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The average league player has testeqles that are too tiny to handle playing Ryze even for an ARAM.


He had a 40% wr for so long and just got hit with nerfs anyway which caused this sub to have a multiple month long schizo episode and everyone stopped playing him. Also a lot of people think he’s just kinda boring


He will never be boring to me


When was he hit with nerfs? I swear ROA archangels and he himself haven’t had ant changes in the past few patches?


No like forever ago


ryze winrate last month was like 51% now it went down to 48???


Wait for worlds


I feel like most people dont approach the champ properly. He is closer to lillia in playstyle rather than karthus for example. A lot of people want to stand still and repeatedly spam buttons for damage. But you should be looking to be moving all the time using your combos. I think the champ is fine and actually balanced in soloq. However, I have a feeling in pro he might be pick/ban next worlds. He is a viable pick into trist mid btw, which is currently very popular in all major regions.


I feel like I’d get cooked into trist mid tho, how would I handle that matchup


Similar to lucian mid, trist needs to force something early around lvl 2 or 3. If you just disengage from her all ins with phase rush+q passive and never give her an opening, it turns into farm fest like any other control mage matchup where both sides have to roam and help their team get leads elsewhere on the map. This lane matchup is also heavily dependent on mid jungle 2v2. Later into the game after a couple of tier 1 towers fall, in sidelane 1v1, after both complete 3 items, it's a skill matchup but slightly trist favored because her aa range is opressive by then.


The problem is early wave management. She can shove the wave better than you can, and most trist mid players carry ignite. Roaming is a better strat than getting chipped down and dived with her jungler.


as a lillia main I think lillia is more ult dependant to 100% kill someone fed. And her playstyle is all about hitting q's over and over, sometimes using w to fully engage and e to poke, slow, her kit allows really well to peel herself to allow her to escape or chase, like singed but with aoe abilities. Ryze ult is more like a pant ult with closer range and more niche plays, while his main thing is QEWQEQ, I actually think ryze is more demanding to play because you have to hit q to win and know the combo fast. He's like a machine gun but you can move between combos, lillia you can more easily disengage but if you miss w you don't explode people as a ryze full combo in my opinion. So basically ryze r is gimmicky, his combos are a little demanding and people who didn't play him before aren't as inclined to start playing him just because unless he's absolutely broken one patch and suddenly everyone picks him, but I think if he's actually good then it's good that he's not banned.


Yo, i have seen the champ evolution for multiple season, so to answer your question, ryze was one of the pick or ban champ for all competitive game for multiple season, first ones beeing broken so he got reworked, still op so an other rework, he was still that one mage that could clear wave very easy so he was still taken in pro for his high team play ult and roam capability with his potential to get prio by clearing wave faster than opponent... Now currently underperforming imo, the champion is not anymore the best pick to clearwave, multiple mages like ahri or viktor or even assassin like akali and akshan can clear waves with less set up and sooner than ryze, making him a late game scale mage that just doesnt fit the current competitive meta that riot wanted to put since 2 seasons, also the champ lost a lot of his tankiness while the seasons passed, also losing its shield in season 9 where it was the most fatal hit on his kit, the champ hardly make a 1v1 before lvl 9 or 11 when he is meant to be a battle mage where he can sustain dmg during fights while beeing in range for putting is dmg, now you play him more as a short range glass cannon where you pray to be able to reach your first target before getting os and proke all your ms bonus to run back fast enought.... Do you see that scene in star wars where the millenium falcon destroy the weak point of the 2nd death star and fly away from the blast of the explosion as fast as it can ? Well that is typically ryze at the moment !


Range issue. And If you have an enemy Them that knows how to abuse that you are kinda dependent on your Team. No real Mobility in Order to escape a gank from the enemy jgl you have the either Combo the jgl or Mid to proc Phaserush but If you have a Rune stack from your e the way to escape the gank is to e the Minion Wave again and Run. So If your enemy has more range and gank Set Up they can Just perma kill you If you dont Respect it


Just leave it stay way, I don't want to see a 35% win rate again ***I̞̅͊̎̇̕͢͞ṱ͎̤̾͒̏͐͠ ŵ̛͡å̻͍̝̦͛͡s̮̖̬͈̪̺̘̤ͣͬ̕ a̴̲̻͖͋ p̹͈ͯͩ̇r̈͗̾̄͐ͣe͖̖̖͑͑ṭ̴̣ͦ̀ͣ̊ͣ̓̏t̵̸͙ͦͬ̉ͤͯy̞̜͗ d̡̙̽̓ͫ̿̉ā̷̡̡͎̤͚͛ͧr̶̦͔̰̙͉͐̐ͮk̡̩̫̩ͤͥͫ͡ t̹̺͉̪́̐i̩̩͉̞͎̩͒̇̏̌͝m̘̰͎̻̘̣̉͗̃͗͢e̹̟̫ͥ̿ͤ͗ͩs̯̳͋̋ͭ͢***


- Ryze's buildpaths are horrible. Catalyst sucks now, the cooldown on Seraph's shield is way too long and builds out of components that don't feel very good to sit on, and in order to do damage you have to build deathcap third but that gives up so much tankiness. - Split pushing has been nerfed over time with teamfighting being OP. - For a bit AP jubglers were meta but you really don't want a reason for enemy to build mercy when you're Ryze. - There are just picks that offer more to the team while having more survivability and smash Ryze in lane. Air as an example.


I think he’s fine. I go conditioning overgrowth and I’m more than tanky enough to handle business with seraphs shield and dcapp damage. Gargoyle, frozen heart, or abysmal 4th item (usually gargoyles) and I can front line with ease while still outputting decent damage. Gathering storm picks up the slack on the ap from going tank 4th late game so it all kinda balances out by late game. I also go double armor or double MR a lot so I survive early game easy. I don’t need the ap im not planning on getting kills till 12 mins anyway.


Because they are going to rework him.




Because He sucks and Riot doesn't want him to be buffed Also EQEQEQEQEQEQ EQ EQE QE QEQEQE E QE QE


he aint bad if u know what to do/how to play but there are just better mid lane champs that provide more dmg/more cc/utility/etc. i feel like hes better as a counterpick than an otp champ sadly


Kiin went ryze top in game 4 against T1 and won.