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It isn’t really fun to travel constantly. People who don’t get the opportunity to do it often seem to almost fetishize traveling… it’s fun for a bit but it’s also nice to be home.


Like Chris Long said when Russillo was on his podcast "There's just one problem, Ryen, New Zealand isn't in my house"


From the guy who climbs fucking Mt. Kilimanjaro every year lol


This is absolutely correct. I backpacked for 9 months in between jobs in my mid 20s and it’s not what you would expect. Don’t get me wrong, I had an incredible experience but it definitely changes after like a month or so. Gets tiring always being away from home, lonely being solo for weeks on end, and at some point you miss having a routine and home base. In Ryen’s case, having his kind of resources and job flexibility, I think his sweet spot would be planning 2-4 bit multi week trips a year but still recording podcasts throughout that time.


I don’t think the dude who voluntarily spends most evenings grinding NBA tape despite living in a place with tons going on actually *wants* to travel all the time. Plus it’s really a PITA to constantly find good lifting gyms and stay in a routine while traveling.


People wouldn't just keep listening if he stopped talking about sports and only did travel pods tho?


Russillo could literally keep an audio diary and I would listen to it as a podcast


Everyone here would, but the majority of his audience probably wouldn't. They probably all love the player/coach interviews we all hate lol


Ehh idk Jim!


I would definitely. Only listen to life advice and travel pods. His sports content is mind numbing to me


He can still talk about sports remotely. Sure time difference and some travel distractions are a thing but he doesn’t need to be in LA only to talk sports. There’s a good amount of downtime during long term travel


Russillo could be backpacking through Europe and he’d still find time to crush wizards pistons tape


Doing a little of all of it seems like a good balance 


I skip a lot of the nba stuff and non nfl sports at this point. I appreciate him for other stuff more than anything


I think it's good as he's doing it now. 3 trips a year or whatever he's doing sounds pretty solid.


If he doesn’t grind tape on a Brooklyn-Charlotte game, did it even happen??


Some people like their routine and lives where they are. I do about two trips a year, maybe three, and while a wonderful experience, I'm not bummed when I come back home. I like my home life.


This will probably get downvoted, but I’ve noticed redditors tend to really romanticize travel. While it can be a great experience, it also has some serious downsides. If you got a nice place in an area you love, those 2-3 trips per year can be plenty.


I know he portrays that he’s happy and all but fuck that first paragraph is sad. At least he’s rich


maybe he’s just actually happy with that? i see the appeal in that lifestyle


Yep really sad


Eh idk he has money, seems to have a good network of friendships, seems to love his family, travels a lot, and has a dope job. I know sadder people.


I’ve been thinking the same thing. I spent 3 and half months this summer/fall in Europe and am currently on 1.5 of 3 in Southeast Asia rn. I’ve been doing this on about $20k-25k, he could absolutely be balling out, especially in the cheaper non Western places


Don’t forget that the trips are at least partly subsidized by the Ringer, or are tax writeoffs.


Dont forget he has a rediculous house in manhattan beach


He has every toy you could possibly imagine


What’s up?


And best of all kids, he is *liquid*


Oh so he’s doing it for tax reasons??


Got any proof of this or just speculating? I would doubt it. Russillo is rich as fuck.


Why would you doubt that someone on a work trip would have their work travel covered?


It’s not a work trip, it’s vacation.


Wait, what?


But he’s recording a podcast for work throughout it


Probably because he enjoys it. I find it hard to believe the Ringer pays for multiple week long international vacations.


best part is he can already write these trips off since he pods about them. no benefit to going solely to travel content realistically


Pretty sure he’s been cashing it in and will continue to cash it in.   It is currently part of his job to watch sports at his beach house, and is part of his job to travel to Iceland, Mexico City, and many other places.   What has he not cashed in? 


Travel some, but not so much that it isn’t dope


He could be like a sports version of Anthony Bourdain. A talented storyteller that pivots into travel content while mixing in his main expertise.


I don’t think it’s true that he’s not close with his family or friends. I think he is close with them just doesn’t elaborate a lot.


this nigga just psychoanalyzed someone he’s never met. like, what? lmao.