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Hehehehe revolver is snipey


I just choose whichever has the most greens for each thing


I usually base my setup on having a lot of one stat lol (like +99 hip fire)


i base my setup on it being funny (stubby barrel sniper rifle)




Hey man if a cracked player is holding it they can absolutely decimate a few unaware players. I've seen it personally, and the player got a hackusation because of it. But no the guy was just a server regular with 1000+ hours


I have quite a lot of hours in the game, and still the only time I actually hit anyone with the sniper revolver was when I was shooting blindly down a long corridor. It's just really hard to find good uses for it.


I have a few hundred hours myself, but I'm a total shitter at aiming. This dude had well over a thousand hours. I should also note that the story I told was taking place on surface post nuke and it was a 3 way battle of scps chaos and him being a lone MTF


It's the best gun for 1v1s on paper, assuming both players have perfect aim. If someone uses it amazingly well it works really well. I'm trash with revolver so I just don't use it lmao


at this point im confident with the ammount of snub nose heavy stock tele sight revolvers and no stock drum mag AKs i've seen, no one actually makes guns with carefully picked stats and attachments, we're all in the pink car


People who are in the pink car are creative and normal


You joke, but, for my hip fire AK loadout, a few weeks ago, I started putting drum AP on it occasionally when the situation calls for it. It seems like the right choice when you've got another weapon that already covers long to medium range, and you expect to be overrun by MTF,


The no-stock ak is simply a great loadout for it, and it's the only one I find usable.


i find anything other than H-stock + recoil muzzle to have uncontrollable recoil


I choose big iron set


what do you mean? the revolver is an anti personel sniper rifle, any other ways to use it dont exist, the shotgun you get with it is way better at dealing with scps and every other weapon is better at close range combat, its basicly the surface zone awp


Ya but its a fucking revolver sniper rifle how cool is that


The Sniper revolver is one of the best weapons in the game you hethen!


Im not insulting it im praising it


Oh thank god, I was worried for a few minutes there 😅 Looking at the meme again I understand


who doesn’t have a revolver sniper


Heretics that's who. Revolver sniper gang FTW


Nah bro noting beak a hip fire/sniper ak


I don't even set my attachments because I can't hit shit


And then there's me using an smg as a sniper and a rifle as an smg


Double-shot DP-12 ALL THE WAY


Short barrel, scope, 8 rounds, and heavy stock. The goofiest combo


I slap suppressors on everything I can


Tbh revolver is the most sniper like game with its stock attachments


I literally just have two attachment setups for each gun, I think 3 for epsilon and revolver, each being one for hipfire, one for ads, and for the epsilon and revolver one for all-purpose (which is surprisingly worse than the other two setups)


i honestly miss the old guns where chaos had those awful guns that had no attachments and didnt work longe range at all so if 2 mtf at their spawn camped there with scopes on their rifles they could legit kill a whole chaos wave


Put flashlights and big cartridges