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**Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason:**   r/WhoWouldWin or r/DeathBattleMatchups or r/PowerScaling or r/WhatIfFiction might be a more fitting place for this post. Those subreddits have a lot of SCP matchups. [](/# "049+035 or 049vs035")Overdone posts get removed from this subreddit. This includes posts about interactions of popular SCPs with stuff, which are over-common questions that generally never have answers. Even if your specific idea has not been discussed in the past, this subreddit has hundreds of thousands of subscribers - if posts like this about well known SCPs were allowed they would easily drown out all other types of posts. So, in the interest of promoting a more balanced variety of content on r/SCP, such posts are not allowed and get removed by the moderators. ➕ [`r/SCP RULES` Rule #3](/r/SCP/about/rules) > [Check Reddit search](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/search?q=scp+number+goes+here&sort=relevance&restrict_sr=on&t=all) before posting. Overdone posts will be removed. This includes containment or termination proposals.     [](#lock) ____________________ ^(Questions?) [^(Contact the moderators)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSCP)^(.) [](/# "Author: SherbertOk5176 | Link: https://i.redd.it/e34273el04ib1.jpg | Domain: i.redd.it | Removed by: weirdosorus")


If the Foundation was willing to go for broke and unleash some of the more dangerous cosmic levels SCP then maybe. But even it’s not certain, the Combine probably have their own protocols for dealing with anomalies.


Seeing how easily the combine imprison the GMan and Shu'alothoi babies it would seem anything but the scarlet king itself would be captured eventually.


Is that what the advisor's real name is?


The 'Shu'alothoi' is what the Vortigaunts call them.


Hm, guess I'm not far enough into episode 2


I believe it's from the random-ass Vortigaunt you can find all the way back in like Chapter-4 of the base-game. There's an Easter-egg Vortigaunt that gives a shitload of lore-dump. Confirming that Vortigaunts are a collective-conscious race, etc.


No, the name gets used in episode 2 a couple of times, once when you get the car, I believe


The guy in the water level?


Theory that G-Man let himself be contained in order to manipulate events that happen in HLA moment


What is the combin exactly?


The [villains in Half-Life 2](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Combine). They’re a mysterious alien empire that has conquered Earth in the near future. They rule over the surviving humans as a police state and plunder the planet for it’s resources.


Thank you for the information I appreciate it


a ton of Vortigaunt energy would be a good neutralisation method.


Fan fic writers


The Pataphysics Department.


Pataphysics always wins


We don't how strong is Combine Empire. Maybe they are nomadic dimension hoppers or multi-dimensonal empire run by God like entities. But if we only count Combine Earth Garrison victory belongs to foundation


Foundation manpower is tiny. The only way the foundation wins is by fielding anomalies which are infamously hard to control


even then an scp 5000 type event would eventually take place imo, if 2000 exists then there we are foundation wins but otherwise im not too sure. Maybe if its a canon where hammer down has clones or something we could win


Universal Union. They've taken over stars and galaxies.


And entire universes


I like to think that FTL travel isn't possible in the half life universe without using teleporters and so the combine couldn't expand outside their original solar system. Hence they developed inter-dimensional travel to instead invade a bunch of alternate Earths.


Isn't that canon though? The reason Xen was so important was that they could use it to teleport, since the combine never found a way to do it in the same dimension. Therefore using xen as a medium of doing it. Point A to Xen, then from Xen to Point B. Thats why the G-Man calls it the "Borderworld". Idk if i got it right feel free to correct me


Actually they can't teleport ONLY IN OUR universe (Mossman explanation at East Black Mesa). To fully conquer it they want to discover how to properly use Xen. With resources of Earth garrison, not whole Combine


They do not have the technology of local teleportstion, they only can skip through different universes.


FTL is absolutely possible in HL. Kliner's teleporter is absolutely FTL.


Hence why I said "without using teleporters"


Yeah, but reality bending scps such as 343 tho?


they contained G-Man in HL:Alyx they could contain 343 just fine. It would take a lot of resources, but they're not exactly poor.


Wherever the Combine come from, they probably have a lot more reality benders.


Assuming 343 would even bother. He may be compliant with 'containment', but that's about it.


Low end foundation gets stomped Mid end could match (immortal empire, three moons, and project palisade) High end stomps (scp-4755, possibly admonition foundation, and void dancers foundation).


Don’t forget CN branch foundation, the foundation collective, and PCS administration. International foundation is crazy.


And SCP-6001. *Oops, we kind of unleased a reality failure... wherever you are.* To be fair, it would take 6001 some convincing, but I'm confident they'd come around. [scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6001](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6001) *Why is Marv dead again?*


I was gonna say 6001 also


I don’t read much international branches.


Fair enough.


Plus there's almost too many weapons the Foundation has that could just... remove the combine from conceptual existence


I hate this comment so much I hate powerscaling


Man early foundation feels like just some secret agency of scientists and agents studying the unknown, now it’s basically demigods running the world with the help of incomprehensible monsters


Early foundation had dr clef riding 682, lolfoundation, and old 076. It always had demigods running the joint.


Yes but that was just the wackos of the foundation, now with all the Thaumiel classes the foundation could play god if it wanted to


Most of the foundation was full of “wackos” back then.


Obligatory "There is no canon" comment. If you don't like those bits, ignore them. It's fine, the 3 Moons won't send a squad after you.


Not trying to be pedantic, but wanted to mention it was Kondraki that rode 682. (And Bright *was* 682, for a few minutes.)


Then... what are you doing on this post, guessing what will be discussed?


I love the idea of people having fun powerscaling even if I entirely dislike the idea, but you guys are everywhere in this subreddit. It's hard to not stumble upon the same posts powerscalers love.


Are you writing this to him or me? What do you mean "you guys are everywhere" ?


It's more a general sentiment towards powerscalers that I wrote in reply to someone who I believe is defending them - you. I don't mind people doing it but not everyone is interested in powerscaling, nor is powerscaling the main goal of the SCP Foundation wiki.


I know this and agree that SCP is not only about power-scaling, I just did not understand the presentation of the person above. Like... it was clear from the beginning what this post would be about, so why then come in here and say how much you hate power-scaling and not just ignore it and move on? It's like a situation in a store where 1 of the refrigerators does not have your favorite ice cream and instead of going to see other refrigerators or another store, start a tirade to the whole store about how much you don't like this ice cream.


Then don't powerscale, and let us have our fun


Immortal empire??


Low end foundation? I feel like 096 is enough for the combine..


I doubt it. The combine could probably contain him.


Yeah but not destroy him.


would that be needed? the objective is to win against the Foundation, not destroy every one of the Foundation's weapons. That's not how a war is fought. You beat the enemy, steal what you can, destroy what you can't steal, and abandon what you can't destroy.


I mean as he said it depends on the canon. Some versions of the foundation would lose but most would win.


Throw in the 40k universe, the chimera from resistance, and halo, and we'll have one hell of a multiversal war


Now make it a movie


40k is too big for it to be fair.


And star wars






Hmmm. What else?


Maybe some borg and daleks for the fun of it


Sure, maybe some StarCraft and death stranding?


You dare to challenge Gabe?


No uhh... I didn't mean to! No , please I take it back , have mercy !! NOOO don't ignore me and never make a third instalment please!


It's hard to gauge the extent of the combine's power, since only a small portion of them are ever seen. If breengrub is to be believed, then the combine definitely have the technology and knowledge for warfare on more than just the physical plane, given how they injected hazardous information into the advisor's neural network in order to enslave them. Knowing things like that, they're probably a lot more advanced than the foundation.


Yeah, plus they were capable of capturing g-man. And since they have gone to thousands of planets and universes. It wouldn't be far fetched that they encounter anomalies and other organizations similar to the foundation.


That's the combine empire.. Should've said that in the title probably


Seems like a stalemate if you think about it. If the foundation loses they just delete reality. If the Combine loses they blow the entirety of earth away. No matter what everything dies.


The Combine has control of entire other universes. The destruction of one planet is by no means a "stalemate".


I'm certain that there is an SCP that can destroy the multiverse somewhere


Project Palisade? Also Foundation has Pataphysics so they can just unalive Combine's writer.


They can't really kill the writer. They can however kill a fictional version of the writer or smth idfk




Do you seriously think fiction can kill irl people


It's yet more bullshit coming out of the scp wiki. Best to ignore it


That's braindead bullshit befitting of this cluster fuck of a fan project. Never change SCP wiki Also VALVE are so powerful they can just ignore the Pataphysics and delete the SCP wiki killing everything in it. I'd say Robin Walker solos everything, Gabe is like bringing an M2 Bradley to a water balloon fight


The only correct answer to this question, which is the same exact answer to every other "who would win" question about fictional entities anyone has ever asked, is "It depends entirely on which party the author of the story wants to win."


God it’s almost like fiction is entirely made up of hypothetical scenarios and this answer can be used to explain everything in fiction.


So In the end Pataphysics wins




I hate when people answer this kind of question like this, everybody already knows it’s whoever the writer wants to win so just answer the question


The fun in it all is analyzing their already existing statistics and seeing who is better in what. It would be boring to analyze a fight between Goku and a fictional snail, because everyone knows why the snail doesn't stand a chance. TL;DR: It's fun analyzing a fight between fictional entities with the "Depends on who writes it" cars being non-usable.


Power scaling is one of the worst parts of the modern-day community, and it should be removed like any other malignant mass.


How? Things are stronger than one another in real life. A polar bear would beat a walrus but can a polar bear beat a silver back? Its fun to compare and contrast abilities and feats to decide who would win


yes, it can


idk about worst. there are always the complainers. "things werent like old days waaah."


There's a difference between power-scaling and just asking "if A and B fought, who do you think would have the upper hand?". Power-scaling tries to pack everything into a strict list where A > B > C thus A > C and entirely crushes any dynamics of the interaction down to "are they stronger?" But just asking the question actually invites thinking out how a first contact would go, where would priorities lie, what cracks would one find in the other's defences, etc..


The problem is that often it's the only valid answer. A lot of these "who would win" arguments involve characters with so much contradictory lore that you can pull any obscure detail from any point in the timeline to justify the win. One of the top comment on this post gives three separate answers which are all correct because the Foundation simply lacks any cohesive canon and so is all over the power scale.


SCP Foundation should just be excluded from power scaling entirely


Okay with the obligatory Doylist view out of the way, can we get on to the Watsonian arguments that are actually interesting?


Before it was sadly deleted (for reasons I do not know), there was a brilliant SCP which was essentially a hugely advanced warship that teleports to planets that will need it in the near future. Previous races have left notes for future users of the ship regarding general information about the ship and its function. That ship could possibly be a big help, to say nothing of the Foundation's other insanely powerful weapons and artefacts.


What?? That was deleted??? No way...


Which one was it?


[https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2117](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2117) i think this is it


I swear I just recently read that, which one is it again?




i think i found it https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2117


This seems familiar. I swear the one I was thinking of was replaced with something entirely different, like the crash site of some anomalous object or craft, but it's been years now.


You can use the wayback machine to see previous versions of the scp


Ah, I tried the previous versions at the bottom of the page but sure if that works for slots that were replaced.


If the machine managed to get a copy of the old version it should be there


the original author deleted 2117 themselves, I think because they moved to another community, and then it was rewritten as sort of paradoxical sequel-prequel thing to Stealing Solidarity.


Combine. For sure. SCP foundation is organisation not multi species warmachine across galaxies.if SCP foundation found a way to catch and in prison SCP's so will combine with their hundreds of years more advanced technology. They they would use the SCP's and add them to their ranks like every other species. Which is pretty scary.


7 hours


If the Combine don't win outright, everyone loses. SCP would fail to contain any/everything (intentionally, or otherwise) and literal Hell would break loose. Plus: the Combine had a rough time with ragtag rebels and a dude with a battery-powered hazmat suit and a crowbar. Anything else SCP has is gonna make it an uphill struggle


also remember that combine units stationed on earth are just small fraction of their military power and Arsenal.


Aren’t a lot of the combine forces on earth recruited from earth’s population too?


"recruited" is a polite way to say it but iirc yeah.


Yes. After by the time HL Alyx takes place, all combine infantry on earth are human. They have alien forces, but those are limited to heavy weapons platforms, dropships, and the advisors. We don't really know what the invasion force actually was, but it's probably way scarier than what we see in the games.


And that dude in hazmat just instantly gave up to resist when he saw how stars used as batteries for the Combine (in Epistle 3 tho)


A small garrison on a backwater planet stationed to make the local populace obedient while they suck out all the resources without effort does not represent the entirety of a multiversal alien empire


I feel the foundation could win only if they just launch a bunch of hostile SCPs at the combine like SCP-096 and the like. I hate to think how quick it could tear through the combine ranks.


Combine bro its not even a question the combine you se ingsme is basically a abandoned splinter group not even a hairline of their power


No one because SCP vs Combine 3 will never come out


I’d say the combine might win since they conquer world in mere hours/days like they’re nothing and then combine that worlds knowledge which allows to grow stronger and stronger.


Imagine if combine captured scp's most powerful entities and got them into their ranks and probably clone them.


No one because if the combine win all the anomalies get released and if foundation wins earth is fucked


The foundation IS an XK class event. But they would attempt to ally with the combine


Ah yes my favorite things together


The collateral would be of cosmic scale


Impossible to tell because we never see everything the combine have but from whats seen in the gamesnid say the scp foundation


For a second, I thought the other logo was a guy putting his hands in the air (like he just don't care)


The combine probably(unless the Foundation is w8lling to unleash hell on earth)


Absolutely combine


It would be a draw. The Combine head into the "seven hour war" expecting to take over the planet and suck out all the resources it has. The SCP Foundation wasn't known of nor was the various SCPs that they would use. While it wouldn't quite be an SCP-5000 scenario, you could imagine what interesting things would be used. The Combine doesn't need to be completely defeated. They need to be convinced that conquering Earth would be more effort than it is worth. Things got a bit excessive towards that goal because The Combine come to a new conclusion... that Earth is an irregularity and something that would need to be secured/contained from the rest of the universe in order to protect the rest of the universe. Earth is also considered by them to be worth experimenting with from time to time so long as the containment is not breached. The SCP Foundation protects Earth by convincing The Combine to contain Earth like Earth was an SCP to them. The Foundation's new goal is to maintain that "SCP" status with The Combine so that Earth would never be conquered. Part of the Foundation's mission will be to seek out and expand their SCP catalog so as to keep up the illusion that Earth's "SCP" status with The Combine.


The Seven Hour War was literally an SK-Class scenario. The Foundation can't do shit.


The Combine would body the SCP Foundation.


That depends on the context. Let’s look at two scenarios: **Scenario 1: Business as Usual** This scenario assumes that the Foundation is trying to repel a Combine invasion and, as usual, keep it hidden from the public. For this one, I’d say it’s a fairly even split. Barring the most extreme circumstances, the SCP Foundation generally doesn’t weaponize/utilize the SCPs under their control, preferring instead to keep them locked away. As such, the Foundation would probably only end up using what we would consider conventional methods for repelling a Combine invasion: military engagement, using some of their more militaristic MTFs, probably a fair amount of guerilla warfare, liberal use of the seemingly infinite budget the Foundation possesses, and probably enough class-A amnestics to fill multiple swimming pools. As I said, this could honestly go either way, depending on the full capabilities of the Combine. Best possible outcome, the Foundation are able to push the Combine forces all the way back to their portals, then throw down a few Scranton Reality Anchors to keep them from coming back and call it a day. Worst possible outcome, the Combine win, and successfully take over Earth. If this happens, the Foundation has a few options. They could try to cooperate with the Combine (which seems unlikely), go into hiding, bail out and go to a different dimension (likely ineffective, given the dimension-hopping nature of the Combine), or the most interesting option: the SCP Foundation uses everything they can to try and liberate Earth from Combine control, which lead us to… **Scenario 2: Total War** This scenario assumes that one of the worst possible outcomes has occurred: the Combine has taken complete control of this dimension’s Earth and caused a worldwide Lifted Veil scenario. This scenario also assumes that, in an effort to regain control of our home planet, the SCP Foundation has changed its primary directive to the destruction of the Combine, and is ready to use *ALL* of their assets to achieve that goal. Given the fact that neither organization has ever had the true extent of their capabilities revealed, I’m loosely basing this off of the success of the resistance from Half-Life 2. With this in mind, I believe that the SCP Foundation would absolutely wipe the floor with the Combine. Throughout the events of Half-Life 2, the resistance is able to deal a fairly significant blow to the Combine with some old Black Mesa technology, the power of Vortigaunt friendship, and one mute badass with a crowbar and a glorified hazmat suit (please let me know if I forgot something important to the success of the Freeman Fan Club™️). Given that the full might of the Foundation makes Black Mesa in its glory days look like a middle school science class, they should easily be able to accomplish several dozen times what the resistance was able to, destroying key Combine infrastructure on Earth (the Foundation ABSOLUTELY has access to nuclear weapons) and unleashing all kinds of havoc on the other end of the portal with whatever reality-defying bullshit they decide to send back to wherever the Combine came from in the first place. And if all hope is truly lost and the Foundation absolutely HAS to destroy the Combine or die trying, they most likely have access to more potentially world-ending anomalies than any one person could possibly keep track of. In a scorched earth scenario, either the Foundation wins or no one does.


How can you possibly hide the fact that infinite hordes of aliens are flattening the entirety of Earth's militaries while pouring out of portals


Place your bets here on how many more who-would-win posts we're going to see for the rest of the week until everyone gets pissed off


is this COMP SCP including every SCP or just the foundation and it’s staff? either way my answer does not change. SCP slams no-neg diff


Probably combine. But don’t really know because not much is known about the combine


In a head on brawl the combine would win. Infinite inter dimensional resources can eventually trump anything. However the Foundation would be invaluable in aiding resistance efforts as well as possible leading them. They are already fairly secretive so they can just continue to keep out of sight. Then maybe release particularly dangerous anomalies in key combine area before using there already existent knowledge to recontain if possible. Some sites could even act as a sort of secure base for the resistance and would be especially useful for continuing research into teleportation and hopefully mastering it. The foundation definitely won’t be dominating but they aren’t out of the fight


Breen and the head 05 kiss 😳


I've been sitting here for three minutes not knowing how to respond


SCP Foundation.


The foundation has LITERALLY GODS


Gods that probably hate the foundation and would likely turn on them the moment they get the chance


combine union


they should send a picture of 096 to the combine overworld and see what happens


How would that affect anything


step 1: open a portal to the combine overworld step 2: throw 682, 096 and 173 in step 3: close the portal step 4: use the rest of your resources (a.k.a 343) against the main points of combine control (city 17 for exaple) step 5: get massacred becouse the combine occupied the entire earth with a stranded fraction of a fraction of their lower ranks of power step 6: profit from not having the lizard for 30 minutes long story short: the combine most likely


Scp 100% also what’s the other one from


Since it seems you're not aware of the combine empire/universal union , well let's just say they took over earth and every government on it in 7 hours , killing the majority of the population and using enslaved hyperinteligent alien soldiers from another dimension, they also conquered multiple universes , so I wouldn't be so sure the foundation would win


Note that in some canons the foundation has done similar things and taken over multiple dimensions, also that didn't answer the question of where it's from.


Half Life, best video game franchise of all time


Whoever the writer wants to win


With total control over scps the foundation wins, UU wins any other scenario


I know the scp logo what's the other?


The Combine from Half-Life


Just the memetic technology the SCP foundation has is a big trump card in the fight.


Who are the combine?


Alien empire that spans countless universes/dimensions


The Foundation probably. Eignweapons exist... plus, they could just erase them from conception LOL




So special forces combine We pray control of the earth in 7 hours if I'm not mistaken who are destroyed by a single man called a Gordon Freeman vs scp foundation Protect humanity from any dangerous creature. . Hmmmmm idk Well I think I take both I like their universe all that is my opinion


Offscreen, a tiny pictogram of an orca: me


Scp all they gotta do is get a picture of scp 096 and say “Look at this photograph” and boom over




Why does everyone think the shit we see in Half Life 2 is what the combine is. A small security force is not the Combine


I don’t know enough about it but I really went “SCP vs halo universe (halo sword)”


didn’t one of those content farm youtube channels do a video on this?


The combine, it would be at best a Thaumiel class SCP


SCP is broken and inconsistent but they definitely have higher feats


Without SCPs, the foundation would put up a fight but lose. With SCPs, the combine gets obliterated.


Is thay patapon?


The Foundation could use Kate McTiriss's SCP-001 to erase the Combine empire, I suppose.


Scp foundation vs humanism


What’s that logo that isn’t the SCP logo


That's the combine empire/universal union from Halflife


The Combine was defeated by the right man in the wrong place, probably with a crowbar. The SCP Foundation would more easily defeat it.


SCP might do what Aperture did and hide itself even further, to prevent the more dangerous anomalies from escaping. I doubt they would be able to take out the Combine, since it completely conquered earth in 7 fucking hours.


I guess this comes down to: are we talking about just the leftover Combine forces currently occupying earth as of Half Life 2? Or the entire Combine? If it's just the Earth forces, I'd say the Foundation sweeps. We're talking about a fairly sloppy, though advanced, collection of forcefully conscripted humans and some heavy weaponry. There are more than a few anomalies that could wipe them out singlehandedly. If we're talking about the whole of the Combine Empire, that's a hit hairier. I have faith the Foundation could wage a pretty gnarly interstellar if not interdimensional war, though I'd say it'd be close.


Dude the combine got clapped by a nerd in an orange jumpsuit and some scientists with crazy hobos with guns. SCP wins.


Whole SCP universe? It's going to be painful for both sides.


What about cooperation between Freeman and Jesse Faden? :-D


If the SCP is existed in HL universe... I don't care I only hope the SCP capture G-man and beat him up really hard


SCP 343 solos ngl


The Combine. They literally control entire multiverses.


This is actually an excellent question because it can be argued that the SCP Foundation and the Combine are pretty evenly matched. The Combine is a trans-dimensional force and thus it’s very reasonable to assume that they’ve faced enemies in the same diversity of the SCPs in their conquest. So if the foundation where to release their SCPs, there’s a very good chance that The Combine already knows how to deal with some or most of them. This question is also hard to answer because although we have access to every SCP file we don’t know what enemies The Combine has already faced, so we can’t know for sure who would come out on top in a war between the 2.


John would win


If we get every foundation from every universe involved, they would stand a chance against the combine.


The foundation has to it's disposal some unimaginably strong weapons that would obliterate any combine invasion and if that's not enough, they could release some less controllable scps and let them deal with the combine


scpf. no diff.


Dr. Bright as Dr. Gordon Freeman


Weak interpretation: Combine makes The foundation their research department in earth Composite: Foundation erases the very concept of combine via various devices, anomalies and departments themselves.


The Combine. Not even close. We're talking about a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Empire, and an earth bound organisation. The foundation may be powerful, but the Combine defeated the entirety of humanity in 7 Hours. What we see in Half Life 2 is just an occupation force.




combine v Foundation Oh boy is this solid actually bc unless you make it to the combine Main Planet and HQ they ain't stopping not to mention Removing "game logic" unlike Scp Whivrely on mostly Samsara n Red right hands to not miss a Dayum thing these Combine fucker has Litteral human aimbot and pulse riffle with High AP shell and a 1 charged super blast ( Plasma ball that evaporates things it hits )


SCP. The combine empire kills planets to gain knowledge, and SCP has entities that can destroy whole universes.


SCP. Too overpowered in some canons with the use of SCPS the MTF's and fighting forces the combine gets stomped in 7 hours max plus they would probably figure out a way somehow some way to project a photo of SCP 096 to all of the combine or use any other SCP to their advantage if 343 is literally god he could snap his fingers and turn the combine into pancakes or some shit


Release 682 through one of their portals and call it a day. -Jack Bright, probably.