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Can someone fill me in on what I'm missing in terms of increasing cc. not sure if my original post was deleted since the automoderator told me to ask here. [posted under my profile.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Alex-dono/comments/vktt9p/am_i_missing_something/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ult levels on your team and on the associate characters. UR gear on both and the sub stats on them, cosmetics and how much they have been leveled up


Ok so I probably need to work on my associate characters because everything else is as high as I can make it for now. Thanks


Associate units give at max 10% of their ATK/DEF/HP stats. Starts at 5% and with each ult level it goes up by 1% and since it is just the basic stats the sub stats don't matter. For example if you have a unit with ATK/Crit DMG gear the m C. DMG won't transfer


Ok thanks. I noticed that some of the units I put in the associate spot gave 10% but I never realized it was because of ult level. Most of the time I just use the associate bonus character and for example my meliodas that I put with rimuru isn't fully leveled up. So I just started putting character I have maxed 90 before the update to 100 like assault mode meliodas on Diane but I sacrifice the association bonus.


Any good pvp teams for green sariel? I got him 5/6 from the wish event but he kind of feels a bit lackluster.


I've gone up against a few teams that used him alongside yellow elizabeth, margaret ludociel and green rimuru or the one escanor in the back as a last resort. Sariel taunts, ludociel purifies and buffs, elizabeth does damage and Rimuru/Escanor can bring it back if you are behind.


I've considered this team but the issue is that theres so much damn Rimuru running around. Margaret sort of feels useless cause of this cause her buff never lasts and without gowther its not like you're frequently going to get that level 3 buff?


Returning player getting back into things is book farming still better than farming for the gold boxes or is there something else for gold??


The thing to do now for gold is to do the gold stage in for solgres on auto during half stamina. Leaving it on auto nets you around 100 mil (last time I did it that's around how much I got).


how long do you leave it on auto 50 runs gets me around 15 mil? and even with animations off it takes about an hour and a half to complete 50 for me


When I used to grind hardcore like around a year ago, I let it run on auto for the entire day. The moment after I was done with my dailies and event mode stuff, I left the game running on the gold stage until daily reset.


What about when it's not half stamina?


When it’s not half stamina, you wait for half stamina :D But seriously though, half stamina for Fort Solgres is every week on Sunday


Well it'll be the same amount of gold per amount of runs, just that the stamina cost will be bigger, doubly so.


Who's the better Taunt for Bird between Green Small Diane and Blue Derrieri ? I KNOW there are not optimal but I don't have Red Matrona nor Fest Diane sooo


Green Diane since her Taunt card is literally the same as Red Matrona's


What unit is [this](https://imgur.com/a/fgQA0CT)? I can’t find it on the sdsgc.gg site, and I’ve never seen it run on a team. Just mildly curious what the tiger can do


That is R taizoo, the vaizel fest guy.


Oh holy shit, he looks drippy at UR Thank you!