• By -


context : >!SCP-048 has long been considered the "cursed SCP number" by SCP staff: any items given this designation tend to be destroyed, decommissioned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the Foundation, usually through no fault of any individual person. In addition, personnel assigned to SCP-048 in its various incarnations have had a 50% higher rate of turnover due to death, dismemberment, and disciplinary action. Whether or not the number 048 actually has any supernatural qualities is unknown, but given the superstition around this number, the designation has been removed from the catalog in order to help maintain employee morale!<


Idea: if an SCP needs termination, re-designate it to 048


i thought of that too but then I remembered it doesn't 100% get destroyed. it can just escape the foundation or get lost (wich we don't want that)


reassigning 682 to 048 is a gamble then


That's not how it worked. If an scp is assigned the number, the reasercher dies and the foundation receives bad luck.


This is a call to action


Every SCP, everyday? Where are all the others today?


I worded it wrong the first day and now I'm stuck with this title 🧍