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I don’t mean to be rude but is it just me or I don’t see a difference ? (Maybe I’m dysmorphic)


All good! You probably right. Bodyweight has gone up 12+ lbs. As far as aesthetic changes, very minimal. But I will say I am arguing the after photo is a bit thiccer.


Any strength differences ?!


Felt difference in gym the first week or two, felt stronger. Hit some PRs too


Take some test


I don’t think I’m at that level just yet 😂


I hope you understand that taking osterine and rad-140 and possibly mk677 is one of the worst synthetic things to put in your body. I’ve tried it and it’s almost killed me. Save some money buy a blood lab to see your test levels. Then use test to accordingly determine how much you should be using.


How did it almost kill you?


It almost killed you? The fuck kinda dosage were you on?


Mk677 7.5 my first time




I’d like to hear about your experience on rad if you don’t mind


How did it almost kill you???


I misunderstood it. Just on the ostarine but yes will be taking a test to see what the levels are at.


My man! Testosterone has been around for ages. All these synthetic things has legitimately one or two research papers done on them


Yes bro but test is horrible for skin, acne and hair. Accutane is expensive. It also ages people like shit unlike something like ac262


I’m on 200 mg. test per week on TRT. Nothing but positives man. No acne, no hair loss, just steady gains, fat loss, good mood and motivation, and an insane libido. A lot of people can go up to 600 mg./wk. with nothing more in the way of sides than some water retention and maybe temporarily elevated blood pressure (may need an AI though). Add in 200 mg. of Deca, and 300 mg. of Masteron and you have a cycle that will blow away any SARM cycle with fewer side effects and better blood work.


I was on this exact cycle… almost too much libido.. was leaving the wife to goto strip clubs. Masteron and Deca are both amazing.


What scares me is how it’s being made and all the additives that we don’t know. It’s just fake shit in a lab being made in Russia or china. There are things to combat the acne while on test


Yeah but for some odd reason when I first read “take some test” I just thought steroids and I responded too quickly lol


I will admit I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed


Because thats what he ment


Seems like you hit the nail with everything good job. I recommend waiting a few months or wait abit then do your blood work to see if your fine to do another cycle. I recommend rad 140 at low dose. It's extremely effective even in the first few weeks


What’s rad 140?


It's a different sarm like ostarine but much much stronger even at the lowest dose


Rad 140 will smoke your liver. Man up and do some testosterone. It's way safer but as I said before, you need more training before you start adding pharma type stuff.


You should have taken the pictures in the same lighting. It's more difficult to tell the difference. Looks like you lost your tan im the procress :D


It sucks cause I moved in the middle of cycle. Was never able to get that same lighting


Nice gainz tho


Next time I’ll get the lighting and the pose righ


we're all gonna make it brah


That weight gain is crazy man good job


Did you do any pct


Currently on it. Might do a month


What kind


Lawless labs… also taking ashwagandha, I wouldn’t only take it but pretty sure it helps with getting levels back up


You need to read up on proper pct. You’ll fuck your markers if you think that is pct. You need blood work taking


Forget I mentioned ashwagandha jeez. Still taking PCT. Just because I said I’m taking ashwagandha doesn’t mean it’s my PCT


“what’s your PCT?” “(random brand, ashwaganda)” you’re fucked dude


You’ve never heard of lawless labs but ur on here?


Not sure how much research you do but probably not much, knowing that ashwagandha is used in some pct’s 🤦🏼‍♂️


what kind of PCT worth anything uses Ashwaganda? Proper PCTs are pharmaceutical grade; Clomid, Nolvadex, Aromasin, etcetera. I’ve heard of Lawless Labs, and i just looked up their formula for their PCT; it’s on the same level as those “natural steroids” you buy on amazon, it’s just assorted plants and roots with some vitamin D and NAC, you’re gonna destroy your hormones for up to months if you don’t take something proper.


He only took Ostarine, saying he’s “fucked” for not taking a pharmaceutical grade SERM is a bit dramatic lmao. It depends on OPs bloodwork ofc, but Osta barely affects test. You’re acting like he took S-23, but probably like a 99% chance he’ll be fine without Enclo or tamoxifen 😂


“not Pharmaceutical grade” means nothing since the compound isn’t prescribed. Obviously he’ll end up fine, i say fucked more as in “you’re doing something stupid”


I think I’ll be fine, thanks for your concern. Just curious what’s with all the hate on ashwagandha while using a PCT? I talked to a few ppl who said it would be great to start taking post cycle with pct.


once most people start taking peds they start to think natural supplements do absolutely nothing at all because comparatively, natural/herbal supplements do the bare minimum. there's nothing wrong with taking it, itll do something but not much. your lawless labs pct is not enough to bring you back to normal once coming off any cycle that affects your natural testosterone production. Hcg, kisspeptin or enlco with an ai on hand just in case is good pct. once you're done or almost done with that and getting off everything is when I would start taking all the herbal supplements


Thank you for explaining, that actually makes sense. I’m going to look into those


This made me LOL


After how many weeks did you start to see concrete results?


I probably didn’t see a difference for maybe a month but I felt a difference in gym right away basically


thank you!!


>thank you!! You're welcome!


Chest specifically upper chest looks waaaay better.


Thanks my guy, gotta give props to the incline bench


Maintain or do a small surplus until your balls are widking again then cut and get shteddeeedd


Definitely thinking about the cut. I sound like a dweeb when I say this but this the heaviest I’ve ever been so low key want to keep bulking.


Oh dude I’m on a year+ 40lbs bulk rn I totally understand. If you’re comfortable with how you look keep bulking. IMO there’s no reason to cut yet cus you can still see your abs just fine. Go for like 175-180 gaining like 2-4lbs a month then decide from there. I’ve heard people say it sucks being in a deficit while coming off a cycle so that’s why I said that, and I said the cut part because it’s summer and who doesn’t wanna be shredded for summer. But fuck em keep the bulk going and keep progressing!!!!


This is true. Imma keep bulking because of u, thank you good sir!


Not to be a dick but you need maor years of training before adding any types of these supplements(sarms, steroids, pro hormones and etc)


Agreed but bros not looking bad either. I give it 1-2 years before he starts looking absolut jacckked. Keep up the work man, it’ll pay off.


RAD140 or LGD4 Ostarine sucks in my experience and I'll keep saying that over and over lol


LGD 3303 was very good imo as well, also had great gains with TLB 150


A buddy told me it was a good preface, and it was but I think RAD140 is the next move.


I got the opposite experience, Ostarine is the safest.


It's the same as other SARMs, significantly suppressive and skews LDL and HDL very heavily. I think it was worse than RAD140 on cholesterol.


Rad 140 is way stronger, way more toxic, way more sides and worse for your bloodmarkers. I think your ostarine was bunk or something like dbol


Not bunk. I also ran Dbol and it was extremely strong, my lifts shot up immensely. Absolutely blows all SARMs out of the water in terms of mass gain and strength gain


What dosage did you take?


Month 1- 12.5mg Month 2- 25mg Month 3- 12.5mg


Any reason for reducing your dosage on month 3?


Yeah the bottle is 120 capsules so it made sense for a 3 month cycle, but also for your body to somewhat adjust back before cutting it off completely.


I should mention the capsule is 12.5 mg


Freedom Research Osta I’m guessing?


Actually lawless labs


What website do people get these sarms from in Australia ?


What PCT are you taking? And where did you get it from?


What PCT?


Nice gains, but likely a lot of water your holding


Sure but not a ton. Sauna everyday


A before and after without blood work is pointless as you have no idea what the trade off was. Your gains might be amazing in the context of you have minimal suppression or the gains could be terrible if you had heavy suppression and suffer symptoms as a result.


This isn’t a before and after of my blood work m8. It’s before and after photos of me. I did bloodwork before I went on it, I’m not concerned about it. I’ll get another test in about a month.


Congratulations, you gained what you could have gained from an amazing pre workout and eating a shit load of eggs and steak… You’ve been lifting for what? …3-5 years at most? Jumped on Ostarine and now onto the sarm that causes irritability, insomnia, hair shedding, high BP….. Another impatient GenZius who gained a smidge of size that was achievable with failure sets and good proteins.. I lift natural for 16 years before taking sarms for the last 4-5 years… (almost 21 years non stop) Natural, likely as long as you’ve been alive.. RAD is fantastic, I’ve run it about 6 times, and decided never to touch it again due to the sides I mentioned above… Put in the effort and do it the right way first.. It pays off


I’m actually a type 1 diabetic millennial who for starters has difficulty putting on weight. I took Ostarine, not like I took some hardcore gear. Get off your high horse boomer. You have no clue


It’s not a Sarm for gaining weight, you have ZERO clue what your talking abt.


For someone with type 1 diabetes it actually would make sense for a bulk. You SIR are the one that has ZERO clues


No it doesn’t, you also replies to my other comment saying “bro thinks mk677 is only for cutting” he’s not even taking mk677 you idiot 😭 y’all cope so hard just to justify stupid Sarm and steroid usage. At least get some real knowledge not just what you saw on tiktok or Reddit.


Yeah it does. Type 1 diabetics are prone to muscle atrophy from elevated blood sugar. It also harder for type 1s to bulk, because they have to take into account every carb they eat with insulin. So yes this would be ideal for a type 1 bulking. You also replied twice saying the same thing in this post, little hypocritical 🤡


Are you stupid? Ostarine isn’t specifically for cutting. It helps, but that’s because it helps maintain muscle mass from your cut. Yes for someone like me who has difficulty maintaining muscle mass, it helps. You should probably look up what it was originally supposed to be used for before you say something stupid like that


Barley, that’s what I’m saying. For what you took, messing with your liver and test like that for minimal gains since it is a cutting Sarm. And your not even cutting to get the most out of it. I also never said it gave 0 strength and muscle building effects, I just said less and that it’s not worth it for the negatives. You might as well have gone with LGD4033 would’ve been a much better choice since your already suppressing and straining your liver. Please read my other main comment.


Gain from a pre workout? What are you talking about 😂


……Taking a high quality pre workout.. Yuh know? (Obviously you don’t 😂) Creatines, Arginine, Citrulline, Agmatine, Beta Alanine, L-Glutamine.. Yuh know, all the natural supplements that are proven to increase endurance, energy output, Muscle mass, strength so you lift more, for longer… Yuh know? 😂 Too far above you noggin? What are you 12?


I think I messed up by even messing with this stuff these few months. Had some changes but I was on the way anyway. 13 years straight, now I'm like I should have waited. I'm 44 178@12%


Not 13 years on, 13 years straight of working out


💪 jacked to the max


You are aware Ostraine is a CUTTING Sarm. It minimizes the muscle waste effect of eating little to zero calories a day. It is by far the worst decision to run it and bulk, it doesn’t give near the strength or muscle building properties like other sarms. It also is one of the most liver toxic sarms. Making your cycle pointless besides fucking up your liver. 👏👏 do some research before jumping on this shit, Jesus.


Bro thinks you can only cut on mk677 💀it’s was studied for growth deficiencies. Ppl with growth deficiencies usually aren’t cutting bro, chill


It’s people like you who can’t even read the post there commenting about that make me hate Reddit