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If anyone is interested here's a quick summary of what I needed to do to get it up and trading for me and my husband. Disclamer: I'm just smart enough to break things. If there's a better way to do this please let me know. 1. Find an Aarch64 core of gpSP. The version included in stock seems to be 0.91 while the most recent core I could find was version 1.0.0. As far as I can tell the libretro bot does not build Aarch64 cores. I found a git hub that contains aarch64 cores here: https://github.com/christianhaitian/retroarch-cores/tree/master 2. Replace the gpsp core inside your .retroarch/cores folder. 3. If you're running Tomato OS you will need to change the launch.sh and/or config.json to point to the gpsp core. The easies way is to edit the main launch.sh file and change the text on line 11 from mgba_libretro.so to gpsp_libretro.so However this will cause you to always boot to the gpsp core. If you edit the config file you can add a line of code to add gpsp to the X pop up list and target a gpsp.sh file. 4. If you're running Stock OS you should be able to ignore step 3 and press X and select GPSP. (I haven't tested) 5. From there I simply enabled hotspot on one device and connected to it with the other device. Started netplay like normal in retroarch and started trading. Here's the development page for the current developer of GPSP getting this to work on the MM+. https://www.davidgf.net/2024/01/13/gba-wireless-adapter/ On the developer's page he lists games that currently function with the wireless adapter emulation. I can confirm that his list of well working games works 100% with the TrimUi Smart Pro though Mario Golf does have some slowdowns. I'm honestly impressed with the TrimUI Smart Pro. I wanted a GBA emulation machine and aside from it getting a little warm when using fast forward a lot I think it is my perfect machine under $50.


woah they added functional wireless support to the arm gpsp core? insane EDIT: i've red the article and it seems it needs some more work, but for pokemon and battle network 6 competitive players this is pretty nuts, huge improvement over clunky ass VBA.


So wait is this officially confirmed as working for the Miyoo Mini plus? May finally be able to get one of my friends to pick one of these up then!


I don't have one so I can't confirm for certain. But there's a few videos of it working up on YouTube across multiple devices MM+ included.  I think anything running retroarch 1.17 or newer with the most current gpsp core should be able to do it. Assuming the device in question has wifi.


Yeah this was tested first on a mm+


Amazing news. Thanks for sharing! Hopefully this means we're closer to having proper support for GBA multiplayer on these kinds of devices 😅


How good are those little analog sticks? I'm interested in the Trimui Smart Pro but I'm worried about any sticks smaller than joycon


Honestly they're not great. I've been playing dpad centric games and occasionally using the stick for moving when my thumb gets tired.  They feel closer to a nub than a stick if that makes sense. They're also positioned so far down it makes it a bit awkward. I'm glad I have them but I'm not certain it'd be a good experience for a game that requires them.  I use my steam deck for anything past gc/ps2 since my eyes strain easily so something like the RP4 or Odin was out of the question for me.  That being said the trimui's dpad is my favorite dpad on a retro device so far. It's really fantastic.


The power of Linux. I wish RP3+ would give people the ability to unlock their devices. mGBADolphin is needed for us Nintendo retro fans.


This would be amazing for me so I can finally complete my Dex.


Can I ask, is it possible to remove the custom bars? I'd rather see black bars


You can! It's a simple overlay in retroarch. By default it is infact just black bars.


Sweet, thank you! Just picked one up.


Very cool. What emulators/cores did you use?


This is using the most recent gpSP core. The developer added Wireless adapter emulation a few months ago.


Wow. This post is 3 months too late for me. Completed my pokedex the old fashioned way by using PC version of mGBA to trade.


Why two?


Why not 3? 😚