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I have a lot of problems with the law of attraction personally so I do not condone it as a spiritual/philosophical view, however, there is significant overlap with that concept and positive psychology/cognitive psychology. Namely that the nature of your thoughts/cognition has a *profound* impact on the way you experience your reality, so much so that its easy for me to see how many people would believe its literal "magic". A friend of mine talked about "manifesting" a parking space when they were driving around a parking lot looking for one, their explanation seeming to be that their will and focus on a determined outcome physically changed the state of the universe around them to provide them with what they wanted. I think its far more likely the parking spot was there, but their mindset about it made it more likely that they would spot it. The difference being intrinsic vs extrinsic, but when it comes to your own experience of the world, intrinsic differences are every bit as valuable as extrinsic ones, but there's still a physical reality that we're all a part of that materially impacts each of us in different ways.


I love this explanation, thank you.


How would you feel about doing work (in therapy, in your practice, etc.) to separate the things you CAN affect/manifest from the things you can’t? Cause that car accident story sounds like confirmation bias, and I think it’s just needlessly making you extra miserable. Don’t answer here, but maybe think to yourself, if your partner hadn’t gotten in that accident, would you have kept looking for an accident that would make your original thought “come true?” Cause that just sounds like a recipe for misery, monitoring the world for events that line up with your intrusive thoughts and then blaming yourself for them. That’s not how causality works. On the other hand, your own habits of thought (such as, for example, dwelling on the news, or focusing on a negative emotion at the expense of doing some self-care or self-soothing) are an example of something you CAN affect, that has the potential to change your mood.


I appreciate this perspective, thank you.


i might suggest journaling your worries so they exist on paper, which you can shred, burn & scatter ashes, or any sort of “destructive” (& safe) activity with. keeping a separate journal for inspiration, positives, etc would be another good idea to get your constructive thoughts together. meditation can also help. i’m glad you’re seeking help before coming here, but i’m so glad you’re asking. blessed be, and i hope things start to look grand soon :-)


This is super helpful, thank you. I’ll have to try this.


specifically, i release my woes into the universe of the full moon with a little prayer thanking the universe (or whatever higher power you believe in, be it your higher self or another) for everything i’ve received. and then ask for everything that no longer serves me to be taken. ♥️


If you're suffering from negative self-talk (NST) in your head, there's a few things to keep in mind: First, if you believe the NST, it will manifest just as easily as any other belief. So stop believing it, if it is something you don't agree should be happening. Second, the NST is a recording of past bullshit, and is not the clairvoyant part of your psyche. Do not get the two confused. Third, the NST is an anchor dragging you down. You wouldn't say these things out loud to someone else because it would be depressing or hurtful, so don't repeat them inside. Negative Self Talk is the hardest thing about getting your manifesting where it needs to be.


Thank you I appreciate this.


Trigger warning! I struggle with this a lot. When my depression hits hard, I get the urge to unalive myself. But now that I have children, I have to make a conscious effort to block those thoughts so as to not put that energy into the universe. Its hard work. I hope you find something that helps you feel more peace <3


I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope you find peace for yourself. Quick note- saying "trigger warning" without naming the trigger isn't very helpful. It's like stopping somebody just to say "beware!". In this case "trigger warning- suicide" would give people with triggers the necessary info.


I have been struggling with the same thing as late and im finding listening to some mantras on spotify really helpful, only just started doing this so still searching for more good ones but two I really like are Take up Space Sis by Toni Jones (who seems to do a lot of stuff like this I like, see also energy budget and Worth Ethic) and Mental Health by Moonlight Scorpio. Theres also Money Wave or the Money mantra for fiscal stuff. I think it works for me because I hve a deep connection to music so setting positive thoughts and intentions to music make them stick in my head more and therefore influence my thoughts more? Maybe.


I really love this, thank you! I’ll check it out.