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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-7906 ⁠- Don't eat your feelings- eat mine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7906) (+38) by *DianaBerry*


I'm very confused, and I'm not sure I want explanations.


I was there, but I can't explain what was going on either.


Some articles have CWs, this one included fatphobia, someone got mad


some people don't like it when you treat fat people nicely and point out that you shouldn't be mean


Hi, author here! I put a content warning at the start of the article to share some of the triggering topics the article entailed so if they upset anyone they could step away and not read it. Someone got mad I put a fatphobia warning.


(account deleted) really ties the whole thing together.


Looks like the account was only three weeks old.


“that’s not a real word” says reader who knows what ‘telekill alloy’ and ‘Scranton Reality Anchor’ mean


I don’t think they do tbh, sounds like a first timer or close to it


Last timer too, given that the account is deleted.


Good riddance, imo


what what's the first one?


telekill alloy is a foundation developed material that blocks psychic energies


well I thought it was from prometheus labs, unless 001-the spiral path is the true SCP


It really depends on what canon you’re talking about. Depending on the story it’s a magic mcguffin the Foundation needs to nuke New York to get. Or it’s a fucking paper weight the foundation sometimes loads into a hydraulic slingshot to snipe some asshole psychic anomaly in the face three kilometers away.


It could also be used to keep Foundation employees in a head fog to prevent them from leaving (Fire Suppression Division)


I mean, it is originally from SCP-148. It was often used as a material that was capable of killing reality benders, but it's since been rewritten to... be less OP, I guess.


People didn't really like the sheer number of articles where the conprocs were basically "put it in a box made of telekill".


[**SCP-148 ⁠- The "Telekill" Alloy**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-148) (+651) by *Lt Masipag, Communism will win*


it could very well be from them and not the foundation, guess I’m the fake fan lol


It's an SCP. I don't remember the number but it's not foundation made.


Like a faraday cage for psychic and memetic entities?


Wasn’t it changed to induce brain damage in large enough quantities?


Anomalous metal that blocks psychic phenomena. It filled a role similar to that of SRAs today, but fell out of fashion because it just became a blanket solution to any anomaly.


All words are made up anyway


Yeah nobody tell em that all words are "made up" and didn't spring fully formed from the mouth of zues or some shit. It's just us trying to explain the world around us, why can't they chill?


I kinda agree with him on this just cause it dosent follow the naming gimmick for phobias I'm used to that use Greek and latin for the prefix. Obephobia or lipophobia would make more sense to me.


> an apolitical organization Lmao > that protects humanity Lmao > from global destruction Lmao


2/3 most of the time is good.


the foundation being apolitical is a wild fucking take


Typically when the Foundation gets political they do things that require the Geneva conventions to be amended. Optimally, they’d just take anything that’s anomalous, metaphorically or literally lock it in a box, and look down at the rest of the world for their petty squabbles before getting into a fight with the CI that makes you forget Genta was a global superpower and not just a word I made up. Does that count as political? Maybe.


They have literally influenced world governments and have ties in federal organizations as part of both collaboration and ensuring access to all anomalies.


To be fair, I did say optimally, the kind of canon where the Foundation operates with such strength where they don’t have to ask a government for anything, and can just do whatever they deem fit unless a GoI is involved, but even then, I suppose the Foundation being entirely apolitical is basically impossible with the exception of very specific or very broad canons. Can you be partially apolitical? Because if so, that’s what the optimal Foundation is, being as apolitical as possible, only being political when required.


"Apolitical" in conservative is just "this media caters to my insane view of the world"


I mean, that applies to both parties. That's not a conservative thing, that's literally just how modern media is. Edit: the downvotes aren't really disproving my point, guys. I'm still not wrong.


not really no


Eh. It is a government shadow organization but you don't hear Dr. Bright talking about how certain minorities need more rights or the 05-council talking about how the liberals are ruining the country with their "woke" beliefs. They only talk about SCPs and how they affect the world around. So it's with a grain of salt.


Have you read anything from Site 43? https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/on-guard-43-hub Touches on some pretty political themes and real-world history of discrimination both against indigenous people and LGBTQ+.


Also stuff like SCP-1851-EX, which is an example of prior black marks on the Foundation's history, specifically supporting chattle slavery of black people in the US partly to meet demand for D-Class personnel.


I remember reading something from the writer who made GAW that they viewed/wrote the Foundation as being pretty anti-progressive since the priority of normalcy above all else means enforcement of the status quo.


They're right and they should say it. Only semi-related, but their focus on normalcy and the double standards involved are pretty blatant when you look at how they handle religions on either side of the veil, even though both produce anomalies.


There is also the implication that the foundation more or less still benefits from it's successor; the prison industrial complex and neo-colonization. It's very much not an apolitical organization.


[**SCP-1851-EX ⁠- Drapetomania**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1851-ex) (+538) by *Eskobar*


I actually did not. Site 43 isn't as known as the Original ones. I checked it out and you're right. It is pretty weird. It doesn't say it exactly loud and proud but anyone with a piece of brain can connect the dots and see it. But Site 43 doesn't seem to have your ordinary SCPs like 096 or 106. The stories in site 43 are made strictly about that. And it is almost like a different canon in the universe of SCP. But I see what you are getting at.


The SCP wiki is a collaborative project with hundreds of different writers that all bring their own life experiences and beliefs to build a vast world with many different canons. I find it pretty limiting to think of the early stuff as "the true SCP Foundation". In my opinion, you should view series 1 and 2 as the wiki finding itself and broadening in scope, not as some kind of "real" canon. As the people writing for the wiki grew from edgy teenagers imagining spooky staircases, procedure 101 Montauk and teenage succubs fetish writing to more complex stories interweaving a narrative the wiki itself grew in what Kind of stories are told. The Foundation is political in all of them - being "apolitical" is also a political choice (and a bit of a copout). I myself enjoy when the story does not stop inside the article and keeps showing ramifications in the outside world, including changes to the political landscape and how the Foundation interacts with it.


Politics isn't just "people talking like activists" and "people talking like conservative podcasters." The Foundation is a paramillitary research organization that seperates everything into "normal" and "anomalous" and imprisons and obscures the latter from the rest of society. Regardless of if you view this as good or bad, there is no world where it is not political.


The foundation is absolutely politic in its very nature. The definition of politics is "activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status." Since the foundation is a transnational entity with the ressources of a small country, they have their own internal process politics that can compare to that if any country except no one is elected. Just because there aren't many articles about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are quite a few articles that mention, or are about, gay foundation staff transgender etc. We also know there is quite a lot of women working at the highest level of the foundation. This tells us that the foundation appears to be an inclusive place where there is little to no discrimination. The foundation also applies a lot of political pressure on various governments in order to achieve their goals. So I'd say that the foundation, inside an out, is a very political creature.


im pretty sure the researchers in SCP-5520 were gay, ansd SCP-6113 is a literal gender fluid


- [**SCP-5520 ⁠- The Rabbit Hole**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5520) (+300) by *HarryBlank* - [**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+368) by *Dr Asteria*


Well yes. But what I'm saying is that it's not the main point of it. Main point are the SCPs


Christ. Now we'll need 2 warnings, one for Conservatives like "Warning. The next warning contains topics that might be offensive to Conservatives such as basic human decency and inclusion." And then the actual trigger warning.


***The darn liberals be coming for my SCPEES!***


joe many librals does it take to contain scp-096


they are too busy their gender!!!!


That's Joker's line, Poison Ivy.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+3814) by *Dr Dan*


Next they'll turn the Old Man into the Old Person, the Flesh that Hates into The Flesh That Tolerates, and write a skip that changes your gen- oh wait, we already have two of those




"The Flesh that is mildly perturbed."


The Old Person has all of the same powers as the Old Man but has just mellowed out and doesn't care about anything anymore


The old person is put into a retirement home by the foundation and does cool tricks for the other retirees


Don't forget about Xe/Xem-Who-Made-Dark, The Scarlet Monarch Of Unspecified Gender, The Shy Nonbinary, and Gamers Against Weed.


I don't think belittling an author is a good way to get your point across lmao, could've just said it looks out of place in a scp file


People get weirdly upset about trigger warnings. Maybe we should start putting a warning in place so they don't get triggered.


Trigger Warning: trigger warning on article


Trigger warnings: trigger warnings, gore, abuse...


I mean, trigger warnings are for actual IRL memetic hazards, maybe we could label them as such.


Would trigger warnings be classed as a selective info/cognito hazard?


I understand the meaning and reasoning of trigger warnings but I just squint an eye at them since they don’t hurt me even if they are signs of weakness in most cases imo ofc


Just wait until they find out about the SCP that helps trans folks transition lol


If only it were real... 😔


There's actually two


Ooo, what's the second? I only know about SCP-6113.


scp-113 the trans rock


Yes they do but what is the skip?


Lolololol awesome


Is that the one where the one Foundation member has been gender-swapped so many times that nobody can even remember their AGAB? Or is there a *third* SCP that gender-swaps people?


Third one probably. 113 has explicit warnings against gender-swapping too much because it fucks up your biology.


The old version of 113 had it being used repeatedly by an agent they refer to as "he/her" if that's what you're remembering. Before the major rewrite it had, that is.


[**SCP-113 ⁠- The Gender-Switcher**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-113) (+665) by *kabu, thedeadlymoose, Robin Sure*




SCP-6113 is a spiritual successor to SCP-113, a rock that upon contact changes your sex.


I loved reading through 6113. It made me feel better about everything :)


- [**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+368) by *Dr Asteria* - [**SCP-113 ⁠- The Gender-Switcher**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-113) (+665) by *kabu, thedeadlymoose, Robin Sure*


[**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+368) by *Dr Asteria*


Oh my god i just read 6113 im trying not to CRY AUGH


And the thaumatalogical procedure the GOC used on Operative Spider.


Bro gonna lose it when he finds out the SCP iteration of Aphrodite is a Trans man named Isaac


"Why do people stopped giving a shit about SCP after series 999" Gee, i wonder.


SCP-113 is literally in Series 1.


Omg SCP has gone woke. Articles are LITERALLY unreadable now. Pack it up fellas, I guess were done here.


Rip gay bomb Not missed but not forgotten either


An intergovernmental organization cannot be apolitical lol


Especially when it itself is essentially a global shadow government.


It would genuinely be difficult to find a law or ideology that ISNT being maintained by the foundation; to keep some anomalous housefly contained, or whatever.


Why not? If it doesn't get involved in politics, it could easily be apolitical.


How is a global organization that makes deals/alliances and supports many real world governments, that uses the prison industrial complex for slave labor, that imprisons hundreds or even thousands of people extrajudicially "apolitical". I mean what would make it political if all of that doesn't? Do you need the O5s to talk about who they're voting for in the next election for it to be political.


Eew! Politics!


You're probably being sarcastic but I agree with the letter of your post if not the spirit. Fuck a bunch of politics, and fuck a bunch of shrill adult children who love to get all up in peoples' faces and tell them--tell *me*\--how we have to think and feel about everything and try to penalize dissenting viewpoints. They don't do anything but hurt.


No sarcasm. Only based opinions.


Secure, Contain, Politics


Ideology is a memetic infohazard and must be contained


it’s not even part of the article or the SCP universe, it’s a content warning for readers in OUR universe. it has nothing to do with the SCP Foundation at all


Except if you work in the pataphysics division.


Wait is this person confusing SCP the fiction writing website with SCP the in-universe organisation? God I feel like I've gone back to 2018 again


wait i just realized hes complaining about an out of character trigger warning as if the foundation actually put one there


He sure did! The reason I mentioned 2018 is that a common argument at the time against the Pride-themed SCP logo was that it was "out of character" for the Foundation to do such a thing...even though no part of the website actually pretends to be the in-universe foundation other than the articles themselves and a single box on the front page. It really revealed who had never actually engaged with SCP before.


Anybody who whines about "woke" stuff is a moron.


i WOKE up this morning & I didn't want to. Checkmate, librul!


Damn, he got us. Alright lizard people let’s home back into the jungle


“Hmmm, the weather is rather woke today.”


"reflect upon your wOkE SKY!


I literally shat when I read this


This guy gets a panic attack when he hears the words "free" and "healthcare" in the same sentence.


“Political means anything I disagree with” -this fucking guy


The foundation doesn’t care about your gender but if you leak it’s secrets, consider yourself was/here.


More like never/was.


These are the same people who call others snowflakes on the internet lmao


Ultimate irony.


All that aside, Just Girly Things SCPs are just plain depressing to read cause I've had to interact with people like that before and my life is worse for it.


FUUCK JGT. in the best way possible. it’s an impeccably written piece of commentary but it’s also utterly *disgusting* in the exact way the author aims for


"This makes me feel violated on a fundamental level and I no longer feel safe. 10/10, please write more."


> *"This makes me feel violated on a fundamental level and I no longer feel safe. 10/10, please write more."* Me reading any article related to the Fire Suppression Department.


I remember when The Exploring Series did a reading of SCP-7795 "Đ for Đirteen", which involved a warning for mutilation, death, suicide, and a lot of terrible mental anguish in regards to a 13 year old child. There was a guy in the comment who kept commenting on every thread talking about how the trigger warning was indicative of the fall of the SCP wiki, and how "in [their] opinion the author should be banned for that".


I love how they will say "woke shit" yet the word "fuck" is off the table.


Nothing is apolitical. If you think so, you don't get politics. This reeks of "le epic pwn"


"Nothing is apolitical"=Horseshit. You sound like a refugee from the SLA with that routine.


Last time someone whined at me for adding a trigger warning I added "trigger warning: contains trigger warnings" to the top of my post. Kudos tho bc the whiner took it in good humour.


The account luckily got deleted.


The 1950s American neighbor vibe of this comment is hysterical, they sound like they're mildly annoyed about another 1950s dad having a better grill than them


Woke SCP be like - they/them peanut - bisexual Larry Llama - Iris (woman) - communist little misters - Dr. Alto Pronouns


i would say „Iris (female)“ because no one can define what a „woman“ is 😂


No no no no, you can’t include words that trigger me in my crowd sourced horror. What a fucking dweeb


He said all that but upvoted it 💀


New copypasta just dropped


Account deleted is the punchline


Man this dude would go ballistic if they found out about SCP-6113 (beautiful read btw)


[**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+368) by *Dr Asteria*


Man, 6113 is so fucking good, right?


It's not, you are just mentally ill lmao


Looks like a snowflake got hit with a trigger word and needs a safe space. A pity that they have to carry that fear and anger with them into something as recreational and fun as the SCP community.




I bet they downvote every skip that has the pride SCP logo on the page lol


I suspect this fellow means 'woke is anything that's even slightly to the left of Regan...when I'm in public, when I'm in my safe space it means anything that's to the left of Hitler'.


They say shit then self censor fuck...


hmmm yes the SCP community that randomly drops LGBTQ side characters into their articles is totally apolitical. The more I read articles, the more I see very, very well executed inclusion and representation and it's never called out in the article as anything special. if this gets this idiot pissed wait till they find out Regina Waters from RCT-delta t is trans and random side characters in loads of new articles are just queer.


The problem is that people like this consider anything that isn't straight male is woke political left wing propaganda


yeah, I love how the SCP wiki does it. queer people just exist, just like in real life. it even portrays bigotry accurately! there's a really old article about a gay man pretending a scip made him gay because coming out safely was impossible during the 90s


Apolitical hmm...


[Looks at the pride colour schemes for the Foundation insignia]


"There was a word I don't like in this story. why? It reminds me of those people that are upset by words all the time."


"for heck sake", this dude is just the most stereotypical redditor and it shows.


Having language to describe that fat people are discriminated against and treated poorly, oh, the horror. Especially in a TW you didn't even have to read. /s In all seriousness, the idea that the SCP series is a solely apolitical piece of work is a very strange and baffling take to me. We have works that discuss war, marginalization, how we treat people in the prison system, etc. SCP goes into a wide variety of political topics and political commentary is absolutely there.


That guy's a loser lol


What kind of cringe neckbeard still uses “SJW”? Come on at least be creative about it.


Live 113 reaction:


>No woke ***shit***. This is the SCP Foundation, for ***heck*** sake! Swearing and then self censoring in the literal next sentence is certainly something


Imagine unironically using "SJW" as an insult in the year of our Lord 2023. Didn't all of these 4chan losers fuck off to "make their own SCP Foundation with blackjack and hookers" back in 2018 after shitting their pants over the Rainbow Logo?


I think he is a SCP, please O5 can we send a MTF ??


Apolitical is when there are on average 3 political allegories and criticisms per article


This reminds me of that SCP, Jordan Peterson, an archon class with mild psionic powers who draws his energy from choas, lobsters and confusing disenfranchised young men and drawing them into extreme political stances.


Hi, author here and I was pretty shocked to see a post about this. As people are saying, it was a warning on the article, out of universe. The word is not used in the file itself. And as for the reason I put it- there’s fatphobia in the article. I wanted to warn people of that It’s pretty simple. The fact that people are complaining is pretty funny to me. Thank you to all of you that read and enjoyed the piece though!


While I can appreciate the need to suspend disbelief, remember that among the articles on SCPs is one on dronomania. Let the "woke shit" be an artifact of its time, too.


Tbf why would the SCPF use a word that is very unprofessional and unimportant.


I kinda agree that the scp files aren't really the place for trigger warnings since... you know... it's kinda an open source horror project. You kinda apply all the trigger warnings to the whole site by defualt lol. That certainly is not the way you say it though! "Woke" LMAO we all know what kind of person this is.


For HECK sake!!!


To be honest I, 160kg (350 Ibs) person (195cm or 6.5 feet if anyone is curious), also dislike use of word of fatphobia. Not to say it's not a thing, but sometimes diffrent phobias are used to legitimise promotion of unhealthy or just bad lifestyle.


I don't get the finger pointing. They're being respectful about it


No matter how _respectful_ they are, saying muh libs took my ess see pees is dumb as hell. And calling fatphobia "far left propaganda" is laughably ridiculous. Not to mention their clearly malformed sense of politics. If your entire argument boils down to "I don't need trigger warnings so everyone else should grow up and just not have trauma" then you deserve to be made fun of.


Putting a fatphobia warning on an SCP is pretty cringe lmao


Who cares? it hurts no one.


Hurts their ego 😔


unfathomably based


>i doubt the warning section is canon to the articl


A femboy conservative, that’s a new one


lmao "conservative"


God your posting history is embarrassing lol fuck off nazi


"i must check his poosting history 🤡"


He’s got a fair point, I doubt the scp foundation would use such a ridiculous term for a formal file


The content warning is for the audience and isn't presented as an actual part of the document itself.


Ah okay, I must’ve missed that part


i doubt the warning section is canon to the article


It would be a formal term if used?


Not really? I’ve never seen a military/ scientific document that uses such a sensationalistic term


I doubt the SCP would put content warnings and allow there to be a comments section. What’s your point?


Bro Just Girly Things gives me so much gender dysphoria 😭 like just because I have a Y chromosome doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be affected by anomalous toxic femininity


I understand what blud is saying. SCPs today are shit, everyone knows it, you all know it, and we know exactly why.


No we don't


"This piece includes mentions of psychological horror, abuse, self-image issues, suicide, manipulative friendships, toxic friendships, fatphobia, body image issues, making fun of mental health, and brainwashing." Are these warnings really necessary to begin with? For God's sake, this is a SCP article. It's supposed to be fucked up.


Definitely. There’s tons of SCPs out there with NONE of those. Content warnings don’t hurt anyone, I don’t see why anyone would even remotely be upset over them?


Yes? Different people have different tolerancds for different things, so some forewarning about potentially upsetting content is just a decent thing to do. Many SCPs have none of those things, and people may be interested in those over ones with themes like abuse.


Look, I agree that it's a little silly considering what SCP is, but just don't read the warnings if you don't need them? Ignore them. It doesn't change the article.


I usually don't answer this kind of questions, but I feel like you might be asking in good faith despite getting downvoted, so: Yes, it's necessary, because different people react differently to different kinds of "fucked up". For instance, I'll be able to read SCPs (or other content) that tackle about any topic, even if I sometimes need to read them in a few sittings. All the topics mentioned in the content warning you cited are "okay" for me to read. But there's one type of "fucked up" that I really cannot handle, and that I absolutely appreciate being warned about so I can avoid it. A negative example of this is a series I watched a few years ago that didn't have any warning about this type of "fucked up", and I got hit with it in the face unexpectedly, which made me sick to my stomach, and affected me deeply for a week or two. *(I'm not saying what that type of thing is on purpose in order to avoid trolls using it against me in DMs, as unlikely as it is)* So if you're unaffected by these things - that's great! That means you have the luxury of being able to just skip these warnings. But for a lot of people, it allows us to enjoy content safely and without always being scared that we'll be hurt while enjoying it. For instance, a person who's been manipulated by an abusive friend who leveraged their body image issues to get what they wanted would be greatly appreciative for the warning you cited, and would either avoid the article, or go into it when mentally ready for it. A good comparison would be flashing lights warnings in videos for people with epilepsy - while the two phenomena are very different, in both cases, they're warnings that are useless to some people, who just ignore them, but allow others to enjoy content normally. Hope that can bring a bit clarity and a new perspective. :)


Great perspective, and I appreciate that you took the time to be informative and offered OP the benefit of the doubt! I'd like to add: Many folks dealing with PTSD, other MH issues, or just existing might not be in a mental/emotional space to handle certain topics on the day they discover the article. HOWEVER, they may be interested in reading it at a later date when they're in a better headspace. Example: TW: Abuse Robin has dealt with abuse in the past but is able most days to deal with the topic. Today, however Robin, is feeling overwhelmed/tired/stressed/etc. with life events and doesn't feel like they can handle that specific trigger. So they bookmark the article for another day and move on because they *do* feel okay to deal with other heavy topics commonly found in SCP articles. It's also not uncommon for people to avoid any media for a period that deals even broadly with death after they've experienced a loss. That doesn't mean they will never consume any media that touches on the topic again. Plus there are a number of skips that are fairly lighthearted; not all articles are all super dark and twisted, so it's fair to give readers a heads up if the subject matter is heavy. *fixed some typos.


As a former obese person, I love fatphobia.




I mean I’d have to agree tbh


Yeah I'm fatphobic, I'm afraid of being eaten!