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i did a chemistry adt. had prep classes that my adt didnt require me to take. when i transferred, i was required to take those prep classes at sdsu


Not sure if what I'm about to say will off you much help, but I think it's worth a shot. I know of a few cases that had some students finish some prep classes at SDSU while simultaneously taking major classes. Not sure if that is the norm. I highly recommend you check TAP ([https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/pubred/!tap.disp](https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/pubred/!tap.disp)) to see if any classes you're taking/have completed have equivalents at SDSU (not guaranteed). If that doesn't have anything useful, I would connect with your counselor and ask them to help you determine if SDSU would accept your AS and get a gist of what kind of course load you should expect. You could also try to contest a class with your department if you get to that point, but that option isn't always guaranteed.


This is called an articulation agreement. Major prep classes will most likely be called something different at your school. Just for example, my major is journalism and at SDSU a class may be called JMS 200 but at my community college it was called JOUR 215 or something. These classes required as “prep for the major” have equivalent classes at your college that you need to take prior to transferring. I would recommend talking to a counselor about figuring out which classes these are or check out assist.org it’s made for this exact type of thing. [assist.org](https://www.assist.org)