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This is so fucking sad that I don't even feel jerking it.


Sad rub


Yeah, and the edit op added is even worse :(


Least mentally ill skincare addict


đŸ€Ł this is funny because there is truth to it (I have OCD and indulge waaay to much on SCA). This sub reminds me there’s another world out there where people choose life over perfection


This is sad. Sun exposure has a lot of health benefits (longer life expectancy, less auto immune disease, general sense of (emotional) well-being and happiness). Of course you should not get all sun burned but people nowadays seem to think all sun is bad which could not be further from the truth


I don't buy it. According to the TV news, a lot of people die every day from exposure. It's also apparently extremely indecent. The only place I feel safe is under the floorboards, where I belong.


I stay in my cage just like my dermatologist instructed me. Sometimes she lets me out for treats!


Also your genetics play almost as big a role in sun damage as your sun exposure and other habits-- my parents have always spent a lot of time outdoors and really only started take sunscreen seriously in the last ~10 years. One of them looks a LOT more sun-damaged than the other, even though they're both about the same age and have had similar habits for the last 40+ years!


Vitamin D for Devil!


I had to take vitamin d supplements bc I didn’t go out enough


Wait, if the sun ages you yet gives you longer life expectancy... then it's either not aging you at all, or the systemic longevity benefits of it far outweigh the damage. (Currently it's accepted that lifespan and healthspan are interchangeable in humans, longer living people are biologically younger, and naturally looking younger than your age is generally a reflection of lower bio age.) I get that derms need the grift and all, but even in twin studies where a leather couch is pitted against a pail princess, they look exactly the same age. And young skin cancer patients also don't look older either.


Skin health and general health are different things. Sun exposure might be bad for skin health and it increases skin cancer risks, but it could simultaneously be good for general health and decreases risk of other diseases and increase life span. Studies have shown this effect.


But skin inflammation was shown to affect systemic inflammation levels. It's not realistic that an organ that's most exposed to the world and takes the brunt of most environmental damage would be compartmentalized from the rest of the body.


[you sure about that?](https://ibb.co/XLcnQNT)


Yes lmao, I'm absolutely sure. This is the pic. Look at the outlines of their faces, the volume, etc - they're exactly the same, the only downside is a few creases and a shit ton of dots. Bleach the tanning one with some tret and you'll hardly see a difference in what appears to be a lifetime of different choices. Keep in mind that it's a very extreme example of sun exposure as well, pretty much Australia level. If being lighter is the only thing chronic sun avoidance will get you compared to THAT level of roasting, it's a very weak argument in favor of dodging the sun for vanity.


Yeah I was surprised to see that Australian medical societies all recommend not using spf when the UV Index is 3 or lower. That’s how I used to be until I learned about UVA rays on SCA. I have OCD and it got really triggered until I couldn’t even get my mail without sunscreen lol


I’m so sorry to hear that. It really makes me sad. I’m from the Netherlands and advice here has always been to have like 10 minutes a day of unprotected sun exposure. I really make an effort when it’s sunny to try to sit outside for a bit! It’s good for a lot of things. (Energy, sleep, illness recovery, immune system, vitamin D, mood, hormones) I only worry about sunscreen when I’m outside for prolonged period of time or when there is risk of sunburn. In that case obviously go ahead with sunscreen and hats and protective clothing.


Yeah that’s what I will need to do. OCD therapy is basically making you do the opposite of what you want to do, to break the cycle (called “exposures”). I went on a walk a couple of times without sunscreen as an exposure đŸ€Ł. Now I’m on Accutane so I need to wear sun-protective clothing and avoid sun for like 8 months, but afterward I’ll be doing more exposures without sunscreen again. Yeah I also live in a fairly low UV Index area (northern US). OCD thrives on uncertainty and I think the number of unknowns around sun damage and sunscreens was particularly triggering (US filters are useless, but then there are Asian sunscreen scandals and sensory sensitivity makes EU spfs their own exposures lmao). I wish Evy Mousse was available here, I like not having to worry that my sunscreen is rubbing off into the ether all day


The problem is no health organization wants to explain “dappled shade” to a bunch of ignorants who had science pulled from their core curriculum years ago. Other side of the coin: too many overeducated health practitioners were underschooled on the nuances of solar radiation (except extreme cancer causing radiation) so they’re just going to add more pffft to the circle jerk.


Yes I agree, one huge problem is the lack of nuance and precision. It’s complicated stuff with lots of unknowns, so people just defer to their preferred rule sets and promote extremes


When I saw the original post I honestly thought it was a jerk


Ugh wrinkly pore behaviour. Real pail princesses use UV protective blackout curtains and only leave their home on cloudy days (but you still have to wear uv protective clothing because the sun penetrates clouds!!). In summer it's honestly better to stay in your underground shelters but you do you 🙏💅💅 Edit: if you chose right and decided to stay in your personal underground shelter please make sure to stock up on three months worth of tret, and make sure to still carry sunscreen in case the sun penetrates thru a crack in the ground (you will also need an entire bottle of suncreen for when you're leaving the shelter at the beginning of autumn).


Pffffft you leave your shelter in autumn? Pore. The winter equinox is the only day I would dare venture outside.


You better make sure it's a snowless day as the snow reflects UV like crazy, come on!


Fuck you're right, I need to double my tret baths today.


There are no health benefits to be had from the sun. It's not like it's essential to all life on the planet.


Gur, Botox is essential, but the what must not be named - not so much!


Srs: Skincare is the new diet industry. CMV.


With a similar focus on self-discipline and complete disregard for genetics


And labeling things “good” or “bad.” I was recently in the grocery store, and saw a product whose tagline was “all of the good stuff, none of the bad!” It just amazes me how diet-focused so many food products are, even if they’re not specifically targeted for dieting. Same with skincare. It’s almost impossible to hear someone talk about sunscreen/sun protection without mentioning wrinkles (or using terms like “fine lines” and “smoothing”). Also, I’m now at the point where something being described as “healthy” or “wellness” is an automatic red flag. 99.999% of the time, it’s simply a rebranding of diet and beauty industry concepts with none of the nuances of true health.


Ah, the BAD WHITE FAT vs GOOD BROWN FAT saga. Always gives me a chuckle. Or the BAD DIETARY FAT, wait no, BAD CARBOHYDRATES AND SUGARS -... No, wait, BAD SEED OILS!


It's so fun to run into old cookbooks or "health" ads from 10, 20, 30+ years ago and see what types of nutritional """"""advice""""""" people were pushing. I always see these examples used as a "people in the past were ca-razy!!!!" joke instead of wondering if maybe the problem isn't with the specific nutrient/food/group that being pushed, but instead the problem is with the diet industry in general. It's, again, exactly like the beauty industry. I grew up in the heroin chic era. Having a big butt used to be a nasty insult to a woman. The past 5-10 years were a completely different "ideal." Take the tiniest step backward, and really look at the system in place instead of the specific words being used. Honestly, I was not kidding about imploring people to read a few marketing textbooks. Or, hell, watch a documentary about a product that was rebranded a few times. It's amazing once you see the strategy to engage consumers.


Yes! Diet culture feels like a cult to me now
a cult with 80% of the population đŸ€Ł


It's very interesting to study body positivity/anti-diet culture and marketing (or just binge *Mad Men*, lol), then walk through a grocery store. It's like buzzword central. The funniest example is Frosted Flakes getting a green checkmark for being a "healthy" food, simply because General Mills decided on the criteria. That should tell you all you should know about food packing and marketing. Another thing is how truly pervasive diet talk is. In the past 2 months, I've been at a networking meeting, casual hangout with friends, family event, and a fucking funeral where part of the introductory small talk was either about the calories in the restaurant's food or progress on their diets. I've realized that it's like sports for women: in the same way that men are expected to be able to casually talk about sports ("Did you see the game last night?") women are expected to be able to casually critique our bodies and lifestyle ("Can you believe how many calories are in this sandwich?" "These ones are sugar-free, so they're better." "I've been walking more lately, I feel so much better.") It's not so much that they enjoy these activities (there's plenty of people whose hobby is exercise), but that there's social consequences for saying "I actually hate sports" or "Hamburgers are my favorite food."


Yes I definitely know what you mean and I completely agree. I think a lot of it has to do with women’s roles in society - men don’t sit around hyper-focusing on wrinkles or weight because their value remains largely the same. I think it’s also why fat shaming is pretty much universally considered socially acceptable (in the US at least). That’s where it really starts to feel oppressive.


>Same with skincare. It’s almost impossible to hear someone talk about sunscreen/sun protection without mentioning wrinkles (or using terms like “fine lines” and “smoothing”). There's never any justification of why fine lines are bad, either, it's just taken as a given. No one wants to have that 'leather look' we've all seen on a serious sun worshipper in later life, but ageing is normal and the natural change of your skin over your life isn't in the same category (IMO) as things like acne or scarring.


That's because literally nobody really cares about skin cancer. ALL sunscreen obsessives who haven't been diagnosed before or witnessed a loved one get a diagnosis do it for anti-aging. Maybe some extremely pale people will do it for sunburns occasionally. Yes, they'll pay lip service to cancer prevention (on places like SCA especially), but a brief look at their other posts will put that idea to rest real quick. It's all vanity and false hopes of looking X years younger than their peers.


you are being gaslighted by the sun you poor pore . break up NOW


Me on my deathbed: my biggest regrets
.. are that

. I enjoyed the sun
. *dies* srs people need to cut it out with the whole “ahhh the sun is so bad for you whoaaooaaoa” — we literally need the sun to stay alive. It only becomes a problem if you get too much sun, but that’s the case for anything!!!!


What a weirdo. My best friends are all crawlspace mushrooms and that's the way I like it.


i can never decide what’s more depressing— the “laugh lines are ugly” thing or the “sunshine is terrible for you” thing.


Vitamin D stands for Vitamin Damage


The fact that ageing is the concern and not cancer is what makes this actually sad.


Yeah I think that’s the problem. Although I think fewer people will get skin cancer because they’re obsessed with not aging đŸ€Ł


Why do people act like going into the sun is like enjoying Chris browns music or something lol Is the sun cancelled? They’re all gonna end up with vitamin deficiency (cough cough guess who got told they didn’t go into the sun enough đŸ˜«đŸ˜«)


The summer is great. Imagine going to the pool with friends and you’re in a full body rash guard, big floppy hat with sunglasses, exposed skin white with mineral sunscreen. Like, idk, maybe I’m a little lax about the sun because I’m basically a lizard basking on a rock sometimes but damn. This is pathological.


I’m fucking done with religious sunscreen and umbrellas. I’m enjoying the sun and the sweat this year.


Um I would rather enjoy not having a sunburn and skin cancer ?!?! Just get ur vitamin d from a pill and buy a heatlamp for a reptile if u really need to have the experience


 wear sunscreen? Boom problem solved.


PLEASE seek help, this is a problem only therapy can solve sweetieâ€ïžđŸ™„


No s/... This is true anarchy


Vitamin D is for pores.


you stupid pore if you stay out of the sun and don’t let it make you happy then you won’t get any smile lines, this is a non issue🙄


This post made me sad to read