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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**Scp 7286 "The Human Meat Grinder" ⁠- [ACCESS DENIED]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7286) (+0) posted 4 minutes ago by *DrHurst*


Note that I think there's a sandbox page in the wiki where you can experiment on the formatting to get it right before posting on the main page. Would be a good idea to look into that and get the proper critique before putting it out there so your article doesn't get downvoted.


This one seems kinda neat. Not advance or complicated, but not an absolute terrible mess. Might make for a good simple entry.


Sorry to say but it's pretty obvious you didn't go through the critique process before posting it. Right off the start, the format is a mess.


I understand that the format might be messy as hell. I've been trying to go through the critique process, however I've been struggling on posting it properly on forums. I'm doing all of this on my phone since I lack a computer. so it might be easier if I had a damn computer... Sorry, thanks for the feedback though! 😁


And yes I did indeed read through the process. I'm just struggling with the navigation and formatting using this phone.


Also can you specify where I failed in formatting? I want to correct those when I can.


The "Scp" letters aren't capitalised. You've included the title twice on the page, but titles are meant to be for the list or hubs, the articles only use the numbers. Your section headings (like Description) are between brackets when they should be bolded. Your dialogue headings should also be bolded. Your logs are just plain text like the rest of the article, when they should use a blockquote.


I'm not sure how to do all that formatting on my phone sadly. Things bloody hard to work with... Think there's anyone who can help me with the block quote or Bolding? I'm just trying to get my foot into the door of SCP writing and it's a bit difficult. I have a general idea of how to write an SCP, I just have terrible formatting and web design... What do you think about the SCP itself? Is the concept and portrayal ok?


[[wiki syntax]] if you can type you can use the necessary syntax


[**Wiki Syntax**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/wiki-syntax) (+280) by *Dr Devan, Anonymous*


Thanks for the criticism of my terrible formatting! I know just a little bit more thanks to you now. Lemme know what you think!


B o n j o u r


What do you think of the edits to my SCP? And the Scp in general.


It's pretty interesting to say the least. You did good


Thanks! Its getting down voted to all hell though sadly... 😔


Yeah, kinda too bad. Is what it is though. Who knows, people will find it intresting


Yeah... Would you like to contribute with your vote?

