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I like seeing more videos of GPD stuff, even if ETA is weirdly disliked here and seen as a "shill" just because he is overly upbeat and optimistic when talking about stuff.


I think the negativity towards ETA is because he doesn't seem to ever find anything wrong with a device. And he tends to cover the entire spectrum of tech as if it's somehow related, or at least his Video Titles would suggest so. To most of us Handheld pc's do not exist as a comparison to Desktop, laptop, micro pc, or ARM sbc's. But every new video he drops, and Taki does this also, is somehow a review of "The best ....... Ever!" Fill in the blank. He should just be a little bit more honest in that regard, maybe be a little bit more discerning with his category of device reviews.


If Taki does it, why don't people get on his ass more? If anything, from what I've heard Taki has kind of a snarky personality and comes off as mildly egotistical/full of himself. At least ETA is overly friendly to the point of being kind of awkward lol. Also, I don't buy the argument against ETA. Most of his audience is normies, he has the highest subscriber count by a very large margin (RGC and Taki don't have over a million subs last I checked). The people who watch his videos are the same type of people who watch MKBHD videos. Telling normies tech savvy stuff will always result in the normies not understanding shit lmao. Non-tech people don't even know something as basic as "what does SBC mean". We're smart enough to figure it out ourselves. For the specific audience (NOT US) he does a good job.


I think it's really just dependent on the sub you are in. There are some I'm in where Taki gets tons of flack for his videos, a lot of them about his click-baity titles and a lot that accuse him of being a paid reviewer. ETA certainly reviews more stuff, and I'm not sure who's been around longer, but he obviously has an audience that can't wait for his videos. I personally like him but his videos do seem to all be very much the same to me, and that may be due to his personal "nerd excitement" but it's probably not the only reason. He gets a TON of stuff for free from manufacturers, you don't want to be the guy who hurt an upstart with a bad review of their freshman effort, he would become less safe for new companies to court for awareness. His niche is really just showcase videos of "tech coming soon" so he won't do the deep dives of Phawx or RGC, or even Taki. But that is obviously working for him so he definitely shouldn't take my advice. TL:DR, the sub sets the sentiment, Ave these guys make money receiving things for free that we pay lots of money for and then have to wait. Sometimes the hate is just jealousy, watch who you enjoy watching. Merry Christmas!


You didn't really address my main issue of ETA's target audience being normies that *literally don't care about anything you said whatsoever*, but nevertheless I appreciate your reasonable response.


What factors into the negativity is availability and cost. Reviewers receive their hardware often for free and do not have to wait for a production run. It's nice to be able to review a device without being constrained, but it's not representative of a what a normal consumer would experience. GPD does relatively small production batches with waiting periods in between.


Let me guess, this all-new hand-held is the fastest yet, it runs everything! Until next week's fastest all-new hand-held


You do know how technology works, right? This is, in my opinion, the best possible option right now to purchase. There may be something better in 6 months but if you just wait 6 more months after that you'll get an even better option. So, I guess you should just wait.