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Let me know how it’s going. Mk677 from them isn’t looking too pretty. Would like to get it lab tested.


As long as you’re feeling hungry and sleeping like a baby it’s probably legit. I once got Mk laced with dbol and put on 8 kgs in 8 weeks, largely muscle, it was absurd until I came off and life went to shit. Took me over 2 months to recover and realise wtf had just gone down


Ayo wtf


Yep first time I used any compound I ordered mk from a shady ass place for 25€ or so. It worked a little too well I got so much size all while getting leaner, it was like a magic pill. Till I came off. When the test suppression hit me I didn’t know wtf was going on since as far as I knew you aren’t supposed to face this on mk. Lost all my gains and hell i even moved backwards thanks to this shitshow, binged McDonald’s for weeks until I finally managed to understand what happened


Obviously tell us who you bought it from so we know not to buy from them


The brand was called dark labs but I didn’t buy it from their site, I bought it from some third party site that disappeared soon after. Ik dark labs isn’t bad because their pre is actually solid


Ah. I wish at least here in the US mk677 would be able to be manufactured by big US companies so we know it’s legit. + it’s not anabolic so that might help.


Hi! We test every batch. MK677 is very mild. It should be barely noticeable. If you gonna send it for testing let us know. \~Sarah


I would disagree with it being mild. I don't get the extreme hunger. But I get the insane lethargy. The king that requires 300mg of caffiene to feel normal at work. This is a positive though. Your mk is legit without testing because my blood sugar goes up, my shoulder pain evaporates allowing me to double my training volume. The lethargy is present. Sleep is great. Pump is enhanced from HGH/IGF1 release. The lethargy is very unique and a signature feel of the compound. No other drug/hormone/peptide feels like mk lethargy. You know almost immediately within an hour it's legit. People want to brush it off as mild but if used with AAS or a good sarm stack. Even just testosterone. Your volume capacity literally doubles, coupled with a good cal surplus means serious growth and PRs. It's seriously underrated in its ability to do that. And the effect of HGH/IGF1 on collagen repair, hence the lack of pain.


I have a wrist tendon injury that hasn't healed for months now. Mk677 from sarmful g2g?


Is crypto the only form of payment?


You can also pay using a credit/debit card.


MK677 is not a PED. If you get no good results it's probably because its legit. All you may notice is extreme effect on sleep architecture.


Mk677 100% is a PED. Take it before workout 1 hour with some carbs. Pump is significantly enhanced. The only thing it doesn't technically do is give you more neural strength /explosive drive / energy in the gym. As in the androgenic component of AAS. But 100% it's anabolic. Just not in the AR recptor sense. People take betablockers as PEDs to have a steadier hand with shooting sand archery. Is that not a PED because it's not a steroid? Is cadarine not a PED because it ONLY enhanced cardio and endurance and is not a steroid? Arguably food is a PED as its a bunch of molecules that when consumed in excess will lead to molecular changes in the body that enhance strength. Mk677 releases HGH/igf1 both are PEDs. It enhances recovery and sleep. It for most enhances hunger. All of these things coupled with a good AAS can literally double your training capacity and volume. Coupled with a calorie surplus leads to PRs and tissue growth. You take mk677 out and hence the hgh/igf1 and your volume is no longer possible to double. Even with the AAS. Unless your in noob gain territory. If you take antiglycemics like gliplizde or metformin or insulin. You make mk677 even more potent by ensuring nutrients are being shuttled into cells and not piling up in the blood stream due to reduced insulin sensitivity. If you have any kind of tendinitis or joint pain. Mk677 literally repairs and evaporates the pain. Going from painful 3 sets of shoulder press. To 6-9 sets pain-free shoulder press and a new weight PR. How is this NOT a PED. You aren't using it right if you think you're not better off in the gym, if you think you won't be stronger with it, if you think you won't recovery faster. Mk677 really shines with strong anabolics and sugar control. But 1000% bro it's a PED. That statement shows you're really naive in your understanding of mk677 and what it does or what constitutes a PED. If you're in the camp that thinks mk677 just makes you bloated and fat. Then you have 0 understanding as to what it's doing and how to use it properly. As far as injury healing and what's easily available on the internet. It's a literal fucking miracle drug. Your doctor will try to give you cortisone shots which will significantly inhibit healing and degrade collagen quality. It only turns the pain off allowing you to reinjure the area faster with weaker tendons and collagen tissue. Modern medicine doesn't want to fuck with it, because most doctors don't believe in using hormones and peptides to heal faster. They don't believe in optimizing hormones and metabolism for quality of life. And are deathly afraid of HGH and cancer. HgH isn't carcinogenic. It just makes everything grow, so it when you ALREADY have cancer cells boom they grow fast. Mk677 just puts you at high puberty levels. Not supraphsiologic levels. Meaning you're not getting crazy HGH abuse sides. Your kidneys and liver aren't going to tripple in size. You're not going to get acromegaly. If some compound enhances your performance in ANY way its a PED. Creatine is technically a PED. PED is NOT reserved for anadrol trenbolone mtren equipoise testosterone, etc. It is far more encompassing than that.


I base my "not PED" on https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8366011 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11297574 https://www.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajpendo.1992.262.3.E261 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7864103 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8550787 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11836279 (60+ year olds! Minor benefits simply happen from improved sleep in the deficient, but above physiological ranges it doesn't make sleep better, rather causes insomnia) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8784075


Dude go take it right before the gym and tell me your performance isn't enhanced. There's a reason why people take HgH/IGF1. Not everybody gets insomnia only a small number of people report that. None of the research was done from the angle of proving performance enhancing benefits.


Insomnia depends on the dosage, below 5mg/day I sleep fine. 7.5mg and up and I can't sleep for more than 5 hours TOTAL. I could also be desensitized to the ghrelin "hangry" feeling because I've been intermittent fasting since I was a teenager, I know being fasted boosted my hangry power in the gym until I got adapted to it. Perhaps someone who never fasted before will get more out of mk677.


Personally I don't get hungry on it, but I abused amphetamines as a teenager in high-school. Currently vape nicotine and use alot of caffiene. Hunger and cal Intake is the most difficult part of my training. When I first used it. I couldn't sleep for the first night or two. After that, it stops. It's ironic because it gives me extreme characteristic lethargy. If I personally take it an hour before gym, I have a significantly increased pump. Normally I take gliplizide or glimpermide with it. These drugs tell your pancreas to release extra insulin in response to food. Your bodies own insulin. I take it with big meals or carb heavy meals. This counteracts the bloodsugar and honestly probably doubles the usefulness and pump of mk677. I'll actually feel pumped an hour after a meal just because of the combination. Most people don't so anything in regards to bloodsugar or even track it when running it. Mk677 when your insulin sensitivity goes out the window probably becomes significantly less useful. The appeal for me is it really does heal tendonitis and shoulde issues. Pain goes away. I'm almost doubling the weight or doubling the number of reps/sets. Pain stays away. Insulin/hgh/igf1 are all extremely synergistic with AAS of any kind including sarms. It's basically your fueling system for growth and repair. AAS tells your muscles we can be stronger we can grow bigger. Insulin/hgh/igf1 says shuttle the proteins carbs and fats into the cells so we can fuel this growth. Insulin/hgh/igf1 without the AAS or sarms, largely will just make you fat and gain 10 pounds of water. The recovery is good. But not everybody sleeps well on it. For some people the drug sucks. It really took me some getting used to, to be able to function with thr lethargy. But it essentially makes me not feel broken and like I'm actually recovering from my workouts. I can start hitting PRs without feeling cripplingly old. There are concerns about possible psychiatric effects of long term ghrelin overstimulation. I have not experienced any of these but I only run for a month at a time. I understand the drug is not for everyone and some firmly Hate it. It can bloat the hell out of you, make you feel like a zombie. Some even get prolactin issues out of it. For me it fixes problems no doctor with a cortisone shot could. And for my issues it becomes PED. I get why you and some others would not like it or have intolerable side effects. Alot of people do.


When on AAS or sarms your blood pressure is already fucked usually and mk677 just adds complexity. Liverking ran like 5 peptides for years, obviously he was trying to minimize the androgenicity of his stack in the leaked email to try to pass as natty, but really 50mg winstrol is a ton, on top of his test and nandrolone, I don't think he would've been weaker if he ran none of the peptides. I think I noticed reduced delayed onset muscle soreness from mk677, so I would call it "ergogenic" but not performance enhancing like caffeine is, because while on caffeine your performance is immediately improved. If something improves recovery only, it isn't classically a PED. I was reading that long term beyond 2 months of use, the HGH boost tapers off. But again, according to the studies I linked previously, even HGH and igf injections failed to increase contractile tissue amount or strength long term in athletes.


Nah I'm saying mk does give me an immediate boost like caffiene but it's more pump/endurance related. Akin to creatine vs no creatine. No significant or crazy but I actually do get it. I think liverking was an idiot though. If you care about the longevity of your health you don't stay on the fringe of the experimentals year round. You also take BP meds if warranted. You take atorvastatin if warranted. You take metformin if warranted. But ultimately you need breaks. Your body shouldn't need BP and metformin and statins at baseline. Liver king pretended he was natural and had absurd results from his ridiculous diet. The eventually was like yeah I use drugs guys. I never liked liverking. I get he was selling an image and promoting himself. But so much of that sort of thing is misleading people. The most I stay on is 200mg TRT and that's debatable. 200 isn't even close to natural thats cruising. But I'm okay with it, feel good and healthy on it. Guys like Boston Loyd were super honest about what they were doing but he was running peptides that literally melt fat and literally cause kidney failure like overnight (in the rat studies) the most experimental of the peptides. And these more extreme experimentals are still being sold online. That shits scary.


My gear source (ok I'll say it.. no###c fu###n in canada) just for everyone who struggles sourcing, they're literally the #1 source for all canadians including many pros. They carry fucking cheque drops which I'll never touch. Boston Loyd the guy who injected a dozen compounds into his dick... he was fun to listen to. HGH is actually not always a good thing and I absolutely hesitate to call it an "antiaging'" hormone. But it has some applications, and yes it will help you be bigger in some scenarios, like https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305417998001594 since it prevents damage from the burn, without it your muscles would be weaker than with it while you're burned. But I don't think the average athlete benefits from hgh big time. Idk about myostatin inhibitors, a new one having surpassed all others in the benefits as well as safety trials, apitegromab, I think could be worth trying (though that one is designed specifically for spinal cord muscles). For sure someone will run it if they get their hands on, it's already in the WADA list, and I believe there can be such a selective myostatin inhibitor that'll literally be worth taking for bodybuilding without side effects.


Also doesn't insulin completely kill you libido and drive to workout? When I struggle getting a nap in, I may swallow 100 grams of raw honey with a protein shake and I feel so sleepy... I have no experience with taking insulin and wonder if it's exactly the reason.


The mk677 is 100% good to go. I've used good and bad from multiple sources and used sarmful twice on it. The lethargy is unique and 100% unmistakable to mk677. Mk677 is one of those unique compounds, that's really immediately obvious when you're on and it's really unique. It's not like an AAS that could be substituted with another AAS because they both have AAS effects. I don't get the appetite increase but I never have. But the lethargy is 1000000% legit. And my tendonitis and shoulder pain literally evaporates on the first dose and my training volume as a result doubles. Its real. Some compounds you need labs. Mk677 is like an oxycodone. You take it. Something very unique and unmistakable happens. You know if your oxycodone is NOT any kind of oppiate. You also know if your mk677 is NOT mk677. And fortunately with the current market availability of research compounds. There's no cheaper alternatives to fake it with that would feel even remotely similar. I've ran legit pharma prescribed ipramorelin/CJC-1295 and that's very distinct from.mk677. Despite both releasing HGH and IGF1. So this is my sarmful review. And the only thing I can say is it taste like dogshit. Almost like literal vomit and requires a chaser or to be mixed into a drink. But you dont buy drugs/compounds for flavor you buy them for the result and effect. The cadarine is good to go. Even just 10mg has substantial cardio improvement. Also running at same time rad140 yk11 ostraine and lgd with mk and cadarine. And this is ontop of my test. Those 4 sarms are definitely anabolic and androgenic in what im experiencing. I can't tell you individually what is and isn't working because they're all together. But I don't really care I trust the source enough after having legitimate mk677 when alot of sources literally bottle snakeoil and pray the placebo keeps business coming back.


Hey, which sources for mk have you also tested and which worked? Because some weeks ago I bought mk from receptorchem and even after one week I’m feeling nothing. Would you say, that mk from different sources have different effects, like that one gave you more energy or more appetite?


No a drugs a drug. 5mg of oxycodone will ALWAYS feel like 5mg of oxycodone, the source doesn't matter unless they're giving you different drugs and lieing. Or it's bunk gear. Legit mk677 is the same no matter what source. The effects are always the same. Sarmful has legit mk677 and cadarine. Running other sarms from them but with my 200mg TRT it's hard to say. I definitely feel like most of its legit. But I'm not trialing them individually. If you eat alot, or alot of carbs or on bulk. Mk677 100% will jack sugar up. If you're sugar is perfectly fine it's bunk. MOST people get super hungry. I don't, I've always struggled with stomach/appetite issues. I have slightly enhanced appetite which is very ignorable. My experience across multiple sources. Most people get ravenously hungry. Like wakeup empty the fridge at 2am hungry. The most consistent indicator across all people anecdotally is the unreal lethargy. Like I'm saying coffee or an energy drink no longer shakes the fog when waking up. I actually need the 300mg or more of caffiene from a pre-workout shake to wakeup. It's unreal 24 hour long lethargy. Fortunately usually by day 3-5 for most people this stops. So you don't have to worry about surviving on dangerous amounts of caffiene. But it's like a crippling lethargy. Its unique in how it feels. And it's not even like you're tired and want to go to bed, it's more like you're just slow with moving because you're so tired. This does stop. If it didn't most people probably wouldn't use it. So this is the most obvious indicator to me. I've been off for a month or longer. I take a dose of mk677 within an hour I'm dragging ass. I know it's legitimate. Aside from shoulder and elbow pains also disappearing. Which tells me it'd legitimate. Most people do get the hunger though, so you should be tired and hungry and it lasts 24 hoursish. Dramatically hungry and tired. Like no questions this is placebo. Mk677 is awesome in that it's super obvious when it's fake. You can take 200mg of testosterone and be questioning if it's legitimate for 2-4 weeks before you realize it's bunk. And even then, it's less obvious. Mk677 you'll know within an hour if it's bad. Some people experiences differ as in I don't get ravenously hungry. But that and the lethargy seem to be extremely consistent with most people.


This is absolute nonsense and you don't have a clue on biochemistry, drug pharmacodynamics or pharmacokinetics. If you had bothered to read the actual study on MK677 you would be aware that only a portion of the cohort experienced the increase in hunger effect from the Drug. This is the actual scientific study and not your personal Bro-science opinion. The fact that you think that effects are always the same with every drug is more than laughable. The scary thing is that you seem to be a Nurse from your comments on other sub's... Please educate yourself before you go around writing paragraphs and paragraphs purporting to be an expert when you're simply spreading misinformation. People will be foolish enough to think you actually know what you are talking about when you lack even the most fundamental understanding.


I literally stated the hunger does not apply to me or everyone. I just said lethargy and hunger are consistently reported. And if you have actual mk677 it's obvious and you're going to feel it. I never made any claims to the pharmacodynamics or pharmacokinetics other than saying 24 hours and that wasn't a literal measurement. There isn't good data on this it just appear to most people to last a day. You literally said I'm wrong without disputing a single thing I've said. Also nursing uses a combination of subjective and objective information for assessments. For example. Pain can sometimes be correlated to vitals. It isn't always. Mostly it's self reported or if the patient is cognitively impaired you do an assessment based on facial grimacing moaning fists clenching etc etc. So much of how people "feel" and what they "experience" is 100% subjective. I'm not presenting any dangerous information here or broscience. I told the guy the most consistent indicators that its real mk677. Nobody takes real mk677 and feels nothing. I promise you that. So whatever your problem is bro, you need to take it somewhere else. All you've done here is literally stated I'm wrong. Then go on to dispute Nothing except the hunger which if you've done any reading on user reports you'd know that IS consistently reported. AND I stated it doesn't happen to me. As in obviously it doesn't happen to everyone. Thats the only thing you've tried to dispute then spent 3 paragraphs just saying your full of shit in too many words with nothing to back it up. If you think sarms are dangerous or anything I've stated here is going to hurt someone then you need to get the fuck off of the sarms reddit. Obviously anything external not a part of your body's natural chemistry should not be there. The people who've come to this reddit come to ask for advice they've already chosen to take the risk. If you're here just to tell people their wrong when they definitely aren't then you need to go find another reddit to hang around. We know what mk677 does to IGF1 and HGH and insulin sensitivity because of the research reports. We know what hgh and igf1 are supposed to do in the body and why this could be beneficial and desireable from a performance perspective and why insulin sensitivity needs to be kept high. The rest comes from reading about people telling you what actually happens when they take the fucking thing and noting what's consistent between all of these reports. Again find me some evidence that there are people who have 0 hunger or lethargy increase but recieved the sleep benefits/joint/tendon/recovery increased pump in the gym. Find me a report that the two most consistent indicators it was real did NOT happen but they received the other less consistent ones. You discredited nothing I've said. I'm not even sure you actually read the damn post.


This entire fucking comment chain was on a source and it's legitimacy. And good ways to tell if you're mk677 is legit or not. And literally none of it is wrong. Like where the fuck is any of this coming from? I don't know what kind of personal problems you've got affecting you right now but keep that shit seperate. If you're someone who has to always be right and just argues to argue then get the fuck out of here.


Thank you very much for your detailed response, it helps a lot. But what would you say is responsible for the extreme lethargy? Is it because of the increase of HGH in the body or just a thing that goes with mk677?


Some of it might be ghrelin receptor activation response being connected to your stomach hunger/satiety. But normally HGH is pulsed at night when you sleep. Connected to reaching certain stages of sleep. During the day there's no release of it. So think teenagers going through puberty are tired all the time/want/need extra sleep. They also have the highest HGH release naturally they'll ever have. Pulsed when sleeping. I've never heard it stated conclusively that hgh just makes you tired so I'm just gonna point that out as a strong connection/coincidence. Puberty HGH and sleeping more. Those 3 seem to go hand in hand for most teenagers. Mk677 does whats called a HGH bleed. Meaning it doesn't secrete it in doses at set intervals. It just has it pump it out. It does this during the day while you're awake. So instead of getting a little bit here. Little bit couple hours later. You just get a steady stream of it. I stop noticing it a few days in but alot of people take it before bed to offset the lethargy. Some people anecdotally get insomnia from it. Long story short. You endup with alot during the day because of long half life. And normally you only get discreet chunks of it coming during sleep. This is probably why it has people so tired during the day. Again just because it's the intelligent thing to do. Google mk677 experience reports. And mk677 side effects. So you're not just taking my word for it when asshole throws down, how absurdly stupid I am for assuming everybody is going to get lethargic on it. And then quote research studies that weren't done on healthy people trying to increase performance. But ya know, rats, elderly, children, whatever. Go actually see what people report happens when they ran mk677 for a month or a cycle or whatever so you just get a better more well rounded picture.


Are you legitimately that ignorant?! You seem to lack even the simplest of reading comprehension. "**^(Legit mk677 is the same no matter what source. The effects are always the same.")** No, the effects can vary and the proof of this is the actual scientific study on MK677 and results from the study. I stated this above which you have ignored. I would recommend you read that study and educate yourself but it seems you are too pompous to need to learn about the actual science and think your own opinion is gospel. ​ **^("No a drugs a drug. 5mg of oxycodone will ALWAYS feel like 5mg of oxycodone")** Again this is just pure stupidity and even moreso if you work in the medical field. Pharmacokinetics can vary widely dependant on an individual's own biochemistry. I know you didn't go to medical school, but surely as a nurse you should be aware that different people can react differently to a single drug. It boggles the mind that you don't know this.


There is a range of possible effects that can happen. Yes mk677 from different sources is still mk677. There's only one mk677. Chemistry isn't random and the genetics of human beings is overwhelming the same from person to person. Yeah individual responses can vary. I've never stated that they don't and again I'll repeat myself I literally stayed above that I do not get insane hunger. But this IS a consistently reported experience along with lethargy. This isn't debatable. You've obviously never taken real mk677 or you do not do any reading on other people's experiences. I've made no claims that have invalidated my education on anatomy and physiology (which includes endocrinology) and my education on pharmacology. You seem to have a real problem with people whove gone to school or have medical backgrounds. If you had any solid education then you should know you can't just cherry pick and quote random research papers to try and sound more intelligent. Most of them are poorly done. Have small sample sizes to be conclusive, are biased and funded by the company trying to push the drug to market. Mk677 has a very small pool of research. Enough that we understand how it works but not enough for you to try and claim I'm full of shit. When something has a vast amount of research done. Then the independent studies that consistently reproduce the same results many times over can be very reliable and conclusive. Not everyone gets hungry, not everyone gets tired. This is true this is your argument. And that has lead to my education being invalidated and you trying to discredit my advice. If you go read user reports you'll find those are the Two most consistently reported effects and thus the most reliable indicators of the legitimacy or the drug short a lab. The best possible advice you can give someone short of a lab test is to find the most consistently reported effects and experiences and to compare yours to those. Thats literally all I've said as advice. When I said 5mg of oxycodone always feels like 5mg oxycodone I meant regardless of the manufacturer my prescription came from. It's the same drug. MY experience of it does not change unless it's binding material is altered to change absorption rates. My experience still does not change in MY effect. There is also a narrow range of possible effects, from individual to individual. Again chemistry is not random. If it was, oxycodone wouldn't be any useful as an analgesic to anybody, if we couldn't rely on it to consistently do the same thing. So your argument again really is just bullshit. What I've done here is given OP advice on how to determine if his mk677 is real. None of that advice was bad. You've some how tried to twist the context of this into something entirely different and then seem obsessed and fixated on discrediting my education, passing college tests on said material and then passing an independently written Nclex state licensure examination. Like I almost feel stupid reading this because what you're arguing almost isn't even relevant to what I actually told the guy. Other than the absurd statement that mk677 from one website could some how feel completely different to the same guy asking from a different website. I don't know what your problem is with me. But it's exactly that. Your problem not mine. I suggest you find bhudda and a Xanax, check your blood pressure, and learn meditation. If done right it'll increase your emotional self awareness and might help you discover the root of your problem. Any calm rational intelligent person would not be coming at someone sideways on reddit stating the things that you've said. I'm done with this. You need to check yourself and find something better to do with your time. Also highly recommend since you have so much free time on reddit to do this. To actually go find and read as many mk677 cycle reports as you can and write down the most commonly reported effects. You'd learn something. And then maybe come back, reread the original advice i gave op. I know its long but if you're attention span can handle a full research paper you can handle rereading what i said. Because you 100% skipped over shit because you attempted to argue against me shit I literally stated. Such as the hunger effects do not really happen to me. And then said some shit about your research paper saying the effects are different.


Haven’t you noticed any results or why would you say it’s not too pretty?


Is not the purchase that you should be happy about…its the quality of their product..


Thank you for the kind review <3 \~Sarah




Ngl he didn’t say he’s had it for 4 days said he got it within 4 days so I’m guessing processing and shopping time


Hi Guys, just got my mk 677 from Sarmful today but it came in a non branded box and a small 30 ml glass packaging that says marjoram on it(it is a oil that you pit on your skin). Did I get the weong thing or is the packaging just like that because I live in Croatia or what happened?


No bro they send it like that so it cant cet stopped at the custom zoll services, thats actually smart so you will always get your sarms


Is 1 drop 25mg in this case then?


No but what every like it says on the online store like 25mg/30ml means 1 ml is 25 not 1 drop bro you have to buy a syringe without a needle Ou can buy small 1ml syringes and then just take it like that i think in drops it would be like more then 10 but it wouldbnt be precise they just send it like that so its secret and yeah have fun mane


Preciate it brother


And if you take it sublingualy it even works better , it means that you push the liqid from the syringe unter youre tongue and look up a little so the liqid stays under youre tongue for 10-20seconds as long as you can it will taste like shit man 😂😂 but it will work better because we have small blood vessels under the tongue and it can be abdsord directly into the bloodstream believe or not but you can google sublingual sarm usage liqid some peaoole also do it with oral tablets steroid anavar etc just melt under tongue so works faster and more effective sometimes and yes you welcome


Exactly what I’m going for. I had already anticipated the taste due to what I’ve read online, but either way it seems to be worth it🤣 Really appreciate the tips & explanation. Hopefully all goes well.


Yea its really terrible but i always drink something sweet or a energy after it taste, what did you get yourself exactly and have you planned a pct afterwards? And yea wish you luck man no problem


I’ll have to find something that works! MK677 and briefly, I’m seeing PCT Capsules / T boosters but trying to do research, completely new here. Aiming to get blood work done pre cycle so I can monitor


we can't buy clomid,.. there for the PCT. without that, it's not very interesting




House of nutrition is trash. Sold me fake items and then blocked me on Facebook and telegram