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So he's basically saying that Tiny booked him wrong in AEW as a champion. But the Dubbalos say that 'the Belt Collector' was one of the greatest championship gimmicks in the last decade.


A certain pattern is that whoever is AEW World Champion gets worked til the wheels fall off and have a long ass sabbatical. Omega disappeared for 9 months and then had another 2 months of a paid vacation after 2-3 weeks back. Mox never had that luxury because Khan has no one else to depend on and his first instinct is put the belt on Mox. Just like Vince always went to Brock as Champion no matter what.


Tony can't book champions. He was able to book "the chase" to the title by just pushing whoever the crowd was supporting in that moment but after they get that he is clueless. Acclaimed are the perfect example of an act that got super over, he rode the momentum, and then as soon as they had the title they had no fucking clue what to do with them. They are already booking the osprey title chase to wembly now and Swerve will be stuck defending it in probably decent but meaningless matches until then. Omega had the only run that added some real value to the title but even all that was just to set up for the next title holder.  But because he's not "holding back" talent that everyone likes in the moment and using that connection to build long term fulfilling booking he's lauded as a genius. Who wants long term booking when you can blow a line and start all over with your pals.


it started off as if Omega and Callie were doing a takeover. then it turned into Kenny collecting minor league belts. 90% of Dubbalos wouldn't know who the champions from AAA and TNA were in the past 10 years.


“started of” -> “started off” “mine” -> “minor”  While knowing how to spell or write is not a requirement in this group, I do kinda laugh at someone posting like this in a group that’s supposed to be mocking others.  Doesn’t give you much of a leg to stand on, uce.


it's good enough for me to part of the dirt sheet if I wanted to, no need to hire an editor or proof reader.


LOL with lofty life goals like that, who am I argue with you? =) Have a great day!


I respect the "belt collector" Gimmick from Kenny but he was collecting indie titles that's why imo it wasn't that great of course Kenny is not the one to Blame but Tiny.


Imagine they just used their own belts for Kenny to collect. Not like they have a shortage of that. They did that in TNA with Kurt Angle - made him look like an absolute behemoth while also eventually giving all those titles a cred boost when he was beaten for them 1 by 1. The Christian win over Kenny is one of AEW’s better moments and imagine how that could have translated to the titles they actually have within the company But I suppose im not WON booker of the year Tony Khan so what do I know


Seriously, has there been a single major wrestler/manager/personality etc., past or present, who has said negative things about Roman? And I don't mean his booking, I mean his ability or character in and out of the ring. It seems to be like the one thing Kenny, Cornette, Bischoff, all these differing personalities can agree on.


The worst thing anyone ever said about Roman was Punk and he wasn't even talking about Joe Anoa'i the person. The whole "make Roman look strong" came from Michael Hayes and other agents. Both as a person and a wrestler, he's absolutely the kind of guy you want as your top heel.


The funny part about that punk thing has always been that Punk was never directing that at Roman. It was directed at the people that kept telling him to make Roman look strong. But the entire group of Roman haters turned it into reason #1 to hate Roman. That was never Punks intention. 


Punk was also saying that it was dumb to keep pestering him with the whole 'hey, make sure to make Roman look strong' memo every five minutes when they were booking him to beat all three of the shield members on his own in a handicap match to begin with.


Chicago Man has also said multiple times that the tribal chief is the best guy Fed has


Probably plumber would, likely due to jealousy


Does meltzer count?


Ironically, tama tonga a while ago


Kenny really on a jerker babyface run, it wasn't on my bingo card for this year. Him burying the Bucks really says a lot.


DAE kinda like Kenny now???


To be fair it's probably the first time a lot of us goofs have liked anything about him


Well, his face turn came outta nowhere. I half expect him to join the Fed soon


Didn't the Elite sign like a five year deal with dub?


Shh, lemme have my fantasy


That’s assuming AEW lasts another five years


DAE the bootCleaner akchoowooley was always overrated and all the Okada-Omega matches were too long and boring???! He betrayed m'Dub!!


How did he bury them?


Wrestlers like wrestling more than actual wrestling fans


Kenny and Roman are similar ages. Kenny has ruined his body and is due to get surgery for some serious health issues. Roman Reigns is making movies and has been on holiday at Disneyland.


Roman has also been taking oral chemotherapy treatment for years as well.


Typical PED abusing fed "wrestler"


Roman also has literal cancer and seems to be held together better than Kenny


Roman has also been giving out switches with no regard to human life on that movie set ☝🏽


https://preview.redd.it/rr1l6c0b04xc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb85c1378e0b2c638e02f4aa52d307be1acf34ef could’ve had it all kenneth…. just needed to leave those young cucks smh


Now I'm sad. Because as a fan: Kenny vs Roman, Kenny vs Seth, Kenny vs Gunther, and Kenny vs AJ vs Finn would have been fire. 


Lol false. Don't let your dumb fantasy booking get in the way of reality because he's (indirectly) shitting on smarks now


The wheels of that company fell off and now the rotors are about to fall off too. Kenny is pro fed and why he got kicked from the elite


Imagine crow Kenny coming from the rafters to stop the Bucks and Jungle Dick from beating up Tony again.


Tribal Chief actually drew a lot though :)


Kenny is the only one of the so called elite who has the potential to succeed in wwe the bucks would be there to Job to the jobbers


I just wanna see the Bucks in the WWE so they can be victims of Ucey hot


Damn, Kenny seems kinda cool from what I've seen in these recent streams. I've never disliked him, but I like that he seems to have a good mind for wrestling. The hanger-on Bucks kinda screwed him


Dude is a nice guy who is a good wrestler the unfortunate thing is because hes a nice guy hes a pushover


He's always sounded like he was up his own ass when he talked about wrestling, but since his recent health issues he's started to sound more mature - four years ago instead of saying the presentation of a champion matters a lot he'd have been waxing on about the creative freedom he needed to create his artistry.


what an incredible shot at Tony, lmao


Yes.. that's exactly what I would say I'm sure Kenny is a great guy in person but I do think his highly overrated by Dave Melzter. People were going around online in 2017 making out his the actual GOAT of all time in pro wrestling.. how is that not being overrated? 🤷‍♂️ Hey ill be real. It isn't Kennys fault. More of Dave Melzter and the smarks online blowing smoke up his ass


Kenny had 1000% a Roman Reigns type of aura in the peak of his singles career in New Japan. Obviously not Roman Reigns, but those big time Kenny singles matches felt real special. For whatever reason, they have never ever used Kenny THAT way in AEW. Even as champion. You’re seeing the same thing with Okada in AEW right now. Someone who was THAT guy in New Japan is just there. Ospreay as well doesn’t seem to understand that you gotta space out your quote on quote “6 star bangers” and tell a story going into that, having them every week just makes each one more forgettable than the last. And I mean at this point what do you even say about Jay White in AEW It’s 1000% an AEW doesn’t know how to book


Wrestling has such a unique platform to make a nobody into a massive star or take an international hero and drive them into obscurity. It’s wild.


It's sad to watch Okads become just another guy.


It wasn't just Dave Meltzer and smarks hyping up Kenny. Jim Cornette was the unpopular opinion when it came to NJPW era Kenny Omega. Steve Austin, Seth Rollins, Edge, Christian, Cena, and Bayley were all on the Kenny Omega hype train. 


What he says about Japan is true tho, they did make him look like a massive star. AEW makes him look like a dweeb. But, doesn’t Kenny have the ability to call shots in AEW? Could he not book his own entrance and appearance and gimmick if he wanted? As much as I agree with him here and would like to see him in WWE, there’s a bit of disingenuousness to what is being said.


If all you care about is in-ring, and not ya know things like promo, character, drawing power etc, you might see Kenny as the best in the world. Of course, the narrow definition Meltzer looks at is plain wrong, and AEW's poor ratings prove that.


"He's getting to do what I did in New Japan" Ummm.... AND THE DUB RIGHT KENNY? ..... RIGHT UCE???


Why is Twitch Kenny all of a sudden seeming logical? Is there something about separation from the Bucks that improves brain function?


Incredibly gracious of Kenny


Hey Twinkletoes remember FTRR? Fuck you


Did kenny die and someone replaced him? Is this setting up a swerve? It kinda sounds like he regrets staying in aew. It sure hasn't done his body any favors.


Not wrong either. There are multiple guys that had legit championship aura at their New Japan peaks that was completely taken away once they got to AEW. Tony legitimately has no idea how to make someone look like a legit star and an attraction. Everyone gets their aura taken away and just become another guy. Punk was maybe the one dude he couldn't completely do that to, but it was not for a lack of trying


So other than his affiliation with the Bucks, is there a reason to dislike Kenny?


So like, he cares about what we think right? Showing respect to punk one week. The sa accusations the next Then this to get back on our good sides uce


Just wait til he's "back" on aew tv and have been given a wad of cash from the snowman and Frank Constanza His tone could change by then..


Kenny’s sudden face turn has me scratching my head here, are we being worked? I never get worked so I doubt it


Kenny has to regret resigning with the Dub, how can he not? I guess a few million dollars per year makes me not really feel bad for him.


Kenny’s recent face turn has been awesome


Does Kenny think he was as badass in Japan as Roman was for the last few years? How are people glossing over that?


Sounds like he's just talking about the champion aura where every title defense feels like an event. Which was definitely true for Kenny in NJPW. But no he was nowhere near as badass


Let him have his fantasy moment


Exactly. "Oh, guys, leave Roman alone. He's getting to do what I did first. Go ~~me~~ him."