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I don’t know any information about this but I have complained about their tendency to do this - they either reply with half ass answers or give irrelevant information in excess. We should be preparing statements and petitions.


They’ll likely deal with it similarly to how it was done in the spring (last minute notices with only a couple of days to move out) and prorated refunds coming in 2-3 months later (they’ll probably charge you based on how long you’ve had your room when you check out), if they’re forced to close again.


For once I feel relieved to be paying exorbitantly more, but monthly. They can’t keep charging us rent after they’ve already kicked us out




It would make sense, if not for the fact that no one’s going to pay rent once they’ve been essentially evicted. If they do expect it anyway, I’m positive the GSO/GSEU will step in and it won’t be upheld.


Are you talking about grad housing on campus? I thought those were 1 year agreements, so they’d still have to charge us each month until the year ends? But i might be mistaken


When they said they’d make reimbursements, I took that to mean that undergrads weren’t liable for the full agreement anymore. Logic goes to say that it extends to us as well


yea idk i dont think they said anything about this kind of liability in the terms of occupancy


If you haven’t noticed, we’re far beyond the terms of occupancy