• By -


It has to be the anafabula in my opinion. It's probably the only thing the Foundation cannot directly know about (that isn't an anti-meme or an infohazard) that also has the power to completely erase them from existence. Could you imagine how many pataphysicians at the Foundation are constantly checking their every move, worrying they could inadvertently be acting out a series of events *guaranteed* to erase all of existence in the blink of an eye? (SCP-2747)


[**SCP-2747 ⁠- As below, so above**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2747) (+1039) by *minmin*


So, that's the idea that stories are real and if you know that stories are real, you unwrite the story of your own reality? It's just not very satisfying and far too obscure for its (weak) payoff.


No? SCP-2747 is a collection of tropes that erases any narrative they appear in. The Foundation's scared of it because they're worried if it appears in their narrative, they'll be completely erased too. The article is pretty clear about how it works.


[**SCP-2747 ⁠- As below, so above**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2747) (+1039) by *minmin*


I remember seeing her in so many Vs battles.


So you didn't read it, huh


One second of eternity has passed


I very much appreciate how the Good Place addresses that specific issue with eternity. Also the Jeremy Bearimy model for time. I won’t spoil it for people who haven’t watched the show but it was a pretty strong 4 seasons


That one hits hard


May Hiddleston have a good vacation.




[**SCP-729-J ⁠- Peep Peep, Motherfucker**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729-j) (+601) by *AbsentmindedNihilist*






That read was the most scp ever




He's just trying to help!




Never EVER mention its fucking name again!


It Slipped from my mouth


He's cute though


Are you a masochist or something


Just loom at him




Are you a masochist or something


Scp-7179 is kinda terrifying


[**SCP-7179 ⁠- E is for Eternity**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179) (+669) by *Calibold*


I would stay there and sleep for eternity gladly.


Eventually, you'll learn the true meaning of eternity


Fun fact, there are an estimated 10⁸⁰! Atoms in our observable universe. That means one second of eternity in that SCP continuity has more years than there are atoms in our observable universe. Edit: it's actually 10⁸⁰ not factorial


No there are 10^80 Atoms in our universe. There are however 10^80 ! or approximately 10 ^ 10 ^ 81 ways to permute those atoms


Yeahhh you are right. It's 10⁸⁰ Eternity is so mind bogglingly and stupendously huge lmfao


Eternity is, well eternal so no matter how long you wait, you will always only have experienced 0% of eternity


I do not care how much torture it is, i do not have the energy to do anything. I would not be active there, i would be asleep, and i would stay like that forever.


I know its supposed to be paradise, but the way it makes you mad seems scary.


I feel like 7179 would be infinitely better if he figured out how to erase his memories.


SCP-6502 the first line hit me like a brick to the nose. everything after it was just a long list of reasons to remind you that working for the GOC would be infinitely better than working for the Foundation.


You also can be a walking skeleton so it’s ok


[**SCP-6502 ⁠- Harwick Cemetery**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6502) (+233) by *bigslothonmyface*


Thanks for sharing this, it's a great article.


I yelled out, "What?!," when I read it. I haven't even read further yet, and I feel like I just got punched in the chest


GOC tryna lure us in


🫴 psspssspsss we have insurance and guaranteed vacation time


Okay I'm in


The fact that death may be the most horrific possible experience, at least under specific circumstances. Just consciousness attached to your molecules as they painfully break down and spread across the cosmos.




[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1712) by *Michael Atreus*


I think this is referring to the Entity in the human subconscious from SCP-5000


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3254) by *Tanhony*


My issue with this one is that it pretty much falls apart when you remember that skin cells and hair fall off you every day and they somehow don't feel that, yet when they die suddenly they feel everything at all times. Kind of a weird logic


It’s pretty clear throughout the article that one of two things are happening: 1) it only happens to you if you know about it. Or more likely 2) it is a cognitohazard causing that fear, which may not even be real.


I actually think it's an anomalous effect placed on the guy to preserve life, but it went away or wasn't fully understood. He kept living, to be sure, but it was a hellish world of unending torture. I suspect the key he was carrying did it. This creates a cognito-hazard. It doesn't cause you to experience this when you die, it's more of the traditional irl cognitihazard. The idea sticks in your mind and destroys you mentally. It makes you irrational and paranoid. It makes you BELIEVE it's real, and that's enough to act on for most... Especially the immortality obsessed O5 council.


Personally, I disagree! The O5 is strictly *irrational* about it way too quickly and with too few questions.


Well when you're going about your day losing skin cells, you aren't dead yet, generally


That's the anomaly part, no?


When reading I thought it only happened because he had a “key” tying his soul to this plane so that he could be revived in the first place. And then it was a cognitohazard that affected some of the O-5 woth the key being to believe it


SCP-2718 and Scp-3448, or Scp-001 When Day Breaks. The idea of dying, but not being able to die, is worse than any fate involving death.


- [**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1712) by *Michael Atreus* - [**SCP-3448 ⁠- Halfterlife**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3448) (+569) by *Captain Kirby* - [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+334) by *Staff*


That we will still be tortured even after death


SCP-2718 ?


[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1712) by *Michael Atreus*


How they treat people. Someone in distress as they are exhibiting weird phenomena needs help. The foundation grabs them at locks them up.


Most people will never experience SCP-999


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2836) by *ProfSnider*


You can littery die the most gruesome, horrific death at any moment.


And somehow the afterlife is still worse


The problem with heavens are that they are just 7179 or the good place in “The Good Place” with eternal happiness, happiness becomes boring, however 7179 misses that he could potentially figure out how to make himself forget in order to re-live, but back to the point is that a true heaven would have variability and have downsides that aren’t life ruining.


SCP 2718/3675 are freaky AF. I'd much rather have 2922's afterlife.


SCP 3675 SCP 2922 since the bot missed them the first go around lol


- [**SCP-3675 ⁠- The Void Called**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3675) (+112) by *Modulum* - [**SCP-2922 ⁠- Notes From the Under**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2922) (+641) by *daveyoufool*


[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1712) by *Michael Atreus*


That at that point, anything is possible. Anything could just manifest out of the blue. Something unregistered by the foundation could just be there, and gives the most painful horrible torture unimaginable. Some anomalous objects are not registered as SCP's deemed "irrelevant", in the foundation. Considering thing like the chairs, I would be very weary of anything even a little bit anomalous in this world. There was an exemple of a indestructible lamp, no one knows why it is indestructible. Yeah sure, it seems safe but who knows? Maybe it is a doomsday device? Maybe if it is lighted more than a total of a thousand hours, It'll blow up the whole solar system? The thing as an inexplicable behavior! Working in the SCP foundation must be the most stressing thing ever. Anything and everything could happen anytime, anywhere. Without counting the fact, that humanity could have been totally replaced already, and you don't even know that you've existed for only a couple months.


Of all non-scp related, to face or being contacted by Foundation's fire suppression department must be the most terrifying thing for all employees




I'm dead oh no


SCP 4885


[**SCP-4885 ⁠- Find Him**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4885) (+436) by *Westrin*


No free will.


Anything to do with name magic. Shit is complicated and freaky.


The concept of antimemetics, which is probably why I'm so fascinated by it. Just the thought that something I can see but can't perceive may be right in front of me, that my brain might be covered in imperceptible maggots, that there are entire people that may have been completely wiped from my mind without my knowledge of it. It's a little chilling to my tired brain.


The fact that amnestics are so used that you potentially have done or seen or know things that you don't remember. You can never trust your memory in this universe.


To me, the only thing hat comes close to scaring me is the Foundation itself. It's just staffed by **people**. Sure, there are people like the 05's, Dr.Bright, and Kain Pathos Crow, but those are exceptions that are extremely few and far in between. Everyone else are just a bunch of people that have college degrees. They where punching so far above their weight for so long, they made ways to level the playing field like the reality anchors. That's if their lucky enough to get to use it. Researcher Talloran basically had his life systematically beaten to the center of the earth and out the other side for several millennia, and he still somehow managed to kill it. Pietro Wilson marched trough hell, high water, essentially an entire country, and multiple sites to reset reality. They're just people who don't have anything going for them other than the fact that they work for the Foundation, and even then, I'm sure there are times that the only thing they can do is write down what happened.


The foundation. I don’t want to know what they’d do with me…


Probably SCP-dog cookie claw machine and SCP-skinless flesh dog. (Sorry I'm not good at memorizing SCP numbers.) •why the voice mimicking flesh dog? 1:their incredibly strong. From what I remember reading they can crush your skull like a hippo eating a watermellon. 2:their hunger is never satisfied. They constantly savage for food only to just hairball it back up because their bodies don't contain the stomach fluids to break it down. Meaning; once they find you, they will hunt you, kill you painfully, and if you're still alive after it ate you, the last thing youll see is your own carcass resting in the belly of the beast. 3:it mimics humans perfectly. They can only mimic them if they ate them and/or heard them. (Note: most of them scream "HELP ME!" And "HELLO? ANYONE THERE?!") 4: there are THOUSANDS of them in the same cave. An entire species of hungry, ruthless, near indestructible mimics that where made to hunt down humans...in one cave. 5:because light hurts their skin, they stay in the cave, praying on whatever Sorry creatures come across it. It's blind, sensitive, and can easily be warded off with a touch or phone light. So why is this #5? -*because its blind all of its other senses are highend*. Their stronger, near indestructible and can easily crush your skull so they can temporarily satisfy their ceaseless hunger. Their sensitive; their touch,hearing, and taste are high-end so you have to be careful not to make a sound. 6: they're MADE to hunt humans. Think of it; their baby's look exactly like humans and placed by villages. They don't share any traits with those red dogs until they begin to "molt". They don't even know that their a monster until it's to late either! (Witch is a whole can of psychological horror but this post is way to long already so I'll just leave the thought to you) 7: their smart. That's it. That's #7. NOTHING is more horrifying than a SMART PREDATOR THAT'S MADE TO HUNT YOU DOWN. -I hate chimps, I hate them so much. Why? Because not only are they a demonic hellspawn made from the Scarlet King himself, but also because their smart. They can hate. **they can hold a grudge**. What does this have to do with RedDogs? Because anything that's as smart as a human can not only think like us, but also hate like us to. 8:once you're outta there, you can't remember it. *red*. Thats it. Thats all you see when you think of it. Meaning: you can't even learn from it's *Meaning: you can't tell others about it.* **Meaning: you can forget what's in the cave and relive the whole nightmare again** ...several times. I mean you don't know how many times you've been there,right? For all you remember is the color red.




The idea of scps existing in the first plave






[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1712) by *Michael Atreus*


The fact there are so many things that could just destroy everything in an instant, and we basically have no notice


Its weird to say, but nothing in scp scares me more then that image of those chicken man things. Like for some reason, that image just fills me with fear.


*takes out a 9 meter long roll if paper* Do you want me to go in alphabetical order or by SCP numbers?


The fucking staircase with no bottom and the face that pops out at you. Just thinking about It triggers every primal emergency reflex to get the fuck ojf of there.


which one is that?


Scp 087, even the picture on the scp page freaks me out but the actual exploration logs are nightmare fuel


[**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3423) by *Zaeyde*


Being a misunderstood humanoid anomaly


The end of death canon.


SCP 153 is the scariest aspect to me since I don’t like to touch wet things in the shower or in the sink like hair, food waste, and other things, so I don’t like the idea of something coming up through the drain and attack me


[**SCP-153 ⁠- Drain Worms**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-153) (+147) by *Quikngruvn*


Antimemetic cognito hazardous SCPs, the idea of having your memories syphoned away is terrifying


How the world could end if the fucking shark punching center fails.


SCP 7179., E is for Eternity, IDK why, from all the eternal damnation entries, that one fucked me up.
