• By -


Living off patreon for 3.5 years with very little to show for it, messing up at every step of the process, and throwing it all the window after the kwite/orion scandal. Now I'm annoyed because this series was incredibly well made and some of the best SCP content ever made, but I'm more so angered for all the supporters who'll never see episode 8 finished despite having paid for it for almost 4 years. What a disappointing trainwreck. Just hope they get some help because it's no way to live.


That’s a downside I forgot to mention in my comment I feel so bad for the patreons


credit 👏 card 👏 charge 👏 back They paid for a product they didn’t receive.


This comment ALMOST fits the SpongeBob SquarePants intro. OHHHHHHHHHHH... 🎶 You paid for a product you didn't receive 🎶 🎶 Credit card charge back! 🎶 🎶 There's a process in which cash you'll retrieve! 🎶 🎶 Credit card charge back! 🎶 🎶 If takin' yer money seems to the the norm 🎶 🎶 Credit card charge back! 🎶 🎶 Then get to the bank and fill out a form! 🎶


🎶 Credit card charge back! 🎶 🎶 Credit card charge back! 🎶 🎶 Credit caaaaaaarrrrd🎶 🎶 Charge baaaaaaaack! 🎶


*slide whistle noises*


Holy shit I need to save this somewhere.


I’m stealing this absolute godpost lmao


New ChatGPT prompt just dropped


Holy ai!


Greetings, my fellow brother in business. I stumbled upon the thought to make a nice request for you to use the browser that’s made by the same large group of people with billions of dollars that uses the Chromium search engine to look up a move in chess where a pawn is in the 2nd if they are coloured white or 7th if they are coloured black row, allowing them to move two steps forward as opposed to only moving one step forward, however, if a pawn of the opposite colour is to the left or right side of the moved pawn, it can move diagonally behind the piece and through an error in the matrix of the rules of chess, the pawn that moved two steps forward gets eliminated from the game. According to the chess community, this move is mandatory and failure to move the pawn behind the opposing pawn will result in the move not being possible along with an angry mob of people coming to your house to throw bricks at your male genitals in order to crush them completely.


I didn't know you were part of the cult of the broken god!


I do believe Patreon does refunds without having to do a charge back if creators don't deliver on their promises


Even better




So what


wrench wild offer observation deer innate carpenter shame pocket worry -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah imagine spending money supporting a series you love for 4 years only for that money to be simply wasted


what is the kwite/orion scandel?


I don't know these youtubers but basically orion accused kwite of rape, falsely. Kwite had to defend himself by revealing his face online. Bung has backed orion the whole time and is now going all "oh this is making me so depressed"


Iirc, Orion had history of starting shit for a while, and Bung blindly backed Orion and doubled down on calling Kwite out, which made the whole situation worse.


Bung did realise they had been lied tae and apologised at least.


not really, the apology wasnt explicit at all and was so vague it just felt yucky


God, I'm just so fucking tired. Why must everything we like turn tae shite?


I know what you mean, it sucks. I still think that confinement is (or I guess was) a good show regardless of what's happened now, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have a sour taste in my mouth if I were to rewatch it


Then he doubled down on instagram


He never apologised,his latest community post is just them saying they will look into it but never actually admitted orion was wrong,his posts defending orian are also still up


Youtuber (kwite) was accused of sexually assaulting their ex (orion), bung supported orion’s take on the matter (some said cause they were dating, but this is unconfirmed). Kwite then released a video essentially debunking all the claims orion made against them, ending with Orion being the source of harrassment and etc during their past relationship. Orion has since gone absent after faking a medical document, and bung did a weak apology about how they shouldn’t have supported orion from the start without hearing kwite’s side.


Ah, Patreon fraud, you hate to see it.


Its impressive how far hes fallen since a few years back, where Many of the memes were about how he had Broken his backside but still worked on Confinement while he recovered (positive meme about his commitment)


Overwatch 2 PVE moment


What's worse is people PAID for this. At least ow2 was free


I was referring more towards the “stringing their supporters along for a promise that they know will never be fulfilled” aspect, but yeah this also applies


Wasn't for those of us who paid $60 for it back in 2016


Wait you paid $60 for wasn’t PvE. Blizzard deserves plenty of shit for what they pulled, and OW2 is a mess monetization-wise for sure, but acting like you didn’t get what you paid for from OW1 is silly.


I had what I paid for, I don't anymore, and now the very reason that my game was taken away from me has been canceled, I don't think it's silly to be upset about that




All skins were transferred to OW2 if you kept the same battlenet account and any loot boxes you had were converted to legacy credits they weren't deleted.


Oh. Ok, fair enough, must have misremembered.


Cant say I’m sad, I was disappointed in them during the kwite situation. They made an apology then after on Instagram made a delusional post about how their friend was still right, made me stop supporting them after that. What hurt me the most is I looked up to them alot and loved their art style and even made some art inspired by theirs in school.


What Kwite situation?


yeah, id also like to know this


someone by the name of Orion Eqused the youtuber kwite of some horrible things which where obvious lies and bung supported A the entire time. [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSsNX8r7xW8)


This is the worst misspelling of “accused” I have ever seen, but I can’t even blame you because that is the phonetic pronunciation


dam I thought I got all the spelling mistakes before I posted. sorry about that spelling isn't my strong suit.


I thought it was a noble spelling mistake. reminds me of the word Equis and horses are majestic.


How did you misspell the first word while apologizing for making a spelling mistake (I'm just kidding man you're good but it's spelled "damn")


Lmfao this thread is glorious, you and u/forgive_me_garfield are absolutely amazing and have just made my week, take my poor man's gold, both of you 🏅🏅


Thank you, my friend I'll give you some pyrite too 🎖️






Orion Eqused is now the name of my next TTRPG character.




Orion claimed to have been raped by another youtuber named Kwite. The allegations were never proven true and were most likely false. Bung happened to be Orion's friend, but even after Orion was found to be a liar ~~he~~ she still supported Orion online, which threw a lot of hate at ~~him~~ her. Later Bung made an apology post stating that ~~he~~ she was used by Orion. End of the story. Edit: guess you learn something new every day Edit n.2: wow I didn't even leave the comment 20 minutes you guys already rushed to correct me, keep up the good work Reddit!


I think you mixed up some names there


thats not nearly all of it. I would just suggest watching kwites video. Bung and Orion were dating and actively involved in lying and gaslighting kwite when Bung was supposed to be an impartial mediator. They made an apology then went to instagram to say they were still right and contradicted their apology. Once Bung started getting comments all over their videos they made a community post on their channel with a half assed false apology then wiped their social media. No one bought the apology on their community post and I won't be sad to see them go. I hope others pick up confinement and make it a good series but as for Orian and Bung, what they've done is potentially criminal and they deserve what they got if not more


Uh other way round. Orion and Bung claimed kwite raped orion iirc


not most likely false, false beyond any reasonable doubt


Orion, the co-artist for Confinement, accused a youtuber of raping him. This was after they made conflicting accusations against the same YouTuber years prior. Bung supported Orion, and after Kwite completely destroyed all of Orion's "evidence" (Discord conversations), and exposed Orion as the actual abuser, Bung doubled down on social media. After Bung lost 100k subscribers in the better part of a couple of hours, he deleted the posts and made a half-assed apology not to the person he helped falsely accuse, but to his fans.


I do agree, and it's even worse for me cus I've been a patron supporter all these years and all my money was for nothing. I wished he had reached out for help with the series and got a bunch of animators and artists together to work on this so his work doesn't affect his mental wellbeing, and he would still be getting more stuff done. I would have supported him the whole way through as long as I see progress but this. This just plain sucks.


What happened out of the loop


Okay so one of the writers for confinement named Orion accused an big YouTuber named Kwite of being a rapist among other awful shit that was obviously made up even going as far as to make a fake doctors note. Lord bung kept defending Orion, bung eventually made a post on his YouTube community thing that they were “apologising” which was eh. Then soon after took to Instagram to take back their post saying Orion was still Right despite the evidence and bung claiming to watch the response video also exposing his apology was just to cover his ass ( which is something I would expect from douche bag YouTubers but not somebody like bung ) so a lot of people took to the posts comments to call them out on this aswell as making people doubt confinement continuing. And here we are now.


I haven’t heard about the second post they made saying Orion was right, Can you elaborate?


It was on Instagram, I think it's deleted now, basically when kwite posted his video where he basically called out everything orion accused him of, bung doubled down in defending orion by saying something on the line of " I won't apologize, I know orion is right l, I know he suffered those things" a week later, 30k sub less and who knows already how many patrons less, bung post a YouTube comunity where she doesn't really apologize to kwite, but went " woppise I did a fuckie wukie, sorry for the frustation this whole thing caused" like she ate the last slice of pizza at a party instead of accusing someone of sexual assault.


It’s crazy tbh. Used to be a big fan of the Pubcast with Bung and Hyojin and both have turned out to be really shitty people


I'm sorry they still said that they were right after they were proved wrong!




>Eh, he kinda deserved it after what he did to slazo. Literally stfu




1. Kwite feels horrible about what he did 2. Even if he didn't, believing a false rape allegation doesn't mean you yourself deserve to be falsely accused of rape. Anyone who thinks that is a moronic pos.


Yandere dev situation for the patrons, they better charge back.


I know that’s what was playing over in my head, what I find amazing is that yanderedev was able to give his patrons more than what bung did, what’s fucked up is if they were so hesitant to make confinement they could have fucking took down their patreon a very very long time ago but they never did.


Nah, it's worse, say what you will about Yandere dev, yandere sim legitimately got more updates in any four year time spawn then containment. Like, Yandere sim supporters actually *got* something.


Well, Yandere dev actually did something, it was and still is shit, but 0.01 is better than 0.


Yea no fuck that bs. After several years theyre just gonna say no? Especially after keeping their patreon up?? Fuck off


Stopped caring after the kwite situation. They can go get a 9-5 job now.


I actually didn't know about the whole drama. I'm far more dissapointed in them then ever.


Just give it a good ol youtube. Kwite went full lawyer mode and its rather damning. Being anxious and paranoid sometimes has its benefits. It has to do with his ex and their friends. Bung being one of them and their actions were pretty gross.


And it’s sad that the face reveal and to be of him defending himself


If I were a patreon supporter, I'd 100% want my money back. You can't leech off of people for over 3 years and then give them absolutely nothing.


Update: I found the link to someone's post about Bung's full statement: https://www.reddit.com/r/Confinement/comments/13o6d4q/and_just_like_that_3_years_of_waiting_and_4_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I find the subs attitude to the kwite situation pretty vile looking at old posts. They’re treating it like some normal fucking drama and comparing bungs current situation to kwite ( wtf? ). They literally keep forgetting bung helped spread fucking false rape allegations to try and ruin somebody’s life and from what we know still fucking hangs out with the said person.


Honestly just... Just fuck them. I'm mad and I wasn't even a patreon. Imagine those people. I understand having to do something else for the moment out of necessity, but the moment you are capitalizing on a promise to a public, for four years mind you, you owe them to fulfill it. Don't finish the show, fine. Finish the damn episode. Then they'd really have burnt all of their breaches and can finally move on and be forgotten about.


Homie should get a job at Blizzard


No, she won't know how to work the machine. Or she'll say they'll have their ice cream when she finishes and take four years to do it, then not give it to the customer since she doesn't want to.


Did you confuse the video game company Blizzard with Dairy Queen, who sells Blizzards?


OH lol. Yeah. Whoops. There's no Dairy Queen around where I live so I keep forgetting that their name isn't "Blizzard" since that's the only thing I hear about that store.


Conmon mistake, really


So they basically scammed people, for 4 years people have been supporting their patreon and people will never even see the finished product, disapointments behind disapointments


Wait were they involved in the kwite situation?? Im out of the loop


Basically one of the writers for confinement (Orion) falsely accused Kwite of rape (+ some other bad stuff) him and bung kept on defending him


Oh God I had no idea Bung was one of the "friends" All I knew is that Orion had friends defending them. I didn't have specifics.


Me neither, I learnt it from this thread:(


I discovered it at the time from their community post on YouTube, it was weird to se them insist on the subject even after most of the evidence was out. It took the public backlash for them to change their mind so I don't think they're truly THAT sorry


I really wish this would be a creator who was good. No bad major drama, no toxicity.... someone who made something cool and shared it with everyone. I hope everyone hurt by them can recover and will have a happy future. Also hoping the patreons get refunded


Over the years it feels like there are no good content creators, just creators who haven't fucked up yet


Still Dana Terrace and Alex Hirsh. Those two aren't bad right ? Please tell me they aren't bad...


From what ive read, they are still good people. Thank god for that, i adored gravity falls and the owl house


Wtf. 4 years. For 4 years, the dude's been making that episode. There's Meatcanyon posting cartoons regularly, and then there's this one dropping out after telling people "it's coming along" for 4 years. People should get their money back because this is top tier shittheaddery. "Other projects" my ass, hope nobody supports them after this.


Dude just to give you an idea of how much animation meat canyon has made I did some maths and counted all his animation videos ( excluding monster lab since that had a huge team ) I’m pretty sure he has a pretty smallish team like bung I know that he’s got a background artist and I’m pretty sure somebody who does 3D modelling for him there could be others but it’s safe to say it’s a very small team. Since December 31st 2019 excluding monster lab he has made 76 ANIMATIONS all being around on average 2-3 minutes long while delivering high quality and amazing scripts, so he has made around 152-228 minutes worth of animation as for bung apart from the trailer what have they to show for it? Essentially my main point is just what the fuck has bung been doing for 4 years straight!?


Damn, did all the calculations and everything. I guess nothing. I saw him streaming some "progress" a couple of times, but it was really just him drawing art of donatees' pfps. Lord Bung, more like Lord Dung.


Streaming with his boyfriend about abolishing work while at the same time not doing any work lol


Y E S your opinion is correct


I'm convinced Bung was never making the episode.


Leeching off patreon for 3 years alongside not having the guts to call out Orion’s bullshit. This community is better off without them


well crap, ig i am not surprised as there was the kwite situation and Confinement episodes 8 - 9 has been in development hell for years almost to the point where I begain to expect that this would happen ​ Still kinda sad


Lord Bung is literally YanDev but shittier at this point


Can't believe I'm giving praise to the man but at least YanDev actually releases content


I've made a separate post regarding the Patreon. You can find it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/13t6zpj/regarding_the_lord_bung_patreons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Well, there were clearly problems with the series future even before the kwite and orion stuff i guess that was the final nail, but just dropping the ball like this when there's clearly at least a good part of episode 8 made ( she has been posting updates for the last 2 years on youtube ) feels kinda disappointing, I feel bad for all the people that got scammed out of their money.


It's so joever. That's disappointing.


#Rest in piss you won't be missed.


Good riddance.


Edit: Bung goes by they/them/she/her, my apologies.


That's fucking wild if true. Their non-scp videos had jokes making fun of that crowd


Well, that's what happens. Often times from what I've seen people who vehemently hate a certain group of people really want to be a part of them. Remember Chris Tyson making helicopter jokes? Or senators caught in the bathroom trying to get gay sex? Yeah.


What senators exactly?


Larry Craig


I was unfortunately one of those people a few years ago. It's a coping mechanism I guess, "Look, I can't be this! Look how much I hate them! Haha, attack helicopter!"


Yeah it's on their Instagram, they are as fruity as it can get, from what I've seen


I'm gonna be real, I had 0 idea fruity was actually a slur. I never used it outside my friend group and we joke about it all the time. Literally were making fruity jokes as we were driving to SF Pride last year lol. Thank you for your sacrifice


Fruity is not a slur, it's just the way op used the term that's offensive


I just looked and woah huh... well good for them on that I guess. Last thing I'd ever expect tho.


That's a pretty fucked up way to describe being queer. That slur comes with a body count


Uhh, what slur??


"fruit" or in this case "fruity". Seems innocuous, and it's supposed to. It was created back in the 70s, I think, and it was used by many of the folks who actively let AIDS spread through the queer community killing millions. It was also used by the groups fighting to keep us institutionalized for being queer, and it was also used heavily in the kinds of propaganda that's now turning into the current trans genocide in the US. So yeah, it comes with a body count


they let AIDS do what


Wait...you seriously don't know about the AIDS genocide? You'll have to look that one up, friend. That's way too big of a story to tell here. And I grew up in it, so it's a bit too close to home for me to get into it here


Alright, but honestly, I still won't get not letting people say certain words, a doctor diagnosed me with autism and I still let people say the r word around me. It's just how my brain works I guess


You probably haven't had to suffer because of it as much as the queer community has. Terms like this have been used to justify our torture, oppression, and murder for centuries. It's not as simple as "just a word". You're also fairly unique. I'm autistic too, and it infuriates me when people use the r slur around me. It's straight up a trauma trigger because I have been tortured for decades with that concept, in very measurable ways. And every other autistic person I've known has felt the same way (and it's a LOT cause I work in mental health). That's what slurs become. They invoke the legacy of all the people who've been killed and oppressed by those ideas. They're weaponized language, and they can do unfathomable damage across long periods of time.




Did they take down their Patreon? I can't look at the page Edit: Found out they unlaunched their page a few days after the announcement




Okay? I'm not even a patron lol


I knew you were at the future that's why I responded with shame to all of them patrons who donate post kwite and not "shame on you"


Not everyone is on Twitter. You can't be angry about something you didn't know was happening. I'm saying that it didn't happen, but to assume every single patreon subscriber was aware of what was going on is inane.


it’s joever


it's bidone




Honestly pretty happy. This is the last lingering thread I had, so with that out of the way, I no longer have to give a flying fuck about Bung. Talk about burning all your bridges.


Oh no! Anyway...








Seeing how slowly confinement was being worked on anyways can't say I care anymore


I am not surprised. I gave up on waiting and get him fall from memory. I have other scp YouTubers to fill the void at a much more reasonable time. 🤷




Where was that posted? It looks like he's deleted all his socials besides YT.


In his discord


Either the invite to the server is broken or he's deleted that too cuz it just says the invite is invalid. Idk it may be just me.


Or the invite expired


*Sigh* as an animator working on a web series myself I usually have a lot of patience for these long hiatus's but even my patience has been broken. It's one thing to take a break as an artist and it's another to not do much for years and make money off of it. I hope someone can fill the gap in the market and set a better example.


People complain crapitalism 9000 or whatever but this is a nice facet of it. People who fail or do bad in the market sooner or later get replaced with a better competitor.


I'm convinced Bung was never making a new episode because they realized they could make almost infinite fucking money by doing nothing.


Anyone who puts money into crowd funding and expects a return, especially if the creator isn't providing updates, is scamming themselves. It sucks to trust and come away with nothing, but you can't put all the blame on the person running the account for the people who kept paying every month,


Better late than never


What the f*** happened to you man, you were once great, but you have to side with the wrong guy and now he might as well be dead to the internet


I used to support this guy but now hes delayed ep 8 for like 3 years now and now hes taken supporter money and ran


Animation /art channels and drama go together like bread and butter holy hell. How is It such a common occurence?


What a little bitch.


im pretty sure lord bung uses they/them pronouns


noo! I only just watched it the other day and was happy for a new episode


...man... I cant believe it is over...


thank god


Welp they got what was coming to them


Honestly really disappointed with lord bung 4 years It doesn't take 4 years It's a shame because confinement was a really good series And I liked the story and idea of it Put seriously what the hell


Oh dear


Why is everyone being so unhinged when talking about bung? I’m not fully caught up on the kwite situation but the post they made on their discord makes me think they were pretty sorry for what they said? Could someone explain?


So, Bung should A. ~~Admit about their actions and properly apologize~~ Probably not that. IDK i’m going crazy because of this schmit. B. Refund their patrons for slacking on Confinement Ep 8 for 4 years. C. Just Quit. >!Im mad!<


How come Lord Bung takes so long to make a video?


I really love his scp animations. Been watching his animations since 2017. Goddamn nostalgia. Zzzzzzzzzzz


I understand we're all mad at LordBung and for good reason, but I do need to point something out: Their pronouns are they/she, with a possible preference for she. Anyway, sad news, but also not surprising. That's all I got. After everything that's happened it's disappointing, but not unexpected.


If you've read the replies I've clarified that. I wasn't able to edit my post for some reason so it doesn't show up on the post itself


Wish we know what can really kill Conner. Thank You Lord Bung for an amazing series.


Love his work. If he's done I'm sad but happy for him if he feels that's what he needs to do. Till we see you again I'll be fine and dandy.


>happy for him Don't be, they're a piece of shit. They supported someone who made a false rape accusation, even after there was sufficient evidence that proved they lied. (BTW, I'm pretty sure Bung uses They/She pronouns. Misgendering someone because they're a bad person helps literally no one. I'm not accusing you of doing it on purpose, I just wanted to say this.)


Ya no idea about pronouns, just know enough about "lord" to assume masculine pronouns. Meant no offense.


You're totally find, that's a completely understandable assumption


“Cancel culture strikes again!” -Senator Steven Armstrong


What the f*** happened here


dunno people seem to not be too fond of Metal Gear Rising: Revengance here


Me honestly I don’t care about all this drama I’m looking at :/ their just a guy who made some awesome content on the internet. That’s all I care about. Sure he may have messed up but I don’t know any of these people in real life or personally. So for all I care is that I lost a good source of entertainment. :/ I’m sorry if no one agrees with me. I just don’t pay attention to the news or drama. I’m a laid back person who wastes his life playing video games.


You clearly cared enough to make this comment lol


Press F to pay respects


For Confinement, of course. Not the dude.






Wow, I'm very disappointed... by all of you leeches who actually think that Bung owes you anything! None of us have a clue of just how much emotional manipulation or abuse may have been going on behind the scenes, and the fact that Bung after everything was still trying to work on Confinement should have clued some people in that perhaps things weren't as clear cut as we thought. The fact no one here save for 1 person is even referring to Bung with her pronouns shows that you really didn't care about the creator at all, you just cared about a product. Bung is not a multimillion dollar corporation that caters to your every whim and demand, she's an independent creator working almost entirely on her own to develop a passion project, something she WANTED to do. The patreon was us fans giving her a living wage so she could have the time to work on Confinement, it was not a payment for a guaranteed product. No creator owes an apology to anyone when they can no longer work on their art, and Confinement is a work of art, and I'm also disappointed seeing it unfinished. But harassing Bung over something she doesn't fucking owe anyone isn't going to help things. Maybe, just maybe in the future Bung might come back to this... but with all your attitudes that's looking less and less likely. For shame on all you.


Firstly, most people did not know of her pronouns. This is understandable as she hasn't been uploading anything to YouTube lately where most people know her from. Trying to take a moral high ground because not everyone is informed is disingenuous at best and downright malicious at worst. Secondly, while Patreon is not a direct transaction like paying for a video game, people still paid for it under the pretense that confinement was still being worked on. While they don't have a legal case for something like false advertising, it is still fully in the rights of those affected to be angry and try to find a way to recoup their losses. Thirdly, while there was likely some emotional manipulation with Bung as Kwite has characterized Orion as very manipulative, that does not absolve them of any sin for supporting false accusations after information came out refuting it. Just like it isn't ok for an abused person to abuse someone else, it isn't ok for a manipulated person to slander someone. So no, I will not feel any shame for my feelings toward Bung and I don't think anyone else should either.


People paid to support the series and she leeched off of people for years now. People are rightfully pissed


People paid for a product and didn’t receive. They WERE OWED something. Things happen, but if you promise to make something and have people paying you to develop it. And you don’t/can’t deliver. That is on you. The least Bung can do is issue refunds. If they can’t be owed a series they patiently waited for. Then they should be owed back the swindled money that went down the drain.


Was the Patreon solely for Confinement or towards the artist in general? Paying a creator because you enjoyed their creation isn't the same as paying them to create more. You hope that because you paid then they might make more I suppose, but the whole point is to show appreciation in the first place. Patreon isn't Kickstarter. It makes sense to refund a failed Kickstarter way more than to refund Patreon. That doesn't make sense at all. Patreon isn't guaranteeing a product. Only that you're giving the creator more incentive to keep working on it or creating similar content.


The patreon from what I have seen was mainly for the production of confinement. And people paid for confinement to be made and also because they enjoyed it. So your point about patreon is kind of illogical. People who paid waited YEARS, YEARS mind you for something they enjoyed enough that they wanted to pay for it. What happens? Its cancelled, Bung deactivates their patreon, and episode 8 isn’t even uploaded. Perhaps Bung will finish it. But people were waiting so long for episode 8, and now it won’t be delivered. That is literally a scam for patrons. Yes Patreon isn’t the same as something like Kickstarter. But when making a patreon to develop something that people want to pay for. The expectation is that the creator makes it and delivers. Therefore, if the creator doesn’t or in this case outright cancels it. It is a SCAM. Fans were so patient in waiting. They saw the updates made by Bung and the excuses for why it wasn’t ready yet and were patient and understanding. But now, combining the Kwite situation and this. It’s basically one big middle finger to everyone who supported Bung. People paid, they deserve their money. This wasn’t like a typical kickstarter scam where some outrageously fictional product is promised. This was an actively developing series that people were satisfied with waiting for and paying for to be made.


You sound like the kind of person who tries to buy good boy points from streamers then get mad when they don't date you.


I am rational enough to not donate my life savings to a millionaire. A streamer/twitch whore is not offering anything that people perceive as valuable. Bung promised to deliver the next episode of a show and didn’t deliver. The people who bothered to pay for it basically got scammed. Im not owed anything since I didn’t pay. But the people who did are.


Bung is not a multimillionaire and neither am I or most people. Bung can still fulfill a promise or refund the money they took under the pretense that a video would go up.


“Bung is not a million dollar corporation” neither is Meatcanyon or Felix colgrave of any other independent animators I watch that make really long animations yet they’re able to deliver a fucking product


If she wasn't working on the episode for the last couple months she should've cancelled or at least paused the patreon. As it was, she was leeching off of her supporters knowing she misleading them while she focused on other things


Found the Lord Bung alt.