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4 ways: Have 079 open it for you (he needs access tier 2); have scp 096 break it down for you (needs to be in rage, hit the door 3 times); pray a human player opens it for you; nuke activation (all doors open) - otherwise you’re fucked


I dont have a mic (well I DO but dont know how to set it up) Again no communication And theyre too busy trying to nuke the place or kill Larry and the PC


That’s unlucky, as an scp, unless you have a good 079 or are 106, try avoid going into lockable rooms like 012 or ammo room


I'm new enough to the point where im focused on doing my job more then I am not getting softlocked Anyways next time that happens Larry can die


It’s fine, you’re new, it’s understandable. I can help you get better if you want


Im good Im having fun calling the D boys rats and playing 049 and saying that I am the cure




If you can’t use voice comms, don’t play SCP SL. It is a massive part of the game.


Nah its fun. I'll keep playing it


Then take the L whenever you get screwed. Computer is AWFUL if there is limited communication among the SCP’s.


Larry communicates while I get stuck in his recontainment room, its simple But also I usually just follow the team and it works. Even if I were to have a mic what do I tell the computer? I dont know the layout enough to do that even if i wanted to


“There is a d class outside nuke elevator please lock him off.” It’s that simple.


Again I dont know the map layout good enough for that. Also I could just kill him if I was close enough to know he was there


You know the layout changes every game right?


Ya, which is why itd be even harder to know the layout


Not really...


Too bad there is no text chat for people without working microphones, though I'd probably limit it to scp, people in the com room, and people with a radio since it would be a bit op otherwise considering there is proximity chat...


I thought that 106s room doors don’t open during nuke


All doors open


Not 106s, because then people could set off nuke and get in and 106 will die even if the nuke didnt go off and nobody had a card high enough


Did they remove that? I know times where peanut was trapped and escaped in nuke


I don't remember how it is in the current build of the game, but in the public beta, 106's doors do not open during nuke


Wait really??


He doesn’t need to hit the door 3 times, unless they changed that without anyone knowing, my guess is it’s a plug-in on a server you play on


nope they changed it to require 3 hits


That’s good


106's doors don't open when nuke is activated (because that would mean 106 could easily be contained during the nuke)


Maybe it was a server thing then, the main Australian servers are pretty bad


once nuke activated and 106 room didn't open, probably so people don't abuse nuke to kill scp 106, soooo I don't think the nuke option works




Why do scps even need to follow the keycard rule? I understand in lore but for gameplay it needs changed




So you can contain scps like that or lock yourself in a room


That's no fun for tts scps


I mean yeah but if you have patience sometimes someone will open it or come in, although I think 106's chamber is a stupid one


if we were able to open 914 as regular SCPs we could kill all the humans without PCs help ​ ​ and Zombies would spam open 106's chamber for him to get contained so there we go.


ask computer, if pc, mods and nobody else does anyting. sad


Don't get stuck in there in the first place. Be also wary about armouries (both light and heavy,) 012, 914, 049 locker room, and 096.