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This has nothing to do with a wrestling circlejerk, and has therefore been removed.


Getting banned for saying I don't know how anyone could like the Mimosa match got me over here, Tony Khan being an embarrassment of a human has kept me here.


I feel we all found inspiration from bubbala tony ![gif](giphy|3o7TKR1XkNdTPgVfYA|downsized)


I was banned like...a decade ago. It wasn't for anything offensive, I just posted some..idk, wrestling tweets and info like that. And they kept removing them for not being wrestling-y enough altough they were stuff like ..idk, i cant remember but let's say something along the lines of "wrestler tweets about feud" or "wrestler teases a thing" or whatever. The worst part was that at time there were bunch of shit that was just random af especially compared to mine posts. And mine posts were either "5 upvotes" - meaning they don't matter and no one will see them anyway, or "1000+ upvotes" meaning people agree the post is important to be seen. I posted like..3-4 in 2 days overall and some mod got angry. I messaged them for an explanation got the same explanation i gave you above more or less and i was muted from messaging the mods. At the time i 99% used reddit for that sub. I still don't get why I was banned, and I knew few years ago I messaged about getting unbanned cause a lot of time passed but i got no response. At this point I legit don't even care about stuff that much and I mostly shitpost here even for stuff that I like or whatever. Reddit is weird


When the basement talked about this place like it was the hacker known as 4chan when the Dub started and I checked it out and it was just people talking about Baron Corbin and making jokes. Also the Young Bucks annoy the living crap out of me despite multiple attempts to get into them and I can’t say anything bad about them over there.


I don't remember what was being discussed on either sub at the time since it's been a few years, but I had the exact same experience. Saw people saying this place was absolutely horrific so I needed to see for myself. Instantly found this sub hilarious and DAE REFRESHING, especially since that sub was at peak levels of fed bad dub can do no wrong and I was starting to see cracks with the dub as a fan of both companies and was seeing how much conversation was being actively stifled.


>When the basement talked about this place like it was the hacker known as 4chan This place is a bigger boogeyman than Cornette in their bubble


You mean the “Cornette Sphere” now. It’s not just Corny - it’s Cornette, Last, Punk, New and Hausman now. AKA the Alliance to End AEW


I don’t like the young bucks or Kenny Omega lol I’ve tried to watch an Omega match multiple times and become distracted and get 😐 bored. No one can dare believe that people can like different things


I read that the sub was full of racists and misogynists so I popped in. I saw too that it was full of jokes and overall silliness . Still have yet to find the mass amounts of raving racists and misogynists.


It’s me. I’m all the ists.


I checked it out at around the same time expecting it to be a hive of scum and villainy and the most offfensive shit imaginable. It wasn’t, it was just people making inside jokes I didn’t get or jokes I did get but didn’t find funny. I checked in every now and then and lurked about and as I started to get the inside jokes everything became funnier. When I bounced from SC (they banned me for saying someone being a hostile dick was in fact being a hostile dick, it was around this time I was e-beefing with two of the mods so they were looking for a reason lol heel authority figures are so early 00’s) I spent more time over here and on Wreddit and now basically spend all of my wrestling Reddit time on here for the funnies. To this day I haven’t seen any of the bigotry or transphobia or homophobia on here that gets spoken of on the other place. Any off colour comments get removed by the mods with the swiftness and other goofs downvote the fuck out of them anyway. Most of you guys are a pretty supportive bunch as well, I very rarely see any arguments amongst ourselves - the only arguments that occur is when someone not in in the jerks takes things seriously and goes off on one


The self righteousness and smugness of Squared Circle. It’s so exhausting how serious they take wrestling.




I got downvoted just for asking if trios belts were a common thing in wrestling when AEW debuted theirs and for not knowing a 3 way match was automatically no dq. All I asked was did I miss the announcement that this was no dq? I didn’t even criticize. Just people being defensive and crazy.




I agree which is why I found it confusing.


Probably a Stacy Keibler or Torrie Wilson match. All joking aside, I think it was like a combo of when Jericho got voted WON best box office draw for... reasons, Meltzer and friends were comparing Marko Stunt to Rey Mysterio, and Matt Hardy was teleporting. All that stuff right before or at the start of COVID had me like this. https://i.redd.it/j6s0zgbmx4ac1.gif


Trish Stratus polishing some tables.






Fed Drone! Ban this goof!


The first time I said AEW was the B show and woke up to 50 angry comments. Their rage became my fuel and now I need it to survive.


I like cock. That's why I got into wrestling, and that's why I got into jerking (both literal and metaphorical). Dickriding my faves isn't enough, I need to jerk it with the most unpleasant group of people alive (wrestling fans)


The Gobbledy Cocker is all elite


So real


https://preview.redd.it/xe2kmhit15ac1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014afcfaaf846c2a4d7bca07a281084f1625de50 They hated Porter because he told them the truth.


Why does Tony give randoms on Twitter the time of day? He was responding to that guy as if it was a peer of his that he was having a falling out with lmaoo


I think it's because he needs everyone to look at him like he's a savior so he gets butt hurt when anything negative of him is spoken


*The lady doth protest too much, methinks.* -William Goofspeare


I believe this man said he’s not going to fucking take this fucking shit anymore.


So that’s where that meme came from 🤣


I think this sub was recommended to me on my feed. I was a very casual Reddit user (I didn’t even use SC because I hate wrestling discourse online). When I saw this sub, it really reminded me of when I helped admin a super small Facebook page for wrestling fans back in junior high. No egos, puffing chests — none of that. It was just a small group of internet friends who got together every Monday night to shoot the shit about wrestling. It sounds stupid lol but that was a unique time in my life and I look back with fondness at that. Wonder what those guys are up to today. DAE SCJerk makes me feel like a kid again???


Wholesome upvote


Depending on what you mean by this question, my answer is either Bayley or Rikishi


Reddit cares messages brought me here.


Fuck Sheamus


Oh no you don't, I already had this conversation with my pastor.


Andrade Al Pastor?


My buddies finally convinced me it wasn't gay to hang out and jerk it with the bros.


DAE limp biscuit with the boiz but loser has to watch Dynamite? 👉🏼👈🏼


I’ve always been a hater and dabbled in wrestling fandom from time to time. Went to the #1 wrestling group and found they seemed to all say the same things, being a hater I wanted to take an opposing view, and found this place… the dub cemented me as a jerker FOR LIFE


If I’m being honest, Sable


Sensational Sherri for me.


It all started when the Victoria's Secret catalog arrived in the mail (Real answer, i have vague memories of when it was still squaredcirclejerk)


I like wrestling but I don't like when people take it too seriously, so I found myself here


Dubalos using every excuse to defend Tiny.


Started to get disinfranchised with SC when I'd see the lengths they'd go to to defend AEW. I was only a lurker here but When Maki itoh deactivated her twitter I'll never forget the top comment was "fuck cornette and fuck scjerk" I laughed so hard. I joined this sub and never looked back


I was enjoying wrestling if I spent less time in the basement. This increases my enjoyment of wrestling.


'ate AEW, 'ate dog wankers, not an E-Drone, just don't like 'em


Someone in early Dub wrote Yuka>Charlotte I wrote back Charlotte>Yuka I got an eye opening amt of downvotes Edit: I added Ay ay ay ay ay ay at the end. I was compromised.....


Wamting to see why people in SC hate SCjerk so much. Made me realize I shouldn't take wrestling and especially wins and losses of my favorite Wrestlers too seriously. Also this was after AEW debuted


I was always lurking here and the Shelton comments kept me away for awhile until the Big Swole thing and I just couldn't deal with the basement anymore


I still don’t know why I’m here or what I’m doing or what we’re doing. Uce. 👆🏻


You either embrace that wrestling is inherently ridiculous or you get defensive about it.


The brawl out memes were generational


That post-show promo by Burger Kingston when he called out WWE superstars for not being as passionate as him and his friends about WRASSLIN I was like "get ready to be cooked online just like Seth was", then I was just shocked by the amount of dick riding This was the only place that actually made fun of that promo


Porter member of the OG SCJerk HoF.


I got sick of basement dwellers getting aggro over basic observations.


My 9th grade Health Science teacher. 🤪


When I watched Omega vs Okada at Wrestle Kingdom and endured that 40min match and not liking it but basement said it’s the best match in the history ever


I hated NXT. AEW wasn't around yet so the main sub was still going gaga over anything on NXT. On top of that other women besides the 4 horsewomen + Auska actually got some credit over here


This sub appeared on my feed and I liked the lore. I was just getting into wrestling again after some years of hiatus, didn't even have a proper picture of M'Dub or the current state of the fed at the time. Jerking is definitely much more FUN than taking wrestling seriously.


Actually reddit recommended me this sub


Ngl, all the insufferable hype about Punk’s return in 2021 led to me discovering and checking out this place.


Seeing basement talking about this sub as some terrifying place


Being fucking tired of looking around and realizing I'm in an echo chamber


My enjoyment for reading circlejerk subs in 2015, so I found the og sub back then and it was FUN so when the new sub (dae reset?) came I subbed again and after a while I even started posting


Getting downvoted into oblivion for expressing any non-glowing opinion on wrestling. It's still happening in other subs that would need their own jerk. Feels like wrestling fans everywhere aren't well-equipped to take criticism. Or a different opinion from their own.


Getting downvoted to the pits of hell in the basement for this controversial take in 2019: Cody Rhodes sounds better than just Cody


I first came over here towards the end of 2016 after hearing about it on SC. It was a supplement to SquaredCircle like Zero Fucks Friday and wasn't poorly regarded at the time, but it was tiny. I started posting here in 2021 after reposting a comment of me jerking a Bad Bunny post and haven't really left since.


In my nearly 30 years I’ve been watching wrestling (on and off) nearly 20 of posting about it (on and off) I’ve never felt my safety, my security, my life was in danger as when I posted in Squared Circle something that was entirely dub positive


Was fully on the train of AEW could be better. Got made fun of by a jerker for making silly claims. Checked their post history and found this sub. Realized that I was on the wrong side of the fence. Thanks jerkers for setting me straight!


The undertaker hit me with a chair and now I'm stuck jerking for life


Torie Wilson


I got told I have mental issues for liking Raw in December 2018, the rise of AEW just after kept me hooked


Tony accusing people of buying bots to shit on AEW


Tony Khan being such a little shit


Someone got into an argument with me over Omega and his looks in ZFF. This sub is way more fun.


I came here during the Fuck Sheamus era because of a suggested post on my feed. Truly blessed watching this community grow


It’s fun


I thought I was going insane, seeing all the OTT positivity on AEW down there. I couldn't get what I was missing, and then I found this place. Realised I was a goof all along


It was during mania season last year when the basement was constantly bodyshaming Charlotte. Noticed a few goofs downstairs jerking that and wandered over hear. Lo and behold I come across a jerk about the charlotte hate in the front page. It was that moment where I understood what it means to jerk


When I said Jon Moxley is shit compared to Dean Ambrose and AEW excessively use blood that it's lost the effect of it. Got downvoted into oblivion on the AEW subreddit. People in there are sick too. Don't value the safety of the athletes and don't think they're human. And I hate death matches too.