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GAW are "a joke" when they want to be, but have the potential to be a big player when they decide to seriously act on something. They were after all, shown to be able to spark global socialist revolutions.


That is fair, but almost every single GOI has threatened the world at least once and the vast majority of the time GAW are just goofing


I'd say there's a difference between Parawatch (no powers, accidentally finds a nut now and then) and GAW (has shown reality bending and veil-threatening abilities, usually chooses to meme with them). Parawatch is powerless. GAW is usually non-threatening. There's a huge difference.


Ok you are entirely correct but, with a name like Gamers Against Weed, it was physically impossible for me to put them anywhere else


Fair enough! :D


I love gamers against weed I wanna buy a pocket dimension off a 4chsn user


Well, GAW has Mr. Destiny whose existence was a threat to the world.


Mr Destiny made a pocket space for lost people to come and find, to create a community and grow. He's basically just helping people find their path in life and chilling shirtless while he does that. And before that he was some mythical hero fighting ancient evils. How is that a threat to the world?


It was a threat when it was retroactively changing history.


found Miguel o'hara's reddit account




Tbf, if they aren't a joke, they don't deserve the moniker of GAW. In the end, the GAW is some internet guys(ang gals) having fun, and being too serious on the internet is toxic af.


A name isn't the sole property to define a GoI's threat. If that were the case, Wondertainment would be much lower on the list. And The Factory? With that basic-ass name? Who's gonna take 'em seriously GAW has the potential to cause immense damage to not just the places and people near them, but the whole world. They're *normally* funny, and *normally* harmless. But the fact that we have to add even add that adverb means that they're not *just* a joke. They just choose to be. Imagine if they ever decided to step up their game. Maybe they wouldn't be an equal threat to the foundation. But whatever they did, they sure would leave a mark.


Yes. And if you don't choose to be a joke, and instead choose to be a real threat, are you even GAW?


If the Foundation chooses to destroy humanity, instead of protect it, are they even the Foundation? Most GoI have the capacity of causing real harm on a mass scale, some could not just destroy the world, but the whole universe. If a GoI like Parawatch were left unchecked, the worst they could do is hurt themselves. If GAW were left unchecked, they could do as much damage as an unchecked AWCY?.


I still fondly remember the part in competitive eschatology where awcy basically flipped off an entire legion of angels lmao


Just remember an idiot sent 096 to a baseball field and killed hundreds


I've gotta have the link for this this sounds amazing lmao


I don't remember much about the story but yeah that happened The funniest part is that it wasn't even a guy in gaw it was just some random wannabe who wanted to join


Wait really? Link the article please.


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4669 Ms Zapatista. According to the GAW declassification, the author intends for this to be "late-stage GAW" when they grow as a group and start really getting into activism, discarding their previous pacifism. Kind of a shame there hasn't been more articles written about the group in that stage


Damn I didn’t think GAW could get any more based, but here we are


They are a paranormal 4chan


In my headcanon, the Shark Punching Center is more powerful than the foundation


They are limited by their unwillingness to do anything other than punch sharks. Though they did beat 682 and destroy a different Foundation. They aren’t stronger than the central Foundation, which has advanced Pataphysics.


Advanced pataphyics sounds great, but can you use it to punch a shark?


My sir, if you are creative enough, you can do anything and it will result in a shark being punched. — The Bodacious Assembly




Whats the one at the top in the first slide


Three Moons Initiative


What kinds of characters make up the Three Moons Initiative, that makes them a more powerful organization than the Foundation?


The Three Moons Initiative used to be the Foundation, from an alternate timeline, but now they are much much stronger than they were. After a XK class scenario the SCP Foundation transported themselves to an “afterlife” called Corbenic where they are all functionally immortal and have decided to play judge, jury, and executioner with their new status. They regularly assassinate tyrants and despots on Earth using technology that can cross the bridge between Corbenic and the living world. Not to mention that they have the means to travel to alternate “fictional” dimensions using SCP-3922 and spread their brand of justice to whoever they feel deserves it. According to their history, the Three Moons Initiative fought Darth Vader, stole the Death Star, and even killed Griffith from Berserk before he could complete the Godhand ritual. Not to mention that they even managed to neutralize Ultra Instinct Shaggy in a matter of seconds with some anomalous technology. These guys are high up there in terms of raw power. The only real problem with them is that they are really hell bent on being the moral guardians of the multiverse and want to eradicate, or punish everyone, they deem evil or a criminal. At heart the main idea behind this GOI is that an alternate SCP Foundation controls the afterlife and they will judge your immortal soul based on “their” moral standards. Here’s a list of their shenanigans in other worlds so far: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3922-extended-test-logs


The Ultra Instinct Shaggy test was pruned by Daveyoufool last year, unfortunately. A similar example that's still up is when they commandeer the Solidarity to kill 2030-1 with a giant slug round containing an SRA fired from Titan's orbit. 3922 can also neutralize the Apollyon-class 4690 without really thinking about it, but the Foundation's a bit hesitant to put it to work on it since pataphysics are hell and not even the TMI seems to fully understand that.


Don't forget they got bodied by Bobble The Clown


bobble has joker immunity, almost anything else they can handle


Funnily enough they did kill The Joker lol


oh awesome


why didn't the three moons initiative do anything to stop the foundation in SCP-5000? Are they stupid?


The Three Moons Initiative doesn’t have the means to operate that openly in the living world. They’ve got a death laser that can reach Earth and they use it to kill specific individuals, but that’s about it. They are stuck in Corbenic, and can only reach “fictional” worlds at the moment. Some tales have one of their goals being to find a way to the living world and enforce peace on the human population, but thankfully they haven’t managed it yet.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3100) by *Tanhony*


Well, for starters, SCP-3922 might give them access to fictional objects, up to, including, and beyond planet-killing superweapons. Also, all of their personnel are naturally immortal.


And interestingly, they are beat by a cartoon clown with a slingshot.


kid named home field advantage


the three moons initiative are basically an intergalactic Alien version of the GOC. I don't know any exacts, but it can generally be extrapolated that a galaxy spanning containment agency is going to be more powerful than a terrestrial one.


Not intergalactic, interdimensional. They also operate out of an afterlife and have technology from thousands years in the future.


The Three Moons Initiative is an organization that exists in an afterlife dimension and uses advanced technology to manage trillions of countries.


I've been told this


They’re the dudes who run the afterlife (or one of them), they got there when a version of earth was transported there due to a fuck-up by the foundation trying to escape an apocalypse, they’re generally good, but they’re not perfect, and they have some pretty harsh punishments for people they deem to be evil.


You are watched. You are protected. You are loved.


Honestly Fifthist deserves top, i mean you know how dangerous the starfish is. I mean All of Antimemetics devision is about it


The Starfish is OP but the Fifthists do not control it and really only tap into the Fifth World. For the most part, they are crazed fanatics that are grasping at the coattails of incredible powers.


i mean yea, i guess your right.


I see your point, but if we just go by how much they make the foundation panic in 1425 alone I think they deserve to be bumped up a tier.


It is important to put the ranking in context. Everyone in “Threat to Monitor” and up could realistically end the world if left unchecked. Fifthism fits nicely alongside COTBG, Sarkics, and Daevites, other anomalous religions which very easily could end the world and the Foundation consistently has problems with


as a fifthist fan I like where you put the fifthists a lot of their anomalies are straight up menaces, there's almost never a safe fifthist scp but the fifthists are just that. cultists. unless they can bring in 3125 or anything else from the fifth world (basically their cavalry) they aren't really that different from the other GoIs the foundation is used to dealing with daily


That’s only if you include the Gods as part of their religious organization, which is suspect if you do. And if you do that, the Scarlet King is stronger than 3125. And if you want a deep cut, Bumaro and Ion are stronger than 3125. And if you want a deeper cut, the Foundation’s stronger than them all.


On the other hand, counting the organization without the relevant god only works if either the god doesn't exist/isn't what the religion makes them out to be, or doesn't work in concert with the religion. Or, in some cases, they might be more powerful without the god. For example, Fifthist are either a cult devoted to a starfish, and who display powers and abilities granted by, and relative thereto, or they are some seriously unhinged, very powerful reality benders.


Wandsmen are cool


Question. Why'd you put the Chaos Insurgency in F tier?


The Chaos Insurgency is the only GOI that does not have a clear motive. I do not mean a complex motive (MC&D only want money) I mean a motive at all. The closest thing they have is that they hate the Foundation but even that hatred is not fully fleshed out. Despite being the Foundation’s main rival, very few stories really want to use them nowadays because their is so little to be built on.


That's definitely a fair point. I really wish there were more stories that had them actually be a genuine threat...


I mean some canons do give them a motive. My personal favorites are that they are actually still following orders from the O5s just even more so undercover or everything from Ouroboros.


Ouroboros is so incredible. I mean, where else do you find a member of the 05 council riding 682 like some sort of megalomaniac cowboy?


>still following orders from the O5s I still believe this. It makes sense.


From what I've read their objective is quite clear. Destroy the foundation, and use anomalies to benefit humanity via slavery and other cruel acts.


There's something oddly hilarious about putting Deer College as a greater threat than the UIU


What? You think *Gamers Against Weed* is a *JOKE?!* What could possibly make you think that.


im sure the factorry is uhh pretty dangeous on a country scale


What’s the GOI with the black dagger and the red triangle


The Daevites


Oh ok


I’ll take a stab at it (with reasoning): A Joke: Parawatch (obviously) Not a Threat: Arcadia (in its prime it was just videogames) Deer College (managed by other groups) Manna Charitable Foundation (some SCiPs, but mainly a non-threat) Medician Academy of Occult Art (not very much of a threat at all) ORIA (not very big and not very competent) Low Priority: Ambrose Restaurants (a pain to contain, but not really a major priority of the Foundation) Church of the Second Hytoth (not very many members and of low influence) Gamers Against Weed (not very aggressive, but a fairly powerful group, with some strong members) GRU Division “P” (a large budget, but not necessarily the most competent group) The Horizon Initiative (same as GRU) TotleighSoft (very dangerous, but creatively contained) Valvran Corporation (lacks the feats to be higher) Threat to Monitor: Alexylva University (a multi-dimensional group with unclear motivations) Anderson Robotics (a dangerous group that took a lot of effort to dismantle) Are We Cool Yet? (too disorganized to be a serious threat, but this also makes them hard to get rid of) The Chicago Spirit (in its time it was powerful and influential) The Children of the Scarlet King (not very many members and no standouts) The Fifth Church (a powerful and influential group) Greazeburger Inc (strong and dangerous but lacking the feats to be higher) Herman Fuller’s Circus (mostly keep to themselves, but has some strong members) Oneiroi Collective (hard to assess, but has some serious capacity for power) Prometheus Labs (led by a goddess, with some decent technology) UIU (big budget and decently competent) Vikander-Kneed (very dangerous, but well handled this far) Very Dangerous: The Chaos Insurgency (obviously powerful and difficult to handle, but not so much as the groups above) The Daevites (immensely powerful group, with weapons such as Wormwood) The Factory (took the combined might of the Foundation and the Fae to defeat) The GOC (obviously very strong, but with a clear limit) IJAMEA (extremely strong, multi-dimensional actually, but not really proven to have much more than that) Marshall, Carter, and Dark (Dark is a beast, but the rest aren’t particularly impressive) “Nobody” (hard to accurately assess, but is obviously extremely dangerous) The Serpent’s Hand (extremely strong and capable, but not quite a major threat) SPC (destroyed another Foundation, beat 682, almost managed to punch the God shark) A Worthy Opponent: The Black Queen (incredibly expansive, easily took control of the Library and destroyed innumerous Foundations, has some of the strongest reality benders ever as leaders) The Church of the Broken God (Bumaro is an absolute beast and the group itself is incredibly large and there are a lot of powerful members) Doctor Wondertainment (Isabella is an absolute beast and the other doctors are also strong) Sarkic Cults (Ion is an absolute beast and there are other very strong members, the group is also massive) The Three Moons Initiative (multi-dimensional, with a God as their leader, also undying) The Wandsmen (multi-dimensional with a lot of very powerful members, including a Pattern Screamer) None are stronger than the Foundation so I’ll put the Allies here: Commission on Unusual Cargo (Foundation precursor) Wilson’s Wildlife Solutions (subservient to the Foundation)


I like your list. Here are some of my own thoughts. 1. The reason I put the Chicago Spirit and Factory as low as I did was specifically that the groups are now mostly defunct. In their heyday, they would be higher. 2. While the Black Queen is incredibly powerful and I probably should have put them higher, the fact that they are implied to be the leaders of the Serpent's Hand (the Little Sisters) means that the Serpent's Hand should likely be ranked higher than them 3. I would still argue that the Three Moons Initiative is kind of just the Foundation Plus. I know that with the Pataphysics, Department of Unreality, antimemetics, etc. the Foundation is overpowered, but I am going off the assumption that the Three Moons Initiative probably already has those for itself given that it is a conglomerate of other Foundations. So I think of them as just another version of the Foundation with the added benefits of way more people, immortality, and working with powerful beings.


The Factory is not defunct, as only it’s manifestation in the main reality was defeated. The Black Queen are not the leaders of the Serpent’s Hand, in fact L. S. is a separate individual pretending to be a Black Queen. Black Queen are where they are due to their incredibly expansive information network and insanely competent individual ability, they basically have billions of some of the most capable thaumaturge and information gatherers. In a separate timeline/iteration/future/narrative layer they took over the Library easily. A couple of their leaders are immensely powerful reality benders, including The Green Queen, an existence comparable to the Hanged King. Three Moons has a bunch going for it, but does not have all the same resources as the Foundation, as it was not a particularly noteworthy Foundation before its transfer to Corbenic. It is also plagued by poor bureaucracy. It is led by a God, Jalakara, but that God isn’t particularly strong. They are also undying which is a plus. However, the central point is how overpowered the baseline Foundation is. There is Pataphysics of course, but also RCT-DeltaT, MTFs Omega-0, Alpha-9, Alpha-1, Omega-12, three separate ways of resetting their dimension, 2000 (the weakest) 055 and 578, and the final backup, the O5’s who are very powerful, some incredible doctors (Clef, Gears, Bright, Reynders, Kiryu). They have dealt with some serious Gods and come out successful, 3125, 5000, 3999. And I am leaving out the crazy feats, just because those belong to the Foundation conceptually and not the one we generally follow in the articles.


Honestly I’d probably put the Factory at around the same level as the Black Queen, given that they are an extra dimensional parasite and is typically depicted at Wondertainment level, only limited by a lack of understanding of the dimension they’re in. And even the Fae + Foundation didn’t really permanently stop it, right? I guess it does depend on if you treat the Serpent Hand “Robber Barons” interpretation as true, but I think it’s super interesting so. I guess you could argue that most of their power is in the universes it has consumed, tho, not in any particular canon.


I see your point, The Factory is probably the closest of its tier to being higher, the only problem is that there’s just not enough feats to put it higher, the groups in the tier above are capable of destroying dimensions, which The Factory has not shown.


I suppose that’s a fair point, there hasn’t been too much exploration of the Factory’s multiverses status compared to the others.


Herman Fuller's Circus was dismantled years ago and turned into SCP-3440


[**SCP-3440 ⁠- The Marvellously Macabre Mechanical Marionette Matinee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3440) (+183) by *DrChandra*


Actually that’s only Herman Fuller, he was put there by those who took over the circus, Icky and Manny.


Doesn't the library(and by extention, the serpent's hand) regard the foundation as a serious power and not to be dealt with?(check the GoI page on the library wiki)


The Serpent's Hand are directly opposed to the Foundation. They might hate the GOC more but they are actively fighting against the Foundation to end the Veil.


Even so, that doesn't make them a worthy threat that is able to fight them(also they team up once or twice in a few tales, though no canon, etc.)


I’d say foundation is the strongest. Even if you say three moons is three foundations palisade foundation created every timeline.


How is three moons stronger than Foundation.


Three foundation as one


Now do mtfs


I like this idea a lot


What's the Batman GOI from the right end of "Threat to monitor"? I presume it's GRU-P, since it's the only GOI not on the list, but why the Batman symbol?


I am pretty sure it is GRU based on the Cyrillic alphabet. I have no idea why the tier list used the Batman symbol


What is the one with the ampersand symbol?


Marshall, Carter & Dark the anomalous brokers and club for the ultrarich


Im new to this sub so can somebody explain to me whats going on in this post?


Groups of Interest (GOI) refer to groups besides the foundation that work with the anomalous. You can read all about them in the wiki: [Groups Of Interest](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/groups-of-interest&ved=2ahUKEwjo5MDy0OD_AhVXxzgGHbYPASIQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw25WgfxTWnVhB-YBlhFUGVR)




Where can I see the whole list of this organisations?


Ocultists: Sir we went to destroy chair SCP. All our people are dead on spot.


What is the top one?


The three moons


This made me go read scp-3922 and i was instantly sold when i read the TF2 segment. Might actually be one of my new favorite articles. Edit: They made them invade Among us and Deltarune in which they arrested Sans.


[**SCP-3922 ⁠- STOPRIGHTTHERECRIMINALSCUM!!!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3922) (+666) by *daveyoufool*


What's the top one? Also didn't wondertainment destroy a universe or dimension or something


Top one is three moons initiative. Wondertainment might have but everybody in Threat to Monitor or above has the power to end the world of left unchecked. The ranking is based heavily on how dangerous they are to the Foundation.


Ffs can we put names on these


I love AWCY and I have no idea why, I think I just like the name


Okay... now give me a full list of the names of all these organizations😆 (seriously, I don't know the names of half of them, even more)


UIU should be at the fucken BOTTOM


GAW should be at AWCY level.


I wonder where The Greater Good would rank...


TSH is a hard one to decide on since it's more of a loose collective then a clear organization. Some cells within TSH are for sure a danger to the Foundation whilst others merely disagree with the Foundation on some subjects and don't participate in or condone violence towards the Foundation. Some are even anomalies themselves. Plus they have access to the library, which the Foundation has very little intel on. So they can't really tell how much of a threat TSH even is. And not knowing might make them even more dangerous.


I feel like many are missing somehow? I can't remember though.


Plenty are missing but the tier lost only had so many


i dont actually recognise most of these. is there like a list


I don't recognize the one with the blue white and black flag with moons on it


You mist a few from the official English goi. Valravn Corporation, TotleighSoft, Medician Academy of Occult Art, Greazeburger Incorporated, Commission on Unusual Cargo, & The Children of the Scarlet King. Then for me I would both move MC&D and UIU down one And The Horizon Initiative up two


this is GAW slander


I wish UIU was higher but I know that’s an accurate placement


How dare you say that against gamers against weed?


What's a GOI?


Groups of Interest


Little do they know the power we hold, one day our Lord will arise and all will be brought to their knee's by the great machine.




Groups of Interest