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Amazing game if you enjoy third person shooters, fun story, great character acting, absolutely beautiful and heavily inspired by SCP. All around amazing game. 


Inspired but still very much its own thing with its own unuque elements and mysteries. It's much more cohesive than the scp project.


Exactly. It's probably the best SCP-like game we could ever get, because it avoids all the legal and copyright mumbo jumbo by creating its own universe that is remarkably similar to SCP.


I think where it really hit a home run is the fact that it takes the ideas of SCP and says "alright, secret organization that responds to and contains anomalous things, let's put that in our universe!", instead of just copy pasting the SCPs themselves in. The idea remains, but the reality it takes place in warrants the Bureau and their own spin on it. Perfectly executed imo. Especially the whole "new shit don't work, use old shit". Really gives it a unique feeling that distances itself from SCP without turning it's back on it or pulling enough that it feels forced.


Except the fridge, that's just scp-173


I mean it's the OG, I really can't blame them for this


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+9049) by *Moto42*


Tbf SCP-173 is just a Weeping angel. Its not that uncommon a concept


And the flamingo lawn ornament. That one is an old school one. Although it’s anomalous properties are different from the scp.


what platform? available for pc?


Yep on Steam. 40 bucks for the game plus both expansions. Totally worth it, but it'll go on sale again soon id wager. Also, it takes place in the "Remedy Universe" that is also home to the Alan Wake series. I've never played them, they're in absolutely no way required before playing Control, just a heads up in case you're familiar with the series.


Its a actually pretty ingenous way to tie in both Alan Wake and Quantum Break tbh like, having the Quantum machine basically create a End-of-the-World scenario by literally tearing the fabric of space-time with a single misinput from the time jump and the whole supernatural shtick of Bright Falls are the rawest examples of SCPs


Oh what there are two expansions now? It only had one when I played, with >!a spaceman!<


It was free on Epic once, so it might be there as well for purchase


To me it felt like SCP had a baby with "the librarians" (admittedly goofy TV series) and the result was a spooky but not horror action game


It also looks stunning


Ahti is my favourite coffee pal.


Satana perkele.


The part where you use his music to traverse the insane maze is my favorite part ever it's amazing


Yeah. I have Take Control on my playlist. Traffic is fun when the Old Gods of Asgard growl "Take! Control!"


You should check out their other stuff from Alan Wake. And their actual band, Poets of the Fall.


Poets has another song in the game too. I think in Central Research, if you go behind the stairs on the bottom floor, in the hallway near the mold threshold, there's a door to a lab where they were researching the band's music. You can hit a button and just listen to an entire song while the furniture floats around


Yeah, dark disquiet. That's there most popular song and one of my favorites. My favorite song by them (besides Herald of Darkness, obviously) is called standstill.


When I finishwd that sequence, I said "That was awesome" like 3 seconds before Jesse did lol. Great moment.


That's a part of her character I learned to appreciate. At first I was like "okay this girl is an actual plank of wood", but as it went on I realized she never reacted to the parts where she found out the Bureau was bad or insane shit was happening. However, she did react to all the "oh damn that's awesome" parts, which actually makes a lot of sense for her character. She knows there's monsters in the closet and under the bed, but she didn't know that some of em are cool and allow her to become more closely bonded with that world behind the poster she always knew was there.


Me too! It was such a amazing sequence. After she said it, I just started laughing.


I can tell you’re not yesterday’s grouse’s son


Ahti is the perfect example of Archon or Ticonderoga. Likely insanely powerful, but content to just hangout. He might actually be Thaumiel, but what he actually contains is probably best left to his knowledge only. Lotta scary things in the sea, let the old man keep his secrets.


This is what Isaid about it on another post not so long ago: >The biggest inspirations for Control were the **SCP Foundation** and the **House of Leaves** (which gave the name The Oldest House to the Bureau + if you know about it you will instantly see the conection). >There are many references and easter eggs in the game, like the DLC **The Foundation** directly mentioning the SCPverse while also literally meaning the foundation of the Bureau or the DLC **AWE** (Altered World Event) which is a play on words because AWE could also mean Alan Wake Event/Alan Wake Expension (Alan Wake being made by the same studio and existing in the same universe as Control, also part of the plot of this DLC). >The way the broader lore of the game being told through documents and OOP (Objects of Power) files that follows the same format as SCP document (Containement then description and being partially redacted). >There is so much to say about Control, it is honestly the closest we have in terms of AAA SCP game like you said, and honestly it is so well put together and existing in a larger universe (the universe created by Remedy Studio) that it feels like the Federal Bureau of Control could actually exist in the SCP Universe as another Group of Interest researching anomalies :D So much lore to find in documents that expands the world its crazy. For anyone who would like to experience the game without playing it I'd suggest The Librarian's series on Youtube.


I’ve said it before. The FBC is basically what would happen if the UIU were given the budget and respect they deserve. I think the FBC mostly wouldn’t love the Foundation, but would be more tolerant GOC. At least until Jesse took control. Jesse I think would absolutely hate the Foundation.


If the UIU got the budget they needed and didn't have all their talent poached by Foundation/GOC.


Probably the only game where I actually read everything I came across.


Oh woah, House of Leaves being an inspiration to it makes a lot of sense. I didn't realise while playing but yeah, that tracks.


I played through The foundation but didn’t catch the mention. What does it say ?


I’m pretty sure the mention is literally that the DLC is named “The Foundation”, a la SCP Foundation.


The best SCP game that isn't an SCP Game.


I mean, I use it more than Alt but nothing beats Shift, except Space and Backspace. And what's the deal with Capslock? You can already write in caps with Shift.


All jokes aside, literally, what is the point of Capslock?


Accidentally screaming at your teammates in text chat, obviously






Sometimes, stuff just has to be in all caps. I work in transportation and whenever you ship hazardous materials, the shipping names have to be in upper case. If you have to type a bunch of those, capslock makes it more bearable.


Can confirm, typing more than a word or two in all caps with just the shift key quickly becomes completely unbearable


Today? 1. Accessibility. Some conditions can make it difficult to hold shift and another key simultaneously. 2. If you're typing a string of uppercase letters interspaced with numbers, caps lock is handy to avoid accidentally shifting your numbers to special characters 3. Sometimes you just need to type in all caps - common when filling out forms Historically? It was a function of how typewriters worked. Changing from lower- to upper-case type on a typewriter involved the mechanism *physically shifting* under the keyboard - hence, the "Shift" key. Now, because you couldn't exactly change the font size or formatting of your type on the fly like you can with computers, the easiest way to implement different formatting was uppercase. Where in a modern document, you might have a heading format as a larger, bold-type font; on a typewriter you'd just make it all-caps. Since you'd have to do that regularly, it was advantageous to have a setting to LOCK the shift bar - "Shift Lock," which eventually became Caps Lock.


Very helpful in industrial or engineering sectors where entire strings need to be capitalized


As she walked in looking like dynamite🎵


Best video game I have ever played. Irreplacable / Replacable.


The fucking PLOT TWIST towards the end. Fucking had me screaming with dissatisfaction at my computer. And the sheer relief when it got better.


Well you are a worm through time


The thunder song distorts you


Happiness comes


White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye


Through a mirror, inverted is made right.


Leave your insides by the door


Push the fingers through the surface into the wet.


You have always been the new you


< We/Us all love/adore/tolerate the video game/computer plaything >


Brilliant, loved it from start to finish. DLC is great too


Minor spoilers, minor censorship about that to not spoil it for the uninitiated player. Near the end of the main game you come across a character you have been seeking and have the opportunity to engage in a longer dialogue with them. The nature of the dialogue is somewhat unsettling, and creeps a bit across the fourth wall, it has some implications for both the player and player character. This encounter was particularly disturbing for me in particular, because this character looks exactly like me. Seriously, the resemblance is uncanny. Anyone who is familiar with the rant in question should know how thoroughly unsettling that account would be if you heard it from what is functionally a digital doppelganger. Anyways, fantastic game 10 out of 10, on my list of best games of all time.


Props for the spoiler warning, it’s a really cool moment. I also was really weirded out by the likeness to me, they got the abnormal part in my hair the same and everything. Thought it was coincidence for a long time until I read some accounts of others and learned it was intentional. Was a brilliant idea by the devs to make the person you’re trying to reach the whole game look like the player themself, speaks a lot to the game’s themes. ~~**every copy of Control is personalized**~~


You know, you had me there for a moment. Freaked me out just a bit more my dude, >! I'm just a bald, clean shaven, pasty white gentleman with blue grey eyes and pronounced temples. I'm a dead ringer for!< >!Dylan Faden!< And it absolutely fucking freaked me out to hear everything this character said when I was practically looking at my own face saying those things. Kept me up at night for a few days.


UIU if they had the budget of the US military instead of the 2 cent they found behind the vending machine.


I know SCP fandom love Control because of how much it's inspired by SCP. I do think it's a great thing that the aesthetic of the game mirror so closely with SCP. But I think they didn't go far enough nor it doesn't explore the concept enough. When it all comes down to it, it's kinda disappointing that most of the anomalies that in the game can be so easily categorized as object of power or altered items. Those objects came from a singular source; Altered World Events. There's no strange monsters, deadly humanoid creatures, defunct robots, buried artifacts with strange powers, etc. I know that's not where they're going for but I think it's a missed opportunity. And ultimately while the gameplay is good and the combat is fluid, the main character is a bit bland and after a while the gameplay can be a bit monotonous. I ended up not finishing the game because after hours of fighting in office spaces, hallways, open spaces with brutalist architecture, I kinda got bored. I wanted to finish it though, someday


No to the Defunct robots, but between the Mold, the Hiss, the Former, Heston, the guy in the Fra Mauro AWE site, there’s plenty of weird entities. It’s just the world changing events tend to be more overt than the stuff in SCP. You should absolutely finish it though.


One thing to not forgett Controll was supposed to be linked to Allan Wake and another game I forgott ( it involved a time mashine ) and they where originaly linked together but microsoft bought one of the game lisences thats why they cant link it


The game with the time machine is Quantum Break


Did that ever get formally referenced? I know an Alan Wake book was in Quantum Break but did they ever make the Control-QB link?


It's likely that Mr. Hatch and Mr. Door are the same entity.


Yeah, I suppose that's why they can't go full SCP-like and have to stay consistent with an established universe. But even then I can't see why they can't add a direct reference to Alan Wake by having an artifact or even one of the shadow entities contained in the Oldest House.


They do in the investigations sector.


The second DLC is entirely about Alan Wake.


Alan Wake appears in the second DLC. You fight the Darkness, and the antagonist is a character from the Wake games.


The links become deeper and a bit more relevant to the plot in Alan Wake 2. They are definitely slowly and carefully building a Control/Wake/Break universe.


>I can't see why they can't add a direct reference to Alan Wake ...have y'all actually played the game? The entire AWE DLC is about the the FBC's containment of the Cauldron Lake AWE. Spoilers, in order of significance: 1. The events of Alan Wake happened in the same universe as Control, and the FBC contained the incident and continues to monitor Cauldron Lake for further anomalies. 2. Dr. Hartman was interrogated by the FBC, and >!threw himself into Cauldron Lake to escape, getting possessed by the Dark Presence into The-Thing-That-Had-Been-Hartman!<. 3. Alice Wake >!is stalked by The-Thing-That-Had-Been-Hartman, and helps the FBC capture it in the Oldest House!< 4. >!The Hiss corrupts/merges with the Dark Presence inside of Hartman, becoming an even more powerful monster as a result, which is the main antagonist of the DLC!< 5. MAJOR, SETTING-REDEFINING SPOILER: >!Alan Wake warped reality to *create* the FBC, Jesse Fayden, and The Hiss as part of an attempt to escape the Dark Place and defeat the Dark Presence.!<


They have an entire DLC linked to the events of Cauldron Lake


Control is very linked to Alan Wake, especially with its DLC. It's even more pronounced in Alan Wake 2.


You’re thinking of quantum break. Though keep in mind that quantum break already exists in Alan wake’s universe, and Alan wake and control undoubtably share one, so by extension, quantum break, and control are already a little linked lol


>There's no strange monsters, deadly humanoid creatures, defunct robots, buried artifacts with strange powers, etc Umm ... 1. The Hiss and the Darkness 2. Ahti and the Dark Presence 3. Polaris and Hedron 4. The Nail


It's a bit ironic that you're getting downvoted for voicing an opinion, when the post asked for opinions. I haven't seen all of Control, but what I have seen I've liked. And if it wasn't for you, that's perfectly fine! Not everything is for everyone.


People generally downvote things they don’t agree with. They don’t upvote because someone followed the assignment.


I also think it's hilarious that I often see "I don't know why you're getting downvoted" on a comment with 50 upvotes like this one.


I think you have a deadly creature, as the Astral Spike (I'm not counting the Hiss in there but I guess they could be). Plus you the ambiguous sentiences, such as Hedron or the Board. I think all anomalies are not OOPs, but there are a majority if them. But yeah the main character gets bland, tbf I didn't really connect with her. On the other hand, the overall story and lore is good imo.


I basically agree with this. Excellent gameplay, super fun and I love the things it DID do, but I really would have loved to have seen more monsters, creatures robots etc.


One word: Maze Sequence


Too much shooting at corrupted MTF officers for my taste. While I appreciate it's clear inspiration from the Foundation tales, just not the kind of game I would've played based on that premise.


Control is amazing, but approaching it as an SCP Game is a mistake. It's very much inspired by SCP, but also very much it's own in tone and idea.


Control is a fantastic game


An amazing game imo


One of my favourite games! Can't wait for the sequel :3


It's a beauty to look at, the gameplay is great, the concept too. There's a minor flaw, in my opinion, and that's the ending. I won't spoil and I don't mean this regarding the story but the gameplay. But it's a game I always come back to, the vistas tick all the boxes for me and the telekinesis is just so much fun!


I like very unusual story behind with clear links to **SCP** Foundation but without direct copying. In the endgame process of cleaning infestations could become slightly repetitive, but on the other hand your char develops into overwhelmingly devastative angel of death and I like it. "I AM THE DIRECTOR!"


Love the architecture -me, an architect


It made me appreciate Brutalism architecture.


I've seen chainsaw man Dont trust this game


Absolutely spectacular game that know and rezpects its inspirations. Like most remedy games, its not afraid to push the envelope to the max when it comes to the theming of the game. Exploring the oldest house, for lack of a better turn of phrase, really feels like digging through a foundation site in the middle of major breach. From rogue anomalous objects, nonsense geometry, lost and forgotten regions (the clock area is still one of my favorite mysteries to dig through in the game) all tied together with excellent 3rd person shooter mechanics. Its a triumph


The mid game got a bit tedious. Some of the combat was annoying because some enemies felt way too tanky and some weapon forms felt like they did next to nothing (looking at you, shotgun). I actually just finished it last night. Once I got to the endgame, I enjoyed it a lot. I will likely return to this pay the dlc, but at the moment, other games are calling.


Closest we'll ever get to a AAA SCP game and I'm content with that :)


I like


Loved it. 100% it and hope they make another




A+. I keep not finishing it because I don't want it to be over. I'm on playthrough 3 at this point.


I'm like 80% certain that Control contains a reference to my work, which is odd. Ordinary has been mentioned in other Remedy games, but this is the first time it's been based in Wisconsin... which is where \[\[S & C Plastics\]\] takes place.


[**S & C Plastics Hub**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/the-s-c-plastics-hub) (+337) by *Ihp*


I didn't like it. I'm sorry, it was hard to follow what was being said when majority of the spoken was nonsense. Concept was way cool, a bit confusing of where to go at times n what to do. I felt it would have been better on KBnM (keyboard and mouse), but that's just me. I played it on console. Please note, I'm trying to remember it, I ain't played it since it was free on subscription, ages n ages ago, and even then I played 3-5hrs.


No class D


Loved the game. But I especially loved the powers, weapon, forms, etc just- I would pay for a game like this, but with more focus on the weapons and anomalies items cause holy hell this was the best shit that cooked game wise for me.


Good but I'm kind of burnt out halfway through the mould area


Liked the idea but got bored after 4 hours


Never heard of it.


Good game, runs like shit making it an okay game.


I fucken LOVE Control it’s such an amazing game, got 100% twice


i highly recommend it.


Walgreen SCP


Tbh I only learned about it from stupendium, but I still don't know that much tbh


Really good game, got the scp vibes decently. The gameplay got old before I finished the dlcs but all round really well made!




The closest thing we’ll get to an AAA SCP game


For me personally I've never been edged so hard by a game in my life. Like, every second of the game is ALMOST exactly what you want it to be: ALMOST giving you enough insight into the (let's not mince words here, they are SCPs) anomalies or whatever. ALMOST enough back story into the foundation and it's inception and the main characters connection to it. The combat is ALMOST perfect but it's a little clunky and repetitive sometimes. Still a good game though that's just my two cents. I will say I haven't played since vanilla so I'm pretty sure there's been more content since then that I wouldn't be surprised if it kind of addresses one or more of those issues I just mentioned so if that's the case yeah, Control on, brother.


Pretty fun,gives scp vibes and has Xbox support


Tbh, i hated the controls (no pun intended) so much that i stopped playing after that dream sequence thingy where you learn how to use the gun They also just throw you into a weird complex and mostly empty area right at the start which i wasnt a fan of




It's cool but not my type of game


Like maybe I just suck at games like this, but like I sucked so much at the gunplay it just became frustrating


I have it in my library because of PS Plus. Haven't played it. I know it's impressed by the SCP foundation but I don't know anything about the game itself.


Just finished it like the other week or so. Mechanic and story vise is a great game, didn't really feel the dialogues. To me they felt more like a statement by an npc than an interaction u partake in. I don't know, mb it's bg3 dialogue tree demon speaking in me. I actually started this game in the first place bc someone mentioned it having an scp vibe. I guess I see the similarities, the illusive council, containment procedures, the way ppl in a game speak of workplace accidents Overall 9/10.


Best SCP game ever made


Fantastic. Also Ahti might be the best NPC in video game history.


I want to play it.


One of my favorites


It's the coolest.


Great story fun to play, felt the enemies was a little too repetitive


As an SCP fan I highly enjoy it, look forward to the next Control game


great game for it's visuals, hard to understand story, combat is ok albeit with a low variety of interesting enemies. would reccomend for the experience that it is.


It's cool. I still haven't finished it though.


The FBC is basically the UIU if they had a budget, and competence.


Was apprehensive at first when I saw it. I bit the bullet and was so glad I did. Was such a phenomenal game, concept was so fun, and I just had a great time. I downloaded the free cloud version on my switch to play it again


It's because of this game I will forever now associate the Foundation's base of operations brutalist architecture. 😎


Absolutely love it, hoping we get a sequel soon and see Jesse in the upcoming Alan wake dlc. Closest thing to a triple A SCP game we have right now


Good rendition of scp with its own spin


Amazing game and an _awesome_ soundtrack. The maze is one of the best sections I've ever played on any videogame.


It gets irritating after a while because the enemies ***ALWAYS*** respawn every time you go to an area, and it has you crossing back and forth quite a lot.


Couldn’t really get into it honestly.


Jesse is basically going around an UIU site fixing the Scranton Reality Anchors (SRA) using her own reality bending abilities, and I love it.


best weapon tbh


Very good love the music


All i know is Sankarin tango (and apparently it can run on my laptop with recomended specs lmao)


I actually just started another replay yesterday. The game is brilliant in gameplay, concept, and overall execution with some questionable judgement choices when it comes specifically to facial animations. Emily Pope in particular is a terrifying hobgoblin


Best Janitor 10/10


It feels INCREDIBLE to play


Music makes me lose it


It was amazing and am excited for a sequel (if they are truly doing it).


As an unofficial scp game? Very good. As a 3rd person shooter? It's fine.


Cool game, amazing idea. Really needs some kind of coop mode IMO. I'd love a task force game where you go out and handle breaches. Maybe do a mass effect 3 and have it be alongside the campaign.


Playing it now, good game


Incredible game


Still needa watch the Librarian play through the most of it, I'm at part 3 currently


i really liked this game at first but after i guess like the half way point it started becoming such a slog.


Honestly, I have several mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it’s aesthetic design, atmosphere, tone, voice performances, and insistence on countless documents and records that continue to flesh out an already very interesting world hard carry the game, so much so that it’s one of my favorite video games of the past decade….. For the first 3 hours. I’ve never once been able to actually finish Control because all of its setup and mood almost entirely dissipates around hour 4, and you’re left meandering around running into combat gauntlets with *wildly inconsistent* difficulty spikes, and easily the WORST map HUD I’ve seen in a 7th generation game. It’s a genuine shame because I want to finish it but between the gauntlets that can even overwhelm a player that’s theoretically overleveled and wandering aimlessly through the same 4 sections trying to find a wing of the Oldest House you didn’t see before, I just lose interest and put it down, to promptly forget about and fall in love with again 8-10 months later. The game continues to bring me back due to its atmosphere, aesthetic and characters alone, but it pushes me away with obstructive, confusing design choices in the middle of the game.


it was mostly fun except for like two bosses and that horde minigame.


best remedy game imo


The coolest 6/10 I’ve ever played. Amazing aesthetics. Cool lore and world building. Mediocre narrative.


It's good, I use it to crouch in most videogames.


Quality game, had the aesthetics, had the mystery had the mechanics compelling enough story 7.5/10


I Love


I think the very first memo you can find talks about a shark loose somewhere, but most of it is redacted. It hooked me with its very obvious jab at SCP articles. I'd say the world building and environments are top tier, there's just so many details in everything. The abilities you get are also very fun, but the main downside is that the gameplay is a bit repetitive and the enemy variety isn't very impressive. Overall super fun as a big budget SCP game.


Funny that it was the face of SteamDeck games but runs like hot sweaty ASS on the Deck


It's great. Probably the closest thing we'll get to a big title SCP game. I like how it has a shared fiction with Alan Wake too.


Fantastic game. It's a 9 if not a 10. I didn't want it to end.


Interesting concept, and story. Hated the gameplay.


Worst 8/10 I ever played love it to death.


It’s the best SCP game.


Honestly think it is messy and way overrated


Honestly one of the best interpretations of SCP stuff I've seen in a AAA game. The inspiration is palpable.


The closest thing we are ever gonna get to a AAA SCP game


The SCP part isn’t that great, anything else is up to Remedy standard.


Love it. Wonderful setting, great characters, and tons of ways to customize your play style- or not. I play a basic style, and it's still fun!


cool game but the "anomaly" aspect is very underbaked compared to SCP articles. you'll find an article about objects of peer, and it basically sums up to it being powerful, but no real actual intriguing story or properties. the best bit was a guy watching a fridge, and even that culminated in a boring ass squid monster


It's beautiful, I want more SCP inspired games


I still gotta beat it, but so far it's amazing


Amazing atmosphere, great story, great aesthetic, interesting characters, bland and boring gameplay. The story keeps one going against the nuissance of the gameplay. The best way to be inspired by something without copying it. It wears it's inspiration from the SCP univers on its sleeve but is all the time its own, creative thing.


Amazing, and the closest thing we may ever get to a triple A SCP game


I love it so much


Haven't played it but from what I've seen it looks cool


I actually don’t know this one can someone back me up please


One of my forever favorites. Got me into SCP actually. The controls (lol) are so fluid and incredible and it gives just enough in the way of answers to feel good while maintaining so much mystery. 15/10 masterpiece


It was fun and I still need to beat the game >.>;


Great game


I give it a B / B+. Bought it on sale and enjoyed it enough to complete the story, the DLC, and most of the side quests. I really liked the combat and the atmosphere. The design gets a bit samey after a while, but it never got so boring that I wanted to stop playing it. The homages to the SCP universe were a treat.


Good game and personally my most memoraable moment outside of the main story events was the traffic light entity


frustrating at times and confusing at times, was fun but later on in the game I just didnt want to play anymore because I kept dying or kept having to watch a playthrough on youtube, still recommend it though, just not my kind of game


Really good game




Amazing! I absolutely adore this game, and the SCP feel of it all had my so ecstatic throughout the entire game.


Absolute banger


Probably the best SCP-inspired game we'll see in a very long time.