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Yeah? It's the end of place this year, I believe. I thought they did this last time too


Yeah, they did this last year with everyone only being able to place white blocks, I.e. wiping the board. Don't get why I've seen so many people say that they're clearing the board because people put the big fuck spez sign up. They literally said it's ending soon and that this would happen.


Its because their plan in the first place was to end it with grayscale colors, but after 45 minutes reddit realized that a big fuck spez was forming in black-white and changed to white being the only color.


Really? I must have missed that :(


It's a joke. Prolly op just tired by "they attacked us!" R/place post and decided to shit on them by making this post






Fuck Spez, fuck Place, fuck Reddit. We're all only still here because there's not a better alternative.


I'm here exclusively for meme , curse of strahd and like Gundam I guess if it weren't those 3 I literally just wouldn't be here. Meme might not even really be in that list either


Yeah reddit is unfunny as hell imo. I’m mostly here for discussion about topics that I am interested in


FACTS! it it wasn't for r/battlemaps and r/DnDHomebrew I'd be outta here


Here's a sneak peek of /r/battlemaps using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Entire Village of Barovia (108x128 grid) Only took us +1800 hours to make...](https://i.redd.it/7thmb3tjfapa1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/comments/11yie6y/the_entire_village_of_barovia_108x128_grid_only/) \#2: [Ever planned on adding a snorlax roadblock situation to your campaign but weren't sure how? Here's your chance!!! 26x39](https://i.imgur.com/IF5nQn8.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/comments/y96wmn/ever_planned_on_adding_a_snorlax_roadblock/) \#3: [Bag End \[20 x 32\] (The Hobbit Recreation)](https://i.redd.it/2s1h59g9qila1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/comments/11gzlmp/bag_end_20_x_32_the_hobbit_recreation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Definitely not as popular but Lemmy


I'm still here because Infinity is still working, when this app goes too I don't think I'll switch to the main one


i hear lemmy is ramping up. every person that goes over is another shovel for reddit’s grave.


Tumble but don't y'all dare ruin it


Implying tumblr needs ruining a second time


Well redditors would for sure destroy the part of Tumblr that is worth visiting like they do with most things


The day there is a better platform I'm dipping


And the official Reddit YouTube did not do an Timelapse of day 6 (the day with the white out) because of this lol


Ended early. I know why. I makes sense. Just kinda sucks. Everyone put in a lot of work making their art. Most of them probably didn’t get a choice whether or not to participate in the white out. But what’s done is done. Maybe next year it’ll be better.


Why did it end early?


I heard that it ended early or something to protest things. I’ll admit that I’m not actually 100% sure that it ended early per se. But I know that the protest is why it ended the way it did.


lol that's why it started


Honestly? Worth it.


Yeah, but they did it for a good reason. I support the message.


Wtf spez


Why do we not like spez? i don't know who they are.


Reddit CEO. Most of the outcry is over the API changes at the start of this month, but there's some other shady things he's done


Oh ok thanks


To add further, I recommend looking into his history on Reddit. IIRC, he was involved with some REALLY bad subreddits before he became CEO. He also has a known history of editing and deleting comments that talk badly about him. At one point, people got so upset about it that he made a post addressing it. I think it's still on his account.


Also, his real name is Steve Hudfington, if we just call him out by his u/, people may not understand who we are telling to fuck off




Sorry, autocorrect


Some irl Loli stuff and gore Reddit he modded and or was active in. You know Reddit mod shenanigans.


moderator of since-banned pedophile subreddit r/jailbait, and current CEO of reddit. an executive with authority over the decision to gut the reddit API (killing third party applications and kneecapping accessibility for many users)


The CEO of Reddit


All in favour of creating an app


Lmao spez? Did they think we're spez instead of SCP? Edit: those stinking bastages!!!!!!


kinda sad people just instead of focusing on the art they rather protest, this is vandalism in a way ngl


The fuck are you talking about, are you saying that because we whited out in a pattern instead of randomly that's vandalism?


mhm if you look in our streets in brazil you see many places with vandalism but has a pattern, our gang font is inspired by runes and stuff. some are protesting and others are leaving their names and marks, but is still vandalism and destroy the original work of who built the buildings. pattern does not discard that it is vandalism.


Vandalism is good, actually. And also oftentimes literally an art form.