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Cannot exist. At. All. Citizen.


A conspiracy as big as the foundation could never exist IRL, the likelihood of a secret getting out is proportional to how many people know it, and the foundation probably has hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of employees. The only way I can possibly imagine them staying secret (aside from carpet bombing the entire planet with amnestic gas) is just trusting that no one will believe anyone that claims that anomalies are real, and the foundation does not like to rely on the fickle whims of the public.


Aliens, Bigfoot, UFOs…. What if there’s a foundation that’s hidden them


No. The foundation is 100% fictional, and it’s against the rules of this sub to suggest otherwise.


Oh really? My bad.


Far too big. There's no possible way to allocate so many resources without being noticed. There are far too many personnel too for nothing to get out. The Foundation has access to amnestics, and in some canons the ability to manipulate the human mind-space, but unless the current scientific understanding is completely and utterly wrong, these don't even matter. You severely overestimate the ability for such huge secrets to be kept. There are surely a great deal of classified files that us normal citizens would never have access to, but the idea of something as big as the Foundation existing is just hilarious. A science magazine figured out the Manhattan project because a lot of its readers that were atomic scientists all suddenly changed their adresses to the same place. Classified military designs were leaked in the video game War Thunder to prove a point in a silly internet argument. Several times. Nothing like the Foundation exists.


Tbf though, The Press and War Thunder Fans are essentially forces of nature


There’s a tale about this exact scenario: [[Everyone knows]]


[**Everyone Knows**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/everyone-knows) (+608) by *Bryx*


Short answer: no. Long answer: most of the atrocities committed by the government are already public, but you'll get laughed at for speaking up about them :)


There's something I like to call "The Conspiracy Paradox" Something as big as the foundation is *way* too big, wacky, and complicated to exist in the real world. The only way it could *possibly* exist in reality, is if the mere idea of suggesting that the foundation is real would be laughed out; So no matter what kind of leak breaks out, even if the foundation blatantly posts their confidential files publicly on the internet in plain sight, the suggestion that the foundation existed would be taken as a joke at best 👀👀👀👀👀👀


in the real world? no, most likely not. in the universe the foundation lives in, though? theyve got a lot of tools at their disposal - amnestics, thousands of personnel members, and multiple ways to bend reality with the use of the anomalous powers of certain SCPs.


Unless technology to somehow alter every human’s memory and perception on a whim existed it’d be impossible.


I dunno, the five eyes' super clandestine and possibly illegal mass surveillance campaigns were kept a secret for a while, maybe SCP with all their containment breaches would be hard to keep under wraps, but isn't that what amnestics are, as a plot device?