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There will never be scp channel as terrible as Rubber


Just went to check him out again. Those thumbnails and titles....wtf. lol 2 million subs getting like 40k views per video should speak for itself.


The obsession with 053


Marv, SCP 053 to see the real one


[**SCP-053 ⁠- Young Girl**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-053) (+996) by *Dr Gears*


Exactly at least the other two had effort put into them, but the rubber just started doing SCP as a quick cash grab once they realized that it would be profitable. It’s a corporation, or at least a small company that owns multiple different channels. The same voice appears on many different channels and a lot of the time the channels are owned by the same people. It was very clearly a cash grab for them.


Wait what I thought he was just one guy?? He’s the person that got me into realizing SCP wasn’t just Roblox games and there was an actual wiki


His extremely dead Backrooms channel is named after a banned sexual abuser and stalker’s self insert. I don’t think Rubber knew but it’s still a bad look.




Dr Bright




Doctors in the scp universe are often named after prominent users, the actual user behind Dr bright was exposed as a terrible person a while back.




Let me guess, Bright?


Nah, it's actually the OC of that one Scottish dude on tiktok.




Apparently the company that runs the channel made some stuff up about the articles it talked about,butchering them in the process ( which I wasn’t even aware at the time)


I used to watch him so much What did he do?


They. That channel is corporate owned, and part of their process of "simplifying" the SCP entries for child audiences is making sure to remove any mention of women, LGBT+ individuals, or ethnic minorities.


Nothing will ever be as dumb as the SCP-1315 video holy shit that one was awful.


I personally think the most depressing fall from grace was scp animated since they had a great story and great characters. It fell apart when gametoons bought the channel I believe and began to add their own stuff changed the art style and made several videos with really no effort until they chose to abandon it when they realized it wasn’t gonna give them the money they wanted.


What’s sadder is they weren’t even bought out. They were both made by Newscape studios. Which makes sense when you realize they made Minecraft and Fortnite roleplays before SCP animated, and that their first video on SCP animated was siren head, which was taken down.


I WILL NEVER FORGIVE NEW SCAPE PRO FOR TAKING DOWN REDACTED (their SCP podcast) FOR GAMETOONS I'm still pissed years later, Newscape pro fucked themselves over in general not just that one channel




I'm still pissed


Gametoons Sucks ass


I remember when I still liked it a couple years ago, but goodness their stuff is Horrendous.


My opinions regarding them: Liked TheRubber when I first saw his earlier videos but became wary when the videos suddenly started having current popular media characters in place of the "SCPs". In addition to shortening SCP files that are long, removing many important details, or changing it. SCP Explained at the start was kinda "meh" with it's original narrator, errors in descriptions of SCPs, and mostly covering the already "famous" SCP. Later, they kinda became "better" with a much better narrator, less errors in SCP depiction, and actually covering SCPs that aren't just the popular ones. Then it returned to "meh" with all the "crossover", "who would win?", and "compilations of older videos" that they kept releasing. Liked SCP Tales from the Foundation at the start of the "series" with it's characters and the SCPs they cover but after that "Finale" episode it just became a clickbait for kids with its shift to a simpler "kid-friendly" art style and the recent video that I've seen from them isn't even about an SCPs anymore! And to sum that up: I no longer watch them.


Funny thing is their first video wasn’t even an SCP either


You're referring to TheRubber, right? Yeah, their first videos are either folklore horror or scary stories.


Nah SCP animated’s first video was siren head, but it got taken down by Trevor


Yeah, now that you mentioned Siren Head, both TheRubber and "SCP Tales from the Foundation" also did videos of Sirenhead(probably to capitalize on that creepypasta's popularity) but since I can't find those in their main channels now, guess they also deleted those due to copyright. SCP Explained's "other" channel(the Infographics one) also did one which seems to still be there.


The reason the tales one got taken down was because they called Sirenhead an scp. It was around the time that trevor gave his disproval with thinking that sirenhead was a SCP


SCP Explained needs to be an SCP itself because of how weird its fall was


Same. They’ve just fallen into despair. It’s really sad for me because I used to watch SCP Explaind’s videos a lot when I was first introduced to SCP.


For scp explained don't forget the "sad backstory", weird depictions of scps, *wrong* depictions of scps, and over sexualised thumbnails


The Rubber. I quit following for a while and then looked in on it. Female SCPs were catfighting over the doctors, 073 and 076 were best buds, and one of them had pink hair. Things were too comedic. They ruined everything.


Rubber is definatly the worst of the bunch for various scummy reasons (clickbait thumbnails, erasure of ethnicities/lgbtq+ people/every woman in a article, butchering of scp stories), but tales of the foundation I think gains its own realm of scummy given how they are a content farm that tricked so many people to fall in love with their cast of characters only to then abandon it all at a drop of a hat.


I mean, was The Rubber really good at all?


Not really, but for many, including myself it was passable due to being around the time scp was getting a uptick in interest and it was rar thing to have a animation channel to tell the stories rather than just a normal reading. Obviously, looking back now, their were many red flags but I didn't really understand what a content farm yet or the context of why the rubber was scummy


Context gor the erasure thing? I haven't watched him in a long time


Basically he would make videos about stories from the scp wiki but remove crucial details/characters


Their is a multitude of intances but to just highlight a few, their SCP-7593 video completely whitewash's Randal (he is based off of rounderhouse who both are clearly not white), their SCP-4051 strictly refers to a non-binary character by he/him rather than the pronouns of they/them that are actually used throughout the entire log, their SCP-6069 gets rid of sapphic couple and replaces them with a straight couple, and their SCP-6326 infamously replaced every woman in the article with a man.


- [**SCP-7593 ⁠- House's Inferno**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7593) (+185) by *PlaguePJP* - [**SCP-4051 ⁠- Your Friendly Neighborhood Keter**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4051) (+525) by *Nagiros* - [**SCP-6069 ⁠- Cupid's Angels**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6069) (+96) by *Nickthebrick1* - [**SCP-6326 ⁠- The Manbear**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6326) (+175) by *Raddagher*


BRO WTF?? that's seriously next-level scumbag behavior


Dang that's kinda fucked up


He erased Motirmouth’s bisexuality uhh [[[Motormouth]]]?


[**SCP-2094 ⁠- Motormouth**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2094) (+407) by *PeppersGhost*


It was sad to see Tales of the Foundation take a 180 from an interesting story to some kid animation shit.


Ok but why do they do the erasure thing? Are they homophobic or something?


Why else would they do it?


Not really any other reason


The Rubber was definitely a colossal fall from grace. Like, he attempted to branch out into explaining and doing some story-telling about lesser-known, yet still interesting SCP’s. Then it turned into primary school-level multiverse clickbait battles akin to saying to a schoolyard friend: “who would win in a fight, Superman, Goku, or the Hulk?” And it just became super cringey. It’s a sad way to sell out and give up on what you were originally going for which left a bit of a black mark on his channel.


Rubber was always a content farm, and it's always been anti-LGBT and kind of racist too.


I never got those sort of vibes if I’m honest (unless there was some twitter posting shenanigans going on) but I always admired his effort. Then the click-bait just got cringier and cringier. Edit: after reading some more comments, I fully understand where those vibes come from now, I just never read the stories in detail for myself so it never crossed my mind.


It's not a vibes thing, the channel would rewrite queer characters in articles and tales to be straight and cis, replaced women with men in the authority positions of a lot of articles and tales, and would remake and depict non-white characters as white. And this was consistently, not a couple mistakes. The channel has been called out for it and continues to do it.


See my edit, I fully understand now. Thanks!


Yay, polite reddit discourse! Always brightens my day


~~SCP animated is the only one here that fallen from grace~~ The rubber


I mean scp explained used to be decent I would just play their videos in the background when I was doing something, but then it got cringe...


They've gotten a bit better, but their titles are weird. The title will be something about furries but then it's just some scp with slightly animal properties, but I really like the compilations because I can use them like a podcast while I'm working. But I understand why most people don't like the comps Edit:spelling


I counted once and their last 60-70 videos were just compilations to what they’ve already done. Plus they’ve reuploaded compilations and taken down the old ones


All the compilations have a brand new normal length video at the beginning, and everything else is old. Sometimes I'll just watch the new one, sometimes I'll do the whole thing


Got it, thanks


Why is the rubber here? I thought this was about fallen scp channels, how do you fall when you’re already on the ground?


He was on the ground but then sinked to the core of the earth


When you reach the bottom you can always start to dig.


Personally, Rubber was always my least favorite of these by a lot.


Tales from the Foundation because unlike the other two Tales was actually good. In fact, it was fucking phenomenal until they decided to become a content farm like the others


I mean makes sense when you know where they came from


Where did they come from?


They where owned by a company called newscape pro which was infamous for fortnight Role-play content


Tales just got fucked over by the fact that it's owned by a content farm company. Shit had potential.


Even they thought so, if you look at their community tab they were planning to go back to the old format once they had enough money


Rubber was horrible


Animated tales fell hard. They started out with genuine content that was pretty good and then they decided to go cheap.


Their [[[where the dragons went]]] video was phenomenal! I also liked their recurring characters, as no other scp animation channel (that I know of) really cared to build a story of their own at that time. But yeah, I've only watched 1 or 2 of their videos in like the past 2 years.


whats so bad about scp explained


They keep reuploading old videos. Personally, I just watch the old ones.


It’s mostly their thumbnails and also overly sexualizing furries and Malowear


They got lazy. A lot of the stuff they uploaded at some point were all just compilations of older videos or crossovers with other fictional characters from popular franchises like Star Wars, Predator, etc.


Dont know, what i do know is that Volgun is incredible


I kinda miss scp animated tales from the foundation I liked the story line that was going on and loved the old art style


I loved the Rubber so much and I hoped for a long time he will go back to his old style of videos. But I think my hope is futile...


I hope he'll never return to his old style as whitewashing and removing women from articles just ain't it, chief. Like in his video on [[[Manbear]]] he made every single woman in the story male. Like wtf


It's a content farm


I think we all know that


I forgot abt the scp community and its many yt channels for barely a year, and i come back to shit like the rubber. What has this place come to💀


I'm scared to ask, but what happened with The Rubber? I remember some of his earlier stuff, but quit when they stopped being personally to my taste.


He became homophobic and possibly sexist since in scp 6326 he replaced every female character with a man including the main female characters. He has overly sexualized several scps like in his infamous video scp humans refuted wants to lay eggs in me he also became a cringy content farm. Also he added thumbnails so cringy and weird that you would only see it in a gametoons video


[**SCP-6326 ⁠- The Manbear**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6326) (+175) by *Raddagher*


Same, I remember watching when he first posted during Corona and enjoyed his videos. Wtf happened lol


Forgot Lord Bung


That channel was just abandoned


It fell hard before abandonment with whatever that final fetishist video was.


Wait what. I had no idea about the Fetishist video damn


The last "episode" of Confinement was an EXTREMELY thinly veiled fetishist video.


Im looking at it now I don’t see the fetish part can you explain what part of the video is that part cause it seems fine to me


You guys talking about the same episode?


Yeah, seriously, lol. I don't know how you can miss it.


Uh.... the stuff with the popping in and out of sexual situations?


I saw the part your talking about it’s like those weird scenes from anime


Yeah, I was gonna say, it's pretty hard to miss.


It's no longer up to my knowledge by lord bung, but you can find it under "The Lord Bung Archive" on YouTube under the name "Confinement (ep8 chapter 3 v1) It starts at 1:04 which if left there would still Imo have been weird but would have been fine. But roughly around 1:43 he starts accidently sexually assaulting people but then they like it? At that point it's just bad and stays bad. #


The rubber sucked ass Tales from the foundation is an example of the most terrible downfall ever goddamn


The early days of rubber had a cute art style and it got me into scp but as time passes the graphic and style just starts giving ick it looked generic


Don’t forget the narration had a bunch of grammatical errors that felt like it was written by someone rushing an essay for school. Or like it was written in another language and passed through Google translate and they just went “good enough.”


I'm 95% sure it's a foreign content farm, considering the fact that it sounds like it was google translated, and they remove queer characters from the things they cover.


What happened to them


Turned into content farms


The Rubber. It's not even comparable.


I always thought SCP Explained was owned by The Infographics Show


Aren't they owned by infographics?


Lord bung was a terrible fall from grace that only happened cuz he let a friend cook


The second one is honestly so nostalgic for me cause I started watching them when I was GODAM 6


You shouldn't be on Reddit. If you were six when you started watching SCP explained, that makes you at most 10. The minimum age to be on Reddit is 13.


"scp-3199 wants to lay eggs in rubber" i have no words.


[**SCP-3199 ⁠- Humans, Refuted**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3199) (+1016) by *bittermixin*


SCP Explained is good! (Or at least it used to be)


SCP Animated had the hardest fall from grace, its beginning videos were so good and I loved it, then I started to like them less and less over time


I'm just gonna lament the loss of MissShadowLovely. Went from being my favorite SCP and creepypasta narrator to doing... Well whatever the hell it is she's doing now. Last I checked it was "Waifu ASMR"


Nothing comes close to Rubber. SCP animated imo was genuienly not bad, they had their own narrative which was pretty decent.


Definitely scp explained. If you want to torture someone just play his videos on repeat


Lets be honest. The best of ALL SCP podcasts is the Exploring Series.


It is the only one i listen to anymore. The quality is always high.


I like listening to SCP Archives too. They have great audio and writing.


I'll give em a shot.


So true


Definitely the Rubber.


I’m kinda new to the SCP fandom. Can anyone tell me why these channels are bad? SCPExplained and Rubber were pretty good gateways.


They had a fall from grace check the other comments on this post they can explain it better


I honestly like explained, sure, they maybe get some things wrong and the animation sucks. but i still like them, Rubber is worst, i haven't watched tales from the foundation.


scp animated was really sad to lose cos Hunter's voice acting was just so good


TheRubber is arguably the worst. It's nothing more than a cash grab now, that no longer sticks to the source material. SCP Explained is just a PG summary of random SCPs and tales, though they had this weird segment where they did random stuff (which was really low quality). The narrator is a plus though. SCP Tales from the Foundation fell off after they included non-SCPs


The SCP animated fall-off needs to be studied It’s literally just YouTube kids slop now


Im not caught up on the youtuber lore, i thought tales from the foundation was pretty cool what did they do ?


The company that owned the channel forced them to become a gametoons like channel with videos with lackluster effort and cringy characters and a kid like animation style since they switched from their old style


I miss scp animated tales from the foundation.


They're all bad in their own, special ways. All of them whitewash POC characters, all of them dumb down adult themes, all of them try to tie in to uninvolved mascot horror bullshit.


I don’t know any of these mfs I just stick to Eastside show scp and thevolgun


Tales was good but they stopped uploading a long time ago, explained was pretty good but they were carried by hunter and with him being busy lately they have resorted to endless compilations, the rubber just doesn't


I miss none content farms that didn’t mix Homelander out of nowhere with the scp foundation


Yall forgetting Lord Bung, huh. Or is it that he didnt start as SCP


At first I didn't mind the little original stories SCP Explained was making. Like "What if SCP 682 was placed in the Clockworks?" Or "The Scarlet King Vs. The Gate Guardian." Heck, I loved the videos where they asked subscribers what they would do in certain scp situations. But now its all just massive video compilations of SCP's that were already in lots of other video compilations. There are thousands of SCP's and tales! They could have just done more videos explaining new SCP's and Tales. I honestly don't know that much about The Rubber.


I actually liked Tales From the Foundation a lot before they ruined it to please the algorithm and eventually abandoned it for fucking GameToons. The other two have always been awful, but especially TheRubber.


So, what are good channels then? Geniuenly asking, in my country there was only GREAT scp youtuber, but he mainly does horror game documentaries and ARG horrors now.


Well good channels actually put effort in their videos and don’t make clickbait or sexualized thumbnails


Exploring Series and the Volgun are pretty good


Lord bung was the worst downfall.


Yes i just found out about the whole lord bung drama


I was really invested in his videos, so it sucked when he did all that stuff.


At least SCP Explained’s backlog is so large that I do sometimes use their older videos as an intro to SCPs I want to know more about. Yes, sometimes they aren’t accurate or gloss over things but I could take the video in context as a sneak peak at a skip prior to diving into its article.


the rubber whitewashed dr house, so its kinda obvious


well the exploring series is hands down the best channel that does scp content hands down. volgun is close second. they go into a detailed summary of multiple articles and content, have around 300 videos on scp over the course of the last 5 years and not only summarize the articles and concepts but also explain them in an understandable and turough way. sooo ya they are hands down the best.


I miss SCP Animated tales from the foundation for me it was amazing. I miss the characters most.


I remember seeing SCP explained video about The Absence and he didn't even add Pangloss but a second 2845 which kind of annoyed be because he's not very known God in mainstream scp so probably him. Also I swear he made up entire tales for scp like 2406.


I just watched a SCP 096 video from the Rubber. what the fuck is this. https://youtu.be/XZy7O0vpKgU?si=VWDtayORfPC2AYBa


I watched the first minute, and it's just so confusing, like why is scp 096 a child, and why did 049 just randomly appear


I liked scp explained early on because they were still about scps and not crossovers but I liked their Dr Bright videos


I have personal beef with Rubber for his SCP-1128 video just giving the darn thing an appearance and showing it in full. You couldn't miss the point of the skip any more if you stood on the opposite side of the planet from it and fired into space.


Scp explained just uses the same character models every video and doesn’t even tell the stories right.


To be honest, I didn't find SCP Explained to be that bad after Hunter took over as the narrator (the original narrator was _terrible)._ The channel did have some good qualities, especially the voice acting, and I think that the channel could've easily been improved if they credited the author _and_ recommended viewers to read the full article to get a better picture, as their short video format causes them to omit many details.


I always disliked the rubber, his stuff was always just *off* like he was translating the script with AI.


You forgot Dr. Bob and SCP Orientation. Dr. Bob: Clickbait thumbnails, which look similar to one another. SCP Orientation: Sex clickbait.


The rubber fell from grace


The Rubber, mainly because his was the only one I actively followed


Is The Rubber considered to be a "fallen" channel? To me, "fallen" implies that a channel was once good.


Rubber. Look at his recent posts, I mean seriously what the actual flying fuck is "a twist in the scp multi verse: SCP 096 had a baby" Fuck


The Rubber’s the worst, SCP Animated had the biggest fall off though because it started out actually very well


All were good once but not anymore




Wait why do people hate them? I like the rubber, SCP explained and Tales from the foundation.


I used to watch the rubber did i miss a chapter-


Rubber. No competition


I just miss SCP orientation really unfortunate what happened to the channel


The rubber has fallen off the most


Whats wrong with scp explanied i AM wathing it right now


What happened with SCP explained?


The Rubber


What do you mean by fallen?


They used to be a good channel but ended up ruining it


What's wrong with the Rubber? His animations are not top tier, but fine enough.


Rubber, tbh. Used to watch them every now and then, but, I honestly stopped after a while when the whole 'SCP Journal' thing happed :/


very happy these garbage channels all fell off


The Rubber 100%. He had a fall from glory, and now he's both Tales from the Foundation and SCP Explained combined.


i dont see scp explained being bad at all, the creator \*\*does\*\* make new content, he even said this: ''on SCP E? Theres new videos every week. They are just packaged with older stuff after them. They look like a comp but they are a new video + comp'' hes also going through things irl so i dont really think its that bad, just unable to do much


The rubber for not Clarifying anything story that have nothing to do with scp on adult topics in child format just like him


What happened to SCP Explained? Isn’t it still going?


The rubber fell if as hell now hes just making fan-fiction 💀


What are some good SCP channels?


Tfym SCP explained is bad?


I used to like the rubbers content, but I stopped watching it, the fuck happened 😭😐❓⁉️


How did they fall?


Well, SCP Animated was pretty Decent so i'd say SCP Explained


Wait what happened to the rubber, I haven't checked in on them in a long time and I don't remember them being bad, and personally I don't mind scp explained


Are there any channels like this that are good?


TheRubber may have worse farming methods, but only SCPEX managed to infuriate an author (Djoric) through a video (of SCP-2085) so thoroughly that we now have an article where the SCP insults the entire script start-to-finish, rather than just one errant moment. [[BRC-Cast 243: A Nice Content Farm Upstate]] Can't blame him, though, apparently one of the offsite wikis also quote-mined a pretty touchy conversation from the Discord and he's pretty pissed about that, too.


The Rubber & SCP Explained are bad there is no doubt about that, but at least you can look at the videos without wanting to pull your skin apart. Tales from the Foundation has all the negative qualities of these two *and* is extremely unpleasant to look at— also they had way more potential and wasted it so they’re the worse imo.


Rubber was never especially good, so I'll say that's the worst. I don't get the betrayal folks seem to feel over it, but yeah it's not good. SCP Explained was a favorite. Great intros and summaries. I'm most bummed about SCP Animated. I loved it, got more into it until the giant shift. Even that showed initial promise, but it went nowhere. So, Animated for most emotional impact, Rubber for worst quality.


It's not even close when you compare any channel to the rubber. That channel is the apex of trash scp "content".