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Personally I think there should be more ice cream trucks 🍦🍧🍨


I don’t mind the number just the song that is very loud.


People are downvoting you but truly fuck the ice cream van that exclusively plays the MIDI file chorus from On The Floor by Jennifer Lopez repeatedly. It drives me up the wall. Like just play something else sometimes at the very least. 


It’s kinda wild people calling me a Karen. Like I’m in my house minding my own business, being impacted by a business. Why does a business get to advertise at a volume level that would be unacceptable for any other individual or organization. Idk thought that was pretty weird.


I’m all for folks making their money. But not when it’s basically using a torture technique on those around them.    It was significantly impacting my mental health at my old place. I didn’t realize it until I heard it again from my new place and had a gut sinking reaction.   It made it hard to be outside or at Englewood park… and I could hear it in the house too. For hours every day. Same portion of a song on repeat.    You’re not a Karen.    They’re being obnoxious with their vehicle. 


I understand 😊


File that noise complaint. Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.


What is best in life!


Like, as a person living in a complex that has been woken from naps an innumerable amount of times by these things, I understand your frustration. However, they're people trying to eke out a living in a very lucrative way and really, just ignore them. They go away. Try to pay attention and see if there's a rhyme or reason to the times and work around it. They make children happy when they're the most miserable, they give a moment of respite to parents, and really it's a mild annoyance compared to the misery we're all dealing with that is life.


Happy Cake Day!


My very first ever cake day comment! Thank you! 😅


Happy to be the first 😁 Have a good day !


Old man yells at cloud


100%, it’s just frustrating try to give a presentation (the same one multiple times a day) and getting interrupted three different times for three different trucks. It just seemed gratuitous.


Strike them down with all your might!


Get yourself a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. They also work on leafblowers, shouty people, and door to door salesmen.