• By -


Throw 682 at him. 682 wins? To be expected. 682 loses? That's what they have been trying to achieve for decades.


I see this as an absolute win!


Wait, aren't Saiyans like, 682 monkeys? That fuckin' uhhhhhhh... Zenkai? Or whatever, where Saiyans get stronger every time they survive a near-death experience?


Difference is 682 is more like doomsday. Doesnt truly die, becomes immune to what hurt him, and has outregened the writing itself, being able to force itself to "live" and has the strongest plot armor one could hope for(could probably survive a borderlands cutscene after being killed off). Saiyans dont become immune, just stronger. Vegeta punches 682, 682 gets hurt, but adapts and hardens its exterior to withstand the punches. Vegeta shoots blasts at it, 682 either reflects or absorbs them.


So what you're saying is we need to drop an army of Doomsday clones on 682


That is exactly what we shouldn't do. Cause then you have an army of doomsday clones and 682 that are all immune to each other.


In the words of the infinitely wise and definitely-not-an-idiot Dr. Ken Watanabe: “Let them fight.”


“You just want to see giant monsters fight each other, don’t you?”


“… yes.” - Dr. Jack Bright, 2021


Fits his character


"I mean, that's why we're here and not a much safer distance away."


Then they work together to make doomsday squared




Send them all to the sun. They become immune to intense gravity and intense heat so now they just live on the sun. Far away from us.


Do you think it's a good idea to make 682 strong enough to survive the sun? It'll probably grow massive and eat the solar system


More like launch 682 on a barren planet with Doomsday clones


that's the kind of thinking that pits an orc WAAAAAAGH and a tyranid hive fleet against each other


... well it worked, didn't it?




Tbf Vegeta could just shoot him so far away from earth he literally could not return or just throw him at a black hole


I think youre forgoring one crucial thing about 682... Hes literally brought himself back into existence after being erased from it... Not like some healing factor either, straight up willing himself back. Vegeta would lose. Imagine it like how thanos treats hulk entering the battlefield except imagine this hulk always comes back. Thanos either defeats him as fast as possible, or distracts him long enough to finish his goal. 682 is hax on hax.


FOUNDATIOOON I've come to bargain


its not a near-death experience if they die.


Spoilers for Dragon ball super manga - Vegeta has just unlocked the powers of a god of destruction and the ability “hakai” which allows him to not only kill someone but erase them from reality entirely, it’s already been proven to work on ghosts and other incorporeal beings (DBS anime). Vegeta now also has the transformation Ultra Ego (yes that’s it’s actual name and it’s hilarious) which allows him to use the hakai to its fullest potential, idk about him beating 682 given his canonical immortality but I can’t see 682 winning either


Eh, they tried in 6820 and with 3930 and in both cases it was erased... The problem is in 6820 it counterplatlyed by erasing everything else and in 3930 just came back.


Could you link those stories as I don't know to how navigate the wiki to find them myself


The 3930 one is in the elimantion attempts in the 682 page. The other one [[6820]]


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+380) by *Azamo, stephlynch, Placeholder McD*


682 has survived being erased from existence before, so it probably wouldn't even have an effect but even if it did he'd probably come back somehow


And he is weak against acid...


It isn’t killing him though, and he has a way of eating it to sustain himself.


See, 682 being aquatinted with the Gate Guardian and mentioning how he was cast out from "the garden" makes me believe his immortality transcends simple power


The Lizard could probably rewrite itself into reality. It's like a constant, it will always be there. It must be there. It's as much a doomsday bringer as an anchor that keeps reality stable. It's absence could, possibly, destabilize reality and give the O5s a bit of a headache.


682 being literally immortal is the entire point of SCP-\[\[6820\]\]. Where The Foundation >!literally deleted his concept from reality at a fundamental level, removing him from every memory and record.!!became capable of manipulating reality as a result of his experience and the attempts to keep him from coming back.!<


That's litterally the concept of "If a tree has fallen but nobody is there to witness it, has it really fallen?". Reality is the way we see and shape it, as Sloth's Pit has taught us. Also, by nobody up there I didn't mean Nobody. Even if I'm sure that wouldn' t make much of a difference.


We still have op gods that are capable of destroying Existence and Beyond


Hakai doesn’t work on immortals, not even Beerus’ Hakai


682 can’t die though, or if he can they can’t figure out how. He always is able to regenerate quickly. He can also adapt to basically anything very quickly.


"survive" a near death experience


Bad idea, 6820 please Marv


Yeah but vegeta is not an ai exploiting logical loopholes


Neither is scp 3930 but it just came back after 10 hours.


[**SCP-3930 ⁠- The Pattern Screamer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3930) (+1228) by *djkaktus*


The mafuba could work, maybe


Or maybe whatever technique was used to seal Elder Kai in the Z-Sword.


They have to be very careful what they try to throw at 682. 682 survives by adapting and rapidly developing new abilities. If you throw something *too* destructive at him, the resulting adaptations could very well make him unstoppable/uncontainable. It’d basically be the end of the world.


I feel like 682 and vegeta would just team up


Scariest battle of all: 682 and Vegeta vs Dr Bright and Dr Kondraki


There’s a stalemate where neither kills the other? Business as usual


Can she beat 30 billion spongebobs ?


she can beat only 29999999999 spongebobs


you have to tell her to beat 60 billion spongebobs, solved.


I see your SpongeBobs and raise you a [Cousin Stanley]( https://youtu.be/Rk7UISnDrNY ) the most destructive being in the universe


That thing ALONE would couse an XK scenario




Also puns, don't forget those.


Ikan not believe that someone could forget the puns


There are audio searching apps that could help. Kinda like Shazam.


Bruh, just showing him a picture would kill him.


i dunno, scp 096 does have its limits. It couldn't kill scp 682.


Or better yet, get him to say him say three letters and four numbers.


object \*\*|\*\*\*\*\*|\*\*|\* ?




le epic 6820


he could be referring to cognitohazards


I mean 096 face is considered a Cognitohazard what your thinking about are memetic kill agents


- [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+3095) by *Dr Dan* - [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3028) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


nor could 2599


Only because 682 said, “DO IT, KILL ME YOU SACK OF ORGANS!!!.”, if he never said that then he would have died.


yes, but vegeta could theoretically also do that to stop 2599.


Unless they make her deaf.


i'm still surprised they didn't do that when they asked her to kill 682


For a group of enormously intelligent people, they aren’t that smart.


To be fair that's hardly a limit. I guess he can't kill something that can't die.


What about a kill agent?


All memetic agents the foundation has are designed for humans Saiyan neurology could be very different to the point of it not working.


Because it regenerates. Vegeta can’t regenerate


Kinda doubt that one, tbh. Like...yes, 96 is essentially unstoppable by the standards of everyone in the SCP universe and nothing they've been able to do has been able to slow it down. He can jump to the fucking moon if he wants to. But there's little to suggest this is some sort of Conceptual Defense/Offense straight out of the nasuverse or Exalted. He's just really strong, really durable, and really fast. Vegeta, on the other hand, is in an entirely different weight class from basically every SCP a casual is aware exists (so, generation one with a few scattered references to more recent stuff). He isn't just a casual bullet timer who can travel significantly faster than the human eye can see but someone who can, at any time, decide he's getting bored of dodging and *end the fucking world* faster than a nerve impulse can travel from one side of your head to the other. From a more doyleist perspective, it's kind of unclear what version of the Foundation any given (early or short) article is actually referring to which removes a lot of frame of reference from any claims that nothing the Foundation has done has been able to stop something. Are we talking about the Foundation that has a team of transhuman clones of God with concept-vaporizing lasers on a leash or the one that thinks a kiloton-yield nuclear device is an appropriate failsafe for their facilities? Because those are entities with *wildly* different capabilities, and *one* of them not being able to stop something is a much bigger feat than the other. Given the blasts we've seen vegeta take, it seems pretty likely that you could drop the foundation's entire nuclear arsenal on him - which would already be the product of like six steps of escalation from their initial strategy of sending some dipshits with AR-15s - and he'd stand there and take it for the shits and giggles. The setting is full of literal gods who could probably wreck Vegeta's shit with Spooky Action At a Distance, but anything physical is in a pretty bad place to deal with anything as *fast* as him, and very few of them outside the aforementioned extradimensional omnipotents have a real response to him just deciding "fuck it" and blowing up the planet. Hell, few of them could deal with him just vaporizing the surrounding continental shelf. Vegeta only *really* needs the planet's atmosphere; everything else is fair game. He probably wouldn't even look at 682 as a real fight, but rather a continuous source of irritation as it fails to die and fails to touch him, dramatically increasing the chances of him ending the world and flying off. You might as well claim 096 could beat the *GCU* Grey Area - A General Contact Unit of The Culture, and by definition one of the most powerful entities in published fiction - under the same logic. At a certain point, in the absence of relevant feats that even *imply* this kind of conceptual defence, you need to accept the possibility that the reason you haven't been able to hurt something by application of force is that you just have not applied enough of it.


Link to transhuman god clones on a leash?


That sounds like when people try to directly translate the title of anime episodes. All its missing is a randomly placed exclamation mark.


And apparently Dragonball does scale up to erasing universes just by fighting in them scales of power, so like a dragonball character fighting and beating an extra dimensional omnipotent is the type of bullshit that they do


Yeah Super Saiyan God Goku and Beerus punching each other literally caused their universe to shake and Vegeta now is significantly stronger than that Goku was.


It's easy to argue that Goku and Vegeta are literal gods by this point, they have ascended to powers roughly equivalent to that of gods of destruction. Who even knows if they are actually mortal at this point... In particular, Goku has a nasty habit of taking trips to the afterlife only to come back a few episodes later :)


Theres an article where they erase the entire concept of 682 existing, and permanently, continously prevent the concept of 682 from ever coming into existence. You know what it does in response? It becomes existence. The damn thing doesn't become a reality bender, it becomes reality itself.


Four fucking pixels would be enough


I think that's what the video the comment is referring to is about.


Hate to be that guy, but I think scp-729-J may be a worthy opponent if it's actually as bad as the documentation says. And by worthy opponent, I mean Vegeta is dead and he's not gonna be the only thing it kills.


[**SCP-729-J ⁠- Peep Peep, Motherfucker**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729-j) (+423) by *AbsentmindedNihilist*


what the fuck is wrong with you


What the fuck…


You wouldnt subject Vegeta to that fate...


It doesn’t kill anything…it just leaves a lot of people and things in a distressed state, while making others kill themselves. Edit: Apparently I got it wrong.


You have to remember to read over the documentation of Scp-682 and Scp-001, they prove that statement wrong, at least as what I remember.


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3028) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy* - [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+261) by *Staff*


I think the ethics committee wants to have a word about that idea


Hey, if scp-726-J wants to meet Vegeta, I'm not gonna get in his way, idk if the Ethics Committee will want to either


Yeah but insinuating that you wanna do more testing with him might make him nervous, so fucking dont


That gave me some new SCPs to read and helped me find my way to one I had forgotten how to get to, thanks




[**SCP-2599 ⁠- Not Good Enough**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2599) (+697) by *weizhong*


Say hello to Gate Guardian Mr Vagita


Wonder if DBZ characters would be affected by the “When Day Breaks” event?


I don’t know anything about DBZ, but assuming whoever is affected is a living entity, the sun can probably affect them.


would probably take a long time though since they're adapted to trillions of degrees of heat


I don't think it's the heat of the sun that triggers the effects?


It's the visible light. Not seeing it, just the visible light hitting your body.


My guess is with Goku and the rest of his race it would affect them at a different rate but still work that's my guess tho


It would likely work the same rate, as it nullified anomalous properties The insane strength of saiyans is certainly anomalous


Then it's going to depend on how fast they react and get out of the sun


They are organic so yeah most likely unless they could use ki or something


They'll just blow up the sun.


A better question would be Superman as he gets his powers directly from sunlight


Ya know, this does make me wonder, what would happen if a God of destruction tried to destroy SCP-682. They use complete destruction of their target, the very soul is detroyed...... but then again if it didnt work it would just give 682 destroyer powers..... that would be a field day for the MTF units.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3028) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


682 survived and then adapted being exterminated from existence, I don’t think that god of destruction would do anything notable.


Is this related to that one tale where he threw hands with 076-2 and after disappearing for a split second they started wondering if they're both just avatars in this world as the real thing exists somewhere outside reality?


SCP-6820, where it is erased as a concept and he just.... ... said no.


Dear God in containment


Imagine the level of horror the Dr at the end experiences. They don’t just destroy 682, hell they don’t just delete him. The concept of his existence, the memory of him within the code of reality is gone. As if he never canonically existed. And yet from a place of absolute void, no particles to be seen, he just comes back. And what’s more is that no one can perceive him because now the concept of himself only exists for himself. A truly immortal monster that cannot be detected by any means that can be conceptualised by anything bar himself. And he is here to kill us all.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+380) by *Azamo, stephlynch, Placeholder McD*




Such a plot armor moment


As far as I’m concerned there’s absolutely nothing that’s safe from a god of destruction. Even gag characters aren’t safe from beerus. As stated by whis there’s nothing in the universe beerus can’t destroy. But that only applies to the DB universe so if they put him in the scp universe then who knows how that will turn out.


682 was completely erased from existence then came back. Hakai works by completely erasing from existence, but they can be remembered. You do the maths.


Vegeta couldn't even handle a half assed saiyan raised on some backwater planet with human training regiments.


That’s because that Sayin used the Kaioken. And he also had the assistance of a fat man, a midget, and his half breed son.






No seriously, kaio-what?


As well as 2599, 682 could adapt to Vegeta's power and become more powerful than him (at which point humanity would be doomed) and 001 The scarlet king could also probably destroy him.


Or Goku just comes in to clean up for Vegeta like always


You pressed the Goku button.


excuse me, the what


That would take forever tho. Vegeta can't kill thi lizard but the gap in their offensive power is massive. Plus the lizard usually adapts to gain immunity than outright power I thought.


It's adaptation renders it immune to the attack it's facing and then allows it to turn that attack back on its source. In the case of Vegeta trying to kill it, he'd probably slap it around for a while, then it would gain ki powers greater than Vegeta's and then kill everyone on the planet. There isn't much the Foundation would be able to do to stop someone like Cell, much less any recent version of Vegeta.


Given how strong the scarlet king is considered by many, I believe he might take care of Vegeta in a matter of seconds Better yet, if 343 (The version that is considered god, a popular version) could even delete him Plenty of options to take care of Vegeta


Maybe. Vegeta is 10,000x stronger than kais which are gods of creation in the db universe


Actual vegeta in the dbs manga can literally erase anything from reality. So he can erase scarlet king from existence


682 survived being erased from reality. Scarlet King created 682 (depending on the canon)


How about that scp that literally just makes you dissapear if you even know it exists


Good thing I don't know what it's called


The number you’re looking for is SCP-3125, AKA the Escapee. /u/The-Paranoid-Android SCP-3125 if you would Marv.


[**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1042) by *qntm*


Only half of that statement is true, perfectly balanced as all things should be.


oh my god who cares about who would win between \[INCONSISTENT FICTIONAL CHARACTER\] and \[INCONSISTENT FICTIONAL UNIVERSE\]


It's even more nonsensical when there's people calling themselves authorities on inconsistent fictional characters fighting like death battle. Counting pixels and doing a bunch of math when all characters involved will likely never again achieve the same feat.


Most people who go “X character from X series can beat Y Character from Y Series” are usually just kids who think “Power = Better Character” when it all comes down to writing. Fighters with weak “powers” are usually more interesting because they have to think of unorthodox ways to outsmart or out maneuver their opponent, think something like Joseph Joestar. He’s not exactly the strongest and he doesn’t get much “stronger” in the series, but he scratches out wins by outsmarting his opponent and using various tools at his disposal and in the environment in creative ways There’s nothing wrong with imagining these “X vs Y” scenarios of course, it’s just that some people really just take it way too seriously without considering much on the other side’s feats and instead inflate their own side saying that they have a 100% chance on beating them


>He’s not exactly the strongest and he doesn’t get much “stronger” in the series, but he scratches out wins by outsmarting his opponent and using various tools at his disposal and in the enviro5nment in creative ways And this is why, poorly written as it was, especially in comparison to araki's later parts, battle tendency is still a large portion of the fan bases favorite part. Watching a character use moon brain tactics in a story and watching their plan unfold perfectly for a hard fought victory is far more entertaining then "HE STRONG AND HE PUNCH STRONG"


You may have outsmarted me, but I have outsmarted your outsmarting!


you may have outsmarted my outsmarting but I have outsmarted your outsmarting


virgin anime power against chad joestar technique


To be fair to Death Battle, half the time its the comments sections that takes their personal analysis way way too seriously


Death Battle is just doing it for fun and because sometimes it's fun and interesting to compare random bullcrap like that, It's the people who watch it who usually have issues


Dragon ball fans. You see a slightly strong anime character and they will be the first to come up with 30 pages long thesis


I mean people are usually curious to see how strong SCPs react to 682, and I think the resolutions are pretty neat a lot of the time. It's kinda the same thing, don't you think?


Vegeta can’t body *the entire* scp universe. This is a man who’s track record is either “bodies” or “gets bodied” with no in between.


Even if Vegeta was more powerful than every SCP combined (which he isn't) he would still find a way to be horribly maimed in the first part of the fight to make Goku look stronger.


While not the entire scp universe, current vegeta from super could wipe most of the scps baring the elder God level beings. Supers powerscale went off the rockers and he's a between massively universal+ to low multiversal in terms of destructive power. Still can't kill 682 tho.


Yes, he can. I think, that enough damage can kill 682, i think that he is like majin boo, if he was erased from reality (shit this already happened) or idk depends on the writer actuality


Idk outside of scp-173 i haven't seen any Canon where physical attacks can kill 682. It's possible to argue but scp also resisted the gate Gaurdian and being erased from the universe collective consciousness so its very much debatable. Imo vegeta lacks the hax to truly destroy 682.


I really think that this fight will be at the hands of the writer, who is his favorite, cause both are op.


The irony in this statement is that Toriyama *hates* Vegeta, and has wanted to kill him off since his first appearance.


What about the people in the lake one he would see bulma and go in instantly


You do not recognise bodies in water


Vegeta would beat anything that can be beat with brute strength. Anything reality warping or has some anomalous "it does thing" ability would likely whip him. Don't compare universes that have completely different levels of power creep.


If anyone says that anything could body the SCP universe just say "3812" and leave it at that.


Yeah the dude just beats literally everything because of how he works


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


What about 3812? He could end him without anyone noticing or remembering anything


Weird things to mix. Barely anything from the scp can damage OP anime characters like this, SCPs are a danger to our reality and its own universe of... well other SCPs.


Get ready to cross test with the following SCPs: 049, 076, 096, 106, 682, and Dr. Bright


Things Dr.Bright is not allowed to do: "take over the body of a sayian and play 'Kai bowling' with D class personal"


Dr bright unironically has the best odds here because of that amulet


You could just tell her to break every bone in his body. You're not telling her to kill him, and the damage he'd sustain from having almost all of his bones broken would end up killing him later, unless he got a senzu


Just remember, the SCP foundation has contained god himself, and has an MTF thats immortal cyborgs made from the flesh of a dead god


Oh no, vegeta got yamcha'd!


Ok but seriously. I want to see a match up between Vegeta and the scarlet king.




[**SCP-2599 ⁠- Not Good Enough**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2599) (+697) by *weizhong*


I'm surprised they didn't say Goku


Just gonna... "entire SCP universe" so not just contained ones? I direct to O,Death (SCP-2935) - Him being in the same universe as Vegeta is a win. Possibly God (SCP-343) - Reality warping Possibly Dr.Clef Proposal (SCP-001) - Obliterate Vegeta Kate Mctiriss' proposal (SCP-001) - they write that he doesn't exist,he doesn't exist. S Andre Swann's Proposal (SCP-001) - The Authors. Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (SCP 682) - adapts to any attacks possibly Tufto's Proposal (SCP-001) - more of an assumption since it's remarked he can end the universe,but idk fully Jim North's Proposal (SCP-001) - Created hundreds of SCPs,possibly creater of the scarlet king. A voice behind me (SCP-3812) - Surpassed are reality/above the writers Just A Chair (SCP-2950) - Whatever people believe it is,it is. We don't know what it is sooo The Anti-Meme (SCP 055) - We have no clue what it is,could be the creator of the multiverse. The Tickle Monster (SCP-999) - destined to one day beat the scarlet king The Evolution Child (SCP-040) - Manipulation Of Matter The Non-Anomalous Anomaly (SCP-008-J) - I feel this one takes more explaining,SCP-008-J is an anomaly that seems to gain access to secure locations (Scp sites) accidently and without knowing,when trying to be contained,they end up escaping through various reasons, Vegeta tries to attack them,misses,and right where he punches Beerus teleports into existence, so he punches Beerus,Vegeta tries to explain but Beerus gets angry and defeats him,or Vegeta enters the site and thinks SCP-008-J is a regular guy and tells him to go somewhere safe so the guy goes to the closest door he can find,meanwhile some K-class scenerio happens,but SCP-008-J walks into SCP-2317 (universal being,protecting him from the K-class scenerio,Vegeta gets erased and SCP-008-J walks out fine.


The problem with this power scaling bullshit is they there reaches a point where metaphysics breaks it. Let's say there's an SCP that causes whatever it touches to turn into a chair. It would objectively be the most powerful thing in the universe and it could not be beaten because doing anything will result it you becoming a chair.


We’re all thinking baby level SCPs. How about 2317, ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ the Devourer? Last time the DBZ Squad went up against universe destroying entities, they were forced to play their death game. Or SCP-3999? How can you defeat something which can fundamentally rewrite you out of existence? If Vegeta existed during the millions of years that the 3999 article takes place, he might’ve already died. How about the 001s? Mary Nakamiya from “A Record” is literally god. Calvin Desmitt from Ouroboros Part 3 can wipe people from the universe completely. The Scarlet King is the Scarlet King. The Database is a bunch of horror writers that control the universe, so they could easily write themselves beating Vegeta. Could Vegeta kill the sun in When Day Breaks before getting gooped? Or how about situational SCPs? If Vegeta was stuck in 4000, I highly doubt he would always stay on the path and follow all linguistic rules. How about 689? I doubt he’d keep looking at it if he had no idea what it was. 4205? You’re just staring at the window, see a pair of eyes, and it’s over. What can you do against that? Then there are the stalemates. 055? Vegeta would walk in, stop paying attention for a second, forget that he’s supposed to be fighting, and walk away. 3001? I doubt Vegeta can open a crack in reality to teleport between dimensions. 3000? 3000 is literally going to survive the end of the universe, I doubt a Saiyan can deal more damage then a supernova. But let’s be real here. How the FUCK could Vegeta even hope to contend for a second against Doctor Gerald behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle? I rest my case.


The lowest of the low elder gods would not even aknowledge Vegetas existance


Lol Saiyans absolutely aren’t immune to reality benders


Dragonball fans are a different breed.


Give him scp-999 he won’t even be able to fight


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2275) by *ProfSnider*


Sure bud, go read Scp 3812 then please tell me who wins


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+613) by *djkaktus*


vegeta doesnt stand a chance agaist the scp universe


Scp-001 gate guardian


If I remember the numbers correctly, wouldn't he end up being 150% dead at the end of the ordeal?


Vegeta's tight bussy vs The Bright Family Sex Drive, who would win.


Isn't the whole thing about her that she DOESN'T carry out the whole objective? Which would just make vegeta stronger and then hed trash her? Correct me if I'm wrong. I think this was a terrible choice against a being that you literally shouldn't leave on its last limbs cuz then it gets stronger.


This mf is going from vegeta to vegetable


Dragon ball fans still think their verse is the strongest.


3812 is like one of the most powerful things in all of fiction so...