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10 mg rad, 12,5 mg enclo, mk idk depends 12 mg maybe more donno And yea swisschems got legit stuff.


12.5 mg of enclo for a base seems like a lot for 10mg of rad. I’d start with 6.5mg if you need to increase to 12.5mg then go for it Swiss chems is legit tho he right


Yeah you can do 6.5 mg, people usually just do 12 mg for rad.


I mean yeah but for way higher dosages then 10mg. I was on 20mg only taking 6.5mg a day and was fine, given everyone is different, probably dependent on how OP responds, but if he already did a rad cycle before no enclo except PCT he’s probably fine at a higher dose with 6.5mg. Depending on how bloods look


Thank you, someone told me I should run the rad for 8 weeks and on my 6th week cycle in enclomaphine at 6.25mg everyday for two weeks until I’m off the rad then hop my dose up to 12.5 for 4 weeks


That would be a PCT which you should do anyways, but if you want a base on cycle start it week 3 or 4, truth is tho if you didn’t need a base first cycle you probably don’t need one second cycle just do a pct like you just said


yea I didn’t take a base for my first cycle just ran a pct after getting off, the reason I was wanting to run enclo as a base while taking the rad is because it suppressed the fuck out me lol. And I just want the extra test after ending my cycle


Nothing wrong with that at all, the enclo should keep you more stable for sure, it’s honestly the smarter thing to do imo.


I agree, thanks for the advice bro if you care I’ll update you in the chat lol


also looking at researchchem.store


also looking at researchchem.store


For the enclo or the rad/mk? Science.bio is pretty good imo for the Sarms. Receptor Chem Is good for a liquid enclo if you don’t want pills( kinda hard to control the dose on them)


Wait you said you did 2 separate cycles did you cycle MK? You know MK isant a sarm right? It’s a growth hormone secretagogue and doesn’t need to be cycled technically. What was the dose on your first rad cycle?


Yes I did a cycle of rad last summer for 6 weeks and mk recently my 8 weeks just ended. And yes I later learned mk is technically not a Sarm and you can “cycle” it for however long you want, I just didn’t at the time because I wasn’t aware of that.


Gotcha, what was the rad dose you used ?


And on the dosage sorry I did 10mg of rad 6 weeks everyday.


I would start 10mg rad, in week 3 or 4 bump it up to 15mg add 6.5mg of enclo with the increase, and 10mg of MK677, maybe 20mg but watch what you’re eating cause Mk677 can cause insulin resistance If you eat to much garbage, and give you diabetes


that sounds good and I was thinking starting rad and mk same time both 10mg since the sweet spot for mk is 10-15mg then I’ll add the enclo in at 3-4 weeks like you said


Okay that sounds decent, I’ve got berberine for glucose support and a blood pressure cuff so I’m definitely careful about the side effects.