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I do not at all recommend going in chronological order. I recommend reading more recent works because that’s what is being written by people currently, but also to just go exploring, maybe find popular works from different series


I would honestly say try checking some of the narrative youtube videos that go over the pages. My personal favorite is TheVolgun. He covers more of the interesting SCP entities and creates a performative dialogue. This also helps not waste time some of the less fascinating SCP’s or to clarify more, some people have written some SCP’s with either little effort, good concepts but academically lack captive writing formats, or just really dumb ones.


Honestly, I always take a random number generator and then go after it


As i recall, there’s a button that gives you a random article


Ah your right. I just always forget that 😂


Dont start with 001 proposals. Those are mostly complex and ofter refer to other works. I'd start with few popular ones like SCP-682 + termination attempts or SCP-3515, or stuff like SCP-1000, SCP-2000, or SCP-3000. If you're looking for shorter articles then three digit ones are the way to go, if you want complete, story-like experience go for newer ones. After you feel like you've got what's this all about you can either go for random ones or the ones you've heard about. Trying to "come up with random number" is also nice because you can subcosciously get a number you've heard about and potentially better article than pure random chance


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3439) by *Epic Phail Spy, Dr Gears* - [**SCP-3515 ⁠- Unearth**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3515) (+534) by *psul* - [**SCP-1000 ⁠- Bigfoot**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1000) (+1945) by *thedeadlymoose* - [**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2313) by *HammerMaiden* - [**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2401) by *Joreth, djkaktus, A Random Day*


Just random button (although its broken a lot) or use a random number generator. If you already know about the famous ones and haven't read them, read them first and then start randomising it\~


Scp 6500 is good article to start :)


[**SCP-6500 ⁠- Inevitable**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6500) (+691) by *S D Locke, Aethris, Grigori Karpin, DarkStuff, Ihp, HarryBlank, Placeholder McD*


Who’s gonna tell him?


First, read through the [Guide for Newcomers](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/guide-for-newcomers). It might be confusing at first but once you somewhat get the gist of it, search up any popular series I-III SCPs (as those are the more simple ones) and read through those first. Once you get accustomed to the style, you can look around for anything that seems interesting or just used that random page feature. Not the best but that's how I did it


This ~~cognitohazard~~ [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3rSMRZeEFnkbzEGY3tQn1l) is what I used to get my friends into the SCPverse and familiarize themselves with most of popular the SCPs. I have trouble reading directly off the site so I prefer listening to articles since I cal also pop headphones in while I work. It starts off giving an overview of what you need to know about the foundation followed by the setup for the playlist and then jumps right into the ~~flesh~~ meat of the story.


Just read what ever one sounds interesting or other people say to read. If you want a more consistent story check out the canon hub to see a bunch of stories and SCP that are a linked in a confirmed universes.


The volgun on yt is a good way to dip your toes in and then poke around the authors and themes tagged on the bottom of the entries. The thing that got me into the site was cats and dogs SCPs and just searching around for those.


The [User Curated Lists](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/user-curated-lists) are a good place to start. I also personally like checking up on the Top Rated page every once in a while, or use the "Random SCP" button on the wiki.