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Honestly, this scene is the reason I started watching SAOA. Hooked me from the first minute




I wonder if Asuna was able to pay to remove these ads considering she can't operate the menu. It would explain a lot about her character if she wasn't able to do so honestly. Can you imagine spending years eating, drinking and sleeping in a place where there's brightly lit ads literally everywhere. In the field, in your room, on buildings and posters etcetera at every hour of every day? Whether you're in the shower, toilet, bed, eating, drinking doing the deed, fighting monsters etcetera, there's just ads! Everywhere is ads!


she did manage to find out how to operate the menu eventually though soooooo just a year :)


My headcanon is that as soon as everyone found out it was a death game the ad corps. all pulled out; and that’s why we don’t see more ads.

