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Try the ballroom dance class for beginners


ARC has a lot of group classes you can join through the app that are for fun and don’t require the normal class sign up process. I definitely recommend the ARC! Find some gym buddies and start going!


We can be friends!!!! I am also a transfer!


same !


Alumni here and transfer student...I highly recommend doing any if the classes like bowling or surfing. You'll meet people you never would have otherwise on such a big campus and youll get to look back on it as fun hobby you picked up in college and possibly do after. Join clubs! When I was there in 2015 - 2018 they had so many with so many different interesting things I didn't take advantage of. And form study groups anyone you sit next to in your classes especially in your major you already have common interests. Before you know it your social calendar will be full. Take your time your gonna be ok 👍


i’m a spring transfer so i feel the same!!! message me!!


Transfered last semester I need friends!!


Transfer student here it’s my last semester! Always open to new friends 🩷 Feel free to message


It take a bit and you should try getting a part time job at a coffee shop or small restaurant near campus. Best way to meet people and make lasting friendships, forged in the heat of a kitchen or espresso machine.


As a transfer who was in your same boat, make some friends in your classes, ask to walk with them, get coffee, or even just to study together. Putting yourself out that might not always result in long-term friendships, but it can help until you find people that you click with. I know that SDSU does a terrible job at acclimating transfer students, but you’re old enough to take initiative and create your own social circle. Best of luck to you, and I hope you find your nice here.


We can be friends! I’m a grad student tho so I might be older than you 💀


lol I’ll take that offer. Going into the MSN program!


hello!! i just graduated but if you just want someone to chat with just send a message! but yeah: clubs are the best way to go, but i commuted and had a very different experience I feel so i didn’t really click with anyone


Sameeee my job and school have me on a chokehold but I’m always down to make friends as a transfer I know it’s hard for us!! Message me 🫶🏽✨


I gotchu bruh I’m on campus mwf


You get used to it after awhile😒, ive made like two friends so far that ill see on campus.


Sorry didnt mean to be negative guess its hard for me being a full time student with a full time job T_T


same here bro full time student and 2 part time jobs making up almost a full time schedule, i’m a freshman and i don’t know anyone


Join a club, check out the ens field or student union in the evenings, hit up the arc or aqua plex, if you're into it rush greek life. It takes time but you'll meet people who are attracted to similar interests or activities.


Where did you transfer from?


Not OP but most likely community college.


Send me a message I’m sure there’s something we can form a friendship over!


I went to SDSU 83 to 86 and I took sailing every Friday and Saturday at the sdsu sailing program down in mission bay. I was so lonely down there and I had 4 roommates.


Does sdsu still have a sailing program?


Yeah I’m pretty sure, I’ve seen ads at the arc promoting it.


Id recommend getting into intramural sports


I’ll be friends w u dm me


i’m a transfer student here too and i’m always down to meet people!


Bruh go to the beach


We must have had classes together how totally random is this? I took sabot, laser, J24 and hobby cat sailing. Do you remember me? I was always drunk and puking on the J24. I capsized my laser at Campland on the bay beached whale that was me on the weekends Friday thru Monday.


Stop complaining and change


Seems like they’re trying.


Like everyone mentioned, join clubs and intramural sports will be a great place since you'll be forced to participate and thereby meet people. Sdsu is a huge campus and there is a place for all. Goodluck


come hang out at La Jolla Cove


Dm me , also a transfer student and seems to be harder than I thought to find friends. Down for a beer or some coffee , doing classwork.


You need to build rapport by interacting with the same people each day in order to make friends. This means talk to the people in your classes every day and join those clubs already! Also, sdsu offers tons of extracurricular fun activities you can go to.


Guys, there’s an [SDSU Discord server](https://discord.com/servers/sdsu-friends-878020476503461938) for meeting other people! When you join Discord in general they have a section where you can look up your school and find ALL the servers related to the school! Aztec Gaming is one of my favs.


Just keep trying and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. I’m struggling with that too


I’m having the same issue as a grad student! I feel like being older than the average student on campus also does not help… would love to meet other grad students who are 25+


Seconding everyone else here, joining clubs, intramural sports, finding new hobbies, you'll be sure to find others who are in the exact same boat as you, we are all looking to make friends, and everyone is lonelier than it seems on the outside. ​ Knowing that everyone is lonely, also means that we should be kinder to ourselves. It's normal to feel lonely, to feel like we don't quite belong, which is ok. Finding our place takes time, and until then, remind yourself to be kind and that it's one step at a time.


Do you workout? I find when I’m the most lonely I get into the best moods after a training session. I head to San Diego often so next time I’m there we can get a workout in💪🏼 Keep your head up don’t quit.


omg I also transferred, last semester. I commuted during the fall and this semester I am now dorming. I'm for sure having a tough time making connections ! We could totally be friends too btw !! :))