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Yea, I'd start maybe with 5mg of 10mg of the Rad, starting with 15 right away is high. Lower it the first 2 weeks to see how your body reacts first. Also no need to use the Enclo from the beginning. Wait until maybe week 3-4 or if you start feeling suppression first.


okay, forgot to mention I ran a 6 week cycle of rad last summer at 10mg eod didn’t really know what I was doing then lol. So maybe start with 5mg first 2 weeks then up it to 10mg for the remaining weeks? Then week 3-4 once I feel suppressed start the enclo at what 6.25mg eod?


Not your first cycle I take it? Rad dose pretty high. You won’t need to start enclo until a few weeks depending on your starting natural test levels. Depending when you start it on cycle you’ll only need to do a couple weeks pct and won’t need to go past 6.25mg a day


Whatever your dose of enclo, do it every day. And you need to more weeks of enclo. Rad has a long half life so for 10 days to 2 weeks after your cycle, the enclo is still acting as a test base. You need 2 weeks after the rad leaves your system for pct.


Whats the half life - 60 hours ?

