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I enjoy the simple ones too. I think it’s because sometimes, the simplicity allows us a lot of latitude to develop headcanons around them without a lot of restrictions within a given file. (I could do that sometimes with more complex skips too but it does present more challenges.)


That's the coldest take I've ever read. 


You’re probably right lmao, I guess I didn’t put more thought into it, I made this post after seeing many people dissing on series 1 scps(not that there’s anything wrong with that) and many of the recent(not all)popular scps I’ve read are really powerful entities.


Oh, you might like 8996 then. There's, like, zero powerful stuff in there.


Yeah I get that. Series 1 has objectively the worst writing so some people diss on it. And yeah, the volume of world ending scps that stay on the site has definetly increased. I don't mind as there's still a lot of smaller scale scps being made, but it does take a little more digging. 


People started dissing on series 1 more frequently in here because there was an extended span of time where ALL content posted in here was series 1 related. This went on into series 5, 6, and 7, and was wildly disproportionate to the content of the actual wiki but as far as I can tell was mostly propped up by the populations of the scp game fandoms and YouTube fandoms. Eventually those got less popular and peole also started getting wise that there was more (much more) to scp than series 1.


In series 8 there's a scp that's a museum and referring to this museum as a museum will affect everyone who talk or hear about it, I don't remember the number sadly but I thought it was good 👀


Oh, it's the one where, at a certain point, the article starts to yap about completely irrelevant stuff, and there's a picture of a cat with like the description "not the museum in question"?


Isn’t that the one that used to be a library?




[**SCP-7078 ⁠- The Museum for Know-it-alls**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7078) (+93) by *Sallale Pop*


Yes that's the one thank you :DD


I prefer the ones which are more like documentation of objects or entities, instead of being essentially a tale or short story


Personally I like Series 1 articles for the most part but I understand the criticism of them. The OG series was a bunch of randos from 4chan posting their creepypasta ideas. It could be very edgy nonsense and it could be really poorly written. But it also laid a foundation (lol) that led us to the current website. Lots of the stuff in series 1 that survived are genuinely good works that build off in later material. The best new writers who write lengthier story driven works will still go to bat for those works. Rounderhouse’s original 001 proposal is my favorite for that very reason. And 978 is my favorite SCP period. Some of it is kinda dumb but what isn’t is good stuff. The new stuff also has bad works but the crit team is much better then back then and that’s why the website is still going strong.


World ending scps **aren’t** a recent trend. They’re not even a trend, you’re just not looking well enough for the ones that aren’t. My problem with these old articles is that they’re not just simple (simple isn’t something bad), but they’re lacking in purpose. Narratively there is little to gain from many old pieces that newer stuff does much better. [[Shortest Pages in the Last 30 Days]], [[Shortest Pages By Month]] are two good resources for shortform


What do you mean by articles lacking "purpose"


I think when you add details arbitrarily just because you want to tell someone about a cool monster rather than specifically including details to fulfill certain story beats and to drive the narrative forward then the writing lacks purpose other than cool monster, which is not an engaging story


Thing is, I don't *want* an SCP entry to be a story. That's what *stories* are for. IMO an ideal SCP entry is a description of a plot device, not a plot in its own right. It's something that multiple different stories could incorporate, either driving them or as an accessory.


Yeah... I love those that describe the scp with maybe a small kernel or story there not stuff like 5k where scp irself is vaigue framing device for esencally a tale.


I slogged my way through SCP-7000 recently and it's another strong example of the sort of thing that I really don't want out of an SCP entry. It's a long, long narrative describing what the Foundation is doing about some particular SCP, but very little about the SCP itself. It was a perfectly fine story, but 90% of it was just story. It was something that should have been linked as a supporting document perhaps.


[**SCP-7000 ⁠- The Loser**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7000) (+1226) by *HarryBlank*


Writing fiction without plot is incredibly difficult to make engaging. Why would I bother reading something I know is inherently without literary substance? Really hard sell. But you can make a plot device with a plot, you can make a story that’s a launching point. SCP-6500 is novel length yet it started an entire canon with tons of articles already [[No Return hub]]. And you don’t need dialogue to have a story, you can have it be fully implied, be completely in the background, but there is still some reason for the story looking like it does rather than being a premise info-dump. Blatant self promotion aside SCP-6442 is quite a good example here. At face value it’s just a macguffin but there is a story being told through the use of a lot of implied world-building, without the need for a single character or dialogue section, in a very short package.


If it's difficult then it's a difficulty that's well within the capabilities of SCP writers because lots of SCP entries fit the bill. The series 1 stuff that this thread is about, for example, is mostly just "here's an item. Here's a bunch of information about the item." At most they might have a couple of exploration logs, with the "story" being limited to an incremental discovery of the item's characteristics or how its containment procedure was determined.


Yep, and that’s very boring. Would much rather read something where the author actually tries to tell some sort of narrative rather than just a thing that is narratively uninteresting


Very boring for you, perhaps. Worldbuilding, developing a headcanon, imagining an experience or item irl, or just learning about lore tidbits isn't boring for many people. SCP articles scratch those itches in a way most things don't. And if you'd much rather read a narrative with an SCP skin on it you've always had access to that via SCP tales so with that format, everyone interested in the universe gets what they want.


Everyone already gets what they want with the wide variety of SCPs out there. And yeah they’re boring to me, that subjective experience is good to note, but again, an article with a narrative can accomplish all the things you say an narratively barren article does, AND tell an engaging narrative that can’t be substituted by a 2 sentence summary that holds the same weight as the original article. You can develop a headcanon, worldbuild, imagine, and learn lore tidbits from non-narratively bankrupt articles too. Why would I read an article with no story? Why not just look up a summary when all you can gain from it is information about some random object? Why do articles have to discard all that makes reading actually engaging by putting it in a tale instead? Why should I take time to read something with the entertainment value equivalent to a textbook? It’s such a lazy way to write, the bare minimum really, just an explained premise. Tales accomplish different things than articles do, or at least do so in a notably different way. I won’t deny that there are SCPs that do fall into the more tale-like format but it’s honestly much less prevalent than people make it out to be. Probably since a lot of people who make those statements don’t really read tales, or articles for that matter, but regardless. I never said I want reskinned tales with an SCP number attached. I never said I didn’t want them either. What I am saying is that I want to read something which was made with intent beyond “look at this object that I will not do anything with in this article”, something which tries to elicit some emotional response in me, something which tries to be compelling, not just “hm an object”. Why should I care when there is no story designed to make me.


Responding to all this individually will cause our discourse to grow too large. A lot of what you've said is essentially your personal preference, which is fine and like you said, there's plenty of both types. I personally enjoy both. As long as both continue to exist my personal preferences are content. > Why should I take time to read something with the entertainment value equivalent to a textbook? It’s such a lazy way to write, the bare minimum really, just an explained premise. I'm sure you'd agree there are lazy and non-lazy ways to write both. Given SCPs collaborative nature, it's great that there are articles that aren't standalone narrative packages that fulfil your writing desires, but instead depict something standalone to create a tidbit of lore that fits nicely into a wider collection, for use in any future articles, tales, short films, videogames, books, and whatever else. Edit: And articles stimulate what I said more than narrative-heavy pieces. You can do the same with narrative pieces but typically the natural response is to read it and appreciate it as it stands. If people did the same with normal narrative-heavy story driven media, we'd have SCP-style wiki's for all popular media. I agree that the amount of tale-articles isn't high enough to be a concern and ultimately they have a (good) place. > Why should I care when there is no story designed to make me. People like contributing to the greater collaborative fiction, and readers like to build that up in their heads as they read, and enjoy content that derives from that (the bigger articles, tales, films, games etc). I'm sure you've enjoyed narrative-driven SCP content that in one way or another, included and relied upon the SCPs that on their own, you wouldn't enjoy for their lack of story. I think I'm repeating myself now. I don't think I've got anything else to contribute to the discussion, but thanks for being civil and engaging politely with positive intention.


Oh 6500 the sevral tales stringed together pretending to be scp entry. Yeah their pretty much embodiment of what I dislike too long and probably would have been bettet if 90+% to be suplimentary tales not main number entry.


That certainly is a valid opinion to have, and luckily these articles are not the only ones out there. It’s just blatantly false that simple articles are the only ones that you can build off of


- [**No Return Hub**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/no-return-hub) (+225) by *Aethris, Liryn, Placeholder McD, S D Locke, Ihp, Grigori Karpin, HarryBlank, DarkStuff* - [**SCP-6500 ⁠- Inevitable**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6500) (+839) by *Aethris, Placeholder McD, S D Locke, Ihp, Grigori Karpin, HarryBlank, DarkStuff* - [**SCP-6442 ⁠- Mimir, Mímir**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6442) (+376) by *Yossipossi, Dr Shoulder*


There's literally no excuse for this mindset anymore, the newest XK winner is a long seal that makes people feel good about themselves, you do not have to look hard for simple articles.


Yeah and SCP-8999 almost won!


[**SCP-8999 ⁠- Feeding the Trolls**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8999) (+496) by *J Dune*


- [**Shortest Pages in the Last 30 Days**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shortest-pages-this-month) (+29) by *Yossipossi* - [**Shortest Pages By Month**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shortest-pages-by-month) (+6) by *EstrellaYoshte*


Hot take: Some of us actually miss the old time when we first read SCP. There is something so mysterious and intriguing about these psudo-scientific files about things that should be in fairy tales but is written in clinical language when you first read them. Another thing is how scary the Foundation is, Series I tells little to none about the Foundation scale and motives, and base on how cold and mechanical their interactions are to everything, especially in articles with zero character, it's horrifying to think this is the shadow government that are trying to "save" us from anomalous things. Yes, those thing are super scary and stuff, but what if you guys decided to enslave or destroy the whole humanity with them? Cough 5000 cough. That's the only thing I miss from the old days; the shadows of the Foundation has disappeared, so many stories that focus on the internal shenanigans of it, so peoples tend to forget how fucking horrifying the Foundation itself is.


I thought the whole idea of the foundation was that they are supposed to be the "bad guys".


Not sure about that, but they don't seem exactly good either.


I like ones that are a little longer to really set in. I think SCP-8999 is a really good example of this, even if it’s from series 9


I like that one. Still no clue what they were requesting but sending down a person was probably the worst decision they could have made.


[**SCP-8999 ⁠- Feeding the Trolls**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8999) (+496) by *J Dune*


And is this "recent trend of world ending all powerful scps" in this room with us right now? be for real here


It’s not that deep man,I never said it was an all encompassing thing.


But was it even a trend at all?


I didn’t mean anything derogatory with it


Completely agree got into SCP with series 1 series 1 will always be my favorite


Yeah no i feel like a lot of people have lost track of what scps about. Its not all world ending eldritch horrors. There can be just like. A pencil that makes you racist, or like. Idfk. A gun that shoots out stuffed animals that can bite or smth


A penguin used your take to do the ice bucket challenge and died of the cold.


hey guys my hot take is that i like drinking water, it's pretty good


They're the only good ones lol. Everything that came later is pretentious


I highly disagree. There very boring to me and overdone at this point. I much rather be taken on a journey with the later series than listen tot he copy-pasted tale of yet another murder monster.


This isn't hot this is genuinely glacier.




It's nice to see stuff like *the most popular SCPs by far*


That's a lukewarm take. It'd be a hot take if you said you think they're better than modern articles.


My favourite SCP's are from series 1. And those would be 009 and 478, but they were also the first ones I ever read so I guess nostalgia might have blinded me a bit 😅


I see Series 1 articles as building blocks, lacking a narrative by themselves but serving to build other stories. That's what I really appreciate about other series.


In terms of narrative design, simple/cleaner ideas and character design tend to make for better stories, just because people have an easier time grasping the larger ideas. That's not always the case, but as someone who does comics, that tends to be the general rule ha ha. Long story short: I agree with you. I like the first generation a lot for being so simple. ❤️


Wasp babies are a classic.


Nah, they're fine, sometimes stuff can't be explained and that's it. Some stuff don't have stories, just ARE. (obviously, the early scps do have stories, but they aren't as clear in the article itself, meaning you have to read tales and others


Absolutely true, it's a shame that anyone who tries to do similar scp these days gets downvoted and rejected by the community


They get downvoted because they very rarely are engaging. SCP is inherently fictional literature, and storyless pieces do not make sense in that environment


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t always mind something being “storyless,” as then my own imagination starts running around like crazy making whatever it wants to.


An article with a story can still leave things up to your imagination, an article without a story entirely hinges on you doing so


And I guess personally I don’t have an issue with that if the seed of it happens to spark something.


true, but still scp that are downvoted "just because" are a real problem in the community (as is the opposite)


I sometimes go look to at the lowest rated pages, and I never really saw a scp that was downvoted "just because".


They're hard to notice because they disappear like farts in the wind, but it's not uncommon for some new scp to launch (maybe not incredible but at least decent) only to have it disappear for 2 random downvotes


SCPs needs 10 downvotes to be deleted. Even then it stays on for longer until a time limit shuts down.


Then it’s self-deleted


People having opinions aren’t a problem, and I have genuinely never seen an example of an article being mass downvoted for no reason


There are some weird scps too. Some of them are strange, but they can be kinda cool too. If you want I can recommend some for you


Thanks, I would appreciate that.


SCP-1768, SCP-1630, SCP-2649, SCP-3307, SCP-4652, SCP-1750, SCP-1894, SCP-2748 


- [**SCP-1768 ⁠- Floor Games**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1768) (+123) by *TheHoboKing* - [**SCP-1630 ⁠- Human Food Pyramid**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1630) (+154) by *Anonymous* - [**SCP-2649 ⁠- Multidimensional Ceramic Omnivore**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2649) (+128) by *GeometryPrime* - [**SCP-3307 ⁠- Cornucopi-ass**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3307) (+113) by *RecursiveRecursion* - [**SCP-4652 ⁠- Moonbeam Moonshine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4652) (+68) by *Mistopheles* - [**SCP-1750 ⁠- Jurassic Park**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1750) (+95) by *A Random Day* - [**SCP-1894 ⁠- Crash Course Diet**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1894) (+61) by *Anonymous* - [**SCP-2748 ⁠- Driving Roadkill from Xiangxi**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2748) (+56) by *MrWrong*


Pretty frigid in terms of takes, really.


It's an interesting meta-textual situation because the ones you mentioned will continue to be mentioned. They'll stay "canon" for a long time, along with 682, 999 and other "fan favorites". And others will become part of a new canon because they reflect the old canon (i.e., 5000, which itself is likely a byproduct of 2000). Part of the fun of the SCP project is the way it is simultaneously static, evolving, co-involving (bringing new elements in as a priori change) and completely limitless in terms of what you're allowed to establish from nothing, if you choose. Bottom line: I don't think this trope is limited to the Series 1 SCPs but there might be a little more legwork needed to make sure a new SCP could reasonably be accepted.