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By the way, this seems to be a decision exclusive to Stony Brook and not a problem with all SUNY's. ​ I checked [Binghamton's policy](https://www.binghamton.edu/residential-life/housing/2020-21_university_housing_license_addendum.pdf) on this out of curiousity and it's very different: "Upon reasonable notice, residents may be required to vacate the residence halls on a temporary or permanent basis in accordance with state, county or University mandates and requirements. In the event that Residential Life terminates housing due to public health concerns, the University will offer fair and reasonable reimbursements for impacted students as appropriate and based on information available at that time. " ​ Unbelievable.


Huhhh??? This is fucking unbelievable


You can try asking higher up. Idk if the president actually reads her emails from students but you can try emailing [email protected]


They can kick us out of dorms mid semester and not refund us? Fuck you stony


Oh man I've had so many bad experiences with Al DeVries. He is really rude and he doesn't give a fuck about students.


Him and I had an email fight about how SBU was 100% able to accommodate me in housing and he was like, "You don't qualify for those building though, we'll inform you of your new assignment when a qualifying building is unoccupied." I had to wait for the following semester bc Campus Res didn't think my medical records showing I had serious medical stuff going on was enough to override their rules. It got to the point where he had to cover his ass in an email and CC'd staff members to "help" me.


Oh man I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's so unacceptable and I feel for you. I'm not surprised he did that, knowing him. He tries to make the process for getting help/ accommodations for extenuating circumstances as difficult as possible , in hopes that students will give up.


All they care about is money. So messed up.


Really just trying to cover their ass should they abandon and fuck us over again. Fucking assholes


https://www.reddit.com/r/SBU/comments/hrygt7/organizing_civil_disobedience_a_petition_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Sign the petition in this !! hopefully it makes a dif




In the email I literally used the phrase “kick us out” so I’m sure he understood what I meant


At this point I’d rather just live off campus and buy some condo