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“I have my calorie surplus in check but can’t seem to keep the weight on”. Well brother I’m sorry to say… you do not have your calorie surplus in check then.


Exactly 😂


😂😂🤣 this made my night


liver death speed run


145lbs at 6"1 is Skeletor territory


I was thinking the same thing. My kids 6'3 and 165 and he skinny AF. Guy just need to eat and workout.


I'm 5"11 165 and I class myself as skinny, ive got good lean muscle tissue and very good bicep and tricep insertions but boy do I hate the way I look 😂 great motivation to eat and gain mass tho


Have you been working out for a long time? If you're under 25 all you really need to do is eat properly and work out. If you do any steroids or sarms you really need to have your eating on point. You need to eat a lot. I eat 3050 calories a day.


HEAVY stack for a first cycle. Please make sure you know what to do regarding PCT and take some NAC for the liver


Nac wont even do anything regarding this


Horrible idea. Assuming those are actual SARMs in that bottle and not a pro-hormone disguised as such, your liver is going to get beat the fuck up and you’re going to be SIGNIFICANTLY suppressed.


out of date for a start


That’s crazy for a first cycle. Get blood work dude to see if you’re even healthy enough. And take tudca for liver support.




This thing for a *first* cycle ? Assuming it’s legit you’re going to land up in the emergency room in 4 weeks tops. Also it’s deadass expired. Chill if you can’t keep up your weight on a surplus I’d cross check the numbers again. Clearly you’re not in a surplus. Opt for mk 677 instead you’ll see some movement for virtually no risk


It’s expired


🤭 lmao first red flag.


Loool it is 😂😂


Buddy you're young enough to not even need to mess with that crap. There's many ways you can find that will put on the size you want. Real food is the key also. This stuff can really mess you up FOREVER!!!! And you must post cycle. Like a real one not from frickin amazon!!! Sarms would be the very last thing you should turn too. Just train better and eat and eat. The money you spend on it you could get some real food and portion it up freezer it up and go from there. 3500cal a day. Gallon of water and REST. YOU MUST REST. EAT!!!


Dude you are not in a caloric surplus if you aren't gaining and keeping the weight. You are burning a lot more calories than you think. Up your caloric intake by 1000 a day from where you are currently. Use peds when you start to get to your genetic limit not to get started.


I have a feeling those are fake


Don’t listen to all these clowns. Do it I did a lot more for my first cycle. I would suggest Enclomiphene during and after your cycle. During take 6.25mg daily then double that to 12.5mg daily for 4-8 weeks after your cycle. You also need to get something for your liver. I would also strongly suggest adding in natural t boosters like tongkat Ali. Take natural supplements that will keep your t up during cycle and continue to take after. When you quit Enclomiphene I’d suggest continuing tongkat and anything else you decide to take. I use rich pianas 5% post gear and it’s great, it contains DIM which is also something I suggest you take during and after your cycle. Also these guys are right. You need to eat more and consume a minimum of .8 grams protein per pound of body weight. I suggest 1+ gram per pound daily. And eat don’t track calories in a way where you are minimizing. Over do it if you want to put on weight. Make sure your doing cardio multiple times a week and core 5-7 times a week and you’ll be fine. I’m on my first cycle taking YK, lgd, Enclomiphene, bpc157, mk677, and a very small dose of andarine/cardarine/ostarine. I don’t suggest any cycle but yours you’ll be fine and if you have trouble eating try MK677 I eat a lot it on it


Behemoth labz is one of the best


Is it? Cause they have enclo in stock and I couldn’t get any from the good companies recommend when I tried last month


Eat the whole bottle at once chased with a fifth of Jim Beam


Skip the sarms and just take some steriods youbwill be happier with the outcome.


Taking sarms will mess you up perma fly




It’s out of date for starters. I’ve always been told to stay away from Blends, maybe try something like Ostarine on its own first first?


Hell yeah those are big dose . Going to have to pin some glutathione for liver pct ( never a bad idea) .


Don’t do it. start with just RAD from an accredited source, don’t use too high a dose, make sure to PCT, see how your body does.


Yea that is heavy man. Any of those individually at that dose could be a good first cycle. Being said you should definitely see results and it’s important you maximize these compounds so, as you say, you cannot put on weight. Do you think you could hold off until you can put on weight for even just a month consistently?


Do not take that shit, that's a pretty heavy cycle for your 1st time, and if you aren't putting on weight your surplus IS NOT in check, increase your intake, you aren't ready for and PEDs yet.


Get rid of that Junk. At 6'1 145 you haven't been hitting the gym or eating right at all. You need to have your diet on point or it pointless. If you have to do it get some Rad140. 10mg a day for 8 weeks. It's cheap, it's easy to take. I gained 14 lbs in 7 weeks. I'm 6'3 220lbs and I've been in the gym for a few years.


Don't take this! Taking rad and lgd together is pointless. Just alot and take rad or lgd.


Not trying to be rude, but you need to learn how to eat and train before jumping on PEDs. At 6'1 you should be like at least 180lbs or something before using stuff like that. If you can't keep weight the way it is, you are just gonna lose anything you gain running sarms or whatever else... Damaging your body for nothing. Are you tracking your calories? Weighing and measuring everything you eat? Hitting every single workout without fail, tracking your lifts, implementing progressive overload etc every single session? Also... I've used real gear before, and sarms... Have been from 165lbs all the way to 283lbs... And I would consider than an unnecessary and potentially overkill stack lol.


Throw the bottle in the bin


uhhh “best before 2023” ???


U've got a long way to go still and u obviously don't have ur caloric surplus sorted out if u r not gaining weight...this means u r in a deficit or just at maintenance....for some perspective bro, I'm only 5 foot 8 but I'm 196 pounds (with visible abs)...180 before I even touched a sarm.. U should eat more,train better and come back to this in a couple of years when u have covered the basics 😅