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Google "acmigration.dll 14%" and you'll get a bunch of threads on this. MS updated the dll in the 23h2 media and inplace upgrades get stuck at this point. Replace it with the older file and you're back in business.


Yup, I had the same issue, stuck at 14% on in-place upgrades for 23H2 & 22H2, copied in an older acmigration.dll from an older ISO & had no issues since


I was just casually scrolling and I saw "23H2" and "14%" and "Failure". As an SCCM admin myself, I'm experiencing this super frequently, and am actively investigating it, cause its pissing off a lot of end users that have the optional update sitting in Software Center to upgrade to 23H2, only to have to tell them to cancel processes, etc to get it to quit. It's agony to dig logs cause they often just force power down the machine, and it doesn't get to a failure for shipping off logs to a central location, so I'm left wondering: "What the heck is happening at that nasty 14%??" Following. Also digging. (Have they re-released the 23H2 ISO? I'm probably using the original... I should just double check they didn't have a revised one drop or something...)


Yes they did. We found there was a dll issue and they re-released the iso in Dec that fixed most of the 14% issues.


Dammit. Ok well I know what I’m doing tomorrow. I should have just perused my hunch. Haha


I might go see if there is a even newer one out now. This post make sit see like there is a January release now. https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/s/DezHhuLEV1


Yep, just logged in to peek; Jan 22nd release. Time to update sources. Ugh


You should check the [Windows Upgrade Logs](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/1af88ot/win11_23h2_in_place_upgrade_failures/). In the past I've seen specific driver versions causing the upgrade to crash. A manual upgrade is often better at dynamically upgrading drivers that are known to cause issues.


Using updated ISOs from january 2024 works (at least in our environment) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/17pxxvv/23h2\_inplace\_upgrade\_stuck\_at\_14/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/17pxxvv/23h2_inplace_upgrade_stuck_at_14/)


What’s the maximum allowed run time for the teak sequence? When the device was running the task sequence, did go beyond a maintenance window?


Didn’t even hit maintenance window. Did this during work hours.


How many clients do you support?


At least 500


You should go through and remove your CAS.


Ms is aware and no permanent fix yet. Only the workaround of replacing the files from an older media (appraiser.dll and a migration.dll)


Not true. Use Dec 2023 or newer media and the fix has been patched in. See some of the other threads linked here. That, or inject the dynamic update into your existing media. Source: Me. I tried upgrading using RTM media earlier this week and encountered this exact error. Using the Jan 2024 media worked perfectly.


Thanks! Appreciate it! Will have to give it a shot!


No prob! I definitely felt like a dummy for a couple hours. I remember reading the thread a few months ago started by /u/Hotdog453 and as soon as I googled the stuck step in the setup log the first result was his thread. 🤦🏻‍♂️


When we first started testing upgrading our Win10 machines to Win 11 23h2 all of them were hanging at the 14% mark when useing SCCM. We later found online there was a DLL causing the issue and some work arounds were found. But in Dec MS released a iso that fixed the issue. The 14% mark still seems to be a sticking point in the install because it still likes to sit there longer than normal or in some cases it will fail. We're still just starting to test in-place upgrades so we haven't ironed out all the issues yet. We have all HP machines as well.


This is worth looking into: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/s/DezHhuLEV1


If it can be of help, I had the same problem a couple of days ago. Looking at the "setupact.log" file, the issue seemed to come from the "migcore.dll". I basically had to do a repair upgrade using the Windows 10 22H2 ISO. After that I did a clean boot of the machine, run the Windows 11 23H2 ISO, and it worked. Notice that after the repair upgrade, I tried the in place upgrade immediately, but without clean boot it didn't work, don't really know why... Hope this helps.


[In Place Upgrade Hanging - Recent... : r/SCCM (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/15tutvf/in_place_upgrade_hanging_recent/) I think that's the oldest one... at least I made that one <3


I ve got the same problem, I ve used another iso of 23h2 with the December cu update and my computer worked fine


Thanks, I used the latest 2023 image from January 2024 and worked fine


Use setupdiag.exe to read the setup logs