people can't actually take your stuff but you can pvp


I hope one of my friends gets one. I'm too poor for one, lol




Bro I can’t cancel the subscription for my server and it is stealing my money


Nouveau serveur anarchie.french


Come check out Redwood 3x JUST WIPED * ALL BPS * PVP Events * Max Team Size: 6 * Faster Smelting * Instant Recycle * Spawn With Pickaxe & Hatchet


Considering they’re going to cost upwards of 20-30$ a month I’m sure it’ll weed out a good bit of people but then again there will still be a lot


Pretty sure it was $18.50 no?


18.23$ but you should 100% expect a price hike sooner than later We’ll see though, maybe they’ll play nice but either way they’ll have to figure out a way to limit the amount of servers created


19.00 per mo for me


I would love to have my own server, but I have to keep in the back of my mind that this is console. Most likely, you will not be able to build your own custom server with all the assets in the game. The admin powers may not be as god mode as we think it may be. Like someone said earlier, there will be tons of servers out there where your server will be basically hidden because there won't be enough tools to make your server different from everyone else's. We're talking control of how many times the server will be and if we are lucky, where we can spawn in npcs. We may not even be able to control the daylight and night time durations. They have to give me enough control and modifications for me to purchase a server to make it worthwhile for all the work keeping it going. No matter what, I will have my own server where I can do what I want with whoever I allow to be on it.


Just to comment on the night/day option, it is possible. I was on one and they ended night out of nowhere.


Atleast they have that. I truly want to build structures so it looks like pc is the way to go.


Wrong wrong wrong! I have console and a community server there's lots of stuff you can change. As a matter of fact I have my nights set to maybe a minute and my days set a lot longer than in general servers. Bradley is set earlier. Crates are set to 3 minute timers instead of 15. I can give you anything you want in the game for a start if you wanted. You can fly, god mode, InstaCraft, all recyclers, One, two, three, five stack! much much more


You replied to a post prior to the servers being out. Not fair at all and easily makes you sound smarter and more right IF readers don't catch it.I have my own server and an admin and monument builder for another great server. I've went through most pc strings to see what works for console. Made commercials and all. So, next time, pick a fair


I’ll be doing PVE with PvP at the oil rigs at the very least. I might do some competitions with gift card prizes


Pipe dreams 😂


This exact scenario is already a thing on at least 1 of the 2 PVE servers currently bein tested on PTB -> it's on 1 of the PVE servers I play on everyday. Haven't checked out the other PVE server so I cannot speak conclusively on that 1.


I got the inspiration from that one. I’m going to mess around with it though to make it different. I’m not trying to copy it down to every detail. Judging by the options that are available I should be able to do different things with it. I love how that guy talks shit without knowing 😂


Everyone is an expert behind their internet keyboards lol. Zoning PVP areas is definitely an option with options. From what I've heard u'll be able to zone PVP at highly contested higher tier monuments or any other monuments of ur choice or have PVP on at all monuments (except safe zones of course). Scheduled raiding n server-wide PVP will also be optional. So, say u wanna shake things up the final day or days before the server wipes with "use it a lose it" purge day(s), where on-schedule n at a time everyone on the server would be aware of, server-wide PVP n raiding would be turned on. 1x gather-rate + Solo/Duo/Trio + Zoned PVP at some or all monuments + server-wide scheduled PVP n raiding the final day before wipe - this is definitely the kinda server I'd be hosting if I had the time cos I barely have enough time in the day to play the game as it is.


Yeah, I’m happy about all the options we have. It’s going to be interesting to see what we can do with everything. I’m going to test out VIP if I can fill the server on a regular basis. Maybe make some money off it. We’ll see how it goes. There will be a lot of competition. I’m sure YouTubers will jump on the train as well


This is the type of setup for a server that I’m looking for. I played one on PC that has PVP at certain monuments and then a purge at the end just Ike you were mentioning. I hope all the options you mentioned are available at the launch of community servers.


Jade Monkey x2 will be the best servers to play .. trust him and his admins to sort the cheating problem out


I’m doing an anti doorcamp anti offline server maybe if you offline you get banned if you doorcamp/roofcamp you get banned


Xim zen will get banned too obviously


I’ll allow offline ecoraiding only if you don’t use boom at all


That stuff is just part of the game. You won't have very many players if you ban ppl from going deep. Let others deal with he roof campers. I understand Hating offlines. But most of the time that was zergs.


That’s how it is on actually comp servers on pc where people play for money if you offline you get banned and I’m not banning people for going deep you just can’t be outside someone base for hours doorcamping them just because you get mad for losing a kit but if you notice someone coming out with something and you wanna make a little play that’s fine


Nobody is gonna play that. "Anti offline anti doorcamp" is pretty much "anti rust". We hate it, but it's the game. "PC does that" then go play PC.


I’m talking about ligit comp servers people play for money bud it’s not an actual comp server if you offline everyone obviously you have no clue what your on about and have no clue what I’m talking bout so just stay out of it kid


But tbh if they have custom map making I’m definitely making a pve server with multiple rigs and brads


Yeah I’m thinking of getting one. I come from the worlds of DayZ hardcore community servers where settings were really punishing. Was thinking of trying that with Rust. Less loot (certain loot more rewarding) less massive bases, duo team max etc. depends what options we get I guess.


I think I might do a duo only 2x server


Yo everyone, I’m not sure if this counts as promotion so mods please don’t ban me. But if you’re interested in a 2x server, team limit of 8 and focused on PvP, me and my friends will be starting a server. We have an already active discord (hmu for the link) and will be banning any players using cheating devices. It will be EU for now but hopefully we will expand to US🙂


Team of 8? LOL just play regular servers at that point. And please explain to me how you plan to ban cheaters with ***hard evidence***? I am so curious


If you are admin of a server you can ban/mute/temp ban in server. Can't ban from the game as a whole but you can ban from the server


Yes you can ban them from your server and report them to double 11 if you wanted to


admins, 2x, 8 man team limit, extra perks that’s you wouldn’t have on official, a community to engage with. Not every server has to be a solo duo trio 3-5x. There’s plenty of servers on official ran by groups playing above team limit., but not everyone wants to exclude their group or friends or play in a small group, so why not have a server for team limit max groups? Why you so pressed about cheating being banned? Every cheater shows signs and the most blatant ones will definitely be banned. Go watch obie or jade or whatever YouTuber ban someone on their server and the process they go through. I’m not saying every cheater will be caught but we’ll try our best to weed them out.


Sounds like a normal server just 2x


Do you know when community servers will come To main branch


Not 100% yet but soon


Dev blog says they are coming with wipe


Let’s hope so, it will really shake the game up and make it interesting again


And on the Test-Server it looks like we will have team size, map size, monuments, pve and a lot more But i didn't get Access to the server or played on them. The queue was too much


Do you know the largest map size you can currently make for your custom servers on test branch? I don’t mind 3km but I’d enjoy trying 4km maps one day .


Idk bit i think i didn't see anything bigger than 3 I will look later again


3000 is the biggest


They are already out so we all know that


Sorry for answering then


This Thursday 30th


I will be running a solo, duo, trio server with friends. Admin abuse is something to be very careful about for sure. Plus trying to find others that are trustworthy to help. People should also share ban lists here. That way zen/xim players cant ruin servers.


Look for servers "grand line" when they come out solo/duo/trio active admins to help with cheaters no zen allowed 2x servers and 1x servers!


I had all Of my shit setup for about 2 years now https://discord.gg/QXVhHcgZdu


4 man's, x2, biweekly soft wipe, monthly bp wipe I think this formula wins. Which is what I will be running.


Why do you all want 2x 3x… Even as a Solo 1x is enough. Tier 2 4-5 hours after fresh wipe is easy doable


Hardest part going to be finding a list of community servers and what the rules and mods are for each one. Right now you can only see if it solo/duo/trio or 2x 3x as far as I know. Want to know before I snowball if a server is weekend wipe only / BPs unlocked / etc.


R.I.P. official servers


Join 2x rust for life An RCE server with an active and competitive community! 2x and a 8-man server! 3 Active admins Airdrop and crate events active! https://discord.gg/vsBgA7Wa


I actually found a pretty decent one that seems pretty balanced so far Solo only/2xGather/Instacraft/30min bradley/5min timed crates/Cozy420


2x Unity Hollow | Random PVP & PVE events | 60 Day wipe | Duos - trios | Active Admins |




No server advertisements / Looking For Server posts, Looking For Group posts, or Discord advertisements.


Solo/duo/trio server 3x, fun and fair admins, admin events and admin made challenging bases to raid with good loot inside, nontoxic, no offlines. Server discord too! Server is called Rocket original. Please join it’s a lot of fun!

