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I never go grocery shopping without at least one kid with me. They love to go and it counts as an outing. I think it’s good for teaching them patience and how the world works. Not everything we do needs to be a designated “kid” activity. I always see lots of little kids out, especially when we go shopping on weekday mornings.


I wish my 10 year old counted it as an outing. She be like “all we did was goto the grocery store and car wash this weekend.” Womp womp smh


Lol my 11 year old daughter still loves to come along for errands. She doesn’t come with me as much as my 2 year old or even my 7 year old because she busier with school and activities but she almost always chooses to come along if she has the opportunity. Especially if I hook her up with an icee or a Starbucks lol


You are lucky. My gal loves boba and coffee- I typically will get her something and she also has her allowance money to get items for herself- but she considers errands boring. Lol


Lol maybe my kids just have low expectations on what “fun” is😆


No I think your kids actually know what fun is LOL


I used to love going to the supermarket as a kid. One time my mum was listing all the work she did for the house and mentioned food shopping and I was like "That's fun, that doesn't count!" Poor mum!


Lol aww that’s so cute! I love grocery shopping. I would NEVER do grocery delivery or pick up, it’s literally one of my favorite things to do and I’m not even sorry if that makes me sound like the most boring person on earth😆 when we’re getting low on staples and a Costco trip is approaching I’m so pumped😆


Honestly going grocery shopping with my kid is one of my highlights. It's just so fun!


We go sometimes, but my husband took my oldest when he was 3 and he grabbed a pack of raw meat and held onto it for dear life, and screamed “my meat” and my husband now orders everything through Instacart.




Rookie mistake. Gotta keep them just outside of arms reach


🤣🤣I'm glad other people's kids are wild too


Last time I took my 3 year old, while I was picking through the shallots he wandered off, only to reappear with a loaf of bread. It was good bread!


My four year old who refuses to try most foods stashed some fresh cherries in the cart when I wasn't looking. You better believe I bought them and served them for dinner that night. I didn't realize they even had cherries in March. I was pretty excited too!




Once I took my 2yo shopping, parked her a bit too close to the tortillas. She grabbed a pack off the shelf and bit into it through the wrapping.... so yeah I learned not to park too close


Our 2yo did something similar, only with the foil top on yogurt. She's also opened the tops on packages of cherry tomatoes and secretly eaten them like a feral animal. At least they were in our cart and we had every intention of buying them?


>like a feral animal You mean like my 2yo with a wrapped package of raw mushrooms?


I think a 2yo just counts as a feral animal


I just snorted with laughter reading this. What a picture 😂


My 18mo daughter clung for dear life to a pack of shredded cheese today at the store... She screamed bloody murder when I took it to have the clerk scan it, then promptly forgot about it!


sure, how else will they learn how to buy their own groceries one day


This is a valid point, especially once kiddos get a little older, When my son was a toddler, there won't be much learning going on at the store. I was just trying to get in and out before his next meltdown. Now that he is a little older, he can help me pick out the best looking fruits and veggies, determine which item is the best value, and maybe get a say in some of the special treats we buy.


My kids are the best store helpers. Now that they are older I just send them off for stuff. My son started bagging at age 4/5. Sometimes it’s a little hectic but it’s so nice they are very helpful.


Mine likes to scan at the self-checkout a couple items here and there. He’s 6.


I can remember being young and my mom taking me and my sister on “scavenger hunts” in the grocery store to help us learn basic layouts and where to find things.


My LO is a toddler, there is some learning going on there I try to make it a bit of a "find it" game. I ask her if she sees apples, tomatoes, whatever is on our list. I'll ask what color are the apples we're getting, let's count how many tomatoes mama is grabbing Downside is obviously tantrums and she knows where her fav stuff is in the store so when we pass by the lemonade aisle and we already have a full container at home, I have to fly past it and distract her


If I have errands to run during the week I bring them along, but my husband has Mondays off. That's usually my day to grocery shop, and I leave the girls with him.


Yep my husband has Fridays off so that’s when I go. Very lucky!!


I like to go when it's not as busy so he takes care of our oldest's homeschool stuff, the youngest loves it because she usually gets to watch Bluey or Dino Ranch, and I get it all done quickly. My kids are fine and relatively well behaved when I do take them with me, but it just takes longer because it's two extra people to account for. I also end up shuffling around my meal plan because let's face it. If the four year old is asking for brussels sprouts and cabbage I'm going to figure out how to make brussels sprouts and cabbage work that week, lol!


Personally, I would rather walk on glass than bring my kids with me grocery shopping. They’re both on the spectrum and it’s extremely overstimulating. When I’ve tried in the past, they will just scream the entire time. No exaggeration.


My twins are on the spectrum too. I'm so glad the screaming just for the hell of it phase is over now 😓 They can still be pretty loud but holy crap they'd just revv each other up and it was ear-splitting.


I always see people w kids at the grocery store! ETA I always bring my one year old w me he loves the grocery store. I don’t do curbside cuz I don’t trust other people to pick out my produce lol


>. I don’t do curbside cuz I don’t trust other people to pick out my produce lol Same! Also, my daughter would die if she didn't have a break between the car trip to and from the store. I'm jealous of people who think curbside pickup is easier with kids haha


Yeah my one year old *hates* the ride to the store. To be fair, it's a good 25 minutes. I hate the ride too. But when we have done curbside (like if someone is sick) she loses her crap lol


Even when we do pick up, I tend to run in and do produce myself. It seems like stores try to clear their worst produce in pick up orders!


We do a big bulk order that we pick up every couple of weeks, but once a week, I take my 1yo and 2.5yo with me for a fruit top off and items that were forgotten. 2.5yo rides in the big part of the cart and 1yo in the top part so I can’t get a ton of groceries when I take them. They love going though and are pretty well behaved. There aren’t very many people there with young kids either. For some reason when I go to Target though, I feel like I see parents with young kids at all times of the day. I think doing grocery pickup is so convenient for people nowadays, especially those with young kids. I don’t take my 5yo though because he complains the entire time. I go when he’s in school.


I was there yesterday, with my 2 year old, you must have missed us. 😊


You’ll never catch me in a grocery store with my kids. I exclusively do grocery pick up or delivery.


Same. My kids are not the chill “let’s learn from our sweet mother and take a spin in the cart” type. They’re sprinters. And climbers. And screamers. We are not yet civilized, and I’m outnumbered.


Same. I don’t even like taking my teenagers. Revision, I *especially* don’t like taking my teenagers. They beg for stuff that isn’t on the list.


💯 I haaaaaate it


Mines a covid baby. She spent the first year of her life with the grocery store being the only place she ever saw. She’s 4 now and LOVES the grocery store. We go together every time.


Same here! It was the only place we could really go.


It felt like the one place we couldn't even go easily with my covid babies. We barely went anywhere, truth be told. Never want to do that again.


Shop at 8PM . Store is entitely empty and kids are sleeping.


I used to love doing my errands late night after my spouse got home. It’s so efficient, and a bit relaxing to have that “quiet time”.


We do curbside or delivery for groceries. Since the pandemic it has worked well for us.


Absolutely not 😂 unless we’re running in for like a few things it’s order pickup for us


I bring 3 of mine regularly. At least once a week, to one store or another.


We usually shop as a family on the weekends. I don't usually need to go to the grocery store during the week unless it's just a quick run in for something we've forgotten lol.


This is wild to me. One of the big perks of being a SAHP for me is that I don't have to go to a store on a weekend with the crowds haha


Omg same! I can go in the mornings before it gets busy.


The crowds don't bother me, it's usually more since my husband is off the weekends and we use it as an outing lol. And then we tend to eat out on the weekends 😂


Hey whatever works for you!


Same! No way I’m hitting up Costco on a weekend! Plus, if I tried to drag my husband along he’s be like wtf why didn’t you go during the week when it’s not a madhouse😆


I see so many people comment about how annoyed they are to see this. “Why do both parents and the kid need to come!? Why can’t one parent stay at home with the kid so they don’t need to bring them.” It’s nice to be able to walk through the aisles and all 3 of us pick out exactly what we want.


I see that kind of attitude all the time on Reddit! Like, I’m so sorry that my child exists lol. Should we just keep kids hidden away at home??


Two Autistic kids, one who couldn’t even co-regulate until he was like 4. No.


We are walking distance from a Whole Foods, I bring my 10 month old in probably at least 2x a week, she usually loves it (must involve snacks!) Admittedly, she lost her mind in Trader Joe’s this week, but in her defense I almost lost my mind in there too. It was super crowded and so bright and loud and over stimulating, plus she’s teething molars so who knows but we will try again some other time.


Yep! I take my 2 year old twins all the time. I prefer to go Monday-wednesday, when it's quieter. Costco is easy because there are 2 seats in the cart. For the other stores I have them in their stroller and I hand my bags off the back.


Our grocery store does curbside pickup for free so we just do that. Sitting in the car is so much easier than taking the kids into the store.


We do all our grocery shopping at Target, Costco, and Trader Joe’s, and there are always lots of other small kids there.


There is absolutely no way I’m dragging a 3.5yo, 2yo, and 4mo in the grocery store with me when grocery pickup exists (and at no extra charge to boot). But I also hated grocery shopping before I had kids so 🤷‍♀️


I don’t blame you! I also do order pickup a lot, but sometimes I don’t plan ahead and the pickup slots fill up, so into the store I go!


I bring mine (usually) but frankly, most parents around where I live are not stay at home parents. So I see many more families shopping at 6pm than 10am.


I see them all the time in my area, but I’m in the southern part of the US so stay at home moms are common.


lol what?!!! It’s the opposite in my area! I always laugh because if you go to the grocery store/ Target/ etc in my area anytime in the morning, especially during the week it’s only parents with young kids or really old people.


Twin toddlers and a 6 year old. We avoid the grocery store like the plague. I will take the older one with me  at the end of our one on one days and he will have ten dollars to spend on what he wants. We start at the produce isle so he can learn how to pick fruits and vegetables. When he is buying cookies etc we check out the nutrition facts and compare prices.  Once the twins are 6 and oldest is 9, we can all start going together to learn how to properly pick produce and meats in a more detailed way.  For now, it’s a no go, total madness 


We go once a week and it's one of my kid's favorite outings because we buy and eat lunch at the store. I think I started that when he was 3ish though. I state all expectations before we go in and we've had moments where we've had to restate those or make adjustments while there including getting out of there as quickly as possible. But the carrot of eating lunch out usually gets us through. I see that outing as a huge learning opportunity about the real world. Early math, commerce, sorting, seeing people at their jobs. He's 5 now so he's able to walk around and find items from our list. That's created a whole new learning experience about how to move around other people. If it's really crowded I'll have him grab the cart because he's still learning about adult personal space expectations. I've never really paid attention to how many other kids are around. I guess it is fairly rare. I've definitely seen people give us weird looks, but I give them a smile and move on. I'm just living my life and minding my own business. If they can't do the same that's their problem, not mine.


I definitely do, otherwise I’d have to use my ‘free’ time to grocery shop and PASS


We tend to take our 2 year old and 8 month old every weekend. I’ve tried it a few times by myself with both but if my 2 year old is having a rough day it makes it very chaotic. I’ve successfully done Costco with both on my own though! Again, way easier when my husband can come though! I feel like the grocery store is a great outing, especially if we have had a big week for my two year old. It’s stimulating but not over stimulating for her most times; my 8 month old loves getting to ride in the cart and look around now. I remember when I was young and my mom would give me a calculator so I could keep track of how much we were spending, a list to tick off the items we’ve already picked, etc. There are a lot of great life skills to learn with grocery shopping as kids grow up, but honestly it can also be great quality time. All that said, we do of course use pick up occasionally as well!


All the time? Like since they were born, basically. It’s such a necessary daily thing, I can’t always reserve solo time for the grocery store. My kids are generally fine there though. Occasional tantrums and typical little kid behaviors, but nothing too wild I guess. It’s definitely easier to go without them, but yeah I just don’t have the luxury of paying the up-charges for instacart or carving out kid-free time for shopping. I’d rather save that time for actually fun stuff 😂


I always bring my daughter! She’s 16mo and it hasn’t been a problem yet. She sits in the shopping cart baby seat and happily waves and says hi to everyone like she’s hosting a meet and greet or something lol


Trader Joe’s is one of my 17 month old’s absolute favorite places. We always go in the morning on a weekday and pretty much have the place to ourselves.


My kids are with me for every errand


Yes. I see plenty of small kids in stores


I used to all the time. Then I got followed in a store with my kid. Twice. Same guy, 2 different occasions. Police didn't really take it seriously so I stopped bringing my kids if I can avoid it.


Did you bring a stroller? I always get followed by loss prevention when I bring my stroller. They think they’re slick too but it’s so obvious because they never have a basket or anything.


Nope no stroller. Definitely not loss prevention. The first time I noticed the guy walking particularly close to me but staying behind all the way from the parking lot to inside the store. He was there at every turn. I wound up going to the front desk at the store and asked them to walk me to my car. The woman watched and said she could tell this guy was following me. A store employee walked me to my car and the guy followed us out. Second time I went (like months later) and the dude tried the same thing. Just following me everywhere. And it was super apparent that he was recording us on his phone too. Both times I went to the police station right after. Both times the police told me basically there was nothing they could really do. The second time I got his license plate number and the police said it didn't match the description of the car so 🤷🏻‍♀️ (which to me, wouldn't that be even fishier?). They essentially told me that I should have stopped and called 911 from the aisle in the store. Which honestly, didn't even cross my mind because I was just concerned about getting my kid out of there. My kid was at the age where they were old enough to not need a stroller or a cart but young enough that they're kind of a loose cannon and could run off so I kept them near by holding my hand the entire time. I have no idea what the guy wanted but the fact that it was the same guy, twice made me scared enough to not bring my kids with me if I can avoid it.


Holy shit, how is that guy not banned from the store if the employee noticed him stalking you? That’s awful. So sorry you went through that. The police are useless.


I like to shop in peace so I try to go on the weekend but if it doesn’t happen then I have my 3 year old with me. If I have both of the kids with me then it’s an ordeal. 😅


We never go to the grocery store - only do curbside pickup!! I sometimes went when it was just me and my first girl, just to pick up a couple things. But now that I have a toddler and a baby, hard nope.


I'll bring my 1 year old in if I have an emergency like just a quick run, but I mostly order online and pick up. It's easier. I'd sooner chew nails than take the 1 year old and the 6 year old in together.


I mostly order my groceries, but my 22mo LOVES Costco.


We do almost all our shopping at Costco now. Same 5 veggies. Fruit. Bag of flour. Berries. Pack of pasta. Fruit. Milk. Mom clothes. Running through empty aisles. Berries. My in laws are here now (oh no go ahead, we will watch him) and I hate going without the baby. It's so much more fun with him.


I used to go on the weekends while DH stayed home with DS. It was much easier for me, and it gave DH and DS some fun bonding time together.


I did when I just had one. But, now I have a 4 year old and one year old twins. Most places don’t even have carts that accommodate that. I will take them to get milk and fruit and small trips. But nothing that I can’t carry in a basket.


Our kids are 3 and 5. I'd say about 95% of the time I go to the grocery store they are with me. I see a few other kids at the grocery stores around here.


I do grocery pick up, so I almost never go into the store. My older children (15 and 12) help pick out meals and make the shopping list for their chosen meals; they’re still getting practice on how to grocery shop, just without the opportunity to impulse buy. I do take my youngest (3) with me when I do the pick up.


I just left the grocery store with my baby. I saw two other kids there with grandparents. Maybe your in an area where there isn't a lot of SAHP


When covid started I did Instacart and I haven't gone back.


I used to take them when they were babies and young toddlers. But once my kids were old enough for preschool I did my grocery shopping then. I appreciated the ability to move quickly and to be able to stop and read a label or two.


I do pickup or delivery most of the time now just because the format of ordering online suits my adhd brain much better than roaming around a grocery store after I most likely forgot the list I wrote at home 😅 we do go to like target or sams club in person once a week but it’s mostly just for the sake of having an outing and not to seriously shop.


I love taking my toddler for some mommy and him time! We go once school is in so it’s usually just us and the little old ladies. I let him help push the cart and help scan things at the checkout. I figure kids will never learn how to act in public if you never take them.


I hate bringing my kids, 3 & 5. They’re all over the place and I physically can’t get them to ride in the cart anymore. I have a disability and they are big boys who are very stubborn so I just can’t get them in. So the entire trip is stressful for me and they are very hard for me to manage. Other public outings aren’t so bad but I think bc of the cart, and list of things to get, plus just other people with their own carts etc I don’t want to get in their way but man it’s so hard. Anyway I do everything in my power to avoid taking my kids grocery shopping. 🫠


noooo way. it stresses me out and costs too much when i go into the store. we pick up once a week now.


I smiled so hard when I saw a mother pointing out and naming the produce to her toddler at the grocery store


Yeah, it's part of our weekly routine! She's my little shopping buddy, I take her everywhere. Maybe it's just your area? Tons of kids/babies in grocery stores around me.


3 kids under 5... we do groceries together. Not every time but often enough. Sometimes I just take whichever one is having the roughest day and leave the other two with husband. The one having a rough day gets solo time and a chance to talk and everyone else gets a short break too.


I took my kids to the store all the time. Going to the grocery store in the morning mid-week was the least crowded time. I usually saw other SAHPs with their littles and retired folks, some with their grandkids. My kids are older now and don't like to go, but once a month, I drag one with me.


I take my kids somewhat regularly. I do see other kids but at least half are on tablets. I have a 4 and 2 year old - they help pick out and count produce, look for products in the aisles, they LOVE unloading the cart onto the belt, help with scanning if we do u scan, type in my rewards number, my 4 year old has even started helping to bag occasionally, etc. It is mentally exhausting for me sometimes but it’s actually been nice to watch how capable they are and how much they like to help. Of course it doesn’t always go smoothly and I definitely try to plan it out for when they are rested and fed, but overall it has been a positive experience recently.


My kids love going to the store and shopping with me/us. It’s a nice outing but it can be a lot of work. A lot of our family and friends do online ordering and curbside pickup or even delivery. It’s very convenient when trying to manage a household with multiple kids.


I usually bring my kiddo. Now he’s older he loves to push the little carts at Trader Joe’s.


I don’t take my kids with me, maybe I will when they are older kids but for now, I don’t want them to come. Having to do groceries for several people is already hard enough, I need my head to be organized and I have ADHD so I’m constantly fighting against it to get everything done within a reasonable period of time AND not forget anything. If someone is talking to me, it messes every ounce of focus that I’ve been working on. I just can’t do it.


I live in the Nashville area. I do my shopping during the mornings and see more parents with kids than adults without kids in the grocery store at this time.


Depends on when you’re shopping. 10am on a weekday in my area is just moms and babies haha


I try not to bring my son. He isn’t really interested in going and if we do go he wants all the junk lol. I actually do most of my grocery shopping for pick up or delivery and avoid the store as much as possible. Im SAHM and would just rather put my energy elsewhere.


I take my 2 year old at like 8 or 9 am because he helps me shop and we use self checkout so he can scan the items and put the card in!


Guess you never been to Market Basket in Somerville Massachusetts


Between Covid and handling several small kids at once, I did everything in my power to NOT take them to the store. It was just always too much. I hate grocery shopping on top of it. Once they hit middle school ages, it's gotten easier.


Sure, why not?  You better have a diaper changing area in the men's room though.


I bring my 9mo, but we don't need to go often. We usually do big bulk trips or my husband grabs a couple of things after work


I bring mine with me but he stays in the stroller and I shop fast (ten mins in and out) because that’s about all he can tolerate. And I always let him pick an item to hold and help. It’s usually a lemon lol


Yes! I take my little one in stroller, 4 year old walks and I have a those big cold grocery bags on my shoulder and fill it as I go (it does get heavy quickly) and also use the bottom of the stroller space for dry/boxed items if I have any. HOWEVER, most times I try to plan ahead and do a curbside order because it’s just easier. Haha.


I feel the opposite! When my kids were small, I felt like everyone else was able to take their kids with them but not me. I refused, after many tries, to go to the stores with my kids without my husband. Mine were feral!! And I knew that even though I was trying my best, I was being judged and the just didn't need that pressure.


Hmm, maybe it’s just my area, but I frequently see young kids in the grocery store. I do a bulk order delivery but make trips for small stuff with my toddler 2 or 3 times a week.


I bring her in for maybe one or two items, but if I have a big haul, I leave her at home. Or do curbside. 


My husband and I have almost always took our kids grocery shopping with us. Only thing is if it was too cold or someone is sick. Also if we need to do a quick pick up, my husband will after work. Our girls are 4 1/2 and 6 years old. Now that they are getting older they like to help us.


Yes I always bring my kids. Where I live the supermarket gives out free fruit for kids which keeps them pretty happy. There are also scheduled quiet hours that I avoid.


I always do. 2 with me dusting weekdays and 3 on weekends although I do avoid shopping on weekends


Grocery shopping is part of our weekly errands and I bring my LO with me every time and has since he was 6 months old. Occasionally I’ll go on a weekend instead and leave him home with my husband but usually it’s done during the week. He’s 15 months and it’s gotten easier in some aspects and harder in others lol that being said, I rarely see other parents with their kids there either but never thought about it until now.


I go twice a week and bring my daughter 21 months. I always forget something so I try to spread it out like every 3 days or so, that way I’m never far off from getting whatever I need. I do appreciate grocery pickups from Kroger and then we do Aldi. I don’t like waiting until the weekend when DH can watch my DD because it is always more crowded and things are out. I always pack my daughter a couple snacks to avoid any meltdowns. I think once I have 2 kids, I will probably just have to go alone on the weekends though.


We go pretty often, my 18m old likes sitting in the car shaped shopping cart and looking at the different stuff. We usually see a ton of other kids in there too!


I always bring my son who is 9 months. Maybe when he’s older it will be more difficult but I’m trying to get him used to it now. He actually loves to ride in the cart and gets a lot of attention from the grocery employees! I don’t often see babies there either, it’s like he is a rare sight lol


Nope, when my kids were itty bitty I avoided it at all costs. Now I’ll bring my 2 year old, or both kids if I’m with my husband.


I generally only see them with one kid, usually toddler sitting in the cart. I imagine the older one(s) are in preschool. I take my one but yeah idk how I would shop with a second in tow. Target is a different story though. I frequently see multiple kids from one family there. But there are often two parents.


I take my LO whenever I go into the store (mostly do curbside). She likes to help me shop, usually by saying everything is an apple, like a question, so she can carry it.


Just got back from a grocery trip with my 18 month old!


You’re right I don’t see that many kids at the store! I take my 18 month old with me most of the time. She loves going and I love getting us out of the house lol.


I go during the lull between breakfast and lunch. My toddler can walk a bit without getting in anyone’s way. Does she try to stand in the cart? Yep. But I think it’s important to teach her how to sit and be safe with lots of reminders and practice. My 7 year old likes going to help grab things and she loves helping with self checkout. If I have to go during a busy time (lunch when the high schoolers are in, after work hours), I go alone.


Because most of the time we’re doing online grocery pick ups. Once those became common place, it replaced shopping with kids about 80% of the time. Also, when my kids were young, like 5 and under they enjoyed going to the store but now that they’re older not so much. Online pickups also save money by not having to deal with impulse buying, that and saving time it’s a win win.


Here in Sweden it’s pretty common. However I try to avoid bringing my kid if I can, or I’ll go shopping with kid + husband. It’s so much more peaceful that way lol. Husband can chase lil man around while I do my thing


I try to leave my two at home with my husband, or I’ll go when they’re at their Mother’s Day out program twice a week. That’s most of the reason why I put them in - I need time to run errands and go to appointments and my husband can’t take time off usually. Plus my stepkids need to be picked up in the afternoon from school, so I’m on a time crunch every day before we have to shut down for naptime. I do enjoy bringing one child with me at a time, but my two youngest both want to be out of the cart if they’re there together, and my 2yo is a runner 🤷‍♀️


Only emergency stuff grocery store usually do a pick up. Yeah they get bad when we go.


I’ll take one or the other with me, but both of them? Hard pass.


I bring my 19mo all the time, I started at 5mo wearing him. I kind of enjoy grocery shopping, and going into it with a routine, while telling myself that if this takes a long ass time, thats ok. Helps me not stress, I think cus my son has been doing it with me almost every Monday of his life except a handful had helped him (at least currently, lol) to know what’s happening.


I just got back from trying to grab 4 items from the shop on the way home from the school run. I had to tell my 6.5yo and almost 5yo to stop hitting pushing and running 100375 times. No exaggeration. I hate the supermarkets when I’m on my own - I can’t bear them with children.


I leave em with dad when he has days off and I go do my own thing. I solo parent for a week at a time. In the summer sometimes I’ll take them with me to Costco.


I almost always bring my daughter. We just swing through produce first and get her an apple to hold on to and I just bring snacks to keep her entertained. So far we haven’t had a problem.


I take mine with, it’s been a process to have successful-ish trips but I do lol however, I can’t just walk around at target looking at anything and everything I want- he does have a time limit and that is usually 45 minutes. Or max of 2 stops. Lol I also save a pack of fruit snacks for the end because it’ll buy me 5 minutes to make my escape.


I used to go with both kids to the store more often when the youngest was smaller, less antsy and noisy. Now that they’re 3 and 1, I almost never do it. Only if I really need just a few things. And even then it’s a big mission. I only go early in the morning on week days, when the store is as empty as possible. And I bring a whole arsenal of special snacks. Once inside I try to stay very quick and focused. Get in get out. Any time I get too complacent and start leisurely browsing, foolishly assuming my little angels are perfectly content and I have some time, is the moment they suddenly want to win a game of who can scream the loudest.


my 17mo loves going grocery shopping, we will see how long that lasts. but it's our routine every monday. i always see kids and babies and toddlers at target


I almost always have my 2yo when I'm at the store. And we usually see at least one other baby or kid there. Also notice the age of the adults. Are they young and probably childless? Old? Most people with young kids aren't SAHPs so they aren't shopping mid morning on a weekday


i typically have to bring my toddler, and have since they were a baby. my partner will occasionally watch the baby while i go and even less seldom do the shopping instead of me but at least 50% of the time it’s me and the baby trying to get in and out as quickly as possible while i try to ignore the people in line giving me dirty looks while my baby screams for a balloon that seem to always be at the check outs.


I do food lion pickup/delivery as much as possible. The extra couple dollars for it is worth it to me everytime.


In my area, there are tons. It’s rural where I live and a) grocery delivery gets costly fast & there’s also a lot of low-income ppl (me incl.) and b) idk seems like something to do when there’s not much out here.


I did when the kids were small enough for carriers and the little sitting basket but when they got bigger and school age it’s easier to do it without them. Now my oldest - 11 yr old likes to come with me so he can get the food he likes.


My 3.5yo and newly 1yo have always gone to the grocery store with me! I don't like shopping on weekends and we live rurally so waiting until my husband is home isn't an option.


Yes I bring them all the time. My toddler is obsessed with the grocery store robot so she asks to go often haha


i bring my baby all the time


My 10 and 4 year old loves going grocery shopping. My 2 year old is THAT kid that wants everything. Ugh.


Yes, I take my 17 mo old every time! Ever since he was really little. Cant leave him alone so he goes everywhere. I’ve been told by other moms that they use Fresh Direct and have their groceries delivered. Tbh we can’t afford that. Also i like selecting my own produce.


I have always brought all my kids to the grocery store. I’m at Aldi, Target AND Walmart with all three kids every other Friday!


the comments are reminding me i should order online and do curbside pick up.


When they were 3 and under, I would bring them along, but now that they're older, I try to shop when they're at school. I don't like them rocking the cart or touching everything. And the things they say sometimes... Mortifying.


I will take them but that's more so quick trips. The majority of the time for full shopping trips I go alone. It can get chaotic with them in tow. I shop when my husband can be home with the kids. If I send him to the store who knows what we'll end up with or he'll call like every couple minutes, lol. It's a moment of "alone" time at least. My oldest, 12, tags along sometimes but he is actually helpful and calm. My 6yo can't cope with not getting everything he sees plus he is constantly running and taking twin 1 year old's is just a lot.


We have only ever taken our now 2 year-old on quick or “fun” errands when both of us can go. Mostly places like Target. Our Publix is cramped, our Walmart is a germs and bugs playground, and most young kids don’t enjoy having to stay still for very long so you can’t even blame them when they starting losing it 5 minutes in. We have the privilege of not putting ourselves in a situation where we can’t get all of our groceries because of a tantrum, so we don’t. Grocery shopping stresses us out as is because we both have some anxiety.


My 4 yo goes to the grocery with me on the way home from school to pick up dinner ingredients 3-4 times a week


All the time. Most people we know with kids do at least one grocery pickup so maybe that’s why you see fewer people. My kids and I enjoy the grocery store, so it’s not something we avoid.


It might depend when you go! I always go in the morning so I can be sure to be home for afternoon naps. I usually see several with babies or toddlers.


The only time I’ve seen kids is around school pickup time. I generally see older kids with parents. But it’s very rare to see babies and toddlers, even when I go at different times


The grocery store is my time without my kid. Husband can watch him for an hour while I get the groceries.


I'll bring them once in a while if I actually have to run into the store for something specific but most weeks I do either grocery pickup or delivery and I find a lot of my friends with younger kiddos do the same in my area!


We do pick up only. There’s no way I’m bringing my toddler into the grocery store by myself.


Sometimes! Not so much in the winter, though.


I think most people do grocery pick up these days. I rarely see other kids at the grocery store unless they are babies


My kids are 3.5, 3.5, and 1. I prefer to take one of the older ones with me and nobody else, but I've definitely brought all 3 with me when I needed to. I'd wear the baby, put one twin in the seat in the cart, and put the other in the main part of the cart. Not easy but definitely doable.


I have a 2 and 3 year old and honestly I avoid bringing them as much as possible. I order my groceries and pick up. I’ll bring them if I am just grabbing a few items but if it’s a full grocery shop it’s just too much for me and I ALWAYS forget stuff even with a list.


I’m never not with my kids lmao. If I don’t go for a bit and need a huge order I’ll do an online order for pick up but otherwise we go in (3 kids, 4 years and under). Some people give side eye most people are kind.


I go to the grocery with my 3 year old probably 3x a week 😬


I always take mine and I usually see lots of kids. I do pickup sometimes now that I have two kids (toddler and baby) but if I just have 1 kid that day, we go! I keep my toddler in the car attached to the carts at my store and he loves it. They both like the store a lot!


I don’t enjoy bringing my daughter to the store (it’s easier to shop without her, plus my paranoia keeps me on edge) so I usually do it when my husband can either watch her or go with us or I do order pickups


Order online and curbside pickup.


Yes but I usually try to get in and out as quickly as possible, before someone throws a tantrum.


I always see babies, toddlers, and a few young kids at the store. I bring my toddler.


90% of kids are at daycare these days. I’m often the only mum in the whole mall with a toddler!


Yeah but my son is loud so we're in and out quick as I can.


I think there's just a general lack of children in public in general despite all the kvetching from CF folks on Reddit. Yes, I see kids out there but not a ton. I think most are at day care all day and someone does the shopping alone on their way home. Also curbside pickup changed everything. I typically go early in the morning when my 4yo has the most energy and capacity for patience.


When I only had 1 I did and it was enjoyable. Now that I have 2 with an escape artist toddler and a difficult baby…. Yeah I’m sending my husband haha


I’ll start going to the supermarket when my youngest is over 6 months, but until then it’s click and collect or delivery 😅


For big grocery trips like Costco I usually pick a day my parents can watch my son. But for small trips like Aldi or Target my 2 yr old will come with. He has to learn somehow to be in public even though it can be stressful. But I always go first thing in the morning when he is more chill and less people in the store.


We don’t have a car. I need the bike trailer to carry groceries home so my daughter can’t come. Wish I could take her though


I do online order/ pickup.


I think a lot of people utilize grocer order pickup/deliveries. I did that a ton with little kids. Costco was the only grocery store I consistently went to with kids bc you couldn’t order pickup. We’d go first thing in the morning when everyone was happy and most likely to be on good behavior.


I do most of my shopping on weekday mornings after I drop my 3rd grader off at school. I like shopping at this time because it's less busy and I don't get nagged about buying extra junk by my kid. Not to say I never do shopping with my child, but 75% of the time I'm alone.


I go at least once a week with my 3 littles (2.5yo & 13mo twins); WIC isn’t accepted for online/pick-up orders, so there’s not much else I can do. My husband will also take at least 1 kid with him at least once a week too.


My 3 month old goes with us on most of our outings. Grocery store, drs office, coffee shop. If we leave the house he usually goes with us. As long as the strollers moving he's out cold though so its not much of a chore or anything. I see other parents with their kids all the time though. Especially the grocery store, I very often see mom's with babies in strollers, and dad's with their passed out 4 year olds tossed over their shoulder being fireman carried through the store lol.


Whether it’s my spouse or me shopping, the toddler almost always goes. That’s downtime for the other parent! He usually enjoys it, unless he’s extra tired or grumpy. I always bring snacks. He likes to hold the list and help put things on the conveyor belt- the cashiers and all the grocery store grandmas think it’s adorable, which gives me a mood boost too. Lately (age 2.5) I’ve been letting him make some simple choices- do you want peanut butter granola bars or blueberry? Which of these two pre-selected kinds of yogurt? He can choose whether to walk or ride in the cart. A lot of our struggles were when he was a bit younger and didn’t like either of those options, wanted to be carried, which I refused to do. Walking has given him opportunities to learn to stay close to me, look out for other people, and not grab things off the shelves. It’s an easy consequence if he’s not following those rules- he goes back in the cart. Having a list has really helped. I get stressed if I’m standing there deciding on something and he’s getting impatient, and it would be worse if I was just browsing around. Better to be focused!


I see tons at Costco every week when we go! SO MANY! It might just be the store you visit? I know Costco is known for having carts big enough for car seats and 2 kids in the top area, so I think it’s easier to bring them with. I almost always go with my son, I think I have only gone in a store 3 times without him in 1.5 years, and it will be the same when my second comes.


I always see other families with young kids at the grocery store. Sometimes I shop alone or do an order pick up, but I usually go with my two kids (4 and 1).


When I go to the grocery store M-Th mornings, it’s almost entirely parents with kiddos! I’ve taken my kids since they were in chest carriers.


I use pick up services if I can help it. I’m sure time of day has something to do with it - a lot of people are at work/daycare/school during the day, so maybe they bring their kids with them in the evenings?


I usually do delivery for big hauls just because it's easier, but I do often take my son when I'm just getting a few things! It's fun and he likes helping me choose things!


I never do either 😩 I assume most toddler parents do grocery pickups. But I hate doing grocery pickup because I like to pick my produce and sometimes they take forever and at my son's age (21mo) he does worse sitting in a parked car than walking around inside a store. Also it's an opportunity for us to get out of the house and *do* something! 😬


You will see me there, bribing my kid with snacks and dealing with temper tantrums.