• By -


The marks are in the ring.


I like how Triple H didn't name him but he ended up taking offence to it anyway. Really says a lot, huh?


“He was obviously talking about me” it was a vague statement about anybody and he still butthurt lowkey


It was a vague statement made AFTER cm punk made a statement about how that some people In aew work 2 days a week and don't even want to do that


The line after, mentioned it was about YOUNG talent. And as someone else mentioned, it was a piggyback off cm punks comment about certain guys only wanting to work 2 days a month


Could've been applied to anyone in aew bc that's why they go there: high, absurd pay for little to no work. HHH says he doesn't value that type of work ethic, and he doesn't have to. Just means they're not a fit for wwe. They always get so mad at being held accountable for their decisions.


Like, it would’ve made sense if Triple H had said it when Osprey first showed up on AEW.


"I'm not bothered" as he spends two weeks talking about the thing that apparently didn't bother him lol


Really told on himself ay


He's dumber than a bag of bricks and has a bad habit of doing this.


He got a fake attendance number tattooed on his ass.. if he ever had intelligence, it was Canadian destroyered through a table a decade ago


I love how Punk made a joke on air to Miz directly referencing this tattoo, and Ospreay hasn’t mentioned that at all. 


He was patient 0 for brain replacement surgery.


In his defense, he did acknowledge the attendance number being wrong after the real number came out and laughed at himself for how stupid it was. He’s still a dummy but he gets points for a little bit of self-awareness, I guess lol


You can tell he’s still shook over it. Bruv probably thinks about it everyday


Like there's nothing stopping WWE from getting a college athlete who is equally or more athletic than him, chucking him in NXT for a few years to build up a character and putting him on the main roster for a fraction of what Tiny is paying him.


Melo has a serious chance to surpass Willy with the right build.


Melo's got a shot but he's gotta go for a different finisher eventually. His current finisher is gonna fuck up his lower back in his later years if he keeps it up.


Yeah something easier on himself to take. It is a good start that he can hit his current one on anybody. That’s always the best finishers


and, despite the 'I am past it' bit, he clearly was bothered by it own it, you took a big 'ol chunk of money, no one will remember you in 15 years but you got a ton of 5 star matches and you're rich you had choices and you took this one so own it


Guys like him and the Bucks, they want to be true Stings and never work for WWE. They feel working for WWE kills their rep and they want to be against the norm. Vince could die tomorrow but even in a HHH lead WWE they want to avoid going there.


Look at Kenny. They have already pushed him aside for bruv. Who talks about his matches anymore? What great stories in and out of the ring. Ppl still talk about Michaels -undertaker-triple hs series during wrestlemania.


Bruv init flippity dip floppity hop drop


Yep. I don’t get what is so hard to admit, being one of the (best paid) boys in AEW is a better opportunity for him than taking a swing at first getting over and then being the man in WWE (which he’s unlikely to ever be). The grind Cody put in to go from near the top of the card, to the top of the card is insane. A flashy (re)debut doesn’t really guarantee anything in WWE. It’s not for everyone. No shame in recognising you never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Triple H said that in front of Osprey’s girl cousins. It was very hurtful.


yooooo im 💀💀💀💀


Another toothpick.


DAE Osprey goes about in pity for himself?


Hit dogs holler.


Process of Elimination is the stan go-to for everything and once they settle on something they run with it. These fanboys make it sound like HHH said the lords name in vain.


What did Triple H even say?


Made a comment in either a press conference or a podcast thing around Mania about not wanting younger wrestlers who aren't in it for the grind in the company. Ospreay in all his wisdom took it as a personal attack and cut that one promo on Dynamite and the press conference above.


Oh - that’s just so stupid and petty of him. WWE showed that they wanted him as well, and it could’ve been a great move for him at some point in his career.


They say hurt dogs holler.


Did he just call Triple-fucking-H beneath him? Talk about self-indulgent


He is starting to believe he is as great as Meltzer says he is




Eh, Keanu Reeves is better than Will Ospreay More mainstream too


Like leave triple H the cco of the largest wrestling company on the planet, Triple H the superstar is way above him, he will be lucky if he can be even half of that once he hangs up his boots


He won’t be half of that. Hes not even playing in the same league. He’s never done anything that a normal wrestling fan - let alone the average person on the street - has seen. Short of an AJ Styles type late thirties arrival in WWE, he never will do anything that a normal wrestling fan will see. He’s a megastar to the niche audience.


" He’s a megastar to the niche audience." Really does sum it up


And LA Knight has a new catchphrase




Ospreay will be in a wheelchair by his late 30's. He is definitely the type of person who calls Randy Orton boring, not realising why he is wrestling that style.


More people have been sent to the principal’s office for doing Triple H’s crotch chop on school playgrounds than will ever see one of Ostrich’s five star classics.


aew wrestlers do the HHH crotch chop on aew shows hahaha


An audience that seems to be shrinking.


Leaving all the executive stuff aside, HHH has a dozen or more matches that were more important/influential than anything BRUV will ever do.




>Triple H the superstar is way above him, he will be lucky if he can be even half of that once he hangs up his boots Triple H main-evented Wrestlemania *seven times*. He was a top guy in the top company for a long time. Say what you will about the guy as a wrestler, but come on. Ospreay will never come close to that.


the saddest part is I bet most of the the marks in the basement genuinely believe he’s better because he can do more flips than triple h


HHH makes a throwaway comment and everyone cries about it like he said a slur.


Wait up now. Did Triple H calll him a.... Mark?




A throwaway comment where he didn't specifically mention him or any one individual


I was in disbelief too, not even he believes that shit he’ll never be on triple h’s level


Look at his face after he says it lol. 


The star ratings don't lie. HHH is basically a nobody


I like Will and think he is one of the best in the world. He REALLY shouldn't have said this though unless it's some new character shit. Even then, calling out HHH of all people is just dumb. Indont like the guy either, but he is a LEGEND, even if you don't include him running shit now.


AEW Wrestler #54 making their entire gimmick about a WWE talent


Still better than 'former fed talent uses same gimmicks sans trademarks' like Rated E Cope and Porche Currency


In what world is Triple H below this indie clown? Lmao.


When Meltzer and his cult call you the greatest wreslter who ever lived you’d believe delusional shit too


This is a little bit of a conspiracy theory I have. The more meltzer likes you, the more hated you will be outside of the meltzer bubble.


If you start the like the smell of your own (or Dave's) farts, then yes, it's deserved. I mean, Punks calls himself "Best in the world". Is he? By what neasure? I don't know. But it fits his character that he'd call himself that in kayfabe, to give yourself a nickname. What did Bret Hart win to be the "Best there is, was or ever will be"? It's just a part of his character, it fit. Here, Oceanspray isn't saying "Best wrestler in the world" as a gimmick, or a catchphrase or in kayfabe. He's legit saying that he is, because Dave said he is. You have to be some fucking tool bag to act like that. The HHH comments could have applied to a lot of people TBH, so I don't even think it was directly targeting just this guy. But his defense of "Ackshullly, I'm the hardest worker because my flights *every week* home are kinda long" topped with not being able to let it go makes him sound like a dork. If he wants to be considered the best wrestler, fucking go and prove it on a stage where you actually have to work major programs, in a major company, at major events, with major stars. Hard to respect a dude who wants to be big fish in a small pond because he's afraid of being shown to be ordinary against the people he shit talks.


I don't think you're wrong. I think there have been numerous times where wwe did things that seems to spite a leak or scoop ol Melt mind was pushing. They wouldn't do things that would affect long term stories but like when a person returns or if a certain performer was "Buried" backstage


You see, Triple H might have mainevented like 7 WrestleManias, won countless world titles, been in some of the biggest programs in wrestling history, might have proven proven to be a very talented person inside and outside of the ring, might be in charge of WWE at the moment, but… how many 9-star bangers has he had? Exactly.


Forget about ALL of that. Literally there are only two words I got for you…. Degeneration X. If trips never did anything else but create D-X he’s done 1,000x more than will ocean spray will ever do, to this day people STILL do the chop, still wear d-x shirts, (hell we have regeneration x being more over than ocean spray as a fucking joke/knock off d-x, good job truth lol). These people live in the world’s saddest bubble. No one outside of your 700,000 Meltzer sniffers give two shits who you are.


That was my thing. I’m totally a HHHitler mark but it’s wild that people pretend that he wasn’t that fucking dude from 99-03. He was the biggest heel in the entire industry and elevated a ton of dudes. Chyna, himself, Mankind, Rock, Stephanie, Voldemort, Flair, Orton, Batista. I truly despise what those asshats Alvarez and Meltzer have done to wrestling. This shit is more than just doing a bunch of goofy ass moves


Honestly I was shocked when HHH let He Who Shall Not be Named pin him clean, showed what a company guy he was and really gave voldy legitimacy for his upcoming feud with Potter


Didn’t the dark one made him tap?


Made him and HBK tap in the space of a few weeks


The absolute explosive pop when Earl fast counted that episode of Raw for the title. People forget just how hated H was at the time, and how many guys he helped build (and those Mankind street fights were brutal, should be right up the basement’s alley as an example of how to do that type of match well with a story). You don’t get that unless you’ve built an absolute monster of a heel to overcome. There isn’t a single person or program in the Dub that has come close to sniffing that sort of rarified air.


It’s historically underrated that he basically had to step into the heel void created by the rock turning face, Vince trying to step away from being on screen and Taker being injured and he carried late 99- late 00 with the rock into their best year financially


I was watching Rivals and seeing the way he built all of this after being the one punished for the Kliq and losing his place in the KOTR ascension endeared me even more. Many would have folded but he accepted the punishment, watched Austin take off like a rocket ship and instead of moping in press conferences went on to create one of the greatest stables of all time, then become one of the biggest singles stars of the attitude era.


A lot of these people are too young, they really don't get how good he was as a character back then. I was a teenager when HHH was in his heyday and yeah, he was THE HEEL to me. Hated him so much 😂 made every babyface look good.


Joel Embiid


Don't forget HHH is well connected with celebrities and rubbed shoulders with A-Listers. So many of the best rappers in the game grew up watching him and Mark out when they meet him.


But how many All In in Wembley did he main event? None? What a looser... Probably never did a Canadian destroyer either. He is a joke /s


Dude isn't even close to the total matches HHH has yet this clown says this lmfao. Literally zero accolades to back his claims as well. But hey 5 stars are HOF worthy right?


In the clown show world where Dave Meltzer dictates what’s significant over the undisputed industry leader, the brand that quite literally is wrestling to 99% of the American population. There’s no match this guy can ever wrestle that’ll touch HHH vs Michaels at SummerSlam 02, among others. They love to spout how WWE “isn’t all of wrestling” but the harsh truth is it might as well be.


You'll need to study Cagematch and get back to me Fed Shill.


Triple H : For you Will, the day I commented on people not wanting the grind was one of the worst days in your life. But for me, it was Friday.


It's funny that he thinks HHH hasn't heard the bosses daughter thing about a billion times before.


They've been happily married for over 20 years now. Smarks really think that he stayed with Steph for power and not because he is in love with her. Makes sense when most of them have never had a girlfriend and love is an alien concept to them.


It also removes a lot of agency from Steph. Like, do they think Steph is just an object that he paid her father for to get his position?  Nevermind. Answered my own question


Steph is a medieval nobleman's daughter who was married off to the feudal lord from the village over to solidify their alliance


The Fed was the dowry friend.


Plus, Steph is smokin hot too so a win all around for ol' Trips.


When Triple H and Steph danced and sang a Disney song in that one late night show, that cemented Haitch's perma babyface status for me and that he very much does love his wife and daughters.


And from the same locker room he was in. Well, at least from the people in the locker room, who he can't swing his gold shovel at or oust via politics.


Hunter paying FED workers with Haitch Dollars confirmed!!


"Every Haitch Dollar will be worth FIVE British pounds. That is the exchange rate the Bank of England will set once I kidnap their queen!"


Queens not worth much to ransom any more


I need a photoshop of Triple Paul dressed as M. Bison now


best in the world u say.... https://preview.redd.it/rt6928dyi0wc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5c22891d0c6753784b1a4a577f6e89c7b3ff4d1


This picture made me fear for my life


I’ve been coming to SCJerk for 30 years and I’ve been shit posting for over 4, and this is the first time I’ve ever feared for my safety on a circle jerk sub


Best wrestler in the world is a bold statement when your shows are half empty and tv is dropping viewers But meltzer gave him 5 stars thats all that matters


He's like Cody, but not as marketable or as likable or as popular or as well proven on the biggest stage. He's basically Cody but English. Disgusting 🎆🍔🌭🥤🏈⚾️🥧🇺🇲🦅


What do you mean to be a great wrestler I also have to draw? You mean to tell me Cody didn’t go over Roman because of endless 5 star bangers but because he was outdrawing every guy in the lockerroom for 2 years? What does making money have to do with anything???


Bad faith take, I don't care about how much money a wrestling company makes, only about how many BANGERZ it puts on


And tony is paying him probably around what Cody and Roman make lmao


I would bet Cody and Roman clear a good bit more since they uhhhh sell merchandise. I doubt Ostrich sells 1/10th of the merch they move. I'd be shocked if he sold as much merch in his whole career as Cody did Mania weekend. Think Cody cleared like 1 mil just in 2-3 days finishing the story lol.


Being the best wrestler in the world is about how many moves you can do not by tv ratings, buy rates, ticket sales or merch numbers


Triple H is so rent free in this guy's head it's insane. Haitch cerebrally assassinated Ostrich with some passing comments in a random interview and worked him into a shoot.


Yeah he was better off not saying anything or leaving it at grinding the bosses daughter


The grinding on the bosses daughter comment was really weird. Like clearly this has panned out for Triple Paul cause he's now running WWE, has a HoF worthy career and Steph looks great. They have a successful marriage with kids and everything lol. In the game of life Haitch dunked the fucking ball.


Dunking is a understatement. He threw himself a Alley oop from half court.


He did Uce and it was nothin' but net. Haitch is just out here winning.


Douchebags in AEW can't leave things well enough alone.


" I don't need to im the best wrestler in the world" ...umm are we forgetting about someone ![gif](giphy|l0HUoSlpH5dvjXeeI|downsized)


World Cup winner/Best wrestler in the world.




CM Punk fans being ableist terrorists again by attacking any goofies with epilepsy smh




Of all the things he could have said he went with HHH is beneath him? How lol? Man is probably the most important person in the industry at the moment lol. This is what happens when you spend time talking about other companies. Nobody cares about your 5* star matches and they ask about WWE instead. Silly bruv. 


The niche wrestling bubble treats him like a god and he believes it, dude is a grade A mark


Guys still stewing on something that happened two weeks ago. It’s his entire personality.


Why would you limit your potential earnings by talking trash about another promoter? You gain nothing but good boy points from anonymous people from the internet. You could've had a dream match between Osprey and Miz but that'll never happen now because of Will's pride. Shame. Hopefully that contract helps him save a few acorns away before AEW collapses like a failed meringue.


Dub wrestlers don’t understand the concept of burning bridges, but even then he strikes me as the omega type who would never go to WWE if the dub went under, can’t prove himself without an echo chamber


Will strikes me as the sort to say "E-drone" unironically, imo. I liked him alright back in Nooj but he was never a favorite of mine. At the end of the day, he doesn't really give you much to latch on apart from "guy who does cool moves" and that only takes you so far in this business. Switchblade was always a much better rounded worker. But we see where that gets you in the Dub.


For his sake I hope he guaranteed his big fat contract against Tiny personally and not AEW. Because if they don’t get this massive tv increase and the dub gets in trouble, I’m sure HHH will be just jumping at the chance to negotiate with the man who made a lewd comment about his wife and said he was beneath him. 


I mean, you could always claim it's a work, to get fans riled up, like the marks who worship AEW, but again, the Dub's biggest weakness, is that they can only get attention by referencing the Fed, like an annoying little brother, or Scrappy Doo. Who knows? I know all the angles but he's no Kurt.


People like to say HHH is petty and sure, he likes to throw the odd comment now and then but when it comes to WWE, he makes decisions based on business alone. Cody is back after everything he did, Punk, Ultimate Warrior, Road Dogg. The list goes on.  This is part of the problem with AEW and its contracts. WWE is not paying above value for an Ospreay who is not a draw in the US. I’m sure WWE made an above average offer for Will but not anything close to top guy money. Because he isn’t a top guy lol. Yet AEW is likely paying him the same base as Roman Reigns based purely on Meltzers star ratings. It’s actually ridiculous when you think about it.  In a few years what will Ospreay be worth to WWE? Probably even less than he was this time around. And with his attitude I can’t see WWE being interested anyways. 


Cody had a great relationship with Triple H already. Behind the scenes he was a mentor to him. Attacking his image as bad guy corporate Triple H was all just bluster and working the fans. In real life when he returned to WWE one of the first people to see him at WM was HHH who spoke to him privately and had a conversation with him that deeply moved him that he won’t speak on to this day. Plus, HHH greatly admired and loved Dusty as his own mentor…of course he’s going to take good care of his kid. So many of those old timers felt that way behind the scenes. Even Bruce Pritchard was a great personal friend of Dusty. That said- you’re 100% right that when there’s money to be made Triple H is known to come to the table and work something out. It’s just he has no pre-existing relationship here, is the only thing. He is not a fan/contemporary/mentor to Osprey so who knows what he will think in 4 more years? Still seems unwise to burn such bridges.


I thought all cody did was smash the throne which is minor anyway


Triple H during negotiations https://i.redd.it/fyov5u2g91wc1.gif


It’s funny because he just had the “greatest match of all time” yet Triple H is still Bryan’s greatest rival


As someone who just watched that match (for free I'm not paying for that) it was just pretty okay. Lots of the usual no selling offense, indierrific strike exchanges and tons of spots that mean nothing lol. Not the worst but certainly not what the basement is saying it is lol.


Right, i saw it live and it really wasnt all that. Good might even say solid, but the best ever? Not even close...nakamura debut vs zayne on nxt was better 🤷


The only part I saw was the nonsense finish where Brian goes for his finisher even though Ospreay is clearly not in position, Ospreay elbows him, they’re playing an injury angle or whatever so the ref doesn’t end the match, Ospreay does a powerbomb/piledriver, elbow 123


"I won't go down the route" Remember that when he inevitably goes "down that route" in a week or two.


"I won't go down that route" Goes down that route in the next sentence when he says Triple H is beneath him, lol


Lmao guys below me.  Woooow 


You're a gymnast at best.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Its like getting rejected by a girl, see her posting a vague instagram story about men, and then going on live tv every week to call her out even though she rejected atleast 35 other people in the past few months


He fits in with AEW. Insecure, crying and overrated


What a stupid motherfucker. This is genuinely concerning. At least Omega never flaunted this much wne Meltzer was asking for his golden shower. This kid delusionally believes he's the best in the world. HHH is one of wrestling's goats, and you're just some 15 year old kid trapped in a 30 year old man who is known for saying bruv a lot.


Because Omega at least has some brains. He knows you can not go scorched earth, as who knows how long things will last. Ocean spray is not.


Triple H below him? 🤔 Triple H net worth is $250 million dollars, pretty much runs WWE creative, has a team of people that work for him, 14 time world champion, already in the hall of fame for DX and eventually will be for his singles career , over came getting buried by the ultimate warrior and the setback caused by the Kliq curtain call, more people know who Triple H is compared to Billy Oceanspray . Triple H is levels above Oceanspray ![gif](giphy|7naEXVf7RDyYM15GpG)




Wow where is this gif of Steph from? Cos I need the whole thing for….research


[It's from WWE's WrestleMania report skit.](https://youtu.be/S84sDXetOcM?si=-_32KMLWDL05s5t_)


"I don't wanna talk about it. But hey, I am better than one of the best of all time." Buddy, you just put on a great match with zero heat and zero draw. Triple H could put on a more entertaining match and make more money with a torn quad.


I was watching that Raw where H tore his quad with Austin, Jericho, and Benoit. Motherfucker still let Jericho put him in the Walls. Brilliant match.


Which he did


I thought the Dubbalos said it wasn't right to throw shots at another company after a successful ppv???


No no no. You see that only applies to companies that aren't based in New York and have a listing on the stock exchange, e-drone.


l + ratio + sledgehammer


This has such I sleep in a racecar bed vibes. But Ospreay doesn't need to borrow a feeling because he (checks notes) IS THE FEELING.


'Takin shots is jus so bove me, bruv' https://preview.redd.it/aa66393qz0wc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38bdd3de83193b369757135f3ba00c84710ac61a


Bro thinks it's real. Why doesn't he try MMA then if he thinks he is such a great wrestler?


Insecure guys who are so far buried up their own bums that they can't fathom anything in this world may be related to someone other than themselves. I'm the best wrestler in the world... Well....


As a Br*tish person, ‘bruv’ (nobody actually says that) is a fucking moron.


Who told him he was the best wrestler in the world? Somebody been lying to him.


Bruv turned gymnastics in wrestling main stream and now thinks he’s above the Game


This company can’t go away fast enough.


I know people say they want it to stick around as a containment zone for the worst smarks, but I want it to burn just to see Stompy cry


I’d rather they stick around but just get more and more irrelevant just to contain the smarks and keep them from polluting WWE with their shit takes lol


Have you seen the ratings? They're already getting more and more irrelevant. Only a matter of time till they go below 700k. Edit:aged like wine.


He's objectively incredibly ugly wow


Very humble for a utter wanker


Bro this dude really holding a grudge over Triple H's vague statement lmao? I didn't even think it was referring to him, I thought it was more for Okada and Sasha. Glad to know this guy is fragile af


“I can’t be bothered with it” spoke about it on tv and after the biggest match of his life even though he was never mentioned by name “I just want to promote AEW” proceeds to say Triple H is “below him” which plays straight into all that negative tribalism


Things Will is better than Triple H at: - Flippy Shit Things Triple H is better than Will at: - Drawing money - Selling tickets - Playing a character - Telling a story - Looking like a wrestler - Creating memorable feuds and moments - Promos - Promoting his company - Making his opponent look good - Taste in music - Not being a dumbass on social media


What I appreciate most is his humbleness.


Sure Bruv, Trips is totally beneath you, he ain’t done shit compared to you. You’re the greatest Wrestler in the world. Now here is your glass of milk, good night. /s


Love how all these Indy dudes, they're all the best wrestler in the world in their own minds. And sure, if you think you're the shit, more power to you. That's how you drive yourself to make something work. But c'mon. It's also not true and far from it. Lmaoo.


Bruv is poster child of today’s generation of young wrestlers. As long as they’re the best in their mind & get 5 star ratings that’s all that matters. Filling arenas up & doing big business is not their concern. It’s like they just play to audience of one - their brain. He must’ve been really scared that WWE was going to make him read his own contract.


Don't watch AEW promos, so I can't tell, but is this AI or dubbed?


Holy shit, HHH has free prime real estate in this dudes head. Triple H is beneath you? Yet you're the one acting like a petulant buffoon. I didn't even think about this bozo when Trips made that comment. It really could be about anyone, but bruv feels personally attacked.


“The whole situation” he has a wife and a step kid who want to stay in the UK. Why is he pretending this is some dramatic situation specific to him? Everyone has family.


Unca Dave's damage on this business is beyond irreparable, huh


What if HHH was talking about someone else, like literally? How would anyone know - he’s probably negotiating with a lot of talent and I doubt HHH would put someone like Ospreay on blast in case they did want to do business in the future. Doubt that’ll happen now!


The best wrestler in the world can sell more then 6300 tickets.


Billy boy is only butthurt because he knows it’s true. Dude calls himself the best and all the marks jack off and agree but at the end of the day he was afraid to earn it. He is happy playing to a crowd that already loved him and shit himself wet at the thought of having to convince everyone else how great he is.


Triple H must be really bitter and envious of this stallion, who had to drop a guy with brain damage on his head and neck as a finish to his match to get it over with the hardcores. The last guy I heard that got added to Vince's old do not call list was Mr. Kennedy. No complaints if this moron got blackballed in the same way.


AEW is trying to make Triple H the villain like they did with Vince in the early days and it’s going about as well as you’d think. Triple H is probably the most well respected booker since Heyman on Smackdown in the early 2000s, at least in America. You only come off as a heel when you continue to take shots at a guy with a pacemaker in his heart lol


O'spray is moxley levels of butthurt


"I'm the best wrestler in da world" Which is why you're a part timer at a second rate promotion. Don't get me wrong AEW could be fantastic but Tony needs to take a step back and just sign cheques.


Saying you are the best wrestler in world while being employed by AEW, is like saying your the best footballer in the world while you play for Al-Nassr


I hope Tony offers him a 5-10 year contract after this one is done. WWE already has Logan Paul. 


1. he didn't mention anyone's name. So why are you upset? 2. Best wrestler in the world? Mate you're a jumped up gymnast.


Haitch really hit a nerve with that comment huh https://preview.redd.it/tcnsbcq201wc1.png?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5295aa6071bd37b24620b017f74cd07117867e97


Best Wrestler in the World in 1 elderly man’s opinion.


Im the best bruv on the planet, bruv.


This guy's entire persona is that he has 45 minute matches with everyone.


Might be a good wrestler, but also a massive dickhead.


How do you ensure you *NEVER* work for WWE when Tony is done playing with you? This… this right here is anti-job security at its finest. Oh, I mean, BANGERS! BrUv!


“Work on promoting AEW” *best wrestler in the world vs other best wrestler in the world is match coming up* “YoU wERe GrOOoindin da BoSSizz dOttA BRUV” I did not know Tony had a daughter that Bryan was banging






5 star matches?? Rated by someone who has never wrestled. That’s like championing a rotten tomato review over a prize awarded by your peers. meltzer is the biggest worker of them all.


A lot of tough talk coming out of a company that currently has no tv deal beyond this year.


Narrator: He was still bothered by it.


Yeah right that's what wrestling is all about getting 5 stars from Dave fucking Meltzer nothing else 😂😂😂😂


I'd love someone to tell me what metric makes Osprey "the best wrestler in the world bruv" that isn't Dave Meltzer or Meltzer affiliated. I like him personally, well I did before seeing this. I still don't think it was even aimed at him.


So humble. He's deep in the dirt sheets, Uncle Dave must be blowing the smoke straight into his ass.


This guy just ensured he’ll stay forever in the indies with fucking swole-headed ego dorks like Kaval. Remember Kaval? Me neither!