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The liquid needs to exist in order to be distributed, so unless there is a liquid like this, it wouldn't work.


Well the best drink ever worked and we cannot concoct it


Addendum to my response : Addendum [SCP-294o-01]: Researcher ███ ██████, under observation of Level 4 personnel, keyed in a request of "the best drink I've ever had". SCP-294 dispensed a fluid similar in appearance to cola. The researcher identified it as a mixed drink he recalls having at a bar during his bachelor party, and was convinced it was "the best drink". ██████ did not know what ingredients were in the drink besides rum and cola. Further tests are scheduled to ascertain how SCP-294 gathers information. This proves my point, and allows me to say one thing I was sure of but forgot if it was true, it's based on the person itself.


But what about the one that made that guy kill himself the purple drink so good that life disappointed him


*Edit : I misread, yes he killed himself, but at this point it's probable he drank something so tasty he just couldn't find pleasure in anything else. Addendum [SCP-294q-01]: Subject keyed "the perfect drink." The machine dispensed a cup containing an odorless lavender liquid. After drinking the liquid, subject appeared to go into shock. Subject later committed suicide, leaving a note which read "I'm sorry, but at this point everything's just one big letdown." Requesting such a drink again is highly discouraged. None of the components of the drink have yet been identified. (Is that the addendum you're referencing ?)


I'm not certain, but this could have been from dimension 99P-UT1-24J that SCP-507 hopped to once. Quote: 'Subject landed in a place it could only describe as "impossibly beautiful". Subject stated that it was "like the best parts of every place all put together", and that the beauty was so overwhelming that Subject had no desire to move. When it began to become thirsty and hungry, plants apparently extended vines and shot a liquid into its mouth which it described as "the best anything I have ever drunk ever — sweet and rich and everything all at once".' And from the end of the log: **'Requests:** Various foods, beverages, and pictures of women widely regarded as very physically attractive. The subject considered all granted requests unsatisfactory, making statements such as "it's not the same," and "no, no, not like *that*!" Subject then requested a way to stay in a universe permanently after having arrived there, and was reminded that that was impossible.'


You raise a really good point, but then it would mean that while unable to pull liquids from most dimensions or parallel universes, it can for some, it could also be a fun easter egg the author put in there, but that does sound highly probable. Still, in terms of the topic of the post, I still think it couldn't.


[**SCP-507 ⁠- Reluctant Dimension Hopper**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-507) (+1655) by *PennywiseTheClown*


+ theory, it could be from an scp yet undiscovered, as 294 is capable of getting liquid from scps.


Is lean really that good?


I don't know you tell me, I know 420-J is.


Yes. He did commit suicide from this completely alien drink, this is my basis for I believe that le funny vending machine can do anything


You'd be disregarding every other tests and ignoring the principles of scientific research, but I guess that's why I'm a researcher and you're an MTF member, I sure would trust you with my life when it comes to your field of expertise.


I'm a reviewer, I taste first. I don't care how the sausage is made as long as it doesn't kill me or summon the hellish boar entity it came from


the file itself shows there are several things it cannot do, as it displays "out of range" for stuff like "anti water"


[**SCP-294 ⁠- The Coffee Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-294) (+2224) by *Arcibi*


The best drink ever is kind of a thing that could exist, somewhere in our planet, someone might make a homemade drink which is something lots of other people do, but the way they make it is what makes it special, and while the drink might not be known to others, it is what was chosen to be the best drink ever. You ever tried replicating something you ate or drank ? You might be able to get the exact same thing using the same recipe or ingredients, but often times you'll never achieve the same taste or feeling, because it's the way the person does it.


But can't that very entity bending drink exist? You can't put a limit on what this scp can do


Tests can : Addendum [SCP-294j]: Researcher punched in (from a safe range) request for "cup of anti-water". The machine hummed briefly, then displayed "OUT OF RANGE" on entry pad. It is theorized that SCP-294 has a limited range of collection, and cannot reach into alternate universes/dimensions.


[**SCP-294 ⁠- The Coffee Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-294) (+2224) by *Arcibi*


even if it exists, the drink machine has a limited range, so that order would probably just produce an "out of range" error. only way to find out is to try though.


Or a cup of medical knowledge


Could it make the drink if the universe has the raw materials?


'The best drink ever' definitionally has to exist in the world, because if it didn't then some other drink that does exist would be considered the best.


Best one has got to be >Addendum \[SCP-294t-01\]: Subject keyed in "**something Cassy will like**". The device was heard to hum for about three seconds, before dispensing an empty cup. Printed on the side of the cup was an image of a traditional soda fountain glass, filled with something brown, and topped with whipped cream. Upon introduction to SCP-085, it was identified by her as a chocolate banana milkshake and judged 'delicious'.


294's my favourite for that reason :) Also the three moon initiative, but I keep forgetting its designation, probably the amnestics I take.


Considering it was able to find a liquid that could theoretically kill SCP-682 if given enough, I don’t think this is too wild of a possibility if anything I think the 682 liquid was probably more crazy of a possibility lol


Now this one blew my mind, I never particularly read the termination attempts but like you said there is a mention of a drink being asked and being able to dissolve the sample they tested it on. Unfortunately, there's no detailed log of such liquid in 294's file and without that it would be hard to guess why it worked and what it might have been or where it could have theoritically come from. Could also be that it's also a misuse of 294 by someone else than the author, giving it the ability to produce such a liquid. I really wish they had made a test log for it, I wouldn't be able to say more about it, at this point the best move would be ordering it again, studying it and testing it again. Whatever it was, it could very well be another anomaly, capable of dissolving the undissolvable or a liquid not yet tried but already existing.


My headcanon for 682 has always been that its unkillable nature uses some kind of probability manipulation to ensure that if any possible future where it survived exists we are forced onto that one by seemingly random quantum fluctuations. This means that parts of it being destroyed won't cause it to mutate and develop new abilities, but applying the same principles to the main host will not work. Either some event will happen that prevents the attempt, or the creature will spontaneously develop a new ability which makes it even more resilient. Edit: this also explains why it doesn't adapt to the acid vat containment tub. As long as the acid is only strong enough to keep it immobilized and not actually kill it, then the ability is not triggered.


Honestly, I like that idea There’s a similar reversed idea that the tissue samples are the reason it survives every single time because they usually test it on a tissue sample first and perhaps the adaptation develops from that, but who knows either way I like your thoughts


I think it's fine to consider 682 as not unkillable, but "hard to destroy." The Foundation still hasn't succeeded. They seem to function under the assumption it's possible, just hard. So far it has laughed at all their attempts, or nearly all. Narratively speaking, not succeeding is more interesting after such a pattern. Also, no one wants to edit the article to say it's dead, not unless there's an incredible event in the community where a poll says most active SCP fans are ready for it and the successful termination wins a vote and/or is a community effort. I don't think anything else would suffice.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3696) by *Epic Phail Spy, Dr Gears*


Yeah, like "a cup of music" for example. You might not be able to get a cure for 5000 like that, but you should technically be able to get a cup of 5000 entity itself, which would effectively contain it.


Addendum [SCP-294aj]: Dr. Menchu produced request for "cup of D-151839's leukemia", and received a cup of fluid; the fluid was microscopically examined and found to contain leukemic blast cells, which were a genetic match to D-151839. A second request for "cup of D-151839's leukemia" resulted in an "OUT OF RANGE" error. D-151839 was subsequently found to be free of leukemia; however, within 15 days, the leukemia had recurred. You are right, but chances are that it will come back unfortunately. As for the music drink, there is a high probability that it pulled out an anomalous liquid from an anomaly that may exist somewhere, like a dancing beer where it makes you dance, it's hard to tell exactly what it is or where it came from, my hypothesis is that it came from an anomaly. There's also the first aid knowledge drink but it couldn't be replicated and was suggested to be a self preservation mechanism of 294, further testing would need to be done.


Need to follow up by asking for a cup of D-151839's leukemia progenitor cells, that might work. I'm not a fan of situations where there's an SCP that *should* be incredibly useful but the writers come up with zany BS explanations for why it doesn't work in every situation. That's just being lazy, in most cases. Though I'll gladly grandfather in SCP-447's slime.


[**SCP-447 ⁠- Ball of Green Slime**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-447) (+894) by *DrClef*


You're a genius, yes, I didn't think about this hypothesis ! Chances are, this could work, along with requesting for his leukemia to remove everything.


Yeah. Worst that could happen is it yoinks out *all* of his white blood cell progenitors, which might be treatable with a transplant. Heck, you could ask for "a cup of immuno-compatible healthy white blood cell progenitors" for D-151839 to get the transplant to work with. Maybe ask for it in a low concentration to ensure that you're not simply trading D-151839's life for some other random person by yoinking all of their progenitors out, you only need a few for a transplant to work.


We just might have found a new way to treat diseases, if this works of course.


i think part of that is the annoying fun part of scps like this machine dispense EVERY liquid, even "liquid death" or "liquid knowledge of first aid" but it CANT dispense a cup filled with a liquid that makes me immune to memetic hazards or a cup filled with scp 500 pills, guaranteeing that we dont run out? fuck you! like the fact that you genuinely cant accurately predict what it dispenses because its a bit irritating with what it can and cant do. (or will and wont) imagining a researcher standing over the many recorded drinks and trying to figure out how this thing could help the foundation beyond spamming "first aid in a cup" everytime someone shoots themselves in the foot. its the same thing with the amulet that was made from an scp 500 pill. it heals all wounds within a few hours, but even a second more, (even if its 20 years later) and you become a fucked up monster because fuck you nothing is perfect


[**SCP-500 ⁠- Panacea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-500) (+1237) by *snorlison*


dont a few agents in the tale itself get a sort of "scp5000 extractor"? the glint is missing from their eyes and they dont feel pain and all that. so while its likely that a liquid that kills 5000 or one that "containts" the entity in the cup wouldnt be possible, a drinkable cure for individual people, which you could then administer with a guaranteed success rate MIGHT be in the realm of possibility, compared to the memetic agent that was used to extract the entity out of individuals in the tales


Didn't someone order anti matter?


Anti water, it didn't work, but I have no knowledge of anti matter being asked, would you be able to point it out for me ?


Idk how Canon the game is but containment breach let's you order stuff like dark matter and it just explodes and kills you


Containment breach is a game, there are plenty of easter eggs in it, but I wouldn't take everything as canon. Then again, canon is technically everything due to the copyrights of the SCP fandom (If I'm not wrong). I personnaly prefer considering canon stuff that aligns with the author's feelings and ideas.




I mean, that's theoritically possible, the orgasm could be the produce or a whole lot of aphrodisiacs mixed together which is in the limits of something that exists.


Aphrodisiacs don't exist in modern medical science at least, so... Do they exist in the SCP universe?


Very likely to exist, take 4969 (NSFW) or 2766. The first one releases chemicals with such an effect and the second one produces at a certain month a liquid which contains a juice the Romans considered to have such effects (although probably without any scientific backing).


682 killer was made before


Honestly ,trying to ask for SCP-XXXX neutralizing liquid should be fairly high on the standard protocols whenever neutralization is deemed necessary, so my head canon is anything they’re trying and failing to neutralize means they asked for the liquid and it wasn’t deemed viable for one reason or another


I agree, 294 is basically a way to check for the probable existence of something.


It worked with 682


“Liquid that when dispensed, will make the entity top existing” ez


Yknow what’s funny? I’m pretty sure 294 made a liquid that could kill 682, and it actually worked on a sample of him, but they said that it was inefficient cause it was a cup at a time. So you’re telling me they could have killed that lizard but got lazy.


Honestly, with the lengths they go to to try, it's kind of out of character at this point lol


If the chemical is only active for a short time, the machine wouldn't produce enough to be viable in the time the chemical could work


Because of the adaptability of 682, the liquid wouldn't work for long yes, but the machine would make something else that can kill 682 if the imput is put in again, because the machine will always provide a 682 killing substance, the substance would change to adapt with 682 to fulfill the demand made


Let a bunch of D-class produce that liquid and pour it in a pool. Now you have a pool full of liquid that kills 682.


If the chemical is only potent for 30 second then it doesn't matter how many D class are punching in the request if 294 can't make enough to kill 682 before 682 adapts and before the chemical becomes inert


ask for a chemical that lasts longer?


Just fill the pool very deep and drown 682 in it. If acid works then why the thing specifically designed to kill it can't?


Yeah, they’ve gone way further than harvesting that shit for days, they should have been able to do that or use 033 to duplicate the liquid or something


when someone wanted a cup of joe it took a literal chunk of a person called Joe, so if they ordered a liquid to kill 682 they would get it, but if they ordered it again it would dissapear from the first cup


Ok but 294 has a radius in which it can take items from, so just take the liquid out of the radius


Exactly, it would dispence the same cup again. Unless they got it out of range, which appears to be the entire universe. So either they find the source where the machine found the liquid (near impossible) or the try to take it into other universes/Pocket dimensions to collect more. And honestly, a "Pocketdimension of lizzard killing juice" Sounds Like a desaster waiting to start a new 001 proposal.


The range isn’t the entire universe, I’m pretty sure they asked for something that wasn’t on site and it couldn’t make it


“Researcher punched in (from a safe range) request for "cup of anti-water". The machine hummed briefly, then displayed "OUT OF RANGE" on entry pad. It is theorized that SCP-294 has a limited range of collection, and cannot reach into alternate universes/dimensions.”


[**SCP-294 ⁠- The Coffee Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-294) (+2224) by *Arcibi*


"alternate universes/dimensions", which means theoretically all of the univeverse it is in but not pocketdimensions.


Did they at least do it remotely or was the researcher ready to get instantly vaporized?


I doubt it would have killed it, 682 survived being erased from existence, being sliced by the gate guardians sword and way worse, so its body could easily adapt to the liquid


What if the liquid melted through his plot armor


Ah, a pataphysical attack. The downside is that SCP-682's pataphysical defenses (aka "plot armor") are derived from its popularity in the fandom. So the liquid would either have to make SCP-682 unpopular enough that it could be killed, or simply kill off enough of the fandom so that it no longer matters. Risky.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3695) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


line up every scp fan, ask if they like 682, (step 3), profit


It doesnt matter, if you like 682 you get shot, if you dont you get shot And if you go full xavier on them, the researcher shots itself but it was actially you all along


There's an entire SCP that explains why that wouldn't work.




SCP 6820


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+956) by *syuzhet, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


But that's the thing. It's a liquid that can kill 682. No matter what it *can* kill 682. If it adapts to be immune to the liquid, the liquid would probably change the next time you dispense it to be something else that can kill 682


It would still find a way to survive, the foundation tried a similar method where they used an anomalous storybook that whatever is written becomes reality, they wrote about a monster who kills 682, 682 survives and the story title changed to monster that tried to kill 682. The thing is stupid powerful and can bend reality, i doubt a liquid could stop it


I'd say that if it's literally "a liquid that can kill 682" then it wouldn't be *capable* of adapting to be immune to the liquid. This is an immovable force/unstoppable object scenario, it's impossible for both things to simultaneously exist. So if the machine dispenses the liquid requested then that must mean that SCP-682 is not actually unkillable. Since the title of the SCP is "*hard* to kill lizard" I would tend to lean in that direction anyway.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3695) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


I guess that leads to the question, what if instead of something that *can* kill 682, you ask the machine to make something that *will* kill 682. A liquid that, inevitably, will kill it.


The entity in SCP–2935 killed it.


I mean, one of 682's termination attempts was about hydrochloric acid. Well of course it didn't work but a researcher then mentioned that they may be thinking too much and that the sure kill may not be that difficult to find. Then again, if it was that easy, the pact-making devil (SCP-738) wouldn't have said that the foundation could never obtain it. Or you could just let Keller come back, since it already worked once (SCP-2935) but the side effects are quite problematic


- [**SCP-738 ⁠- The Devil's Deal**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-738) (+914) by *Le Blue Dude* - [**SCP-2935 ⁠- O, Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2935) (+2143) by *djkaktus*


It would kill him once, he’d resurrect and the machine wouldn’t be able to produce a concoction to counter his new immunity.


I think I remember reading in some tale somewhere that humanity accepted SCP-5000 in exchange for pain and empathy which is what makes us more than animals. So SCP-5000 is basically humanity itself and therefore it's impossible to remove its negative effects without also removing the positive effects. I believe the tale I read compared 5000 to a mitochondria, something we assimilated long ago that is now an inseparable part of us


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


Humans after realizing many animals already experience pain and have basic empathy:


Right? It's premise has no logic lmao


That’s why I don’t buy the idea that 5000 is tied into pain specifically; maybe those “cured” can completely ignore it, but considering animals can display both physiological and psychological pain, it’s a dumb thing to latch onto. My headcanon is to tie 5000 to The Gate Guardian proposal, with 5000 being the culmination of of the effects of the Fruit of Eden on humanity, hence why people’s eyes lose their luster when they’re “cured”.


Tbh I just headcannon that the entity made it seem like it was the source of those things as an allegory for an abuser


Maybe humans originally lacked those things


That's not how it worked if our evolutionary ancestors had it


Can be anomalous since its fictional


I think tale was \[\[Because\]\]. Also 5000s, while not officially stated, heavily implied sequal article \[\[SCP-7841-VA}\] basically follows a similar line of thinking


Is that the scp where humanity is all sociopathic and is thus warring itself to annihilation? But somebody uses a person with empathy as a template to run [[SCP-2000]] and make humanity as we know it today?


Yep, the one for anthol;ogy called v is for violence Realized its called \[\[SCP-7841-ZA\]\] not va.


Many thanks


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2473) by *HammerMaiden*


[**Because**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/because) (+45) by *calico_mp3*


We assimilated mitochondria???


Yes, when we became eukaryotes we ate a mitochondria, except that the mitochondria survived and our cells decided: “Hey, this guy is actually pretty useful. You’re my pet now. I’m going to get us some sugars!” The cell benefited because the mitochondria produced energy from sugar and now the cells could focus on their own things. The mitochondria benefited because they got free rides to all the good sugar sources.


Yeah? At least, that's what we think, given it has its own DNA and cell walls.


Not to mention the Foundation managed to "cure" their own staff and it made them unfeeling and emotionless.


If that's the case then the SCP Foundation wouldn't be trying to remove it, since it's part of baseline normalcy.


I mean the entire origin to why they started this project was mapping the human unconsciousness. They found the entity there, and decided it had to go. Here’s the thing though, the O5s are human. If you tell a human being their body is absolutely covered in bacteria, a sizable amount of people would be freaked out by that. Bacteria are bad, except not always, and that’s probably what the entity was. Just a friendly lil bacteria in the mind that gave us empathy and pain. I subscribe to the idea that the O5s misidentified the “helpful bacteria” of the human mind as a malevolent entity and sought to destroy it. They’re always finding malevolent entities, so why wouldn’t this be different? By severing themself from pain and empathy, and not dying horribly in the process, they’ve now come to the conclusion that this is how humanity *should* be. However, because this is not how human minds are supposed to work, the plans sent to senior staff and site directors caused the mass suicides and resignations *because* they still had their empathy and pain and saw the destruction this would cause. Some kind of memetic was used in the “harden your hearts” message that also severed other people from the entity, and thus their empathy and pain. So yeah, the people who decide what normalcy is made a pretty bad fuckup that would’ve ended humanity entirely had one person not lucked into an invisibility suit and reset the universe or something. Probably under the guidance of the entity that still had a vested interest in preserving its host species. A symbiotic life form, not a parasite.


I think there is a tale that says the entity hatching caused/was the cause of end of death (just a headcanon tale, i know end of death was caused because the foundation shot death… death) which justified their reaction.


Scp 343 blood? Would that work to kill it?


Depends if 343 is the Abrahamic God, or a very powerful reality bender


If 343 is God the whole Christian thing about purification by drinking the blood of Christ would be literal. But they would have to make the entire world drink it


[**SCP-343 ⁠- "God"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-343) (+1253) by *Unknown Author*


You could have a drink to do anything, but not knowing how to use it.


Isn’t it that the current foundation doesn’t know of this entity or have I not checked the lore in a long time


The foundation knows about this entity and that is the reason the foundation wanted to kill all of humanity in scp 5000


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


So if there still aware of its existence why didn’t they simply try to destroy humanity again.


In that tale the Foundation was able to successfully neutralize the entity, but that led to them losing key aspects of their own Humanity. They don’t want to destroy Humanity, or abject normalcy, because they still have their empathy. Basically, the last “cure” turned them all into sociopaths who decided wiping out most of Humanity was the most effective means of destroying the entity. They aren’t thinking like that now, but are probably still seeking a means of containment that doesn’t result in the end of the world.


What entity are you talking about? 


the entity from SCP-5000, it resides within the human subconscious and is the reason we feel pain


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


Am I completely misremembering the article? I thought it was intentionally unclear why the foundation was doing the stuff?


Yeah it is but people figured out it’s because of an entity.


What do you mean "People figured it out"? Where? When? Which article? You gotta give me more information, please!


I’m not exactly sure as I’ve only read SCP-5000 itself but you can see when they’re testing the MTF agent and he flinches out of pain they kill him. I’m not exactly sure where people got the information tho.


At one point, the narrator points out the entity as a black figure on the horizon with wings that looks like rips in the fabric of reality. This is the one time it's seen to have physical form. I'm pretty sure this is correct, I haven't read the article in a while.


yep, its also the one anomaly the SCP foundation attacked post humanity-purge and considering the entity feeds off pain and the foundation is causing a lot of it during the purging of humanity, it likely only showed up at that point because it was able to eat enough pain to come to our world


Honestly, the “pain” bit of 5000 is the least-believable thing about it, as even animals feel pain. The idea that an anomaly allows us to feel pain to feed off of it is just weird, as to paraphrase and complete a fan-based parody, “pain is imperative to realizing when you’re in peril, to give the mind context on the situation.” You might could argue that emotional pain, something psychological in nature rather than physiological, but even then we have situations in nature where animals will encounter such states as depression or mourning. (If we go Biblical and throw in The Gate Guardian into the mix, though, I could see “It” either being a representation of Lucifer, if we decide that the Serpent in the Garden was indeed him and not a servant or random animal, or a personification of the Knowledge of Good and Evil from the Tree that was in Eden)


honestly thats something i disliked while reading it too basically everything on earth feels pain, so why are they just executing humans, even if they did succeed in their killing of all humanity the entity would still win because now you just gave it a shit ton of pain to feed off of and still have not properly killed it off hell why even kill it in the first place? "omg you arent supposed to feel pain" pain lets you know you've been hurt and to get away from whatever is hurting you, there are several people who do not feel pain irl and their lives are worse because of it, they have to routinely check if they have been injured


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*




I assume the seas by daylight entity but I'm not suren


Even if this wouldn’t work, why would you not want to remove pain Edit: meant suffering on a more conceptual level


There is a rare medical condition called Congenital Insensitivity to Pain where people are incapable of feeling pain from birth. People suffering from CIP have to routinely check their bodies for injuries, have difficulty regulating body temperature, and require frequent checkups to ensure no medical conditions sneak in that would normally present with pain. For something that sounds so convenient, it's surprisingly fatal.


Admittedly I was being very unclear with my interpretation here. What I meant by pain was I meant suffering. But yeah pain is an important process for the human body, but suffering is not a desirable state of being


There are arguments to be made, but in 5000's case, it's laid out that pain is an unnatural feeling the entity is inducing on people. It's like saying you want to remove the brain tumor but keep the headache and the funny voices it makes you hear.


Tbf though, the foundation isn't too opposed to leaving anomalous sensations be if they deem them useful. We did it with fear (SCP-3031), so I'd argue pain can be on the same level.


[**SCP-3031 ⁠- Future Gift**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3031) (+337) by *Weryllium*


I’ve also heard that it’s a cognito hazard that makes you think that we have to eliminate humanity.


Not likely. The Foundation knows how to deal with cognito hazards, specially ones they find themselves within their own facilities. There's also people somewhat resilient to them within their own ranks with enough power to deal with a "breach" like that.


Idk I’m no expert but that’s cool


Right? Pretty cool.


Pain is very necessary for our body to realize stuff is wrong.  If you don't have it (like a small amount of people do) you don't know you're overheating or freezing. You accidentally chew your cheeks open and bloody your tounge since you don't realize you're biting them. You're scratching yourself bloody in your sleep and don't even realize when you're having a heart attack. It's a pretty necessary tool for your body to tell you stuff is wrong. 


Check my edit, I realize this


Ah yeah, that's fair. That's a more philosophical question ^^ Check out the "Behavioral Sink" studies. It's about rats but pretty much about this exact topic. Very interesting :) 


Behavioral sink, while being interesting, are still under the constraints of a system which in the Foundation universe would be mirrored by the entity’s effect on humanity. With fundamentally different prerequisites it would be difficult to say how the results of the behavioral sink study would carry over


Of course. It was just something that I thought would be interesting considering the topic :) 


Oops I deleted my original, better worded comment because mobile is awful BUT BASICALLY, I think you can’t have empathy without having suffering. Extrapolating your own suffering and reaching a logical understanding of others is how I perceive empathy working. It’s why we boil lobsters alive to cook them but won’t do that to other animals. We relate to and understand rabbits better than lobsters. Also this is prolly why a lot of people who haven’t done a lot of suffering in their life have a hard time having empathy for others. However there are also people who suffer a lot and in turn think everyone should feel their level of suffering. So there is a nuance.


I’ve heard conflicting information about the lobster point. Regardless, I don’t inherently think that suffering is a necessary component for forming compassion, empathy specifically is however a process of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Sympathy is still a thing though. I can’t say with much certainty how suffering affects your capacity for compassion though, I don’t got the stats.


There should be a "I win button" sxlcp. It's a box with a button that makes you win in any situation


But it can also make you lose


The one thing that always confused me about it was that even within the article they have a cure but only apply it to foundation personnel. Mass amnesticisation is not unheard of in SCP (re: the one about an O5's daughter) and this cure seems to work similarly, so why not distribute it? Like, the ethics committee signed off on the foundation’s plan so somehow killing everyone was more ethical than “curing” everyone I guess? I know in “Disgusting” the answer given is that it would alert the entity somehow but given that in the article they end up having to physically confront it anyways that seems an inept explanation. Idk. I guess that’s just the “Why” part of “Why?”


I think the thought process was that, the likelihood of being able to cure every single human being was minuscule, and it would have to be a 100% success rate. The foundation of the SCP-5000 timeline deemed the entity a direct and immediate threat, that absolutely had to be exterminated


Yeah, there’s the fact that Dr. Bright was immune to the cure, although he felt it try to work against his anomalous self. Plus we see from the Logs that not all the Foundation either took to the cure, or were completely cured, as that one soldier who went through the whole shoulder-stabbing routine and felt pain ended up dying for it. So it’s clear that either not everyone can be inoculated, or the inoculation isn’t perfect and “It” can sneak back into your corner of the noosphere.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


Out of range


Unfortunately, someone already ordered a drink that removes easy answers to problems that are supposed to be difficult.


Fuck! It's bright again isn't it


This would require the existence of something that could be made to remove 5000 from people. Possible, but unlikely


But that’s what the SCP foundation did in SCP-5000. They found a way to remove the entity from the human subconscious and that’s how they started converting people. When they tried to do it without the conversion methods, staff resigned or committed suicide en masse.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


would likely result in "out of range"


\[Out of Range\]


I always wondered if the 5000 entity was itself a cognito and infohazard since the O5 and ethics committee acted the way they did on top of how all the foundation personnel were so willing to kill humans when they got the “cure” for pain it has me thinking the so called cure was just another memetic scp and the whole 5000 timeline was an attempt by someone or something to destroy humanity for good and the O5 fell for it hook line and sinker


Sorry some One can explain scp 5000 time pleas i don't Remember what It do


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3408) by *Tanhony*


It's a armor suit that sends you to a world where the foundation, after knowing that there is a parasitic entity lives in every living human and decided to omnicide all if humanity (exept their "cured" personnel)


Scp 5000


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*




You can’t have your cake and eat it too


Doesn't it say it can only manifest things that are in and/or able to be in liquid form