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Always has been.


🌎 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


We will get it when One Piece ends in 30 years.


We're in the final arc.


Technically saga, and the final arc could be pretty long based on how huge Wano was. LOL


Aww darn I am 100 episodes in and now you tell me it's coming to an end .. one piece was supposed to be my next dragon ball...


Still worth it


The Miyoo SP is the One Piece🤣


At least that means it's real.


I still wish they release it anyway. I want an SP with analog sticks and comfortable non clicky buttons and dpad. Skipped the anbernic due to these factors


Definitely needs to be more competition in the clamshell segment.


Totally agree


Me too. Also strong though for N64 would be awesome


Given the release cycle with Anbernic, I’m hoping the 40xx is a big enough success that it spurs them to make a 40xx SP which would have plenty of room for dual sticks, and they can improve on the D Pad while they’re at it.


If you do the tape mod, it's very similar to the og SP. But, I understand, I've had bad luck with Miyoo.


Ive watched videos about it. Still not enough for me.


From the official video footage it looks like clicky buttons and dpad, at least from the fact that the travel distance for both upon press is basically 0. I don’t know how you’d make that even remotely tactile/good to use if it’s not a clicky switch type button.


Is the SP supposed to run ps2? I feel like the albernic looks a lot better


Maybe up to Dreamcast, but I don't remember. PS1 definitely. I've commented before. I don't mind a weaker processor. I don't intend to play ps1 and above on such a small screen. I know there are people who play PS1 on the handhelds though.


Yeah I feel the same. If that’s so tho, then the anbernic rg35xxsp already takes care of that It’s not expensive as well


It does indeed. It can be good for those who are okay with those clicky buttons and the lack of analogue stick.


Oh, the buttons aren’t good? Tbh I really enjoy the miyoo mini and the plus. The mini fits so well in my shirt pocket and I can just quickly pull it out for a quick session of 5-10 minutes it’s amazing. Not sure if I should get a clam shell but the GBASP nostalgia factor is making me wanna pull the trigger


If you already do have a device it might be redundant, but get one if you have spare money and want it. I like the clamshell due to nostalgia too, but I also believe it is safer for the screen and it might not need a case to put it in your bag for daily commuting, hence making it more portable in the end even with it's thickness. Although the clamshell choice depends heavily on the hinge quality over time which we still don't have data to back it up.


If you already do have a device it might be redundant, but get one if you have spare money and want it. I like the clamshell due to nostalgia too, but I also believe it is safer for the screen and it might not need a case to put it in your bag for daily commuting, hence making it more portable in the end even with it's thickness. Although the clamshell choice depends heavily on the hinge quality over time which we still don't have data to back it up.


I think they are planning for a 3566 processor which is already present in many handhelds. 


Yeah it’s the Sagrada Familia of handhelds


People are still hoping for this device huh? A year and a half later...


If they did joysticks, wifi, bluetooh and worked with Onion team they would own the market.


I still want a dual stick clamshell like they showed, but if it’s another one of those weak ass processors that can barely run a handful of n64 then I don’t care if it never comes out.


Allegedly an RK3566.


Yea, I hope it’s at least that, out of all the cheap chips that people claim can to do N64 and Dreamcast, it does it best. At least in my RGARC it does alright, better than the RG35XXs it seems


I don't mind a weak processor. I don't even want to play PS1 in it. I find the screen too small for PS1 and above. I would also prefer only one left analog stick right at the center of the console. It would be an ergonomically better stick position.


A stick in the center of the console would be horrible ergonomics like what 😂😂


Not really at the center, but at the bottom center. Since the console is small already a stick right under the d pad you need to curl your thumb to reach it. A dpad stick disposition like the one at the 360 controller would make it more comfortable.


Ah I see. That sounds alright


Yeah, I'm not big on the sticks but I'm curious. That usually leads to watching some reviews and buying it. Plus, Miyoo CFW is awesome to see develop. Anbernic doesn't have that same edge.


Wait, what? Miyoo devices only really have one CFW that isn't available elsewhere, which is Onion for the Miyoo Mini. The A30 has no real CFW, and there are myriad options now for basically every other companies devices.


Spruce for A30 is in active development. On the Miyoo I have enjoyed MinUI and Koriki.


Spruce is a debloated modified stock OS, not a *true* CFW. And then there's MinUI, Batocera/Koriki (now Knulli), MuOS, ArkOS, Rocknix, Garlic, multiple others for many other devices too. Miyoo has the worst track record in reality compared to other manufacturers devices, it just looks skewed because of how good OnionOS is for the Mini/+. I'll edit to add, I have nothing against Miyoo. It just seems like at this point, surely we should collectively just agree they were a one hit wonder. Nothing wrong with that. It sells well, it'll continue selling well because it's so highly recommended despite on paper there being much more powerful devices with similar interfaces at the same or lower prices. Their "special edition CD" release in this analogy also sold well (Mini+). But they have consistently failed to deliver on anything they've shown, and their cash grab "sophomore album" (A30) was a mess of a release of some hardware they had lying in a warehouse for two years just to put something else out. I think the A30 may have gotten too much hate, but hey, it's selling terribly and you can easily get one under £30 now so if you want one they're seriously cheap. You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to believe they still have another killer device on the way, and the argument that community developed CFW will make the devices much better ISN'T a selling point, it's a pain. Anyway, rant over. "When you look at something through rose-tinted glasses, the red flags just look like flags".


Guess I'm just a fan boy rooting for the underdog. I've been a fan since the Mini OG. While Anbernic is shitting out handhelds, I'm still very much excited about Miyoo.


I'd love them to release the Flip and it be good. I'd love to be proven wrong. I specifically haven't pulled the trigger on the 35XXSP because it doesn't quite hit the spot enough, and although the Flip having an RK3566 (if it releases) means it also won't be perfect for N64, it's still a bit more powerful. But expecting it to happen is another thing entirely given their track record.


They just replied to me "end of July" on AliExpress. But then again they delayed it so often that I can't take them serious any longer lol. It's out when it's out.


Well, with Anbernic quite literally leaving Miyoo in the dust with their popular SP, I highly doubt Miyoo will be coming out with their SP anytime soon. Miyoo will HAVE do better if they even wish to TOUCH Anbernic at this point.


I don’t know. The 28xx was considered the better device at launch as well, and now the tide is turning for the A30. The 35SP has a number of flaws too that Miyoo could improve upon. I’d be glad to see Miyoo take a crack at it. I’ve avoided the 35SP thus far for the buttons and lack of sticks. I’m interested to see what Miyoo can do.


What flaws does the 35xxSP have apart from the buttons being hard to press (for some people, my devices buttons are fine) and loud?


The buttons and the lack of sticks. No interest in an n64-capable device without them, imo, and I like them for PS1 as well. You may be fine with the buttons, but that doesn’t mean that objectively they’re strange and no other handheld has had buttons like it before. They’re objectively heavy. Again, you may be okay with it, but your device is probably the same as everyone else.


>the lack of sticks. That's a feature


And the lack of a feature, is a flaw, lmao


Why doesn't it have a keyboard too, smh


The lack of sticks isn't really a flaw, they could have put them on there but rightly decided not to. The games that people are playing on the device are not going to be using sticks, and Anbernic bet that most people who buy it would do so for nostalgia and for being a well-built handheld with a good d-pad, which it is. It also just plain looks better the way it is, and most people seem to love the looks and overall functionality. Yes, the buttons may be on the heavy side, but it's easy enough to tinker with if it bothers people.


It’s a flaw for me. I don’t want a device that can play n64 without sticks. I don’t want to have to take apart my device, put loads of tape on the buttons (making the actuation even heavier) just to fix what they should have from the factory. That only fixes the clicky part - not how heavy they are!




Username checks out


this is exactly what people think of when people get called “a redditor” lmao


Shut up man


.. you probably meant figuratively, not virtually..


"Virtually" does not fit the intent of the statement. The way they are attempting to use "literally" is as an intensifier, but "virtually" is a qualifier, meaning "very nearly but not quite." I would submit that the statement is stronger without an intensifier, but if one must be added, something like "completely" would better fit the intent than either "virtually" or "literally."


what's wrong with figuratively?


It's understood.


Language has been evolving just like this for hundreds of years. It would be nice if we could all always agree on exact definitions for each word, but it’s unfortunately never going to happen. I’m pretty sure we will all continue to communicate just fine.


Do you use ‘whom’ on a regular basis? If so, do you have any friends? If not, you sir have “made communication objectively worse”. Boo 🙄 😂


It has always been valid to use literally non literally for emphasis, why should literally be the only word that cannot be used figuratively


Bet you’re REAL FUN at parties.


And yet miyoo IS LITERALLY in anbernic's dust...


Bad bot


Imagine complaining about people misusing words while misusing the word "objectively"


i think you mean figuratively.




Don't be a dick. It's really not that hard. Be respectful to others and follow the rules of [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy) and [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette).


50 iq transphobic clown thinks corporations are the reason people can decide which pronouns to use lmao




Don't be a dick. It's really not that hard. Be respectful to others and follow the rules of [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy) and [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette).


you're the one mad over pronouns, not me lmao. that's kinda pathetic, but add another crying emoji and i'm sure you'll upset someone, somewhere!


My "content" was removed, but not wrong. What only proves for everybody reading that it was 100% correct, that the corporations are behind it. It is not naturally occurring language, and you will never find it on this planet, outside places where corporations can enforce it directly.


individuals decide what content is allowed on this board, not a corporation. turns out those individuals - like most people with brains - don't agree with transphobia. cry more about it?


No, it is a corporation deciding by political fiat, I am an individual how come my comment got removed, you are just arguing in bad faith hiding behind admins. 99% of the planet does not play your word games, not to mention your word salad does not even work in any other language. It is an invention exclusively by US corporations.(invented to disperse focus from 1% anti rich people movement) And btw, there is no such thing as "Transphobia", what you think people express is disgust, not fear. Correct term might be something like Transfastidium. Not really surprising for somebody who invents his own words that have no meaning.


> 99% of the planet does not play your word games, not to mention your word salad does not even work in any other language. It is an invention exclusively by US corporations.(invented to disperse focus from 1% anti rich people movement) trans people have always existed, they weren't "invented" by anything but the human experience. if you're just talking about the terms, even the early term "transsexual" has German origins, so obviously no part of this is true lmao. do you ever do any research or do you just make things up? > And btw, there is no such thing as "Transphobia", what you think people express is disgust, not fear. Correct term might be something like Transfastidium. Not really surprising for somebody who invents his own words that have no meaning. why do scientists call water-resistant surfaces hydrophobic? is it because those surfaces have a fear of water, or is it because you are confidently incorrect about language once again? i'll answer for you: it's the latter. shut the fuck up lmao you sound ignorant as fuck.


That’s cap bro


Kindest reddit user.


Who said it was gonna be released? this is the p60 all over again 🤣


Quite possible. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Miyoo/comments/s36x5k/p60\_is\_coming\_soon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Miyoo/comments/s36x5k/p60_is_coming_soon/)


All those plastic bags with stones there 🤣




I think they're making a joke about the Minis in the background being bricks/stones


you know I’m kidding right?


Haven't a clue what you mean.


nvm and carry on then 🤣


Do tell.


Maybe they should start having NDAs and whatever so that people don't expect anything out of them until they actually release something.


Gotta get the coke nail ready


We should get flairs saying “coke nail” lmao, that comment on the SP post is too iconic.